It is desirable that the inmate should not have at all, or if he does, should immediately himself suppress nocturnal dreams whose content might be incompatible with the condition and status of the prisoner, such as: resplendent landscapes, outings with friends, family dinners, as well as sexual intercourse with persons who in real life and in the waking state would not suffer said individual to come near, which individual will therefore be ..
Vladimir Nabokov |
A bowling ball rolled through his head, diagonally from nape to temple; it paused and started back.
Vladimir Nabokov |
The elms and the poplars were turning their ruffled backs to a sudden onslaught of wind, and a black thunderhead loomed above Ramsdale's white church tower when I looked around me for the last time.
Vladimir Nabokov |
b`Dyh _ khh mn hm ykhy z nh hstm _ z qShhyy khh pyn khwsh drnd bdshn myyd. Hss mykhnym gwl khwrdhym. rwl br Drr st. tqdyr nbyd mtwqf shwd. bhmny khh dr msyrsh drst dr chnd mtry bly sr ykh rwsty chndkhzdh mtwqf myshwd nh fqT GyrTby`y blkhh Gyrkhlqy `ml mykhnd.
Vladimir Nabokov |
The village schoolmaster took us for instructive walks ('what you hear is the sound of a scythe being sharpened' ; 'that field there will be given a rest next season ';'oh, just a small bird...no special name '; 'if that peasant is drunk, it is because he is poor ') 71
Vladimir Nabokov |
Everything he said should be followed by a big sic
Vladimir Nabokov |
w hychkhs wq` khsy r dwst ndrd.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Mas o amor, dizia ele, era tudo menos credivel, a vida real era ridicula, os labregos riam-se do amor.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Direct interference in a person's life does not enter our scope of activity, nor, on the other, tralatitiously speaking, hand, is his destiny a chain of predeterminate links: some "future" events may be likelier than others, O.K., but all are chimeric, and every cause-and-effect sequence is always a hit-and-miss affair, even if the lunette has actually closed around your neck, and the cretinous crowd holds its breath."
Vladimir Nabokov |
As she began losing track of herself, she thought it proper to inform... them... that what death amounted to was only a more complete assortment of the infinite fractions of solitude.
Vladimir Nabokov |
No doubt, he is horrible, he is abject, he is a shining example of moral leprosy, a mixture of ferocity and jocularity that betrays supreme misery perhaps, but is not conducive to attractiveness. He
Vladimir Nabokov |
Shall we take these candles with us and sit for a while on the piazza, or do you want to go to bed and nurse that tooth?" Nurse that tooth."
Vladimir Nabokov |
Nothing happened--or perhaps everything happened, and his destiny simply forked at that instant, as it probably does sometimes at night, especially in a strange bed, at stages of great happiness or great desolation, when we happen to die in our sleep, but continue our normal existence, with no perceptible break in the faked serialization, on the following, neatly prepared morning, with a spurious past discreetly but firmly attached behind.
Vladimir Nabokov |
But then, in a sense, all poetry is positional: to try to express one's position in regard to the universe embraced by consciousness, is an immemorial urge. The arms of consciousness reach out and grope, and the longer they are the better. Tentacles, not wings, are Apollo's natural members. Vivian Bloodmark, a philosophical friend of mine, in later years, used to say that while the scientist sees everything that happens in one point of spac..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Uvi, tozi ,,diven ruski ezik", koito mi se struvashe, che vse me ochakva niak'de, ts'fti kato viarna prolet zad zalostena zdravo vrata, za koiato ot tolkova godini s'm pazil kliucha, se okaza nes'shchestvuvashch i zad tazi vrata niama nishcho osven ov'gleni p'nove i esenna beznadezhdna dalnina, a kliuch't v r'kata mi prilicha po-skoro na shperts. (...) Dvizheniiata na tialoto, grimasite, peizazhite, mornite, d'rveta, aromatite, d'zhdovete, ..
Vladimir Nabokov |
The Lethean Library, for all its incalculable volumes, is, I know, sadly incomplete without Mr. Goodman's effort.
Vladimir Nabokov |
before I drove to wherever the beast's lair was - and then pulled the pistol's foreskin back, and then enjoyed the orgasm of the crushed trigger.
Vladimir Nabokov |
His brown eyes would roam around the various sentimental and artistic bric-a-brac present, and his own banal toiles (the conventionally primitive eyes, sliced guitars, blue nipples and geometrical designs of the day), and with a vague gesture toward a painted wooden bowl or veined vase, he would say "Prenez donc une des ces poires. La bonne dame d'en face m'en offre plus que je n'en peux savourer." Or: "Mississe Taille Lore vient de me donn..
Vladimir Nabokov |
A doua zi si in zilele urmatoare, se aseza in acelasi loc, interpretand amator, dar destul de bine, rolul singuraticului excentric: la ora obisnuita, in locul obisnuit. Sosirea fetei, rasuflarea ei, picioarele ei, parul ei, tot ce facea, fie ca se scarpina pe gamba cu degetele ce lasau dare albe, fie ca arunca in sus o mingiuta neagra ori se freca de el cu un umar gol cand se aseza pe banca - toate astea (in timp ce el parea adancit intr-o ..
Vladimir Nabokov |
You have to be an artist and a madman, a creature of infinite melancholy... in order to discern at once, by ineffable signs... the little deadly demon among the wholesome children; she stands unrecognized by them and unconscious herself of her fantastic power.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Szeret mindent, amit a szep lanyok szeretnek - mondta Van -, a balokat, az orchideakat es a Cseresznyeskert-et.
Vladimir Nabokov |
You have to be an artist and a madman, a creature of infinite melancholy,... in order to discern at once, by ineffable signs,...the little deadly demon...; she stands unrecognized by them and unconscious herself of her fantastic power.
Vladimir Nabokov |
I had possessed her - and she never knew it.
Vladimir Nabokov |
10 / : Both nouns belong to the vaguely evocative type of romantic locution so frequent in and so difficult to render by exact English words. ranges from "mollitude" (Fr. ) , i.e., soft luxuriance, "dulcitude," through various shades of amorous pensiveness, , and sensual tenderness to outright voluptuousness (Fr. ). The translator has to be careful here not to overdo in English what Pushkin is on the point of doing in the Russian w..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Estamos absurdamente acostumados ao milagre de que uns poucos sinais escritos sao capazes de conter imagens imortais, espirais de pensamentos, novos mundos com pessoas vivas que falam, choram e riem. Aceitamos isso com tanta simplicidade que de certo modo, pelo proprio ato da aceitacao insensivel e rotineira, desfazemos a obra de todos os tempos, a historia do desenvolvimento gradual da descricao e construcao poeticas, do hominideo a Browni..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Beshe t'mno; kisha i beznadezhdnost. Farovete mi biakha nadvisnali nad shiroka kanavka, p'lna s voda. Okolnostta, ako imashe takava, se svezhdashe do cherna pustinia. M'chikh se da se izm'kna, obache zadnite mi kolela samo viekha v mochurishcheto i m'kata.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Las regiones apacibles y vagas en que me movia eran patrimonio de los poetas, no el terreno del crimen
Vladimir Nabokov |
Greks, kuru es senak aukleju samudzinatas sirds stigas, mon grand peche radieux, ir saplacis lidz savai butibai: lidz neaugligam un egoistiskam netikumam; un tiesi to es svitroju lauka un noladu. Jus varat zoboties par mani un piedraudet atbrivot tiesas zali, bet, kamer man mute neiebazis sprudu un nenoslapes mani, es kliegtin kliegsu par savu nabaga taisnibu. Briesmigi velos, lai visa pasaule uzzinatu, cik loti es milu savu Lolitu, so Loli..
Vladimir Nabokov |
Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
Vladimir Nabokov |
under no circumstances would he [Humbert Humbert] have interfered with the innocence of a child, if there was the least risk of a row.
Vladimir Nabokov |
odrebnosc stanowi jedna z podstawowych cech zycia. Jezeli nie otacza nas powloka cielesna, musimy umrzec. Czlowiek egzystuje tylko wtedy, kiedy jest odizolowany od otoczenia. Czaszka to nasz helm kosmonauty. Musimy w niej tkwic, bo w przeciwnym razie czeka nas zguba. Smierc zas uwalnia i jednoczy. Chociaz przenikniecie do natury moze sie wydawac kuszace, oznacza ono zarazem koniec naszej kruchej tozsamosci.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Ta cala psychiatria to nic innego, jak tylko swoisty mikrokosmos komunizmu [...]. Lepiej by zostawili ludziom ich klopoty osobiste. Nasuwa sie bowiem pytanie, czy klopoty nie sa jedyna rzecza na swiecie, ktora ludzie moga miec na wlasnosc?
Vladimir Nabokov |
A sentyment staje sie uciazliwy. W koncu jest cos nazbyt fizycznego w probie zachowania czastki dziecinstwa na swoim mostku. - Nie pan pierwszy sprowadza wiare do zmyslu dotyku.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Wspomnienie nie dawalo mu spokoju. Mozna je bylo wytrzymac przez chwile i to tylko z perspektywy nieuleczalnej choroby, w wyraznym przeczuciu nadchodzacej smierci.
Vladimir Nabokov |
nalezala jednak do tych kobiet, ktore lacza w sobie zdrowa urode z histeryczna lzawliwoscia, wybuchy liryczne z bardzo praktycznym, banalnym mysleniem, podly charakter z sentymentalizmem, ospala biernosc z trzezwa umiejetnoscia wysylania bliznich na poszukiwanie wiatru w polu.
Vladimir Nabokov |
From beyond the shining corrugations of the ocean I salute here brave Bretwit! Let there appear for a moment his hand and mine firmly clasping each other across the water over the golden wake of an emblematic sun. Let no insurance firm or airline use this insigne on the glossy page of a magazine as an ad badge under the picture of a retired businessman stupefied and honored by the sight of the technicolored snack the air hostess offers him ..
Vladimir Nabokov |
The clumsiest literal translation is a thousand times more useful than the prettiest paraphrase.
Vladimir Nabokov |
Play! Invent the world! Invent reality!
Vladimir Nabokov |
Curiosity is insubordination in its purest form.
Vladimir Nabokov |
What moment in that gradual decay
Vladimir Nabokov |
For we die every day; oblivion thrives
Vladimir Nabokov |
You have hal...... real bad, chum.
Vladimir Nabokov |
What!" cried Bretwit in candid surprise, "They know at home that His Majesty has left Zembla?"
Vladimir Nabokov |
True art is above false honor.
Vladimir Nabokov |