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84ac83a Cuando se acaba el karma de una relacion, solo queda el AMOR Elizabeth Gilbert
3a6221b Vienoje smaikscioje italiskoje istorijoje pasakojama apie varguoli, kuris kasdien vaiksciojo i baznycia ir priesais didzio sventojo skulptura melsdavosi: "Brangus sventasis...prasau, labai prasau...dovanok man malone...padek man laimeti loterijoje." Taip jis verksleno daug menesiu. Pagaliau susierzinusi skulptura atgijo, pazvelge i maldaujanti zmogu ir pavargusi su pasibjaurejimu tare:"Sunau, prasau,labai prasau...nusipirkti bilieta." Elizabeth Gilbert
2ed63f7 I only meant that there was a place within my imagination so fathomlessly deep that the light of the real world could never touch it. Elizabeth Gilbert
0de0e2c Ajalugu tunneb ainult kahte kusimust, mis inimesi voitlusse toukab: Kui siiras on sinu armastus? Ja: Kelle kaes on ohjad?. Koige muuga saab kuidagimoodi hakkama. Elizabeth Gilbert
e80401a Zmonems atrodo, kad sielos draugai turi tobulai tikti vienas kitam. To nori visi. Taciau tikrasis sielos draugas tarsi veidrodis rodo tau tai, ka pats slepi, privercia tave atkreipti i save demesi ir keisti gyvenima. Tikrasis sielos draugas yra turbut svarbiausias zmogus, kuri sutikusi pajusi, kaip griuna sienos, ir pabusi. Taciau ar imanoma su sielos draugu gyventi visa gyvenima? Ne. Tai suteiktu per daug skausmo. Sielos draugai atsiranda .. Elizabeth Gilbert
a5471a3 Atunci cand ne deschidem si ne dam sansa sa crestem, infaptuim un act sacru, datator de viata. Cred ca avem cu totii dreptul sa ne afirmam sinele si sa ne deschidem sufletul, celebrand miracolul propriei existente. Nu cred ca rostul nostru pe pamant este sa fim mereu bolnavi, obositi si tristi. Nu cred ca ne e menit sa imbatranim de tineri. Elizabeth Gilbert
87442b7 Loppude lopuks on iga inimene just see, mida ta motleb. Sinu tunded on su motete orjad ja sa ise oled oma tunnete ori. Elizabeth Gilbert
7a33543 Nhung tai sao moi thu phai luon co mot ung dung thuc te? Toi da lam mot ten linh man can nhieu nam roi - lam viec, tao dung, khong bao gio trat mot han chot nao, quan tam den nhung nguoi than yeu, den nuou rang cua toi, den ho so tin dung, bau cu v.v... Doi song nay chi bao ham nghia vu thoi sao? Trong giai doan mat mat toi tam nay, toi co can bat ky thanh minh nao cho viec hoc tieng Y ngoai viec do la thu duy nhat toi co the tuong tuong se.. Elizabeth Gilbert
410437c Il implora intruna pe Dumnezeu:"Te rog, te rog, deschide-mi inima". Asta era tot ce-si dorea: o inima deschisa.(...)Dupa cateva luni de ruga continua pentru o inima deschisa, ce credeti ca a primit Richard? (...)o operatie de urgenta pe cord deschis. Pieptul i-a fost taiat in doua, coastele i-au fost departate unele de altele si au lasat lumina sa-i intre in inima la propriu(...)." Elizabeth Gilbert
fd5a78f Toi tin la ca hai chung toi da lam nguoi kia soc khi nhanh chong tu nhung nguoi hieu nhau nhat [tro] thanh hai ke xa la kho hieu doi voi nhau nhat tren doi. Nguyen nhan sau xa cua su xa la do la su that tham tham rang ca hai chung toi deu lam dieu ma nguoi kia chang bao gio [nghi] la co the [xay ra]; anh ay khong bao gio nghi la toi co the that su roi bo anh, va toi ngay ca trong tuong tuong ro dai nhat cung khong nghi duoc la anh ay se gay.. Elizabeth Gilbert
5de4cc6 Rajtam all, mivel toltom az idomet, kivel lepek kapcsolatba, kivel osztom meg a testem, az eletem, a penzem, az energiam. Kivalaszthatom, mit eszem, olvasok, tanulok. Eldonthetem, hogyan reagalok a kedvezotlen eletkorulmenyeimre - rajtam all, hogy atoknak vagy lehetosegnek tekintem-e oket (es azon alkalmakkor, amikor tulsagosan tele vagyok onsajnalattal, es nem tudom lelkesen nezni a dolgokat, meg mindig megprobalhatom megvaltoztatni a szem.. Elizabeth Gilbert
98b28f4 Kak mozhno zagoniat' sebia v kroshechnuiu korobochku sobstvennoi lichnosti, kogda oshchushchaesh' svoiu beskonechnost'?! Elizabeth Gilbert
bf6e535 Lahtilaskmine kolab kahtlemata vaga hirmutavalt neile meie seast, kes elavad usus, et maakeral on kaepide ja maakera poorlemiseks peab just nimelt tema seda kaepidet lakkamatult keerama, sest kui ta seda ei teeks, kui ta kas voi hetkekski lahti laseks, saaks kogu universum kohemaid hukka. Elizabeth Gilbert
ae771e4 Dori ne si biakh vzela knigi za chetene, nishcho, koeto da me razseiva. Samo az i razum't mi -- shchiakhme da se sreshchnem na golo pole. Pomnia, che krakata mi vidimo treperekha ot strakh. Posle si pripomnikh edna ot liubimite repliki, naucheni ot moiata guru: ,,Strakh -- koi go e grizha?", i sliazokh na sushata sama." Elizabeth Gilbert
66a3ae9 What did I want to do with myself? I wanted to do this! I wanted to drink martinis with showgirls, and listen to Broadway business talk, and eavesdrop on the gossip of boys who looked like girls! I wanted to hear about people's big sex lives! Elizabeth Gilbert
c978f25 Lapse saamine on umbes nagu oma nao tatoveerimine. Sa pead ikka raudselt kindel olema, et see on just see, mida sa tahad. Elizabeth Gilbert
fc60fce Soltuvus on iga meeletu armumise paratamatu koostisosa. Elizabeth Gilbert
fe87f59 Me peame laskma oma sudamel aeg-ajalt puruneda. Purustatud suda on hea mark. See tahendab, et sa vahemalt purgisid millegi poole. Elizabeth Gilbert
e535202 At some point in a woman's life, she just gets tired of being ashamed all the time. After that, she is free to become whoever she truly is. Elizabeth Gilbert
2a1aafa Boris Pasternak described this phenomenon beautifully, when he wrote, "No genuine book has a first page." Elizabeth Gilbert
79a6df8 Do you have the courage? Do you have the courage to bring forth this work? The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you will say yes." (quoting Jack Gilbert)" creativity Elizabeth Gilbert
397643c She stopped feeling like she was nothing more than a consumer, nothing more than the sum of her daily obligations and duties. Elizabeth Gilbert
2f127ac What you are Vivian is a type of person. To be more specific,you are a type of woman. A tediously common type of woman. Do you think I've not encountered your type before? Your sort will always be slinking around, playing your boring and vulgar little games, causing your boring and vulgar little problems. You are the type of woman, Vivian, because you will always be playing with toys that are not your own. A woman of your type often believe.. elizabethgilbert historical-fiction inspirational love Elizabeth Gilbert
639acd4 I told him. I was not accustomed, Angela, to having men listen to me. And as for your father, he was not accustomed to being with a woman who would walk five miles with him in the middle of the night, in the rain, in Queens, just to keep him company when he could not sleep. Elizabeth Gilbert
49f2fc0 I could ever tell him about myself that he would judge or criticize. My own glints of darkness did not frighten him; he had such darkness of his own that nobody else's shadows scared him. Most of all, though, he listened. Elizabeth Gilbert
b44e64c Yet I can tell you that there was a lonely and untenanted corner of my heart that I'd never known was there--and Frank moved right into it. Holding him in my heart made me feel like I belonged to love itself. Although we never lived together or shared a bed, he was always a part of me. I saved stories for him all week, so I would have good things to tell him. I asked for his opinions, because I respected his ethics. Elizabeth Gilbert
84187b5 You must learn in life to take things more lightly, my dear. The world is always changing. Learn how to allow for it. Someone makes a promise, and then they break it. A play gets good notices, and then it folds. A marriage looks strong, and then they divorce. For a while there's no war, and then there's another war. If you get too upset about it all, you become a stupid, unhappy person--and where's the good in that? Elizabeth Gilbert
2ba11f6 Lucky is the soul whose only troubles are self-inflicted.) Elizabeth Gilbert
c2a7a4a She was paying me the compliment of her undivided attention, and thus I was instantly smitten. Elizabeth Gilbert
f2e11a5 Not to mention that I have finally arrived at that age where a woman starts to question whether the wisest way to get over the loss of one beautiful brown-eyed young man is indeed to promptly invite another one into her bed. Elizabeth Gilbert
8ade849 Children don't have any honor, you see, and they aren't expected to, because it's too difficult for them. It's too painful. But to become an adult, one must step into the field of honor. Everything will be expected of you now. You will need to be vigilant in your principles. Sacrifices will be demanded. You will be judged. Elizabeth Gilbert
c259ecf She was of the mind that people should make their own decisions about their own lives, if you can image such a preposterous thing. Elizabeth Gilbert
cabc17a The thing that you don't understand about yourself, Vivian, is that you're not an interesting person. You are pretty, yes - but that's only because you are young. The prettiness will soon fade...What you are, Vivian, is a type of person. To be more specific, you are a type of woman. A tediously common type of woman. prettiness young Elizabeth Gilbert
bd018fa I was not one for telling the truth back then. Truth telling was not my first instinct in any situation - especially in stressful situations. It took my many years to become an honest person, and I know why: because the truth is often terrifying. Once you introduce truth into a room, the room may never be the same again. power-of-truth truth Elizabeth Gilbert
84e08a6 There was a place within my imagination so fathomlessly deep that the light of the real world could never touch it. Nothing but sex had ever been able to reach it. This place within me was prehuman, almost. Certainly, it was precivilization. It was a place beyond language. Friendship could not reach it. My creative endeavors could not reach it. Awe and joy could not reach it. This hidden part of me could only be reached through sexual inter.. Elizabeth Gilbert
3137bb8 I did believe that my behavior made me unusual - because it didn't seem to match the behavior of other women - but I didn't believe it made me bad...I could have spent the rest of the life trying to prove that I was a good girl - but that would have been unfaithful to who I really was. I believed that I was a good person, if not a good girl...So I gave up on the idea of denying myself what I truly wanted. Then I sought ways to delight mysel.. true-self Elizabeth Gilbert
08cb761 So porque a criatividade e mistica, nao quer dizer que nao deva ser desmistificada - especialmente se isso significa libertar os artistas das limitacoes de seus delirios de grandeza, de seu panico e de seu ego. creative-writing criatividade criação escrita-criativa Elizabeth Gilbert
8af32e9 He tried to answer the question of why the Italians have produced the greatest artistic, political and scientific minds of the ages, but have still never become a major world power. Why are they the planet's masters of verbal diplomacy, but still so inept at home government? Why are they so individually valiant, yet so collectively unsuccessful as an army? How can they be such shrewd merchants on the personal level, yet such inefficient cap.. Elizabeth Gilbert
8209744 The writer Rebecca Solnit puts it well: "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible, and the fun." Perfectionism" Elizabeth Gilbert
5b13623 Wayan laughed and kissed her daughter, all the sadness about the divorce suddenly gone from her face. Elizabeth Gilbert
3567ead He came bearing not a sword but a candle. Elizabeth Gilbert
276e25c she would like to spend as much time as possible in such a state of transcendence while she is still here on earth. That's all. That's what I call creative living. Elizabeth Gilbert
3c938c1 universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to uncover those jewels--that's creative living. The courage to go on that hunt in the first place--that's what separates a mundane existence from a more enchanted one. The often surprising results of that hunt--that's what I call Big Magic. Elizabeth Gilbert
fe85ec1 The chickens look so plump and contented even in death that you imagine they offered themselves up for sacrifice proudly, after competing among themselves in life to see who could become the moistest and the fattest. Elizabeth Gilbert