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2464cc1 Best thing she could do. Going to take her to stay with my grandmother.' 'By Jove!' exclaimed Ferdy, much struck. 'Devilish good notion of yours, Gil! As long as she ain't dead.' 'Of course she ain't dead!' said Mr Ringwood, with a touch of impatience. 'How could I take Kitten to stay with her if she was? gil grandmother Georgette Heyer
9a866b1 Dashed if I didn't receive a letter from him this morning! Yes, and what's more, I had to pay sixpence for it, which I'd as lief not have done. It ain't that I grudge sixpence, but what I mean is, why the deuce should I have to give sixpence for a thing I'd as soon not have? Georgette Heyer
c249aa9 His lordship preserved his control over himself with a strong effort. After a moment of inward struggle, he said: 'Drawing the bustle with a vengeance, weren't you? No, don't cry! It might have been worse. But what possessed you, you little simpleton, to throw good money after bad? For I know very well you went a second night to that curst hell! Had you no more sense than to allow yourself to be plucked again? Good God! is gaming in your bl.. sherry hero Georgette Heyer
0fb6cd3 He had a singularly charming smile, and it ensured for him, no matter how exacting might be his demands, the uncomplaining exertions of his servants. He was perfectly well aware of that, just as he was aware of the value of the word of praise dropped at exactly the right moment; and he would have thought himself extremely stupid to withhold what cost him so little and was productive of such desirable results. Georgette Heyer
012dc40 But it is infamous that they have not told you!' declared Eustacie. 'Je n'en reviendrai jamais!' 'If it's all the same to you, miss, I'd just as soon you'd talk in a Christian language,' said Mr. Stubbs. humour humor french-language idiots comedy humourous-quote idiotic idiocy humourous Georgette Heyer
26ab479 You do mean to remain, then?' 'If I get what I want.' 'The Dower House?' 'Nay, that's a small matter! I'll tell you what it is one of these days, but I'm not so very sure I can get it yet, so happen I'll do best to keep it to myself.' 'Well, I wouldn't tell anyone!' she exclaimed. 'The thing is you might say I'd no hope of getting it,' he explained. An odd little smile came into his eyes as he saw her puzzled frown. 'I'd be all dashed down .. Georgette Heyer
16ac488 Much discomposed, Freddy made inarticulate noises. Georgette Heyer
b9c532c No, he was not as handsome as poor Wrotham, whose dark, stormy beauty troubled her dreams a little. Wrotham was a romantic figure, particularly when his black locks were disheveled through his clutching them in despair. romantic physical-beauty Georgette Heyer
8e71dce Damme, I've been waiting for you to come home these three hours, with nothing to do but read some dashed book or other!' Hero found the thought of his spending an evening at home with a book so droll that she broke into a peal of laughter, which was so infectious that his lordship was obliged to join in. They went upstairs together in excellent accord, and when they parted outside Hero's door, Sherry did her the honor of informing her that.. hero-and-anthony Georgette Heyer
4ebdb93 This is my cousin, by the way. I dare say you know of him. He is very wicked and kills people in duels. Vidal, this is Frederick. Georgette Heyer
f6830d7 Unfortunately, you, Sir Tristram, knowing nothing of me, and being possessed of a tyrannical disposition - I beg your pardon?' 'I did not speak,' replied Sir Tristram, eyeing her frostily. Miss Thane met his look with one of liquid innocence. 'Oh, I quite thought you did!' 'I choked,' explained Sir Tristram. 'Pray continue! You had reached my tyrannical disposition. Georgette Heyer
8d4a751 His lordship detested independently-minded subordinates. It was not the business of his officers to think for themselves. Georgette Heyer
4758ab7 Let me tell you, sir, that if you wish to be accepted into Bath society you will do well to mend your manners!' retorted Abby. 'I've none to mend, and not the smallest wish to be accepted into Bath, or any other, society. manners Georgette Heyer
3379141 She accepted the tea he had brought, with a word of thanks and a charming smile, but could not resist the impulse to ask him if he was not ravished by Neroli's voice. He replied promptly: 'Not entirely. A little too much , don't you agree?' 'Ah, I perceive that you are an expert!' said Abby, controlling a quivering lip. 'You must enlighten my ignorance, sir! What does that mean, if you please?' 'Well, my Latin is pretty rusty, but I sho.. Georgette Heyer
2cc27c9 She had every intention of maintaining her punctilious civility, and might have done so had he not said, as he took his seat beside her in the carriage he had hired for the evening: 'I wish I had ordered a hot brick to be provided.' 'Thank you, but there was not the least need to do so: I don't feel at all cold.' 'I daresay icebergs don't feel cold either, but I do! Georgette Heyer
17e5497 Hero might have enjoyed the evening spent at Almack's Assembly Rooms, but it had not been one of unmixed pleasure for her escort, while for one other person it had been an evening of almost unleavened annoyance. Miss Milborne, seeing the most ardent of her admirers enter the rooms with Hero on his arm, had suffered something in the nature of a shock. Never before had she seen George in attendance on any other lady than herself! When he came.. jealousy isabella-milborne hero-wantage love-triangle Georgette Heyer
8aa8d90 Downright malten-hearted, that's me!' 'Yes, but I don't think you are! Well, how could you be? You are a soldier!' 'Ay, and a terrible time I had of it, keeping in the rear,' he said, falling into reminiscent vein. 'When I wasn't being a Belem-ranger - that's what we - they! - used to call the fellows who were always going off to hospital in Lisbon, you know-' 'No doubt that's how you became a Major!' she interrupted. 'No, you're out th.. Georgette Heyer
94255e8 A man who would contract the mumps,' declared Cecilia, 'would do anything!' Lady Ombersley saw nothing unreasonable in this pronouncement, nor was she surprised that his lordship's unromantic behaviour had given Cecilia a distaste for him. regency Georgette Heyer
b083dc9 The Lady Serena, never remarkable for propriety, stared incredulously, and exclaimed: 'What in the world brings you here, I should like to know?' 'So should I!' retorted his lordship. 'How well we should have suited, Serena! So many ideas as we have in common! Georgette Heyer
bf8c9ba But if I find this Marquis don't know the difference between master and tyrant, not one penny will I settle on Emma, and we'll see what he and Sukey have to say to that!' 'I'm afraid, ma'am, that Emily's fortune is a matter of indifference to him.' 'Oh, it is, is it? Well, if Emily's been pushed into this against her will, I'll go up to London, and tell his lordship who I am, and what I mean to do, which is to hire a house in the best par.. Georgette Heyer
e6c801c skimble-skamble Georgette Heyer
683d61e Sit down, and I'll give you a drink. What would you like?' 'I'll have a Side-car, please. Georgette Heyer
50a31a3 Of all the abominable abbreviations I think Carrie the most repulsive! names nicknames Georgette Heyer
4700e73 And I should like to know why you talked of us to Mrs Scaling as though you had been our grandfather!' 'I feel like your grandfather,' he replied. Georgette Heyer
fbaa773 Does it occur to *you*, Miss Lanyon, that although i have twice been on the verge of it, I have not yet offered for you? Being now safe from interruption, will you do me the honour, ma'am -' proposal Georgette Heyer
9aa6e85 I find myself at one with Dr Johnson, who declared--did he not?--that one green field was just like another! Georgette Heyer
36f49a6 It was some time before Hero came downstairs, but after about half an hour she put in an appearance, still wearing her silk and gauze ball-dress, but with her jewels discarded and her curls a little ruffled. She came quickly into the room, a look of great distress in her face, and went towards Sherry with her hands held out, and saying impetuously: 'Oh, Sherry, it is so shocking! She has told me the whole, and I never thought anyone could b.. care compassion-and-kindness hero-wantage Georgette Heyer
8c759fe Vicky had enlivened the Sabbath by coming down to breakfast in abbreviated tennis-shorts, and a sleeveless shirt. Georgette Heyer
5d49345 Sherry was so much relieved to find that Hero had no wish to keep her unfortunate protege permanently in the spare bedroom that he agreed to this plan, even go so far as to hand over, upon demand, a bill to defray the cost of suitable baby clothes for the destitute infant. Hero thanked him warmly and went away to set Ruth's mind at rest, leaving Sherry to congratulate himself on having brushed through the business better than had at one tim.. hero-and-anthony thoughtfulness planning Georgette Heyer
5023b52 Hero, who had not failed to notice Miss Milborne's roses, and George's haggard appearance, took the earliest opportunity that offered of following him to his retreat. Her tender heart ached for the pain she knew him to be suffering. It was a pain she was not quite a stranger to, and her own susceptibility made it seem the more imperative to offer such comfort as she could to George. She found him sitting moodily on a small sofa, a glass of .. compassion-and-kindness george-wrotham hero-wantage Georgette Heyer
efeb300 I feel devilish,' said Mr Ringwood morosely. He added, with a flicker of spirit: 'At all events I have let my man shave me!' 'Yes,' admitted Ferdy, recalling with a shudder Mr Ringwood's appearance earlier in the day. 'If you had not, Gil, dear old fellow, I couldn't have dined with you. Couldn't have fancied a morsel!' He regarded the Belcher handkerchief with misgiving. 'And, dash it, I'm not sure I shall be able to fancy anything as it i.. ferdinand-fakenham gilbert-ringwood Georgette Heyer
65a1803 George, who had been standing gripping the back of a chair, demanded in a voice which boded ill for the absent Viscount. 'What has Sherry done to you?' "He has not done anything yet. That is why I had to run away, to prevent him! I could not bear it, I "could" not!' 'By God!' George swore, his brilliant eyes beginning to smolder. 'Only tell me!' Mr Ringwood emerged from his stupefaction at this point. He poured himself out some brandy, toss.. hero-wantage protectiveness Georgette Heyer
49328dd It may seem famous to you,' retorted Elinor, with some tartness, 'but I can assure you it does not to me! I have not the smallest desire to be married to your odious cousin! Georgette Heyer
ceb8acc Ferdy, who had been standing with his mouth open, staring, suddenly rose superbly to the occasion, and offered his arm to Hero with a graceful bow. 'Let me escort you back to the ballroom!' he said. 'Yes, but- Sherry, you must not mind George's kissing me!' said Hero, looking from one to the other in a little dismay. 'Indeed, there was not the least harm in it, was there, George?' 'Dear Kitten,' promptly replied George, bowing with even mor.. hero-wantage Georgette Heyer
50b04c0 She looked at Damerel. 'Well, my dear friend?' 'Well, my dear delight?' he returned, a glint in his eyes. 'Do you think you will make me unhappy?' 'I don't - but I will offer you on promises!' 'No, pray don't!' she said seriously. 'As soon as one promises not to do something it becomes the one thing avocet all others that one most wishes to do!' She turned her head towards he uncle again. ' You mean to warn me that he may continue to have m.. change orgies Georgette Heyer
469a053 Recollect that we have been acquainted for less than a month! You cannot, cousin, have fallen - formed an attachment in so short a time!' 'Nay, love, don't be so daft!' he expostulated. 'There's no sense in saying I can't do what I *have* done! Georgette Heyer
859503a Now, where will I come by a book on etiquette? You wouldn't know if his lordship's got on win the library, would you, love?' Her colour somewhat heightened, she disengaged herself from his embrace, saying: 'No, but I shouldn't think so. He has one about ranks and dignitaries and orders of precedency: is that what you mean?' 'Nay, that's no use to me! I want one that'll tell me how to behave correctly.' 'I am well aware that you are trying t.. proposal Georgette Heyer
0d672c9 You sent for me to lick me into shape, sir, because you couldn't stomach the thought that a regular rum 'un would step into your shoes, if naught was done to teach him how to support the character of a gentleman. Well, it may be that i'm not quite such a JackPudding as I let you think. I own, it was a ramshackle thing to do, but when I saw how there wasn't one amongst you that didn't believe I'd been reared in a hovel, I could no more resis.. Georgette Heyer
af33fd9 Get up, brat, and for the lord's sake, smooth your hair! You look the most complete romp!' Miss Wantage did her best to comply with this direction, but without any marked degree of success. Fortunately, the exigencies of the particular mode of hairdressing affected by his lordship obliged him to carry a comb upon his person. He produced this, dragged it through the soft, tangled curls, tied the hood-strings under Hero's chin, and, after a c.. hero-and-anthony hero-wantage nickname kitten Georgette Heyer
61d1012 The Viscount, meanwhile, conveyed Miss Wantage to a certain mantua-maker's establishment in Bond Street, where he was not unknown. Here, after a few moments' brief and startlingly frank colloquy with the astonished proprietress, he handed Miss Wantage over, to be fitted out as became her station. Nothing occurred to disturb the harmony of these proceedings, except a slight contretemps arising out of Miss Wantage's burning desire for a very .. necessities shopping Georgette Heyer
90956ac Nothing could have appealed more strongly to Miss Wantage's youthful taste, so as soon as she had changed the chip-straw hat for an Angouleme bonnet of white thread-net trimmed with lace, she sallied forth once more with Mr. Ringwood, tripping beside him with all the assurance of one who knew herself to be dressed in the pink of fashion. The Angouleme bonnet most becomingly framed her face; she had taken great pains to comb her curls into m.. hero-wantage shopping Georgette Heyer
db7f4b1 Later, when she appeared before him in the sea-green gauze, he stared at her in great surprise, and said: By Jove, he had never thought she could look so well! Encouraged by this tribute, Hero showed him a cloak of green sarsnet trimmed with swansdown, which she had purchased that morning, and upon his expressing his unqualified approval of this garment, confided, a little nervously, that she feared he might, when he came to see the bill, t.. hero-and-anthony hero-wantage Georgette Heyer
64f4e67 The Honorable Ferdy, who had been pondering at intervals all day how his cousin's wife came by such a peculiar name, now introduced a new note into the conversation by saying suddenly, 'Can't make it out at all! You're sure you've got that right, Sherry?' 'Got what right?' 'Hero,' said Ferdy, frowning. 'Look at it which way you like, it don't make sense. For one thing, a hero ain't a female, and for another it ain't a "name." At least,' he .. shakespeare hero-wantage name Georgette Heyer
ce0baa7 My Lord Rupert, who had been listening in rapt admiration to this speech, said in what he imagined to be a whisper: 'Wonderful, ain't it, Leonie? Never heard aught to equal it. The boy always talks like that, y'know. Georgette Heyer
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