Da imash dete e kato da si napravish tatuirovka na litseto. Naistina triabva da si sigurna, che tochno tova iskash, predi da mu se posvetish.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Minu jaoks on abielu nagu operatsioon, mis ombleb kaks inimest kokku; lahutus seevastu meenutab amputatsiooni ja sellest tervenemine votab kovasti aega. Mida kauem kooselu kestis voi mida johkramalt teid lahku amputeeriti, seda raskem on lahutusest toibuda.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Vaata, see ongi sinu hada. Sa soovid liiga palju, musike. Sul on selgroo asemel sooviluu.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Phai chang la do di truyen? (Sau Muon, duoc goi bang nhieu ten khac nhau, da tham qua gia dinh toi tu nhieu the he, cung voi co dau buon ba cua no, Chung Nghien Ruou.) Van hoa? (phai chang do chi la he qua cua viec mot dua con gai My co nghe nghiep thoi hau phong trao nu quyen co gang tim thay can bang trong mot doi song thanh thi ngay cang cang thang va vong than?) Hay nguyen nhan tu vi? (Toi buon den vay vi toi thuoc cung Cu Giai qua nh..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Se a fe fosse racional, nao seria - por definicao - fe. Fe e acreditar naquilo que nao se pode ver, provar ou tocar. Fe e caminhar de cara levantada e a toda a velocidade em direccao a escuridao
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Intr-o lume a dezordinii, a dezastrelor si a coruptiei, frumusetea ramane cateodata singurul lucru in care te poti increde. Doar excelenta in arta e incoruptibila. Placerea nu poate fi inselata. Si uneori, o masa copioasa e singura moneda reala. Aprecierea placerii poate fi punctul de sprijin al umanitatii fiecaruia dintre noi.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Sinh luc du-lich-den-mot-noi va sinh luc song-o-mot-noi la hai sinh luc khac nhau co ban
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Khorata ponachalo sa sklonni da smiatat, che shchastieto e v'pros na k'smet, che ako ti e pisano, shche ti se sluchi kato khubavo vreme. No shchastieto ne deistva taka. Shchastieto e sledstvie ot usiliiata na choveka. Borish se za nego, stremish se k'm nego, iziskvash go, a poniakoga dori tr'gvash da go t'rsish po sveta. Triabva da uchastvash neotklonno v proiavleniiata na sobstvenoto si shchastie. I shchom vedn'zh si dostignal s'stoianie n..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Letting go is a scary enterprise for those of us who believe that the world revolves only because it has a handle on the top of it which we personally turn, and that if we were to drop this handle for even a moment, well - that would be the end of the universe. But try dropping it, Groceries. This is the message I'm getting. Sit quietly for now and cease your relentless participation. Watch what happens. The birds do not crash dead out of t..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Za sobom imam povijest prebrzog donosenja odluka po pitanju muskaraca. Uvijek sam se zaljubljivala brzo i bez procjenjivanja rizika. Sklona sam ne samo vidjeti najbolje u svima, vec i pretpostaviti da su svi emocionalno sposobni dosegnuti svoje najvise potencijale. Nebrojeno mnogo puta zaljubila sam se u najvisi potencijal nekog muskarca, umjesto u njega samoga, te dugo odrzavala tu vezu cekajuci da on ostvari vlastitu velicinu. U mnogim sa..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Ha uma piada italiana muito engracada sobre um homem pobre que vai todos os dias a igreja rezar diante da estatua de um grande santo, implorando: <> Este lamento continua durante meses. Por fim, a estatua exasperada ganha vida, olha para ele e diz com um ar fatigado: <>
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Autoritativno, poput lijecnice, na prste je nabrojala sest sastavnica pouzdane terapije za slomljeno srce: Vitamin E, mnogo spavati, piti mnogo vode, otputovati daleko od osobe koju si volio, meditirati i objasniti srcu da je to njegova sudbina.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
When I don't know what I'm doing, I look like I don't know what I'm doing. When I'm excited or nervous, I look excited or nervous. And when I am lost, which is frequently, I look lost.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Nothing will uproot your life more violently than true love--at least as far as I've always witnessed.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
alongside me. The fact that I am here at all is evidence that I have the right to be here. I have a right to my own voice and a right to my own vision. I have a right to collaborate with creativity, because I myself am a product and a consequence of Creation. I'm on a mission of artistic liberation, so let the girl go." See? Now you're the one doing the talking."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Then my mercy swelled, and for just a moment I felt mercy for everyone who has ever gotten involved in an impossibly messy story. All those predicaments that we humans find ourselves in - predicaments that we never see coming, do not know how to handle, and then cannot fix.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The world is always changing. Learn how to allow for it. Somone makes a promise, and then they break it. A play gets good notices, and then it folds. A marriage looks strong, and then they divorce. For a while there's no war, and then there's another war. If you get too upset about it all, you become a stupid, unhappy person--and where's the good in that?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
There is so much about my fate that I cannot control, but other things do fall under my jurisdiction. There are certain lottery tickets I can buy, thereby increasing my odds of finding contentment. I can decide how I spend my time, whom I interact with, whom I share my body and life and money and energy with. I can select what I eat and read and study. i can choose how I'm going to regard unfortunate circumstances in my life - whether I wil..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Nobody could ever be like that bottomless well of a man--that walking confessional booth who could absorb whatever you told him without judgment or alarm. Nobody else could be that beautiful dark soul, who always seemed to straddle the worlds of life and death. Nobody but Frank was Frank
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Sometimes it's just true that other people have better ideas for your life than you do.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Go out there and love them hard...
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Hush," she said. "I'm thinking at the top of my lungs."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Neku vecer razgovarali smo o izrazima koje koristimo dok tjesimo nekoga ocajnog. Rekla sam mu kako na engleskom katkad kazemo "Been there." Objasnila sam mu da je duboka tuga kao tocno odredeno mjesto, sa svojim koordinatama na zemljovidu vremena. Kad se nadete u toj sumi tuge, ne mozete ni zamisliti da cete ikada vise pronaci put prema boljem mjestu. Ali, ako vas netko uspije uvjeriti da je bio na tom istom mjestu, ali ga je napustio, to k..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Cini mi se da se u pokusajima meditacije samo svadam sa sobom. - To je samo tvoj ego, koji nastoji zadrzati vlast. Drzi te u osjecaju podvojenosti, pokusava te uvjeriti da si manjkava, poremecena i usamljena umjesto potpuna. Nastavis li duhovnim putem, tvoj ce ego uskoro ostati bez posla, a sve ce odluke donositi tvoje srce. Odvrati mu pozornost. Umjesto da misli pokusavas silom izgurnuti iz svojega uma, daj mu nesto zdravije cime se moze i..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Ljudi misle da je srodna dusa ona koja im savrseno odgovara, i to svi zele. Ali, istinska srodna dusa je ogledalo, osoba koja ti pokazuje sve sto te sputava, osoba koja tvoju pozornost usmjerava prema tebi, kako bi mogla promijeniti svoj zivot. Vjerojatno je najvaznija osoba koju ces ikad upoznati, ali zauvijek zivjeti sa srodnom dusom? Ne. Previse bolno. Srodna dusa u tvoj zivot dolazi da bi ti otkrila jedan sloj tebe, a potom odlazi. I hv..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
At that point, Frank seemed to run out of words. There was somebody that he'd reminded me of, as he was spinning out his story and struggling to explain himself. Then I realized: it was myself...when I had desperately tried to talk my way out of something that could never be put right. He was doing the same thing I had done. He was trying to talk his way into absolution. In that moment, I felt overcome by a sense of mercy...for that younger..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
After a certain age, we are all walking around this world in bodies made of secrets and shame and sorrow and old, unhealed injuries. Our hearts grow sore and misshapen around all this pain--yet somehow, still, we carry on.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I'm just so weary, Vivian. But I love this kid so much, sometimes I think it will break me in half. Is that the dirty trick? Is this how they get mothers to ruin their lives for their children? By tricking them into loving them so much? Maybe. It's not a bad strategy.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
And this commitment of ours--consciously devoid of official commitment--felt miraculous in its liberation.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to uncover those jewels--that's creative living.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
So sadness is a place? Sometimes people live there for years
Elizabeth Gilbert |
she knew that the world was plainly divided into those who fought an unrelenting battle to live, and those who surrendered and died. This was a simple fact. This fact was not merely true about the lives of human beings; it was also true of every living entity on the planet, from the largest creation down to the humblest. It was even true of mosses. This fact was the very mechanism of nature--the driving force behind all existence, behind al..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
If you made something and it didn't work out, let it go. Remember that you're nothing but a beginner--even if you've been working on your craft for fifty years. We are all just beginners here, and we shall all die beginners. So let it go. Forget
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Like a dog, I have pack needs; like a cat, he prefers a quieter house. As long as he is married to me, his house will never be quiet.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I keep remembering one of my Guru's teachings about happiness. She says that people universally tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will maybe descend upon you like fine weather if you're fortunate enough. But that's not how happiness works. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Which is to say, the Romans didn't believe that an exceptionally gifted person was a genius; they believed that an exceptionally gifted person had a genius.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Embrace the creativity and don't care about the result. It's better to be a beginner till the end of the life than waiting forever to be perfect.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Instead of trying to forcefully take thoughts out of your mind, give your mind something better to play with. Something healthier." "Like what?" "Like love, Groceries. Like pure divine love."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Life goes on, after all, and one must always seek the lesson even through the sorrow. Never remain static; never stop collecting information. And
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The problem was that, while the classic European coming-of-age story generally featured a provincial boy who moved to the city and was transformed into a refined gentleman, the American tradition had evolved into the opposite. The American boy came of age by leaving civilization and striking out toward the hills. There, he shed his cosmopolitan manners and became a robust and proficient man. Not a gentleman, mind you, but a man. This
Elizabeth Gilbert |
traveling is the great true love of my life. I have always felt, ever since I was sixteen years old and first went to Russia with my saved-up babysitting money, that to travel is worth any cost or sacrifice. I am loyal and constant in my love for travel, as I have not always been loyal and constant in my other loves. I feel about travel the way a happy new mother feels about her impossible, colicky, restless newborn baby--I just don't care ..
Elizabeth Gilbert |