He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, And he who has one enemy shall meet him everywhere.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Money is the "god of this world," and it empowers millions of people to enjoy life by living on substitutes. With money, they can buy entertainment, but they can't buy joy. They can go to the drugstore and buy sleep, but they can't buy peace. Their money will attract lots of acquaintances but very few real friends. Wealth gains them admiration and envy but not love. It buys the best in medical services, but it can't buy health."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Life is something like a doctor's prescription: taken alone, and the ingredients might kill you; but properly blended, they bring healing.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Stop pampering yourself. Stop whimpering. Stop asking God to give you toys; ask Him to give you tools and weapons, because there is a Church to build and a battle to fight. It is a marvelous thing to be adopted and to be rich in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Lifted up was He to die, "It is finished" was His cry; Now in heav'n exalted high, Hallelujah, what a Savior! (Philip P. Bliss)"
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Hope is not a sedative; it is a shot of adrenaline, a blood transfusion. Like an anchor, our hope in Christ stabilizes us in the storms of life (Heb. 6:18-19), but unlike an anchor, our hope moves us forward, it does not hold us back.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Unclean lips are caused by an unclean heart (Matt. 12:34-35). Isaiah cried out to be cleansed inwardly (Ps. 51:10), and God met his need.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The only thing we can depend on is the rule and reign of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. If He is on the throne of our lives, then we can face tomorrow with courage and confidence.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The gospel message does not center in a philosophy, a doctrine, or a religious system. It centers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Is your heart hungering and thirsting after personal holiness?
Warren W. Wiersbe |
God doesn't give his counsel to the curious or the careless; he reveals his will to the concerned and the consecrated. Some believers take the attitude, "I'll ask God what he wants me to do, and if I like it, I'll do it." The result is predictable: God doesn't speak to them. Unless we have a serious desire both to know and to do the counsel of God, he will not reveal his will to us."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Salvation is not something that God begins and we finish. Salvation is the work of God from start to finish. "Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6). On the cross, Jesus cried, "It is finished!" He provides a complete salvation. He didn't "make the down payment" and expect us to keep up the installments!"
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When we walk by sight, we calculate everything from the human perspective, and this always leads to discouragement; but when we walk by faith, God comes into the equation, and that changes the results.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When you walk by faith, you will claim all that God has for you, but unbelief is always content to settle for something less than God's best.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Justification is not simply "forgiveness," because a person could be forgiven and then go out and sin and become guilty. Once you have been "justified by faith" you can never be held guilty before God. Justification is also different from "pardon," because a pardoned criminal still has a record. When the sinner is justified by faith, his past sins are remembered against him no more, and God no longer puts his sins on record (see Ps. 32:1-2;..
Warren W. Wiersbe |
We cannot learn patience by reading a book or hearing a lecture. The only way we can learn patience is by going through the trials that God assigns to us. The trials of life are the tools God uses to mature us, to build our faith, and to get us to trust the Spirit and not the flesh.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
In times of difficulty, if we die to self and put God's will first (Matt. 6:33), we can be sure that He will either take us out of the trouble or bring us through.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
It has well been said that an opinion is something that you hold, but a conviction is something that holds you. Most of us have very few convictions, but the ones we do have are important to us. Convictions are the compasses of life - that keep us moving in the right direction. They are the foundation stones that help us to stand firm when everything around us is shaking and changing.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Great names come and go, but the name of Jesus remains. The devil still hates it, the world still opposes it, but God still blesses it and we can still claim it! "In the name of Jesus" is the key that unlocks the door of prayer and the treasury of God's grace. It's the weapon that defeats the enemy and the motivation that compels our sacrifice and service. It's the name that causes our hearts to rejoice and our lips to sing his praise."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
You are writing a gospel, A chapter each day, By the deeds that you do And the words that you say. Men read what you write, Whether faithful or true: Just what is the gospel According to you? --SOURCE UNKNOWN
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Divine sovereignty is not a substitute for human responsibility.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The noted Bible commentator Matthew Henry wrote: "She was not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved." Paul wrote that "the woman is the glory of man" (1 Cor. 11:7 NIV), for if man is the head (1 Cor. 11:1-16; Eph. 5:22-33), then woman is the crown that honors the head."
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Each believer is either a conformer or a transformer. We're either being squeezed into the world's mold or we're transforming things in the world into which God has put us. Transformers don't always have an easy life, but it's an exciting one, and it gives us great delight to know that God is using us to influence others.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Divine truth becomes dynamic life only when we yield to Jesus by faith and follow Him.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When you feel like quitting or running away, remember that you can't run away from your troubles and you can't run away from yourself. The solution is not running away; it's running to. It's running to the throne of grace and finding grace to help in time of need.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The Bible meets the needs of the human heart. No other book is like it. It is God's testimony. Its name is the law of the Lord. The sun is to creation what the law is to God's people, bringing light, warmth, life, and growth.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
When we commit our lives to the Lord, what happens to us happens by way of appointment and not by accident.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
An older generation, chastened by one depression, is afraid to be optimistic; and a younger generation, accustomed to security, is inexperienced at being pessimistic.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
We are not saved by faith plus good works, but by a faith that works.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Is it costing you anything to be a Christian?
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The world was never conquered by intrigue; it was conquered by faith.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
We never stand still in the Christian life; we either move forward in faith or go backward in unbelief.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
There were an estimated sixty million slaves in the Roman Empire, and a slave was looked on as a piece of property, not a person. In loving devotion, Paul had enslaved himself to Christ, to be His servant and obey His will.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
effective prayer is linked to a dedicated and obedient life.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The secret is this: When you have the single mind, you look on your circumstances as God-given opportunities for the furtherance of the gospel, and you rejoice at what God is going to do instead of complaining about what God did not do.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Prayer is to the spiritual life what breathing is to the physical life, and if you stop breathing, you will faint.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
A igreja nao precisa de maquiagem, e, sim, de cirurgia. (p. 12)
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Deus criou numeros inteiros, tudo o mais e obra humana. (Leopold Kronecker)
Warren W. Wiersbe |
We are not saved by making promises to God; we are saved by believing God's promises to us. It was God who graciously gave His covenant to Abraham, and he responded with faith and obedience (Heb. 11:8-10). How you respond to God's promises determines what God will do in your life.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Prayer isn't an option; it's an obligation and an opportunity for us to glorify God's name and receive his blessing. It's also an opportunity to participate in miracles.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
It's the strength of our faith and not the length of our prayers that pleases him.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
Reavivamento e a renovacao do amor da igreja por Jesus Cristo', escreveu Vance Havner.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The test of the submissive mind is not just how much we are willing to take in terms of suffering, but how much we are willing to give in terms of sacrifice.
Warren W. Wiersbe |
The faith that conquers fear is faith in the Word, not faith in feelings.
Warren W. Wiersbe |