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af848e1 The sight which met her eyes held her frozen on the threshold, and the thought flashed across her mind that she knew now how it felt to die Georgette Heyer
6039786 You have had Ravenscar murdered, and hidden his body in my cellar!" uttered her ladyship, sinking into a chair. "We shall all be ruined! I knew it!" "My dear ma'am it is no such thing!" Deborah said amused. "He is not dead I assure you!" romance Georgette Heyer
275198d I knew you'd make a champion wife, love!' 'On the contrary! My husband will live under the cat's foot.' 'I'm very partial to cats,' offered the Major hopefully. Georgette Heyer
d490529 I like very few people nowadays; in fact, the number of persons whom I cordially dislike increases almost hourly. Georgette Heyer
a80ad54 I am shocked-- excessively shocked! Your father would have been very glad to have left his ring to Martin, let me tell you, only he thought it not right to leave it away from the heir!" "Was it indeed a personal bequest?" inquired Gervase, interested. "That certainly must be held to enhance its value. It becomes, in fact, a curio, for it must be quite the only piece of unentailed property which my father did bequeathe to me. I shall put it .. Georgette Heyer
7a4443a He shut the door, and stood looking across the room at her. 'Cressy, what did you mean when you told that harridan that your affections were engaged?' The colour deepened a little in her cheeks, but she replied lightly: 'Well, she talked so much like someone in a bad play that I became carried away myself! Besides, I had to say something to convince her! I could see she didn't quite believe me when I said I wasn't going to marry your brothe.. romance regency Georgette Heyer
f77ed49 Upon her butler's announcing the arrival of Mr Ravenscar, Lady Mablethorpe, who had been dozing over a novel from the Circulating Library, sat up with a jerk, and raised a hand to her dishevelled cap. Georgette Heyer
0f4c19e Not but what he deserves a sharp lesson! He very nearly made me drop these unfortunate kittens, mauling me about in that detestable way! There is *nothing* I dislike more!' 'I agree that he needs a lesson. I should rather suppose it to have been his first attempt. He ought, of course, to have got rid of the livestock,' said Damerel, taking the basket out of her hand, and setting it down, 'for while you were preoccupied with their safety wha.. rebuffed woo Georgette Heyer
4ecba04 Do you know, it has of late become an ambition of mine to hear my name on your lips instead of my title Georgette Heyer
908d312 I wish to God I might induce her to mind me!' he ejaculated. Georgette Heyer
39a18ed Who are you? Or should I first present myself to you? I'm Damerel, you know.' 'Yes, so I supposed, at the outset of our delightful acquaintance. Later, of course, I was sure of it.' 'Oh, oh - ! My reputation, Iago, my reputation!' he exclaimed, laughing again. Georgette Heyer
e2093eb Your solicitude overwhelms me,' returned Ravenscar. 'I own I had expected at least a loaf of bread and a jug of water in my dungeon - until I learned, of course, that you had some idea of starving me to death. Georgette Heyer
4a97137 She thought that Fontley had suffered as much from a negligent mistress as from an improvident master. Georgette Heyer
96cda17 Nothing more likely,"said Hannasyde. "I've got to try and rattle him." "It's him that'll do the rattling,"said the Sergeant darkly. "he's the nearest thing to a snake I've seen outside of the Zoo." -- humour humor Georgette Heyer
ee640c6 No one knows better than I how unworthy I am.' A sentimental sigh and an inarticulate murmur from Selina showed that this frank avowal had moved her profoundly. Upon Abby it had a different effect. 'Trying to take the wind out of my eye, Mr Calverleigh?' she said. If he was disconcerted he did not betray it, but answered immediately: 'No, but, perhaps - the words out of your mouth?' Privately, she gave him credit for considerable adroitness.. Georgette Heyer
e82d0d2 I must own, too, that I can't be astonished at his being vexed to death over this business. It is excessively awkward! However, he doesn't lay the blame for that at my door: you mustn't think that!" "I should think not indeed!" exclaimed Anthea between amusement and indignation. "How could he possibly do so?" "No, very true, my love!" agreed Mrs Darracott. "I thought that myself, but it did put me on the fidgets when Richmond said he wanted.. humour regency Georgette Heyer
a2ee151 They must have had a great deal of practice, though I don't think it can be wholly due to practice, do you? I never met a rake before, or thought much about it, but I should suppose that a man could scarcely become one - well, not a very successful one, at all events - if he were not naturally engaging. Georgette Heyer
b99364b The most she could wring from him was a promise that he would say nothing uncivil to Mrs Scorrier unless she offered him provocation, and with this she had to try at least to be satisfied. But as what Aubrey might regard as provocation depended to a large extent upon his mood her expectations were not high; Georgette Heyer
ae2c3e1 There is always a thought of marriage between a single female and a personable gentleman, if not in his mind, quite certainly in hers. Georgette Heyer
70d5394 Meg, as good-natured as her mother and brother, would have been amiable to anyone for whom her kindness had been solicited. Had she found herself confronted by a dazzling blonde she would not have spurned Kitty; but it could not be denied that the discovery that Miss Charing was a brunette immediately confirmed her in her conviction that she would like her prodigiously. Georgette Heyer
0af69d9 it is so stupid to say, as Edward does, that Aubrey ought to like what he detests, because other boys do. Aubrey is himself, and no one can alter him, so what is the use of saying he ought, when he won't? Georgette Heyer
a3c6c9b Mrs Hendred was a very pretty woman of great good-nature and much less than commonsense. Georgette Heyer
54b6dab She could only marvel at him. She had never possessed the key to his mind, and what circumstance it was that made him now so calmly confident was beyond her power to fathom. She did not believe him to be desperately in love with her; she could only suppose that having once made up his mind that she was the wife that would best suit him he had either grown too accustomed to the idea to be able easily to relinquish it, or that the good opinio.. Georgette Heyer
2ab9d65 This embittered thought brought to her mind the several occasions upon which she might, had she been the kind of female his lordship no doubt admired, have kindled his ardour by a display of sensibility, or even of heroism ... To have thrown herself between the foils, when she had surprised the Earl fencing with Martin, would certainly have been spectacular, but that it would have evoked anything but exasperation in the male breast she was .. Georgette Heyer
6810082 My goddess! My queen!' 'Oh, no, no, no!' He raised his head, smiling a little crookedly down at her. 'Do you dislike to hear yourself called so? There is nothing I would not do to please you, but you cannot help but be my goddess! You have been so these seven years!' 'Only a goddess could dislike it! You see by that how wretchedly short of the mark I fall. I have a little honesty - enough to tell you *now* that you must not worship me.' He .. Georgette Heyer
0f1d004 Humble myself? 'Fore Gad, you must be mad!" "Belike I am; but I tell you Tracy, that if your passion is love, 'tis a strange one that puts yourself first. I would not give a snap of a finger for it! You want this girl, not for her happiness, but for your own pleasure. That is not the love I once told you would save you from yourself. When it comes, you will count yourself as naught; you will realise your own insignificance, and above all, b.. love Georgette Heyer
bb544f0 She had herself been sadly disappointed, for she had thought him a man of sense, certainly not one to be succumbing to childish ailments at inopportune moments. Georgette Heyer
a7cc617 After eyeing her for a moment or two, he said: 'If you let this chance of achieving a respectable alliance slip, you are a bigger fool than I take you for, Hester!' Her eyes came round to his face, a smile quivered for an instant on her lips. 'No, how could that be, Papa? Georgette Heyer
b7c41fc So off had gone John to the wars again. But he had not remained for long in the position of a humble volunteer. Colonel Clifton, commanding the 1st Regiment of Dragoons, no sooner heard that Crazy Jack was back then he enrolled him as an extra aide-de-camp. humour regency Georgette Heyer
1bdc043 Believe me, it is quite unnecessary! I neither know nor care what it cost to redeem Lufra--and if you badger me on this very boring matter I shall not invite you to go with me when I try out my new team!" There was a moment's tense silence; then Jessamy raised his eyes, no longer glowing, but uncomfortably austere. "Very well, sir," he said quietly. "Will you tell me, if you please, what I owe you?" "No, young Stiff-rump! I will not!" sacrifice jessamy lufra cute Georgette Heyer
9107681 You* may call [Charis] angelic to be for ever trying to please everyone, and being sorry for those she *can't* please, but I don't! Addle-brained is what *I* call it!' 'Oh, no!' uttered Charis imploringly. 'Oh, yes!' he retorted. 'Told you so before! If you don't take care, Charis, you'll end by being sorry for yourself! All for the want of a little resolution! What if Mrs Dauntry and Frederica don't like it [a marriage between you and Endy.. Georgette Heyer
8a8056b But perhaps I might feel strange, and unlike myself. It wouldn't be comfortable, not to be acquainted with myself. Georgette Heyer
36445b2 The thought of his high and imposing father's regal progress to Harrowgate, and his very brief stay there, made Desford begin to chuckle again. He must remember, he told himself, to ask Poor Dear Papa, at a suitable moment, for his opinion of Harrowgate. Georgette Heyer
251f576 Creo que jamas aconsejaria a nadie que se diera por vencido, porque no soporto esa actitud tan debil. Georgette Heyer
7264304 You see, I am not pretty, not in the least, never was, and so I have to be odd. Nothing for it! It answers delightfully. Georgette Heyer
d8949fe Sir Tristram was contemplating with grim misgiving the prospect of encountering vivacity at the breakfast-table for the rest of his life... Georgette Heyer
0518e7a Raoul felt suddenly impatient. 'Heart of a man, if the Lady Elfrida will trust herself to me I will have her in spite of every customary usage!' 'There spoke the Norman,' Edgar said softly. 'Marauding, grasping, marking his prey! norman-conquest william-the-conqueror Georgette Heyer
78ecc33 He then, with great presence of mind, put a stop to any further recriminations by kissing her; and his indignant betrothed, apparently feeling that he was too deeply sunk in depravity to be reclaimable, abandoned (for the time being, at all events) any further attempt to bring him to a sense of his iniquity. kiss romance love regency-romance Georgette Heyer
71dcf4e Bustle about Noddy, or we shant be in time to snabble any of the lobster patties. regency Georgette Heyer
a071a71 Don't worry. Chivalry has practically no appeal for me whatsoever. -- Neville Fletcher mystery Georgette Heyer
e2d21e9 That's what you think of me, is it, girl?" said his lordship, a glint in his eyes. "Oh, no!" she responded, dropping him a curtsy. "It's what I , sir! You must know that my featherheaded Mama has taught me to behave with all the propriety in the world! To tell you what I of you would be to sink myself quite below reproach!" humor personal-opinions bantering opinion banter insults wit Georgette Heyer
96b527a Nothing doing. I've no doubt you think I should look noble as a sacrifice. But I've never wanted to look noble, and I won't be made to. -- Neville Fletcher mystery Georgette Heyer
114bb94 No, no I wouldn't annoy him for the world!" Aubrey said. "I do think he was quite pleased to see his little Aubrey, don't you? I have always regarded myself as the feminine influence in the family and quite definitely beneficent." Georgette Heyer
cdf68c9 As for Miss Merriville, Mr Trevor felt that she was very well able to take care of herself. He had been dazzled by her beautiful companion, but he retained a vague impression of a self-possessed female, with a slightly aquiline nose, and an air of friendly assurance. He did not think that she would be easily taken-in. Georgette Heyer
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