the satisfaction of a special Pninian craving.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Az ember ugy erzi... Ugy erzi... - mondta -, hogy csupan valami szerepet jatszik, es elfelejtette a kovetkezo mondatait.
Vladimir Nabokov |
I tore apart the fantasies of Poe, And dealt with childhood memories of strange Nacreous gleams beyond the adults' range.
Vladimir Nabokov |
You see - the moulded whimsy of a frieze on a portico keeps us from recognizing, sometimes, the symmetry of the whole... You will leave; we'll forget one another; but now and then the name of a street, or a street organ weeping in the twilight, will remind us in a more vivid and more truthful way than thought could resurrect or words convey, of that main thing which was between us, the main thing which we do not know ... And in that hour, t..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Moia toska po rodine lish' svoeobraznaia gipertrofiia toski po utrachennomu detstvu.
Vladimir Nabokov |
beyond observing that some law of logic should fix the number of coincidences, in a given domain, after which they cease to be coincidences, and form, instead, the living organism of a new truth ("Tell me," says Osberg's little glitana to the Moors, El Motela and Ramera, "what is the precise minimum of hairs on a body that allows one to call it 'hairy'?")"
Vladimir Nabokov |
Solitude is the playfield of Satan. I
Vladimir Nabokov |
The distinct feature of everything extant is its monotony.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Next day, after lunch, I went to see "our" doctor, a friendly fellow whose perfect bedside manner and complete reliance on a few patented drugs adequately masked his ignorance of, and indifference to, medical science."
Vladimir Nabokov |
el veneno estaba en la herida y la herida permanecio siempre abierta
Vladimir Nabokov |
It isn't possible. I cannot imagine it. Come on over here, you foolish little doe, and tell me on what day I shall die.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Yo me empecinaba en mi paraiso escogido: Un paraiso cuyos cielos tenian el color de las llamas infernales, pero con todo un paraiso
Vladimir Nabokov |
Tenderness rounds out true triumph, gentleness lubricates genuine liberation: emotions that are not diagnostic of glory or passion in dreams.
Vladimir Nabokov |
I will not mention the name (and what bits of it I happen to give here appear in decorous disguise) of that man, that Franco-Hungarian writer... I would rather not dwell upon him at all, but I cannot help it-- he is surging up from under my pen. Today one does not hear much about him; and this is good, for it proves that I was right in resisting his evil spell, right in experiencing a creepy chill down my spine whenever this or that new boo..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Nobody strolled and laughed on the sidewalks as relaxing burghers would in sweet, mellow, rotting Europe.
Vladimir Nabokov |
'I shall vomit,' said Hugh, 'if you persist in pestering me with all that odious rot.'
Vladimir Nabokov |
I was also supposed to quiz my various companions on a number of important matters such as nostalgia, fear of unknown animals, food fantasies, nocturnal emissions, hobbies, choice of radio program, changes in out look and so forth.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Before his and Pushkin's advent Russian literature was purblind. What form it perceived was an outline directed by reason: it did not see color for itself but merely used the hackneyed combinations of blind noun and dog-like adjective that Europe had inherited from the ancients. The sky was blue, the dawn red, the foliage green, the eyes of beauty black, the clouds grey, and so on. It was Gogol (and after him Lermontov and Tolstoy) who firs..
Vladimir Nabokov |
El me destrozo el corazon. Tu apenas me destruiste la vida
Vladimir Nabokov |
Poor L. We are sorry that you left so soon. We are even sorrier to have inveigled our Esmeralda and mermaid into a naughty prank. That sort of game will never again be played with you, firebird. We apollo [apologize]. Remembrance, embers ans membranes of beauty make artists and morons loose all self-control. Pilots of tremendous air ships and coarse, smelly coachmen are known to have been driven insane by a pair of green eyes and a copper c..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Leave your incidental Dick.
Vladimir Nabokov |
if one were quite sincere with oneself, no conscience, and hence no consciousness, could be expected to subsist in a world where such things as Mira's death were possible.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Egyvalamit egyszer es mindenkorra, visszavonhatatlanul le kell szogeznem. Csak teged szerettelek, szeretlek es foglak szeretni.
Vladimir Nabokov |
I clearly understand, first, that the real human being is a poet and, second, that [the tyrant] is the incarnate negation of a poet.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Je decouvris qu'en bluffant les psychiatres on pouvait tirer des tresors inepuisables de divertissement gratifiants: vous les menez habilement en bateau, leur cachez soigneusement que vous connaissez toutes les ficelles du metier; vous inventez a leur intention des reves elabores, de purs classiques du genre qui provoquent chez eux, ces extorqueurs de reves, de tels cauchemars qu'ils se reveillent en hurlant; vous les affriolez avec des "sc..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Qui veut etre assassin, de nos jours, doit etre un homme de science. Non, non, je n'etais ni l'un ni l'autre. Mesdames et messieurs les jures, la majorite des pervers sexuels qui brulent d'avoir avec une gamine quelque relation physique palpitante capable de les faire gemir de plaisir, sans aller necessairement jusqu'au coit, sont des etres insignifiants, inadequats, passifs, timores, qui demandent seulement a la societe de leur permettre d..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Eystein had also resorted to a weird form of trickery: among his decorations of wood or wool, gold or velvet, he would insert one which was really made of the material elsewhere imitated by paint. This device which was apparently meant to enhance the effect of his tactile and tonal values had, however, something ignoble about it and disclosed not only an essential flaw in Eystein's talent, but the basic fact that "reality" is neither the su..
Vladimir Nabokov |
I think bourgeois fathers - wing-collar workers in pencil-striped pants, dignified, office-tied fathers, so different from young American veterans of today or from a happy, jobless Russian-born expatriate of fifteen years ago - will not understand my attitude toward our child. Whenever you held him up, replete with his warm formula and grave as an idol, and waited for the postlactic all-clear signal before making a horizontal baby of the ve..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Amikor korabbi onmagunkra emlekezunk, mindig ott van az a hosszu arnyekot veto kis figura, amely mint egy bizonytalan, megkesett vendeg all meg a megvilagitott kuszobon egy kifogastalanul szukulo folyoso tulso vegen.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Tudod, a halalban az a legrettenetesebb, hogy az ember olyan tokeletesen magara marad.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Van tortured himself with thoughts of insufficient filial affection--a long story of unconcern, amused scorn, physical repulsion, and habitual dismissal. He looked around, making wild amends, willing her spirit to give him an unequivocal, and indeed all-deciding sign, of continued being behind the veil of time, beyond the flesh of space. But no response came, not a petal fell on his bench, not a gnat touched his hand.
Vladimir Nabokov |
O my Carmen, my Carmen! Something, something those something nights And the stars, and the cars, and the bars and the barmen ~
Vladimir Nabokov |
a halal nem tobb, csak a magany vegtelen toredekeinek teljesebb kollekcioja.
Vladimir Nabokov |
No niak'de otv'd kipnaloto shchastie se s'veshchavakha smuteni senki -- i kolko s'zhaliavam, che ne se vslushakh v tiakh!
Vladimir Nabokov |
One night between sunset and river On the old bridge we stood, you and I. Will you ever forget it, I queried, - That particular swift that went by? And you answered, so earnestly: Never! And what sobs made us suddenly shiver, What a cry life emitted in flight! Till we die, till tomorrow, for ever, You and I on the old bridge one night.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Both Erica and Liza Wind were morbidly concerned with heredity, and instead of delighting in Victor's artistic genius, they used to worry gloomily about its genetic cause.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Stirless, I stand at the window, and in the black bowl of the sky
Vladimir Nabokov |
And let me not leave out the moon--for surely there must be a moon, the full, incredibly clear disc that goes so well with Russian lusty frosts. So there it comes, steering out of a flock of small dappled clouds, which it tinges with a vague iridescence; and, as it sails higher, it glazes the runner tracks left on the road, where every sparkling lump of snow is emphasized by a swollen shadow.
Vladimir Nabokov |
after an early dinner at The Egg and We, a recently inaugurated and not very successful little restaurant which Pnin frequented from sheer sympathy with failure (...)
Vladimir Nabokov |
Zembla is a site devoted to the life and works of author, translator, and lepidopterist.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Bozhe moi, kak ia nenavizhu vse eto - lavki, veshchi za steklom, tupoe litso tovara i v osobennosti tseremonial sdelki, obmen pritornymi liubeznostiami do i posle! A eti opushchennye resnitsy skromnoi tseny... blagorodstvo ustupki... chelovekoliubie torgovoi reklamy... vse eto skvernoe podrazhanie dobru,- stranno zasasyvaiushchee dobrykh
Vladimir Nabokov |
Whatever evolution this or that popular character has gone through between the book covers, his fate is fixed in our minds, and, similarly, we expect our friends to follow this or that logical and conventional pattern we have fixed for them. Thus X will never compose the immortal music that would clash with the second-rate symphonies he has accustomed us to. Y will never commit murder. Under no circumstances can Z ever betray us. We have it..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Music, I regret to say, affects me merely as an arbitrary succession of more or less irritating sounds. Under certain emotional circumstances I can stand the spasms of a rich violin, but the concert piano and all wind instruments bore me in small doses and flay me in larger ones.
Vladimir Nabokov |
So I tom-peeped across the hedges of years, into wan little windows. And when, by means of pitifully ardent, naively lascivious caresses, she of the noble nipple and massive thigh prepared me for the performance of my nightly duty, it was still a nymphet's scent that in despair I tried to pick up, as I bayed through the undergrowth of dark decaying forests.
Vladimir Nabokov |