The remarkable thing about fearing God," said Oswald Chambers, "is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Have you ever thought that God is asleep? Maybe it seems He isn't concerned about your problems and difficulties. Or perhaps you feel He isn't listening to your prayers. The writer of Psalm 44 had a similar feeling in his difficult situation. He writes: "Awake! Why do You sleep, O Lord? Arise! Do not cast us off forever. Why do You hide Your face, and forget our affliction and our oppression? . . . Arise for our help" (vv. 23-24, 26). God d..
Warren W. Wiersbe |
the Son of God was coming to earth--a King entering His domain! In heaven, angels do God's bidding and offer ceaseless worship. How appropriate that heavenly servants be given a part in preparing the way for the Savior's birth!
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Some people today still imagine that salvation is inherited. Because mother and father were godly people, the children are automatically saved. But this is not true. It has well been said, "God has no grandchildren."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Above all, joy should come from the true story of the joyful God bringing salvation to sinners so they could become His children.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Bertrand Russell claimed that "at least half the sins of mankind" were caused by the fear of boredom."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
So his armorbearer said to [Jonathan], "Do all that is in your heart. Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart." 1 SAMUEL 14:7 Five simple monosyllables--"here I am with you"--but they helped make the difference between success and failure. Jonathan had already won a battle, for which his father, King Saul, took the credit (1 Sam. 13:1-4), but he didn't care who got the credit so long as God received the glory and Israel was pro..
Warren W. Wiersbe |
A famous Chinese scholar came to America to lecture and during the course of his tour was met at a busy metropolitan railway station by his university host. "If we run quickly, we can catch the next train and save ourselves three minutes," said the host. The scholar quietly asked, "And what significant thing shall we do with the three minutes that we save by running?" A good question that could not be answered."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
If we keep God's Word before our eyes, we won't start looking in the wrong direction and doing the wrong things
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Prov. 16:18 NKJV)."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When God's people are obeying God's will, everything in the universe works for them, even "the stars in their courses" (Judg. 5:20)."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Paul used six different arguments to prove that God saves sinners through faith in Christ and not by the works of the law. He began with the personal argument (Gal. 3:1-5), in which he asked the Galatians to recall their personal experience with Christ when they were saved. Then he moved into the scriptural argument
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Have you experienced so many things in vain?" The argument from Christian experience was a wise one with which to begin, because Paul had been with them when they had trusted Christ."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Believers should be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18-21), which simply means "controlled by the Spirit." This is a continuous experience, like drinking water from a fresh stream (John 7:37-39)."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The authority of Jesus is the greatest of all. When we claim His promises, when we yield to His Holy Spirit, when we pray and when we obey, we share in that authority and accomplish His purposes on this earth.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
In this world you will have trouble," He told His disciples. "But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). The world looks at Christians as inferior underlings, but Jesus sees us as unbeatable overcomers."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Life, like war, is a series of mistakes, and he is not the best Christian nor the best general who makes the fewest false steps. Poor mediocrity may secure that; but he is the best who wins the most splendid victories by the retrieval of mistakes. Forget mistakes; organize victory out of mistakes.1
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When you have the single mind, you look on your circumstances as God-given opportunities for the furtherance of the gospel, and you rejoice at what God is going to do instead of complaining about what God did not do.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Satan is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44), and human nature is such that many people find it easier to tell lies than the truth.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
God sees our hearts and knows whether we are really serious about obeying Him.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
If you make a mistake, admit it, and then make your mistake work for you!
Warren W. Wiersbe |
True salvation is free of works and totally dependent upon God's grace.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Millions of believers think they are "spiritual" because of what they don't do--or because of the leader they follow--or because of the group they belong to. The Lord shows us in Galatians how wrong we are--and how right we can be if only we would let the Holy Spirit take over."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
People who live for things are never really happy, because they must constantly protect their treasures and worry lest they lose their value.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
we must be careful what we do with this gospel, for it is not the invention of men, but the very truth of God.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Biblical hope means confidence in the future. It's a confidence born of faith. Faith, hope and love go together (1 Cor. 13). When we have faith in God, we claim His promises, and they give us hope for the future. Hope for the Christian is not a feeling of "I hope it's going to happen." It's exciting expectancy because God controls the future. When Jesus Christ is your Savior and your Lord, the future is your friend. You don't have to worry...
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Grace without truth would be deceitful, and truth without grace would be condemning.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The wicked go through life thinking only of getting, but God's people go through life thinking of giving, of sharing with others, and of showing mercy. God has blessed us. We have inherited everything through His Son. No matter what you're facing
Warren W. Wiersbe |
To serve God means to fear Him, obey Him, and worship only Him. It means to love Him and fix your heart upon Him, obeying Him because you want to and not because you have to.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
God would rather have His people living in shameful captivity in a pagan land than living like pagans in the Holy Land and disgracing His name.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
We are not saved by making promises to God; we are saved by believing God's promises to us.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Time is perhaps your most basic resource. How you use God's gift of time has a profound effect not only on your life but on the lives of others. It's important that you surrender your time to His care. When you give God your time, you surrender it to His control. He will bless you for it.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Someone has said that experience is a tough teacher because it always gives the exam first and teaches the lesson afterward. If we turn our mistakes into mirrors, we'll see only ourselves, and this will make us miserable. But if by faith we turn our mistakes into windows, we'll see the Lord and get the strength we need to try again.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
It is when we fail to trust Him or obey Him, when our love for Him grows cold, that life takes on a somber hue. If we walk in God's wisdom, we will enjoy His blessings.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When man's tradition replaces God's Word, then illusion replaces reality. We glory in the past but never grow in the present.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Nearly twenty years before, Hudson Taylor had written in an editorial: "All God's giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them." As he looked at himself, Hudson Taylor saw nothing but weakness; but as generations of Christians have studied Taylor's life, they have become acquainted with a man who dared to believe the Word of God and, by faith, carried the gospel to inland China--and sa..
Warren W. Wiersbe |
One of the key words in this letter is comfort or encouragement. The Greek word means "called to one's side to help." The verb is used eighteen times in this letter, and the noun eleven times. In spite of all the trials he experienced, Paul was able (by the grace of God) to write a letter saturated with encouragement."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Someone has said that the average person is crucifying himself between two thieves: the regrets of yesterday and the worries about tomorrow.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
God has purposes to fulfill in you and through you, and He will do all that is necessary to make you succeed (Ps. 138:8; Phil. 1:6).
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When you are in the place of God's choosing, you don't ever need to be afraid, for faith and fear cannot dwell in the same heart (Isa. 12:2; Mark 4:40).
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Gospel means "the good news." It is the message that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again, and now is able to save all who trust Him (1 Cor. 15:1-4). It is "the gospel of God" (Rom. 1:1) because it originates with God; it was not invented by humans."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
It is "the gospel of Christ" (Rom. 1:16) because it centers in Christ, the Savior. Paul also calls it "the gospel of his Son" (Rom. 1:9), which indicates that Jesus Christ is God."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Thoreau put it beautifully when he said that we have "improved means to unimproved ends."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The difference between spiritual fruit and human religious activity is that the fruit brings glory to Jesus Christ. Whenever we do anything in our own strength, we have a tendency to boast about it. True spiritual fruit is so beautiful and wonderful that no human can claim credit for it; the glory must go to God alone.
Warren W. Wiersbe |