Mark Twain: "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble; it's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
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We have trained ourselves to be fearful and anxious when presented with problems. If we choose, we can retrain ourselves to be calm and to allow God to express God's self in us once again. As I discussed in chapter one, problems begin, unequivocally, in our minds. We may have to remind ourselves that our mind is where the problem exists, nowhere else. Thus the "illusion" which I mentioned earlier. Correct the error, and the illusion disappe..
Wayne W. Dyer |
Most everything defined as pleasurable is temporary, so if you need more and more of it, then it has a grip on you. What you desire so strongly has become your jailer, trapping you into believing that it will bring you peace, security, or happiness . . . but it never does. Worldly pleasures only seduce you into becoming dependent on them, and they leave you always wanting more. It's a craving that can never be satisfied: You need another gr..
Wayne W. Dyer |
recognize in the heat of battle that the battle itself is something to grieve about.
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master, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov: The creator has planted within every creature a fragment of himself, a spark, a spirit of the same nature as himself and, thanks to this spirit, every creature can become a creator. And this means that, instead of always waiting for their needs to be satisfied by some external source, human beings can work inwardly by means of their thought, their will, and their spirit to obtain the nourishing healing eleme..
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If you can meet triumph and disaster, and treat those two imposters just the same . . . yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Michelangelo regarding this subject: "The greater danger is not that our hopes are too high and we fail to reach them, it's that they are too low, and we do."
Wayne W. Dyer |
I could think back to my encounters with rules and regulations that didn't seem to make much sense to me, and have empathy for my children's frustrations. I understood as a very young boy that to blindly follow rules just because they're rules is to lose control over your whole life.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Do what you know you have to do to feel whole, to feel complete, and to feel as if you're fulfilling your destiny. You'll never be at peace if you don't get that music out and let it play. Don't die with that music still in you.
Wayne W. Dyer |
I love the healing parable of Jesus and the blind man. As he went along he saw a man blind from birth, his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned? This man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." We have been trained to think in terms of sin and punishment. These ideas disempower us by stressing that we ar..
Wayne W. Dyer |
From the beginning I had a sense of destiny, as though my life was assigned to me by fate and had to be fulfilled. This gave me an inner security, and, though I could never prove it to myself, it proved itself to me. I did not have the certainty, it had me." -- CARL JUNG"
Wayne W. Dyer |
I observed an eighteen-year-old friend of one of our daughters talking to his mother on the telephone. As he hung up the phone in frustration he said, "She makes me so angry, she's always telling me what to think and where to go and how to do things." He was obviously upset and filled with anger. I told him he had one of two choices. He could either continue to practice being right, or practice being kind. If you insist on being right you w..
Wayne W. Dyer |
Do the Tao Now Copy the following words and apply them to yourself: I came from greatness. I must be like what I came from. I will never abandon my belief in my greatness and the greatness of others. Read these words daily, perhaps by posting them conspicuously where you can see them. They will serve to remind you of the truth of your own greatness. Meditate for ten minutes today, focusing on your inner greatness.
Wayne W. Dyer |
those who held on to a vision of the future were the ones throughout this ordeal who seemed to have a better chance for survival.
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The sage does not hoard, and thereby bestows. The more he lives for others, the greater his life. The more he gives to others, the greater his abundance.
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but by loving what I'm saying and selling that love.
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Living by Silent Knowing This is probably the best-known verse of the Tao Te Ching. In fact, the opening two lines ("Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know") are so popular that they've almost become a cliche. Nevertheless,"
Wayne W. Dyer |
in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. . . . I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Do the Tao Now At your next meal, practice portion control by asking yourself after several bites if you're still famished. If not, just stop and wait. If no hunger appears, call it complete. At this one meal, you'll have practiced the last sentence of the 9th verse of the Tao Te Ching: "Retire when the [eating] is done; this is the way of heaven."
Wayne W. Dyer |
before. So the lesson is:
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I want people to trust in their own magnificence.
Wayne W. Dyer |
the nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Infinite patience produces immediate results." It sounds like a paradox, doesn't it? Infinite patience implies an absolute certainty that what you'd like to manifest will indeed show up, in perfect order, and exactly on time. The immediate result you receive from this inner knowing is a sense of peace. When you detach from the outcome, you're at peace, and you'll ultimately see the fruits of your convictions."
Wayne W. Dyer |
Snatch a thought from the running ribbon of thoughts and contemplate it. As you toss it around, notice how you feel--sad, depressed, happy, frightened, and so on. Every thought going by has an imprint on your concept of yourself. First be the observer, and then the contemplator. Now become the choice maker who can consciously decide to put that thought back into the running stream and pick a different one, a thought that perhaps allows you ..
Wayne W. Dyer |
forgiveness is a tool that's available to get us back to a God-realized life.
Wayne W. Dyer |
When your feet hit the floor every single morning, without exception, say, "Thank You for an opportunity to live in a state of contentment." Invite the magical energy of the Tao to freely flow through you and inform your responses throughout the day. You're in harmony with your Source when you're soliciting gratitude and gratification in these ways."
Wayne W. Dyer |
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
Wayne W. Dyer |
When you live from the perspective of being able to say, "I don't know for certain, but I'm willing to listen," you become a person whom others identify with."
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when the student is ready, the teachers will appear.
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No desperdiciare la preciosa moneda de mi vida, mi existencia actual, inmovilizado por la culpabilidad por lo que ocurrio en el pasado>>.
Wayne W. Dyer |
There is a universe within you--a unified field of all possibilities that you can reach as you become the compassionate witness. Be silent and shut down the inner dialogue. Most important, transcend the false self that we call the ego. That is when the healing will occur.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Quienes estan seguros del resultado pueden permitirse esperar, sin ansiedad>>.
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you're here to teach yourself and others in some way, and that the work is to raise the collective energy of our entire universe.
Wayne W. Dyer |
is seen here below by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all come ..." -- Michelangelo "Self-realization means that we have"
Wayne W. Dyer |
It's also important that you live more spontaneously--you don't need to neatly wrap up each detail of your life.
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Don't judge yourself or others.
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being a giver rather than a taker, providing for others and asking nothing in return.
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Your greatness won't be found in a classroom; an apprenticeship; a teacher; or flattering comments from well-meaning family members, friends, or lovers. It is within you.
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your entire worldview is based on how much respect you have for yourself.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Every person has the inherent capacity to spark massive changes that can lead to the tranquility, harmony, and peace that are our heritage.
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maintain a sense of serenity regardless of what you may see taking place around you.
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Set aside multiple times during your day to stop and ask yourself this key question: Right now in what I am about to say or do, do my desires stem from my lower or my higher self? The ego is all about self-serving, ownership, winning, judging, and so on. The higher self is about serving, loving, and being in a nonjudgmental state of peace.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Self-actualizing people see the unfolding of God in everyone that they meet. They go beyond appearances. They are friendly with anyone and everyone regardless of class,
Wayne W. Dyer |
Spend some of your quiet meditation time visualizing a tiny spark of awareness glowing within your being.
Wayne W. Dyer |