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f8718a5 Your life is only as big as your faith, and your faith is only as big as your God. If you spend all your time looking at yourself, you will get discouraged, but if you look to God by faith, you will be encouraged. Warren W. Wiersbe
396a4d5 We are not saved by making promises to God but by believing the promises of God. Warren W. Wiersbe
26b4d7e As pessoas sacrificam-se por coisas que realmente gostam. (p.68) Warren W. Wiersbe
fdefeb1 Um dos melhores meios de encobrir nossos pecados e assistir a um culto religioso e passar pela rotina de adoracao a Deus, evitando cuidadosamente o arrependimento. (p. 21) Warren W. Wiersbe
e28d6cc Vance Haver descreveu a igreja de maneira exata: "Nos dias de hoje somos desafiados, mas nao transformados; convencidos, mas nao convertidos. Ouvimos, mas nao praticamos; e, desse modo, enganamos a nos mesmos." Warren W. Wiersbe
647bc86 The Bible records a great deal of history, but as Dr. A. T. Pierson said, "History is His story." What is written helps us better understand how God worked out His great plan of salvation in this world. In the Bible, historical facts are often windows for spiritual truth." Warren W. Wiersbe
ada5958 We can learn an important lesson from Peter: Don't question the Lord's will or work, and don't try to change it. He knows what He is doing. Peter had a difficult time accepting Christ's ministry to him because Peter was not yet ready to minister to the other disciples. It takes humility and grace to serve others, but it also takes humility and grace to allow others to serve us. The beautiful thing about a submissive spirit is that it can bo.. Warren W. Wiersbe
0d0351e The witness and the walk of the minister must go together, for the work that we do flows out of the lives that we live. There Warren W. Wiersbe
8d3172f Salvation means we are going to heaven, but submission means that heaven comes to us! Warren W. Wiersbe
d582985 don't permit man's books to rob you of God's wisdom. "Be" Warren W. Wiersbe
7e74a7d Don't test God's truth by the "many books" written by men; test men's books by the truth of God's Word. Yes," Warren W. Wiersbe
3b04b18 Amy Carmichael's principles for prayer: (1) We don't need to explain to our Father things that are known to him. (2) We don't need to press him, as if we had to deal with an unwilling God. (3) We don't need to suggest to him what to do, for he himself knows what to do. If all of us took these principles to heart, think of the religious speeches that would be silenced in many prayer meetings. Warren W. Wiersbe
1c98247 The mark of true Bible study is not knowledge that puffs up, but love that builds up (1 Cor. 8:1). Warren W. Wiersbe
76018ff It was the evangelicals who led the fight against slavery, child labor, poor factory conditions, and the abuse of the poor and the insane. Much of what we value in modern social legislation, and perhaps take for granted, grew out of the ministry of Wesley and Whitefield and their successors. Warren W. Wiersbe
4cebab0 You probably know the following verse well, but read it aloud as though you were hearing it for the first time. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (v. 105). What lessons can we learn from that statement? The world is dark. It is in a constant state of moral and intellectual darkness. We have more education today and less wisdom. People make foolish decisions. The world is also dark spiritually. Satan has numbed people's.. Warren W. Wiersbe
d2b2f5a Man's wisdom comes from reason, while God's wisdom comes from revelation. Man's worldly wisdom will come to nothing (1 Cor. 1:19), while God's wisdom will endure forever. Because Warren W. Wiersbe
c31fc50 The fundamental problem lost sinners face isn't that they're sick and need a remedy. The problem is that they're "dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph. 2:1) and need to experience resurrection." Warren W. Wiersbe
ff34e24 How rarely we weigh our neighbor in the same balance in which we weigh ourselves. " Thomas a Kempis" Warren W. Wiersbe
326c16a Grace is simply the undeserved favor of God. You can't earn it, buy it, or work for it. You can only receive grace as a gift. Warren W. Wiersbe
cce453c We're prone to want God to change our circumstances, but he wants to change our character. We think that peace comes from the outside in, when in reality it comes from the inside out. Warren W. Wiersbe
919e9a5 Storms do come to our lives. What causes them? Sometimes other people cause them. In Acts 27 Paul got into a storm because the people in charge of the ship would not listen to the Word of God. Sometimes God causes the storm to test us and build us. In Matthew 14 Jesus sent His disciples directly into a storm to teach them an important lesson of faith. Sometimes we cause the storm by disobedience--we are like Jonah running away from God, and.. Warren W. Wiersbe
18cbd04 The end result of all Bible study is worship, and the end result of all worship is service to the God we love. Warren W. Wiersbe
1326704 The will of God ought to be a source of strength and satisfaction to the children of God, just as if they sat down to a sumptuous feast. Warren W. Wiersbe
c9e67a9 God's purpose in providence is not to make us comfortable, but to make us conformable, Warren W. Wiersbe
249eb7e God helps us in the obstacles of life. When you turn your obstacles over to the Lord, He acts. What will He do? Sometimes He overcomes the obstacles. God is with us in the hopeless places. How hopeless the Israelites were at the Red Sea! The enemy soldiers were behind them; the wilderness was around them; the sea was in front of them. But God opened a way to escape. Sometimes God removes the obstacles--the "hills" and the "mountains." He ju.. Warren W. Wiersbe
6eb7b12 Our purpose is to hear God speak in Jesus Christ, and to heed that Word. If our purpose is to know Christ better and exalt Him more, then whatever differences we may have in our understanding of the book will be forgotten in our worship of Him. --Warren W. Wiersbe Warren W. Wiersbe
3019db8 Faith simply means obeying God's will in spite of feelings, circumstances, or consequences. Warren W. Wiersbe
f66658e The word wait does not suggest that we sit around and do nothing. It means "to hope," to look to God for all that we need (Isa. 26:3; 30:15). This involves meditating on His character and His promises, praying, and seeking to glorify Him." Warren W. Wiersbe
ba783e5 Like every good teacher and preacher, he turned the ear into an eye and helped people to see spiritual truth. He knew that the mind is not a debating chamber--it is a picture gallery. Warren W. Wiersbe
74f90a9 Isn't it good to know that God is a God of the depths as well as a God of the heights? When we're living on the mountaintop, He is there. When we're down in the valley, He is there. "The sea is His, for He made it; and His hands formed the dry land" (v. 5). I'm glad that my God is God of the changing places, such as the sea, and of the stable places, such as the dry land. No matter where we are, we can experience His greatness." Warren W. Wiersbe
b522017 No amount of money or authority could stop the silent but sure ripening of divine judgment. Warren W. Wiersbe
6848b71 Moody's success lay in his tremendous burden for the lost and a willingness to do whatever God asked of him. The life and ministry of this humble man of God is an example to us of what the Lord can do in the life of an ordinary person who is totally yielded to him. Warren W. Wiersbe
a26e7a9 When you are meek, you seek nothing for yourself, and when you seek nothing for yourself, God gives you all things. Warren W. Wiersbe
ed5f045 Here is a "Confession of Love" that she drew up for a group of Indian girls who banded together to serve Christ. Perhaps it best says to us just what Amy Carmichael believed about Christian life and service. My Vow: Whatsoever Thou sayest unto me, by Thy grace I will do it. My Constraint: Thy love, O Christ, my Lord. My Confidence: Thou art able to keep that which I have committed unto thee. My Joy: To do Thy will, O God. My Discipline: Tha.. Warren W. Wiersbe
7fdb2b2 Satan was offering them freedom without responsibility, freedom without consequences, and there can be no such thing. Warren W. Wiersbe
f58d78b Like Paul, we should be grateful for what God is doing in the lives of others. As Christians, we are all members of one body (1 Cor. 12:12-13). Warren W. Wiersbe
d68422b Am I conducting myself in a manner worthy of the gospel?" is a good question for us to ask ourselves regularly." Warren W. Wiersbe
bc6dfa9 It is worth remembering that the world around us knows only the gospel that it sees in our lives. You are writing a gospel, A chapter each day, By the deeds that you do And the words that you say. Men read what you write, Whether faithful or true: Just what is the gospel According to you? --SOURCE UNKNOWN Warren W. Wiersbe
d77d397 Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it. Warren W. Wiersbe
817d3fb The Father hears us and knows our needs even before we ask (Matt. 6:8). The Son intercedes for us and knows exactly how we feel in every situation (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 4:14-16). The Holy Spirit intercedes for us and directs our requests according to the will of God (Rom. 8:26 Warren W. Wiersbe
5ac51da Character is the raw material of life, out of which we either by diligence construct a temple or by negligence create a trash heap. Warren W. Wiersbe
b68a12e When you start to question or forget the grace of God and the goodness of God, you will find it much easier to disobey the will of God. Warren W. Wiersbe
729d4ec God accomplishes his will on earth through truth; Satan accomplishes his purposes through lies. When the child of God believes God's truth, then the Spirit of God can work in power; for the Holy Spirit is "the Spirit of truth" (John 16:13). But when a person believes a lie, then Satan goes to work in that life; "for he is a liar, and the father of lies" (John 8:44). Faith in God's truth leads to victory; faith in Satan's lies leads to defea.. Warren W. Wiersbe
c4bd1bb Too many Christians mark their Bibles, but their Bibles never mark them! If you think you are spiritual because you hear the Word, then you are only kidding yourself. Warren W. Wiersbe
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