create space for others to be inspired and to achieve their own greatness.
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keep this ancient axiom in mind: I get what I think about, whether I want it or not.
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There is nothing to worry about! Absolutely nothing. You can spend the rest of your life, beginning right now, worrying about the future, and no amount of your worry will change a thing. Remember that worry is defined as being immobilized in the present as a result of things that are going or not going to happen in the future. You must be careful not to confuse worrying with planning for the future.
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let go of seeking results in money, accomplishments, acquisitions, fame, and so on.
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you must be empty in order to become filled,
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Release the need for the attention of others
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Notice those who give much, boast little, nurture others, and decline recognition or credit, and put them in your greatness file.
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Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul.
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When there is silence, one finds the anchor of the universe within oneself.
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vow to make a difference on a daily basis throughout your life,
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live in the highest state of silent knowing, that place deep within you that can't be communicated to any other.
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as you realize that you are responsible for your reactions in any given moment, others will cease to have any power or control over you.
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Here is the guts of both self-and other-directed love. Never confuse your self-worth (which is a given) with your behavior, or the behavior of others toward you.
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Your worth is determined by you, and with no need for an explanation to anyone. And your worthiness, a given, has nothing to do with your behavior and feelings. You may not like your behavior in a given instance, but that has nothing to do with your self-worth. You can choose to be worthy to yourself forever, and then get on with the task of working on your self-images.
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To imagine that Pythagoras, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Michelangelo, Shelley, Shakespeare, Emerson, and so many of those we revere as our teachers and spiritual leaders actually walked on the same ground, drank the same water, watched the same moon, and were warmed by the same sun as I am today intrigues me considerably.
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Needing approval is tantamount to saying, "Your view of me is more important than my own opinion of myself."
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This is all wrapped up in a quote that I have cited many times, which was written back in the 19th century by one of the most influential spiritual masters ever to grace my path. His name is Henry David Thoreau, and his words have always rung sharply in my consciousness: "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
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the word enthusiasm is "the God within."
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Only when we are sick of our sickness shall we cease to be sick.
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Do not resist the natural course of your life.
Wayne W. Dyer |
Segun pienses, asi seras>>,
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knew that one person with a conscience could make a difference and I was that person. Why not?
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When approval-seeking is the guiding principle of life, it's virtually impossible to achieve a loving relationship with another human being.
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the incredible power of intention that is everyone's birthright if they choose to change the way they look at things.
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Any problem, and I emphasize any problem, represents our inability to consciously connect to our Source in the moment.
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Nothing can make me happy. Happiness and inspiration are what I bring to life, not what I purchase.
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The way to establish a relationship with Spirit and access the power of this creating principle is to continuously contemplate yourself as being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce.
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Be spontaneously generous to others because your inner calling demands it, not because others in their code making have determined that this is how you should behave.
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Our Universe is created out of love, kindness, peace, and well-being, so when we're an energetic match to this awareness and refuse to live in fear, we'll attract the protection and guidance we desire.
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cualquier conducta que no estorbe el derecho de otra persona a vivir como desea, es una conducta moral
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Allow your life to unfold naturally. Know that it too is a vessel of perfection. Just as you breathe in and breathe out, there is a time for being ahead and a time for being behind; a time for being in motion and a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous and a time for being exhausted; a time for being safe and a time for being in danger.
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we know and trust that spiritual guidance is available as an alignment of energy.
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change how you see what's here now in your life, for then it will become exactly what you need in order to be happy.
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I promise you that when you adjust rule-based thinking to a heart-based attitude, your life will change!
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When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!
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be someone who makes an enlightening difference in the lives of others.
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The less you focus on making a profit--instead shifting your energy to living your purpose in harmony with everyone else--the more money will flow to you and the more opportunities for generosity will be available to you.
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slow down your incessant demands for more,
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Giving love to others is directly related to how much love you have for yourself.
Wayne W. Dyer |
En un mundo de personas que pensasen eticamente, no aparecerian guerreros. Los seres de mentalidad etica, se negarian a inventar algo tan horrible como el napalm. Ningun agente seria capaz de venderlo, y no lo fabricaria el personal de ninguna fabrica. Ningun conductor se prestaria a transportarlo, y ningun general sonaria siquiera en ordenar que se utilizase contra otros seres humanos. Y ningun soldado abrasaria jamas con el el cuerpo de o..
Wayne W. Dyer |
This too shall pass. This phrase will remind you that change is the only constant in life.
Wayne W. Dyer |
by Naomi Long Madgett where you can read it, and be constantly reminded of your desire to live naturally: I wouldn't coax the plant if I were you. Such watchful nurturing may do it harm. Let the soil rest from so much digging And wait until it's dry before you water it. The leaf's inclined to find its own direction; Give it a chance to seek the sunlight for itself. Much growth is stunted by too much prodding, Too eager tenderness. The t..
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Let your heart be at peace.
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can choose to consciously participate in this nonsensory supreme reality--your imagination--where you assume your future dream to be a present fact and live from this new awareness. This isn't pretending or fooling yourself, it is inviting your spirit rather than your physical form to generate the creative essence of your reality. It's what it means to transform your life.
Wayne W. Dyer |