a sudden squawked command caused everyone within earshot to act for a split second as if they were shaking invisible martinis
Tom Robbins |
Since, on a socio-economic level, there are myriad wrongs that need to be righted, a major problem for the species seems to be how to assist the unfortunate, throttle the corrupt, preserve the biosphere, and effectively organize for socio-economic alteration wihtout the organization being taken over by dullards, the people who, ironically, are best suited to serving organized causes since they seldom have anything more imaginative to do and..
Tom Robbins |
Ellen Cherry understood then that religion was an improper response to the Divine.
Tom Robbins |
Size is important, no matter what our apologist sisters say.
Tom Robbins |
The problem starts at the secondary level, not with the originator or developer of the idea but with the people who are attracted to it, who adopt it, who cling to it until their last nail breaks, and who invariably lack the overview, flexibility, imagination, and, most importantly, sense of humor, to maintain it in the spirit in which it was hatched. Ideas are made by masters, dogma by disciples, and the Buddha is always killed on the road..
Tom Robbins |
Must look into the botanical background of substance known as hashish," I jotted in my journal, writing by the light of candles that grew incessantly jewel-like even as protean wafts of incense approached my snout like platters of ripe fruits borne on the back of Nubian pages."
Tom Robbins |
In a voice that sounds the way a can of cheap dog food would sound if a can of cheap dog food could speak, he tells you you are looking well.
Tom Robbins |
The stiff-witted and academic seem not to comprehend that it is entirely possible to be ironic and sincere at the same instant, that a knowing tongue in cheek does not necessarily preclude an affectionate glow in heart.
Tom Robbins |
To specialize is to brush one tooth. When a person specializes he channels all of his energies through one narrow conduit; he knows one thing extremely well and is ignorant of almost everything else.
Tom Robbins |
Belli ki birisi piramitleri akilda bulundurmamizi istemis cunku piramit sembolu duzenli olarak elledigimiz ya da gozlemledigimiz seylerde dikkat cekici bir bicimde yer aliyor. Herhangi bir gun icinde piyasada iki milyardan fazla bir dolarlik banknot dolasir. Yuzyilin buyuk bir bolumunde Amerika Birlesik Devletleri'nde icilen sigaralarin yarisi Camel idi, yani yilda asagi yukari otuz milyar. Piramitlerin modern cagin en populer iki nesnesini..
Tom Robbins |
In school you learn that it is the thumb that separates human beings from the lower primates. The thumb is an evolutionary triumph. Because of his thumbs, man can use tools; because he can use tools he can extend his senses, control his environment and increase in sophistication and power. The thumb is the cornerstone of civilization!
Tom Robbins |
I began to hitchhike in something akin to geological time: slow, ancient, vast.
Tom Robbins |
What I love most about Jerusalem is that it's not about money." "Pardon?" "New York here is a city about money. L.A.'s about money. Las Vegas is about money. Dallas the same. Tokyo and London, Milan, Zurich, Singapore, the whole reason for them is money. Tel Aviv's about money. But Jerusalem, it's not about money." "He is absolutely right," put in Abu. "Jerusalem is about . . . something else."
Tom Robbins |
It's more important to be free than to be happy.
Tom Robbins |
I removed the freeway from its temporal context. Overpasses, cloverleafs, exit ramps took on the personality of Mayan ruins for me. Without destination, without cessation, my run was often silent and empty; there were no increments, no arbitrary graduations reducing time to functional units. I abstracted and purified.
Tom Robbins |
Under an orchard tree, dropping with cherries, cowgirls lay in the shade. They fed each other fruit. Dark juice dribbled into dimples. Cherry meat stained smiles and nostrils.
Tom Robbins |
The hippopotamus is a vegetarian but ferociously territorial (you might find that true of certain vegans you know), and will flip a raft or bite it in half: once one is in the water, the crocodiles show up like a bunch of starving hobos descending on a boxcar full of fried chicken.
Tom Robbins |
But the most insidious and dangerous of false religions is secular humanism. It's so crafty, so sneaky, with its kindness and its decency, that only Satan hisself could've come up with it.
Tom Robbins |
The wind had its arms around them. The sea dandled them on its knee.
Tom Robbins |
As you are surely aware, our planet is turning on its axis around and around in space. It turns slowly, however, making one complete rotation only every twenty-four hours; and that's a good thing -- isn't it? -- because if our world turned as fast as Gracie's room appeared to be turning, the sun would be either rising or setting every fifteen minutes, astronomers would be as woozy as rodeo clowns, and it'd be nearly impossible to keep our m..
Tom Robbins |
Simultaneously a frantic, high-tech juggernaut and a timeless Asian dream, Bangkok straddles like no other metropolis the boundary between acrid and sweet, soft and hard, sacred and profane. It's a silk buzz saw, a lacquered jackhammer, a steel-belted seduction, a digital prayer.
Tom Robbins |
Sana bu aski anlatamam; yirmi alti veya otuz alti yasina gelsen de anlatamam. Akla mantiga sigmayan bir sey oldugu icin insana cok cekici geliyor zaten.
Tom Robbins |
kucuk mucizeleri kabul ettigimiz zaman kendimizi buyuk mucizeleri hayal edebilecek yeterlilikte hissederiz. bir istiridyenin icinden parlak, canli, lezzetli bir canlinin cikabilecegini kabul ettigimiz anda ayni kabuktan afrodit'in gelecegini de kbul etmisiz demektir. bununla da yetinmeyerek afrodit'in kabugundan busbutun uzaklasacagini, kendine bir studyo daire edinecegini, tipki istiridye gibi onu istegi bicimde donatacagini da dusunebilir..
Tom Robbins |
Pigeon she strut on the rooftop Cockroach he strut on the sink My baby strut down to Jerusalem Where blood is the favorite drink
Tom Robbins |
We each took a fierce delight in introducing the other to some new idea or development, the next amazing artist or record album, always hustling to out-avant the other's garde.
Tom Robbins |
THE BILL FOR DARRELL BOB HOUSTON THE BEET IS THE MOST INTENSE of vegetables. The onion has as many pages as War and Peace, every one of which is poignant enough to make a strong man weep, but the various ivory parchments of the onion and the stinging green bookmark of the onion are quickly charred by belly juices and bowel bacteria. Only the beet departs the body the same color as it went in. Beets consumed at dinner will, come morning, sto..
Tom Robbins |
There were, in his opinion, drugs that diminished ego and drugs that engorged ego, which is to say, revelatory drugs and delusory drugs; and on a psychic level, at least, he favored awe over swagger.
Tom Robbins |
As you know, I've been sick and stupid for a long time. I have a lot to make up for,
Tom Robbins |
There was a marvelous, dark lyricism in his voice, the kind of defiance that is rooted in deep loneliness.
Tom Robbins |
If kissing is man's greatest invention, then fermentation and patriarchy compete with the domestication of animals for the distinction of being man's worst folly, and no doubt the three combined long ago, the one growing out of the others, to foster civilization and lead Western humanity to its present state of decline.
Tom Robbins |
The odd thing was, Dickie longed to experience that feeling. It wasn't any kind of death wish: there was not a suicidal cell in his body. rather, it seemed that the very sensation, the inner force that made Dickie's scrotum tighten, his throat constrict, and his eyeballs swim in dizziness also made him want to tumble into the precipitous void. And ultimately, his fear of longing to fall was greater, more disturbing, than his fear of falling..
Tom Robbins |
Whether I'm unduly sensitive to this pain because I'm a princess--could the whole world be the pea under my mattress?--I don't know, but because I'm a princess, I might be able to do something to help lessen humanity's pain.
Tom Robbins |
Tom Robbins |
Thomas rather thought Foley might ask what purpose was served by an economy whose success and protection depended on people living in ugly, sterile, unhealthy environments-he'd met that argument before and admittedly had had some difficulty refuting it-but the ex-pilot merely shrugged and said, "There's more to trees than you think. I've run across some trees I'd sooner hug than a woman."
Tom Robbins |
Yedi cucelerin tek tiras olani Ahmak'ti. Bu bize, tiras olmaktaki bilgelik hakkinda bir fikir verebilir
tom robbins |
The uncle ignored Gracie's father. 'In any event,' he went on, 'when brewers combine hops with yeast and grain and water, and allow the mixture to ferment -- to rot -- it magically produces an elixir so gassy with blue-collar cheer, so regal with glints of gold, so titillating with potential mischief, so triumphantly refreshing, that it seizes the soul and thrusts it toward that ethereal plateau where, to paraphrase Baudelaire, all human wh..
Tom Robbins |
On the subject of Egypt, Ellen Cherry was so vague she thought Ramses II was a jazz piano player. From that, we might conclude that she was equally dumb about jazz.
Tom Robbins |
The Haight was awash in Christian charity. These kids, simultaneously jubilant and introspective, were practicing what their elders preached. The Haight was the New Testament: animated, activated, brought to life in living color. The naivete was so thick you could cut it with a Popsicle stick -- but so apparently was Christ's. Years later, on a wild African savannah a hundred miles from even the crudest settlement, a pride of lions on one h..
Tom Robbins |
I'm always astonished when readers suggest that I must write my novels while high on pot or (God forbid!) LSD. Apparently, there are people who confuse the powers of imagination with the effects of intoxication. Not one word of my oeuvre, not one, has been written while in an artificially altered state. Unlike many authors, I don't even drink coffee when I write. No coffee, no cola, no cigarettes. There was a time when I smoked big Havana c..
Tom Robbins |
One of the other musicians said that the tambourine is a female due to the fact that it makes a pretty jingle and is designed to be spanked. That is the more recent, patriarchal attitude, I suppose.
Tom Robbins |
Since the Goddess always has been honored in sacred groves, it is understandable that patriarchs, then as now, leaned toward deforestation.
Tom Robbins |
Family trouble was the worst kind. Some families ran their own little versions of the Middle East.
Tom Robbins |
If God didn't prefer for us to drink at night, he wouldn't have made neon!
Tom Robbins |
Wasn't there a surplus in life of the boring, the repetitive, the mediocre, and the tame? Shouldn't she be glad, grateful for this intrusion of the unexpected and unexplained?
Tom Robbins |