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a07e93c Seriously, don't even get me started on my hot bod. You don't want to see me naked, Dave. Seeing me naked actually took Hazel Grace's breath away,' he said, nodding toward the oxygen tank. John Green
3ca6e55 fqT ykh chyz twy dny mzkhrf tr z srTn dshtn dr shnzdh slgyst w an hm dshtn frzndy srTnyst. John Green
fe09f7a Where do you come up with these zingers, Clint? Do you own some kind of joke factory in Indonesia where you've got eight-year-olds working ninety hours a week to deliver you that kind of top-quality witticism? There are boy bands with more original material. sarcasm John Green
21b2e88 I don't want to hear another negative word about cheerleaders. If it weren't for cheerleaders, who would tell us when and how to be happy during athletic events? If it weren't for cheerleaders, how would America's prettiest girls get the exercise that's so vital to a healthy life? John Green
e3d8ef3 Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you. live love tfios-love waters tfios John Green
67a5854 I didn't know if I should hug him, and he didn't seem to know if he should hug me, so we just sort of stood there not touching, which to be honest is my preferred form of greeting. John Green
8ee5853 Every paper girl needs at least one string. John Green
bb1375d Look at all those cul-de-sacs, the streets that turn in on themselves all the houses that were built to fall apart. All those paper people in their paper houses burning the furniture to stay warm. All the paper kids drinking the beer some bum bought for them at the paper convenience store. Everyone demented with the mania of owning things. All the things paper-thin and paper-frail. John Green
a7e7bce No reason to be angry. Anger just distracts from the all-encompassing sadness. sadness John Green
7ea604f I'm telling you, Augustus Waters talked so much that he'd interrupt you at his own funeral. funny funeral John Green
d8080db She did not need to fold into herself and self-destruct. Those awful things are survivable, because we are as indestructible as we believe ourselves to be. When adults say, "Teenagers think the hate invincible," with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken." self-destruction John Green
9a3217d Doing wrong and having wrong things happen to you. That's the problem. Bolivar was talking about the pain, not about the living or dying. How do you get out of the labyrinth of suffering? John Green
b8523fa This is your war now.' I despised myself for the cheesy sentiment, but what else did I have? 'Some war,' he said dismissively. 'What am I at war with? My cancer. And what is my cancer? My cancer is me. The tumors are made of me. They're made of me as surely as my brain and my heart are made of me. It is a civil war, Hazel Graze, with a predetermined winner. tumor dying John Green
c081940 To be abandoned like that! Shut out when you most need to be loved. John Green
f660bfc Love is always a miracle, everywhere,every time. But for us, it's a little different. I don't want to say it's more miraculous,...It is though. miracle love John Green
97c8cc0 We fell. We got up. We ran. John Green
91ec366 You see how fake it all is. It's not even hard enough to be made out of plastic. It's a paper town. I mean look at it Q: look at all those cul-de-sacs, those streets that turn in on themselves, all the houses, burning the future to stay warm. All the paper kids drinking beer some bum bought for them at the paper convenience store. Everyone demented with mania of owning things. All the things paper-thin and paper-frail. And all the people to.. John Green
528c122 We have a bad habit of seeing books as sort of cheaply made movies where the words do nothing but create visual narratives in our heads. holden-caulfield the-catcher-in-the-rye imagery language John Green
974c096 So dawn goes dawn goes down to day, nothing gold can stay." "without pain how could we know joy?" "Come quickly I tasting the stars" "I fell in love the way you fall asleep:slowly, and then all at once" "What a slut time is she srews everybody." John Green
a4cd58c I want to see you again tonight. But I'm willing to wait all night and much of tomorrow. John Green
b25d03f Margo was so beautiful that even her fake smiles were convincing. (54) margo-roth-spiegelman paper-towns John Green
6435d98 Tiny, the next time that you try to set me up with a girl with a secret boyfriend can you at least INFORM me that she has a secret boyfriend? Also, if you don't call me back within five minutes, I'm going to assume you found a way back to Evanston. Furthermore, you are an asshat. That is all. John Green
3fb8c58 He puts the killing thing in his mouth but doesn't give it the power to kill him. John Green
e13f623 there is no best and no worst, ...those judgments have no real meaning because there is only what is John Green
42fa1ca I'll write you an epilogue, I will, I will. Better than any shit that drunk could write. His brain is Swiss cheese. He doesn't even remember writing the book. I can write ten times the story that guy can. There will be blood and guts and sacrifice. An Imperial Affliction meets The Price of Dawn. You'll love it. John Green
cceb64c That's what I realized: if I did get her back somehow, she wouldn't fill the hole that losing her created. John Green
a2c1880 The beautiful thing about driving was that it stole just enough of his attention - car parked on the side, maybe a cop, slow to speed limit, time to pass this sixteen-wheeler, turn signal, check rearview, crane neck to check blind spot and yes, okay, left lane. John Green
3239654 Estoy enamorado de ti, y no estoy en el negocio de negarme el simple placer de decir cosas verdaderas. Estoy enamorado de ti, y se que este amor es solo un grito en el vacio, y este olvido es inevitable, y que estamos todos condenados y que vendra un dia cuando todo nuestro trabajo sea polvo, y se que el sol se tragara la unica tierra que alguna vez tendremos, y estoy enamorado de ti. John Green
aed224f I want to minimize the number of deaths I am responsible for, John Green
7d1b8bc Everything that comes together falls apart John Green
a95f1af I don't care if the New York Times writes an obituary for me. I just want you to write one. ... You say you're not special because the world doesn't know about you, but that's an insult to me. I know about you. relationship love obituary John Green
0b0fd96 I believe now that we are greater than the sum of our parts. John Green
0fe59fe The world went on, as it does, without my full participation, and I only woke up from the reverie when someone said my name. John Green
56a45a3 This is the Homosexuality Is An Abomination Club, right? John Green
93effbd If I could just stay alive for a week, I'd know the unwritten secrets of Anna's mom and the Dutch Tulip Guy. gus hazel-grace-lancaster john-green hazel-grace the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
0ccc036 You know what's lame, Pudge? I really care about her. I mean, we were hopeless. Badly matched. But still. I mean, I said I loved her... I mean, it's stupid to miss someone you didn't even get along with. but I don't know, it was nice, you know, having someone you could always fight with. John Green
2fce476 I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you. romance love john-green-quotes tfios John Green
986fbb4 He presses his forehead down on the podium and I watched his shoulders shake, and then finally, he said, "Goddamn it, Augustus, editing your own eulogy." "Don't swear in the Literal Heart of Jesus," Gus said." John Green
5b13ee0 I didn't know whether to feel angry at her for making me part of her suicide or just to feel angry at myself for letting her go. suicide John Green
cda9eee Sometimes I wondered why she liked me, or at least tolerated me. Why any of them did. Even I found myself annoying. John Green
c0d83c6 There's your labyrinth of suffering. We are all going. Find your way out of that maze. John Green
b48b521 Just before you went into the ICU, I started to feel this ache in my hip." "No," I said. Panic rolled in, pulled me under. He nodded. "So I went in for a PET scan." He stopped. He yanked the cigarette out of his mouth and clenched his teeth. Much of my life had been devoted to trying not to cry in front of people who loved me, so I knew what Augustus was doing. You clench your teeth. You look up. You tell yourself that if they see you cry, .. John Green
6ffc240 How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" In reality, "How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" were probably not Simon Bolivar's last words (although he did, historically, say them). His last words may have been "Jose! Bring the luggage. They do not want us here." The significant source for "How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" is also Alaska's source, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's The General in his Labyrinth." John Green
ee62dba Todo el mundo se acostumbra a la belleza, sin embargo." Yo no me he acostumbrado a ti todavia" John Green