There is not a street in Naples in which some tough little kid in shorts and mismatched socks is not screaming up from the sidewalk to some other tough little kid on a rooftop nearby. Nor is there a building in this town that doesn't have at least one crooked old woman seated at her window, peering suspiciously down at the activity below.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The sound of the universe is also spectacular around here. In the evenings there is a cricket orchestra with frogs providing the bass line. In the dead of the night dogs howl about how misunderstood they are. Before dawn the roosters for miles around announce how freaking cool it is to be roosters. Every morning around sunrise there is a tropical bird song competition, and it is always a ten way tie for the championship. When the sun comes ..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
She also knew this: if she had to kill somebody in order to save her own life, she would do so unhesitatingly. Lastly, she knew one other thing, and this was the most important realization of all: she knew that the world was plainly divided into those who fought an unrelenting battle to live, and those who surrendered and died.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Por que te vas a meter en una diminuta caja de identidad pudiendo experimentar tu infinidad?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The problem is that we're all full of desire; it is the very hallmark of our emotional existence, and it can lead to our downfall - and to the downfall of others. [...] Once upon a time, Aristophanes relates, there were gods in the heavens and humans down on earth. But we humans did not look the way we look today. Instead, we each had two heads and four legs and four arms - a perfect melding, in other words, of two people joined together, s..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Watch the heat of day pass into the cool night. Let go.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
gallimaufry of ices and trifles and toasts, supervised
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Let your intention be freedom from useless suffering. Then, let go. Watch the heat of day pass into the cool night. Let go. When the karma of a relationship is done, only love remains. It's safe. Let go. When the past has passed from you at last, let go. Then climb down and begin the rest of your life. With great joy.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I would like never to travel again. I would like to spend the rest of my days in a place so silent--and working at a pace so slow--that I would be able to hear myself living.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Life, if you keep chasing it so hard, will drive you to death. Time - when pursued like bandit - will behave like one; always remaining one country or one room ahead of you, changing its name and hair color to elude you, slipping out the back door of the motel just as you're banging through the lobby with your newest search warrant, leaving only a burning cigarette in the ashtray to taunt you. At some point you have to stop because it won't..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
La decepcion es la ira de los debiles.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
El ayer pudo ser glorioso, ciertamente, pero manana puedo verme convertida en un almacen de fuegos artificiales. Incluso en la Ciudad Eterna, nos dice el silencioso mausoleo, uno ha de estar siempre dispuesto a sufrir alteraciones convulsas, desenfrenadas e interminables.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
bel far niente has always been a cherished Italian ideal. The beauty of doing nothing is the goal of all your work, the final accomplishment for which you are most highly congratulated. The more exquisitely and delightfully you can do nothing, the higher your life's achievement. You don't necessarily need to be rich in order to experience this, either. There's another wonderful Italian expression: l'arte d'arrangiarsi - the art of making so..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Para hallar el equilibrio que buscas te tienes que convertir en esto. Debes tener los pies tan firmemente plantados en la tierra que parezca que tienes cuatro piernas en lugar de dos. De este modo podras estar en el mundo. Pero debes dejar de mirar el mundo con la mente. Tienes que mirarlo con el corazon. Asi llegaras a conocer a Dios.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I would like to be like Rome when I am an old lady.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
when you sense a faint potentiality for happiness after such dark times you must grab onto the ankles of that happiness and not let go until it drags you face-first out of the dirt--this is not selfishness, but obligation. You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
She knew this to be true. Maybe not tonight, but some night soon. She was not afraid of death, in theory. If anything, she had nothing but respect and reverence for the Genius of Death, who had shaped this world more than any other force. That said, she did not wish to die quite this moment. She still wanted to see what would happen next, as much as ever. The thing was to resist submersion for as long as possible.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I am very empty in the bank since the bomb.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
En mi destino hay muchas cosas que se me escapan, pero hay otras que si estan bajo mi jurisdiccion. Hay una serie de billetes de loteria que puedo comprar, aumentando mis posibilidades de llegar a ser feliz.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Everything- for no reason whatsoever- is perfect.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Why have I been chasing happiness my whole life when bliss was here the entire time?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
She felt the familiar old constriction in her chest - that combination of desire and urgency. She needed more hours - many more hours - if she was ever to study these questions as they deserved to be studied. She would never have enough hours. She had already lost so much time this week. Every soul in the world seemed to believe that Alma's hours belonged to him. How was she ever meant to devote herself to proper scientific exploration?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
There was no better path to autonomy for an ambitious young businesswoman than to be married off to a respectable corpse.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The child is taught form earliest consciousness that she has these four brothers with her in the world wherever she goes, and that they will always look after her. The brothers inhabit the four virtues a person needs in order to be safe and happy in life: intelligence, friendship, strength and poetry. The brothers can be called upon in any critical situation for rescue and assistance. When you die, your four spirit brothers collet your soul..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
quien de nosotros vive sin hacer ciertos sacrificios?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
But it is my understanding that the health of the planet is affected by the health of every individual on it. As long as even two souls are locked in conflict, the whole of the world is contaminated by it.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I also get that we women in particular must work very hard to keep our fantasies as clearly and cleanly delineated from our realities as possible, and that sometimes it can take years of effort to reach such a point of sober discernment.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
no vemos nuestro reflejo en el agua en movimiento, sino en el agua quieta.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Yesterday I might have been a glorious monument to somebody, true enough-but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
no hay nada que no tenga explicacion si uno tiene acceso a una biblioteca con buenos libros de referencia.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
si experimentas la quietud necesaria con el tiempo descubriras que todo (lo incomodo y lo hermoso) pasa con el tiempo.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
En lo que tiene fe mi hermana es en el conocimiento. Su sagrada escritura es el diccionario Oxford. Cuando inclina la cabeza sobre el texto, pasando las paginas con sus raudos dedos, esta con su Dios.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
You need a droughtbreaker, baby. Gotta go find yo'self a rainmaker.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Los devotos del mundo entero practican sus ritos sin tener garantizado que les sirva de nada.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
How do you negotiate once you've offered everything?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Better to live a life of single-pointed focus, he taught.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Following that scavenger hunt of curiosity can lead you to amazing, unexpected places.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
It's easy enough to pray when you're in distress but continuing to pray even when your crisis has passed is like a sealing process, helping your soul hold tight to its good attainments.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
because creativity is mystical doesn't mean it shouldn't also be demystified--especially if it means liberating artists from the confines of their own grandiosity, panic, and ego.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
So that's the final lesson, isn't it? When you set out in the world to help yourself, you inevitably end up helping- Tutti.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
One does not leave so small and beautiful a female creature alone with ten heated men in the middle of the night.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Even as a child, Alma innately comprehended that there were two types of silent men in the world: one type was meek and deferential; the other type was Dick Yancey. His eyes were a pair of slowly circling sharks, and as he stared at Alma now, those eyes were clearly saying: "Bring the rum."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
There were times when she looked up from her labors to ask her mother a question - looking over to the chair where Beatrix had always sat - and was startled by the nothingness to be found there. It was like looking at a spot on a wall where a clock had hung for years, and seeing only an empty space. She could not train herself not to look; the emptiness surprised her every time.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
There is only so long that a person can keep her enthusiasms locked away within her heart before she longs to share it with a fellow soul, and Alma had many decades of thoughts much overdue for sharing.
Elizabeth Gilbert |