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2a981cb To even call somebody "a creative person" is almost laughably redundant; creativity is the hallmark of our species. We have the senses for it; we have the curiosity for it; we have the opposable thumbs for it; we have the rhythm for it; we have the language and the excitement and the innate connection to divinity for it." Elizabeth Gilbert
4c7f2a5 Done is better than good." I" Elizabeth Gilbert
f7f616d You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures. You Elizabeth Gilbert
75ea342 the mind is restless, turbulent, strong and unyielding. I consider it as difficult to subdue as the wind. Elizabeth Gilbert
85a8d01 Flexibility is just as essential for divinity as is discipline. Your job, then, should you choose to accept it, is to keep searching for the metaphors, rituals and teachers that will help you move ever closer to divinity. spirituality Elizabeth Gilbert
a97c715 Your creativity is way older than you are, way older than any of us. Your very body and your very being are perfectly designed to live in collaboration with inspiration, and inspiration is still trying to find you--the same way it hunted down your ancestors. Elizabeth Gilbert
920ad44 We must risk delight," he wrote. "We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world.")" Elizabeth Gilbert
7c1f9d9 Artists, by nature, are gamblers. Gambling is a dangerous habit. But whenever you make art, you're always gambling. You're rolling the dice on the slim odds that your investment of time, energy, and resources now might pay off later in a big way--that somebody might buy your work, and that you might become successful. Elizabeth Gilbert
3521918 If you do say yes to an idea, now it's showtime. Elizabeth Gilbert
9f7f87c Destiny, I feel, is also a relationship--a play between divine grace and willful self-effort. Half of it you have no control over; half of it is absolutely in your hands, and your actions will show measurable consequence. Man Elizabeth Gilbert
362be58 Inspiration is allowed to do whatever it wants to, in fact, and it is never obliged to justify its motives to any of us. Elizabeth Gilbert
c8135eb She's a cheerful soul who's having a wonderful time living out the existence that best suits her nature and most brings her to life. Elizabeth Gilbert
fecf1d9 My desire to work--my desire to engage with my creativity as intimately and as freely as possible--is my strongest personal incentive to fight back against pain, by any means necessary, and to fashion a life for myself that is as sane and healthy and stable as it can possibly be. But Elizabeth Gilbert
a4c02ad Faith is belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch. Faith is walking face-first and full-speed into the dark. If we truly knew all the answers in advance as to the meaning of life and the nature of God and the destiny of our souls, our belief would not be a leap of faith and it would not be a courageous act of humanity; it would just be . . . a prudent insurance policy. I'm not interested in the insurance industry. I'm tired of being .. Elizabeth Gilbert
c141637 the only truly fearless people I've ever met were straight-up sociopaths and a few exceptionally reckless three-year-olds--and those aren't good role models for anyone. The Elizabeth Gilbert
8896b53 Parvati and Shiva are the divine embodiment of creativity (the feminine) and consciousness (the masculine). She is the generative energy of the universe; he is its formless wisdom. Whatever Elizabeth Gilbert
609f637 Saint anthony once wrote about having gone into the desert on silent retreat and being assaulted by all manner of visions-devils and angels, both. He said, in his solitude, he sometimes encountered devils who looked like angels, and other times he found angels who looked like devils. When asked how he could tell the difference, the saint said that you can only tell which is which by the way you feel after the creature has left your company... Elizabeth Gilbert
e71f6e2 With death, all suffering would end. Doubt would end. Shame and guilt would end. All her questions would end. Memory--most mercifully of all--would end. She could quietly excuse herself from life. Elizabeth Gilbert
bc3e6f7 Medicating the symptom of any illness without exploring its root cause is just a classically hare-brained Western way to think that anyone could ever get truly better. Elizabeth Gilbert
77e4f7a What I mean is- find somebody new to love someday. Take the time you need to heal, but don't forget to eventually share your heart with someone Elizabeth Gilbert
523f22f If faith were rational, it wouldn't be--by definition--faith. Faith is belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch. Elizabeth Gilbert
0418ad2 The man is a perfect dragon for protocol. Elizabeth Gilbert
90bca52 The other day a monk told me, "The resting place of the mind is the heart. The only thing the mind hears all day is clanging bells and noise and argument, and all it wants is quietude. The only place the mind will ever find peace is inside the silence of the heart. That's where you need to go." Elizabeth Gilbert
9d0a0c6 That's just ego, trying to make sure it stays in charge. This is what your ego does. It keeps you feeling separate, keeps you with a sense of duality, tries to convince you that you're flawed and broken and alone instead of whole. Elizabeth Gilbert
387cd62 El sufrimiento y las molestias son inevitables en esta vida, pero si encuentras la quietud necesaria con el tiempo descubriras que todo ( lo incomodo y lo hermoso) pasa con el tiempo Elizabeth Gilbert
94c067d Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water. Elizabeth Gilbert
acdc894 I believe in a magnificent God. Elizabeth Gilbert
4ffa3c6 benevolent throne set someplace high up on the moon. Elizabeth Gilbert
779780b I wanted to explore the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India and, in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two. Elizabeth Gilbert
0579b2b Though I suppose people do reproduce sometimes for that reason - for insurance against later regret. I think people have children for all manner of reasons - sometimes out of a pure desire to nurture and witness life, sometimes out of an absence of choice, sometimes in order to hold on to a partner or create an heir, sometimes without thinking about it in any particular way. Not all the reasons to have children are the same, and not all of .. life parenthood Elizabeth Gilbert
bd31fb8 But it was pure, this love that I was feeling. Elizabeth Gilbert
4d95b65 I've heard it said that prayer is the act of talking to God, while meditation is the act of listening. Elizabeth Gilbert
d95add6 His face is a comprehensive encyclopaedia of kindness. Elizabeth Gilbert
8b432f9 Nothing is so essential as dignity. Time will reveal who has it and wi has it not." -Beatrix Whittaker" -- respect Elizabeth Gilbert
c9dc537 Un dia de estos vas a recordar esta epoca de tu vida como un dulce momento de tristeza. Entenderas que, estando "de duelo y teniendo roto el corazon, estas en el mejor sitio posible para cambiar tu vida. En un hermoso lugar dedicado a la devocion y en un estado de gracia. Vive este momento minuto a minuto. Deja que las cosas se arreglen solas" Elizabeth Gilbert
82afbea Venice seems like a wonderful city in which to die a slow and alcoholic death, or to lose a loved one, or to lose the murder weapon with which the loved one was lost in the first place. Elizabeth Gilbert
6f7e09f It was the Senator's opinion that a good, peppery chicken soup could cure anything, even childbirth, so he cooked up a nice batch for Stanley Thomas's wife. Elizabeth Gilbert
907f30c This is what we are like. Collectively, as a species, this is our emotional landscape. I met an old lady once, almost one hundred years old, and she told me, "There are only two questions that human beings have ever fought over, all through history. How much do you love me? And Who's in charge?" Everything else is somehow manageable. But these two questions of love and control undo us all, trip us up and cause war, grief and suffering." life love Elizabeth Gilbert
e132cd7 El final es el mismo, asi que mejor si el viaje es feliz. Elizabeth Gilbert
56f916d George thrust into Alma's hand a lithograph of a spotted 'Catasetum.' The orchid had been rendered so magnificently that it seemed to grow off the page. Its lips were spotted red against yellow, and appeared moist, like living flesh. Its leaves were lush and thick, and its bulbous roots looked as though one could shake actual soil off them. Before Alma could thoroughly take in the beauty, George handed her another stunning print- a 'Periste.. blossoms colors genus-species illustrations lithographs orchids textures Elizabeth Gilbert
d1fd66f I have established a reputation for being someone who, if you tell her to do one thing, will almost certainly do the other. I also have a temper. Elizabeth Gilbert
a2e81bc double-pumpin' it" when you have to inhale two desperate gasps of oxygen with every sob." Elizabeth Gilbert
ba0f6fc But Aristophanes warned that this dream of completion through love is impossible. We are too broken as a species to ever entirely mend through simple union. The original cleaved halves of the severed eight-limbed humans were far too scattered for any of us to ever find our missing halves again. Sexual union can make a person feel completed and sated for a while (Aristophanes surmised that Zeus had given humans the gift of orgasm out of pity.. Elizabeth Gilbert
fa8449e a sad Italian history of corruption by local leaders and exploitation by foreign dominators, all of which has generally led Italians to draw the seemingly accurate conclusion that nobody and nothing in this world can be trusted. Because the world is so corrupted, misspoken, unstable, exaggerated and unfair, one should trust only what one can experience with one's own senses, and this makes the senses stronger in Italy than anywhere in Europ.. Elizabeth Gilbert