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3c8f85d I daresay Freddy might not be a great hand at slaying dragons, but you may depend upon it none of those knight-errants would be able to rescue one from a social fix, and you must own, Meg, that one has not the smallest need of a man who can kill dragons! Georgette Heyer
6dc837c I'm really not quite as frippery a fellow as you seem to think! I own that in my grasstime I committed a great many follies and extravagances, but, believe me, I've long since out-grown them! I don't think they were any worse than what nine out of ten youngsters commit, but unfortunately I achieved, through certain circumstances, a notoriety which most young men escape. I was born with a natural aptitude for the sporting pursuits you regard.. gossip Georgette Heyer
f0d977e nothing makes one so cross as knowing one is in the wrong, does it? Georgette Heyer
83cc538 What brings you here, Kit? No wish to offend you, but not quite the thing, you know!' Her lip trembled. She replied with a catch in her voice: 'I am running away!' 'Oh, running away!' said Mr Standen, satisfied. Georgette Heyer
ce59411 Your strength lies in being precisely the kind of man who can procure one a chair when it has come on to rain. Georgette Heyer
0218e98 Why, her father would turn in his grave--well, as a matter of fact, he was cremated, but what I mean is, if he hadn't been he would have. [Ermyntrude] Georgette Heyer
283734f He would not object, he said, to accepting a post as a librarian. But as Cecilia was unable to imagine that her father or her brother would feel any marked degree of satisfaction in giving her in marriage to a librarian, this very handsome concession on Mr Fawnhope's part merely added to her despondency. librarians Georgette Heyer
eb446d7 Mrs Hendred did not like the people around her to be unhappy. Even the sight of a housemaid crying with the pain of the toothache made her feel low, for misery had no place in her comfortable existence; and when it obtruded itself on her notice it dimmed the warm sunshine in which she basked, and quite ruined her belief in a world where everyone was contented, and affluent, and cheerful. Georgette Heyer
a3cf246 I see you will have it, Mr. Jettan. I will meet you when and where you will." Philip patted his sword-hilt. "I have noticed, Mr. Bancroft, that you habitually don your sword. So I took the precaution of wearing mine. 'When' is now, and 'where' is yonder!" He pointed above the hedge that encircled the garden to the copse beyond. It was a very fine theatrical effect, and he was pleased with it." Georgette Heyer
b65a491 You absurd boy! Oh, Evelyn, I'm so thankful you've come, but what in the world has detained you? I've been sick with apprehension!" There was a quizzical gleam in the gentleman's eyes, but he said in accents of deep reproach: "Come, come, Mama - !" "It may be very well for you to say Come, come, Mama," she retorted, "but when you faithfully promised to return not a day later than -" She broke off, staring down at him in sudden doubt. Abando.. Georgette Heyer
2d1addf Well, it is very odd of you to threaten to throw your friends out of the window, I must say," remarked Juliana. He smiled. "Not at all. It is only my friends that I would throw out of the window." "Dear me!" said Juliana, finding the male sex incomprehensible. -Chapter XIII" men males windows Georgette Heyer
f9b9c21 What, sir, would you think of a member of the Weaker Sex who assumed the guise of a man, and left the home of her natural protector by way of the window?" "I should assume," replied Sir Richard, "that she had strong reasons for acting with such resolution." "She did not wish to marry me," said Mr. Griffin gloomily. "Oh!" said Sir Richard. "Well, I'm sure I can't see why she should be so set against me, but that's not it, sir. The thing is t.. Georgette Heyer
5cdf072 Yes, love," responded his sister cheerfully, "but it wasn't of the least consequence, and in any event I answered for you. You would be astonished, I daresay, if you knew what interesting conversations I enjoy with myself." Georgette Heyer
b0858fa I may have said that I wanted to have an adventure," replied Miss Thane. "But I never said that I wanted to be murdered in my bed." Georgette Heyer
60b0c93 Now, that,' said Sophy, 'I am very glad to know, because if ever I should desire to please you I shall know just how to set about it. I daresay I shan't, but one likes to be prepared for any event, however unlikely. Georgette Heyer
6b0badb Upon Mrs Scorton's reappearance, she found herself confronted, not by the fool of his family, but by the Honourable Frederick Standen, a Pink of the Pinks, who knew to a nicety how to blend courtesy with hauteur, and who informed her, with exquisite politeness, that he rather fancied his cousin was tired, and would like to be taken home. One of the uninvited guests, entering the box in Eliza's wake, ventured on a warm sally, found himself b.. Georgette Heyer
ba29ac4 I have never met the man who had vision large enough to appreciate my genius," he said simply. "Perhaps it was not to be expected." Georgette Heyer
7ba023f But where is my son? Where is the beautiful Miss Merriot? Georgette Heyer
0ed377a If I were a man I would kill you!" "If you were a man we wouldn't be having this conversation!" Georgette Heyer
fa9d806 I know it, and I wanted so much not to drag you into it!' said Kitty remorsefully. 'I thought, if only you knew nothing about it, it would serve as a reason for you to put an end to our engagement!' 'Yes, I know you did. Told me so, in that letter you wrote me. Dashed cork-brained notion! Stands to reason if you're in it I must be too. Georgette Heyer
c10bcbe You think I've got brains?' he said, awed. 'Not confusing me with Charlie?' 'Charlie?' uttered Miss Charing contemptuously. 'I daresay he has book-learning, but you have--you have address, Freddy!' 'Well, by Jove!' said Mr Standen, dazzled by this new vision of himself. Georgette Heyer
420f733 That *does* relieve my mind!' 'It might well - except that I fancy you don't care a straw how we may appear.' 'On the contrary! Think how much my credit would suffer!' She laughed, but shook her head. 'You don't care for that either. Or - or for anything, perhaps.' He was momentarily taken aback by this, but he replied without perceptible hesitation: 'Not profoundly.' She frowned, turning it over in her mind. 'Well, I can understand that th.. Georgette Heyer
a5f3829 I don't ask you - fribble!' snapped his lordship, rounding on him, with the speed of a whiplash. 'You may keep your tongue between your teeth!' "Yes, sir - happy to!' uttered Claud, dismayed. 'No wish to offend you! Thought you might like to be set right!' 'Thought I might like to be set right?' 'No, no! Spoke without thinking!' said Claud hastily. ' I know you don't!" -- humour regency Georgette Heyer
f0f9365 he never allowed himself to think about unpleasant things, which answered very well, and could be supported in times of really inescapable stress by his genius for persuading himself that any disagreeable necessity forced upon him by his own folly, or his son's overriding will, was the outcome of his own choice and wise decision. Georgette Heyer
8affa38 I am not in a heat at all,' Leonie said with great precision. 'I am of a coolness quite remarkable, and I would like to kill that woman. Georgette Heyer
2f15946 What a leg. What an air. A most engaging smile. Georgette Heyer
e2a8d8a You're Beau Wyndham! Well, I'll be damned!' 'The prospect,' said Sir Richard, bored, 'leaves me unmoved Georgette Heyer
6197501 Cecilia could have told him that Mr. Fawnhope's intrepidity sprang more from a sublime unconsciousness of the risk of infection than from any deliberate heroism; but since she was not in the habit of discussing her lover with her brother he continued in a happy state of ignorance, himself too practical a man to comprehend the density of the veil in which a poet could wrap himself. Georgette Heyer
62b1368 One or two of the villagers have seen it, too, though not as clearly as he did. Old Buttermere said it was a white *thing*, that glided over the ground, and vanished into the shrubbery.' 'And a very good place for it to vanish, too,' said Hugo, wholly unimpressed. 'Give me a sheet, and a night without too much moonlight, and I'll engage to do the same! Georgette Heyer
3362ca2 Yet, after all, Jenny thought she had been granted more than she hoped for when she married him. He did love her: differently, but perhaps more enduringly; and he had grown to depend on her. She thought that they would have many years of quiet content: never reaching the heights, but living together in comfort and deepening friendship. regency-romance Georgette Heyer
18e8366 If I must consort with rogues [...] I own I like them to be in the grand manner. villainy Georgette Heyer
0758597 may I have a workshop at Alver? For experiments? If I promise faithfully not to blow the house up? If you please, Cousin Alverstoke ... ? Georgette Heyer
ed423c2 Miss Darracott, an intelligent girl, now perceived that in harboring for as much as an instant the notion of marrying a man who fell so lamentably short of the ideal lover she was an irreclaimable ninnyhammer. Ideal lovers might differ in certain respects, but in whatever mold they were cast, not one of them was so unhandsome as to make it extremely difficult for one not to giggle at their utterances. This hopelessly overgrown and unromanti.. Georgette Heyer
f83bb3e there was something very taking in her face which owed nothing to the excellence of her features: an expression of sweetness, a sparkle of irrepressible fun, an unusually open look, quite devoid of self-consciousness. Georgette Heyer
6c994a4 It is abominable, Sophy!" "Yes, if the motive were not pure!" Georgette Heyer
fb79be9 The devil you have! There, it is off at last! You may have perceived that I have been tugging at your ring for the last ten minutes. It should, of course, have been cast at your feet some time ago, but the confounded thing was always too tight. Take it! An Infamous Army Georgette Heyer
63a35fa Dash it, they've got no heads!' 'No, but you see, Freddy, they are so very old! They have been damaged.' explained Miss Charing. 'Damaged! I should rather think so! They haven't got any arms either! Well, if this don't beat the Dutch! And just look at this, Kit!' humor Georgette Heyer
ad07b8b Eggs I must instantly have!" she announced. "And Lope de Vega I will not have, though in general a fine poet, but not in the kitchen!" Georgette Heyer
3740a68 You have no knowledge of me. You are to be pitied.' 'Envied, more like,' said his undutiful son. Georgette Heyer
9128e44 If you had not done such a shabby thing to me I would not have had you kidnapped. Georgette Heyer
e03975e Well, if you sat eating as though nothing mattered save your dinner I'm not surprised," said Juliana viciously. "If I were not so angry with her, the deceitful, sly wretch, I could pity her for all she must have undergone at your hands." "Seeing me eat was the least of her sufferings," answered the Marquis. "She underwent much, but it may interest you to know, Juliana, that she never treated me to the vapours, as you seem like to do." "Then.. Georgette Heyer
15b9bf5 I didn't sneer!" said Juliana hastily. "I'd no notion you behaved so dreadfully badly to her. You said you forced her aboard your yacht, but I never supposed that you really frightened her enough to make her fire at you. You need not be in a rage with me for saying so, Dominic, but when I saw Mary at your house she was so placid I made sure you'd not treated her so very brutally after all. Had you?" "Yes," said Vidal bluntly. He looked at J.. Georgette Heyer
8362c08 Inspector Harding] "...To start with, I know that the General didn't get on with his son, but seemed to prefer his nephew; I know that he disapproved violently of Miss de Silva, and behaved towards her with unparalleled cruelty." "How much?" interrupted Dinah. Harding replied with perfect gravity: "No absinthe, no shower in her bathroom..." "Did she tell you all that?" said Dinah. "Don't you think she's rather good value?" "Yes, but she.. Georgette Heyer
2df5574 One minute he stood transfixed, the next he uttered a crushing oath, and took a hasty stride forward. Mr Ringwood, recovering from his own stupefaction, closed with him, just as George, flushing vividly, sprang to his feet. Mr Ringwood said warningly. "For God's sake, dear boy, remember where you are! You can't choke George to death here!" humour regency Georgette Heyer
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