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f784ba8 Anything?" She laughed. "Like what kind of anything did you want?" "Well, when I was five, I wanted to take a bath in spaghetti." -Clary & Jace, pg.310-" Cassandra Clare
899b96c As could the sarcasm in her voice. "yes, she's bleeding to deat Lu upstairs, but i thought I'd avoid telling you right away, because I like to draw the suspense out." isabelle-lightwood sarcasm Cassandra Clare
7cd76c2 I don't want the world. I want you," Alec said, and Magnus closed his eyes, as if the words almost hurt." Cassandra Clare
0acea56 I believe in good and evil," said Jem. "And I believe the soul is eternal. But I don't believe in the fiery pit, the pitchforks, or endless torment. I do not believe you can threaten people into goodness." good torment evil Cassandra Clare
2db0152 It was Will, filling the doorway with his lanky, broad-shouldred frame. His blue eyes where thunderous. "What are you doing here?" he demanded. So much for the brief peace they had achieved the night before. "I am practicing," Cecily said. "You told me I would get no better without practice." "Not you. Gabriel Lightworm over here." Will jerked his chin toward the other boy. "Sorry. ." humor gabriel-lightwood will-herondale Cassandra Clare
ef87e04 It was a very bad idea. It was a terrible idea. It was the worst idea he had ever heard. It was irresistible. Cassandra Clare
fac37b0 I played it for my bride, and one day you will play for yours. clockwork-angel clockwork-prince jem-carstairs cassandra-clare Cassandra Clare
0b6ec52 He hadn't stopped wanting love. He had simply, somehow, stopped looking. love the-bane-chronicles magnus-bane cassandra-clare Cassandra Clare
62c541a And yet here he was, looking at Jem Carstairs, a boy so fragile-looking that he appeared to be made out of glass, with the hardness of his expression slowly dissolving into tentative uncertainty. "You are not really dying," he said, the oddest tone to his voice, "are you?" Jem nodded. "So they tell me." "I am sorry," Will said. "No", Jem said softly. He drew his jacket aside and took a knife from the belt at his waist. "Don't be ordinary li.. first-greeting jem-will parabatai brothers tears Cassandra Clare
b4358e3 Oh, Lord Montgomery, what do you mean to do with me in this bedroom when you have me all alone? An innocent maiden, and unprotected? Is my virtue safe? 'I, ah- what?' 'I know you are a dangerous man. Some call you a rake. Everybody knows you are a devil with the ladies with your poetically puffed shirt and irresistible pants. I pray you will consider my innocence. And my poor, vulnerable heart.' Simon decided this was a lot like role-playin.. sizzy isabelle-lightwood simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
937b9e1 The point wasn't that you tried to live forever; the point was that you lived, and did everything you could to live well. The point was the choices you made and the people you loved. Cassandra Clare
4bf73de Theres no such thing as vampire mojo,"said Jace,rather eeirly echoing Clarys earlier comment."And I was following Clary,but then she got into a cab,and I cant follow a cab.So I doubled back and followed you instead.Mostly for something to do" "You were following Clary?"Simon echoed."Heres a hot tip : Most girls dont like being stalked" Cassandra Clare
514a680 Jace: 'I don't like keeping her in the dark.' Sebastian: 'We'll tell her in a week. What difference does a week make?' Jace: 'Two weeks ago you were dead.' Sebastian: 'Well, I wasn't suggesting weeks. That would be insane. Cassandra Clare
03d8c69 How she still thought of Max every day and it was like someone had emptied her lungs of air, and she would catch at her heart, afraid she was dying. max-lightwood maryse-lightwood city-of-lost-souls the-mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
a79e1cb Just coffee. Black--like my soul. Cassandra Clare
a4abde8 Aren't you supposed to be hiring someone else to train me full-time anyway?" "Yes," he said, getting up and pulling her to her feet along with him, "and I'm worried that if you get into the habit of making out with your instructors, you'll wind up making out with him, too." "Don't be sexist. They could find me a female instructor." "In that case you have my permission to make out with her, as long as I can watch." "Nice." Clary grinned,.. Cassandra Clare
2445ae4 Valentine whirled. Clary, lying half-conscious in the sand, her wrists and arms a screaming agony, stared defiantly back. For a moment their eyes met--and he looked at her, really looked at her, and she realized it was the first time her father had ever looked her in the face and seen her. The first and only time. "Clarissa," he said. "What have you done?" Clary stretched out her hand, and with her finger she wrote in the sand at his feet. .. Cassandra Clare
9767a12 How many times have I told you, Magnus? Behave professionaly in a professional setting. Which means no being rude to Nephilim, and also no getting attached to Nephilim." "I never get attached to Nephilim!" Magnus protested. Ragnor coughed, and in the midst of the cough said something that sounded like "blerondale." "Well," said Magnus. "Hardly ever." Cassandra Clare
4c048e7 It smells like heartbreak in here," said Jace." Cassandra Clare
2f24ed8 If you don't go after Luke," Clary said, enunciating very clearly, "I, personally, will kill you." For a moment Jocelyn looked astonished. Then she smiled. "Well," she said, "if you put it like that." Cassandra Clare
8910820 Idris had been green and gold and russet in the autumn, when Clary had first been there. It had a stark grandeur in the winter: the mountains rose in the distance, capped white with snow, and the trees along the side of the road that led back to Alicante from the lake were stripped bare, their leafless branches making lace-like patterns against the bright sky. Sometimes Jace would slow the horse to point out the manor houses of the richer S.. winter blackthorn horseback-riding manor-house idris clary-fray jace-herondale cassandra clare
70d496b You could dress it up with a sequined headband," Magnus suggested, offering his boyfriend something blue and sparkly. "Just a thought." "Resist the urge, Alec." Simon was sitting on the edge of a low wall with Maia beside him, though she appeared to be deep in conversation with Aline. "You'll look like Olivia Newton-John in Xanadu." "There are worse things," Magnus observed." magnus-bane simon-lewis fashion movie-reference Cassandra Clare
07d21eb You asked me who I belong to," he whispered. "I belong to . Your blood is my blood, your bones my bones. The first time you saw me, I looked familiar, didn't I? Just like you looked familiar to me." Cassandra Clare
65c5359 Why can't I go to Idris with you, then? Because it's not safe for you there O and it's safe for me here? I've been nearly killed almost a dozen times in the past month. That's because Valentine has been concentrating on the two Mortal Instruments that were here. He's going to shift his focus to Idris now. We all know it-- We're hardly as certain of anything as all that. And the Clave wants to meet Clarissa. You know that, Jace. The Clave ca.. humor determination Cassandra Clare
579bedf There's nothing you could have done that would cause me to cease loving either of you. Will is myself, my own soul, and if I am not to have the keeping of your heart, then there is not other I would rather have that honor. page-497 page-498 clockwork-princess tessa-gray jem-carstairs will-herondale Cassandra Clare
1d77fe8 Camille leaned forward. When she did, the neckline of her black silk blouse gaped open. If Simon had still been human, he would have blushed. "Will you let me see it?" Simon could actually feel his eyes pop out. "See " Cassandra Clare
51749fa Never trust a duck. ducks Cassandra Clare
4122a65 I am Tessa Gray," she said in a low, clear voice. "And I believe in the importance of stories." tessa-gray stories Cassandra Clare
fea874f We all find out the people who are supposed to take care of us are human eventually. That they make mistakes. Cassandra Clare
e1a7ad9 Being a vampire is not a curse. It's a disease," Tessa filled in. "But they still can't enter hallowed ground, then? Does that mean they're damned?" "That depends on what you believe," said Jem. "And whether you believe in damnation at all." "But you hunt demons. You must believe in damnation!" "I believe in good and evil," said Jem. "And I believe the soul is eternal. I don't believe in the fiery pit, the pitchforks, or the endless tor.. religion tessa-gray jem-carstairs Cassandra Clare
2f31e57 Not forever, Tessa thought. They had a long, long time. A lifetime. His lifetime. And she would lose him one day, as she had lost Will, and her heart would break, as it had broken before. And she would put herself back together and go on, because the memory of having had Jem would be better than never having had him at all. love the-infernal-devices tessa-gray jem-carstairs beautiful Cassandra Clare
0a4b065 Ugh," he said after a few swallows. "Dead blood." Jace's eyebrows went up. " Isn't all blood dead?" "The longer the animal whose blood I'm drinking has been dead, the worse the blood tastes," Simon explained. "Fresh is better." "But you've never drunk fresh blood. Have you?" Simon raised his own eyebrows in response. "Well, aside from mine, of course," Jace said. "And I'm sure my blood is fan-tastic." jace simon blood vampires Cassandra Clare
4818e1f Is there a particular reason you keep biting vampires?" Will touched the dried blood on his wrists, and smiled. "They don't expect it." "Of course they don't. They know what happens when one of us consumes vampire blood. They probably expect you to have more sense." "That expectation never seems to serve them very well, does it?" Cassandra Clare
4d43dc6 I need some beef and broccoli before I face any more Mr. Darcy. It's a truth universally acknowledged that if you watch too much television on am empty stomach, your head falls off." "If your head fall off, " Tessa said, "the hairdressing industry would go into an economic meltdown" tessa-gray mr-darcy Cassandra Clare
f1403e6 I whisper your name, Ty. I whisper the most important thing: I love you. I love you. I love you. Livvy ty-blackthorn Cassandra Clare
2d3af33 Once he asked me what I thought had turned me gay." "I hope you told him you were bitten by a gay spider," said Simon." spiderman gayness lgbtq isabelle-lightwood magnus-bane simon-lewis references gay Cassandra Clare
8f43c63 The blood of Heaven binds you," said the Queen. "Blood calls to blood, under the skin. But love and blood are not the same." "Riddles," Clary said angrily. "Do you even mean anything when you talk like that?" "He is bound to you," said the Queen. "But does he love you?" cofa queen Cassandra Clare
c564988 That might be nice, an extra pair of arms," Jace said. "Handy in a fight." "Not if they're growing out of your..." Dorothea paused and smiled, not without malice. "Neck." Cassandra Clare
0b61871 And broken both your hearts? How would that have benefited me? You are as dear to me as another half of my soul, Jem. I could not be happy while you were unhappy. And Tessa--she loves you. What sort of awful monster would I be, delighting in causing the two people I love the most in the world agony simply that I might have the satisfaction of knowing that if Tessa could not be mine, she could not be anybody's? Cassandra Clare
60d8ff9 I'm really grateful to you for saving us, Maia, and Jace is too, even though he's so stubborn that he'd rather jam a seraph blade through his eyeball than say so. And don't you say you hope he does," she added hastily, seeing the look on the other girl's face, "because that's really not helpful." Cassandra Clare
88d3896 Julian spoke through his teeth. "Malcolm, this is not a love story." "Every story is a love story." malcolm-fade Cassandra Clare
8cc9502 One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding, four for a birth, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret that's never been told. ~ Simon simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
69a6eb1 I believe everything you say," Tessa said with a smile, her hands creeping down from his waist to his weapons belt. Her fingers closed on the hilt of a dagger, and she yanked it from the belt, smiling as he looked down at her in surprise. She kissed his cheek and stepped back. "After all," she said, "you weren't lying about that tattoo of the dragon of Wales, were you?" will-s-dragon-tattoo wessa tessa-gray will-herondale will Cassandra Clare
f750393 Jace is in love with the idea of dying," said Isabelle." -- tmi the-mortal-instruments jace-lightwood Cassandra Clare