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2eb47c3 You know, like when you look in the mirror and the thing you see is not the thing as it really is. John Green
ec0fc05 How about I call you when I finish this?" "But you don't even have my phone number," he said. "I strongly suspect you wrote it in the book." He broke out into that goofy smile. "A nd you say we don't know each other." John Green
3e9e403 Why are breakfast food breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast?" "Hazel, eat." "But why?" I asked. "I mean seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich." John Green
d1ea006 You don't give a shit if people like you. paper-towns John Green
7b53e01 I could imagine it. I could remember it. But I couldn't see it again, and it occured to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again. dreams hazel-grace John Green
ef06e80 There will come a time," I said, "when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this"--I gestured encompassingly--"will have been for naug.. John Green
cae29d6 You couldn't be more wrong," I said. "You are buying into the cross-stitched sentiments of your parents' throw pillows. You're arguing that the fragile, rare thing is beautiful simply because it is fragile and rare. But that's a lie, and you know it." "You're a hard person to comfort," Augustus said. "Easy comfort isn't comforting," I said." John Green
5104436 The Colonel's hand was so little, and I grabbed it tight, his cold seeping into me and my warmth into him. 'I memorized the populations,' he said. John Green
9bfedee But it was only hot outside, and generally I only walked outside between one air-conditioned place to another. John Green
f54667d I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simplest pleasure of existence. John Green
3c3dd60 There is always the risk: something is good and good and good and good, and then all at once it gets awkward. All at once, she sees you looking at her, and then she doesn't want to joke around with you anymore, because she doesn't want to seem flirty, because she doesn't want you to think she likes you. It's such a disaster, whenever, in the course of human relationships, someone begins to chisel away at the wall of separation between frien.. John Green
1b0655f What else? She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers. I do, Augustus. I do. love hurting John Green
051332b I just want to fly under the radar, because when you start to make yourself into a big deal, that's when you get shot down. John Green
20d7915 Dr. Singh told me once that if you have a perfectly tuned guitar and a perfectly tuned violin in the same room, and you pluck the D string of a guitar, then all the way across the room, the D string on the guitar will also vibrate. I could always feel my mother's vibrating strings. John Green
f1eb4af It's not about life or death, the labyrinth. John Green
824c2b0 I guess I had a hamartia after all. hamartia John Green
c87408c O okurken uykuya dalar gibi asik oldum: Once yavas yavas sonra bir anda. türkçe John Green
634755f Now i did think, The smoke will drive the bugs away. And, to some degree,it did. I'd be lying, though, if I claimed I became a smoker to ward off insects.I became a smoker because 1. I was on an Adirondack swing by myself, and 2. I had cigarettes, and 3.I figured that if everyone else could smoke a cigarette without coughing, I could damn well, too.In short, I didn't have a very good reason. So yeah, let's just say that was the bugs. I.. smoker smoke nausea John Green
b865270 She smiled with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, "Y'all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die." - Alaska" John Green
55d7eea So Friday? Do you have plans for Friday?" And then I laughed, because the Colonel and I didn't have plans for this Friday, or for any other Friday for the rest of our lives." John Green
2939de4 From the front Rdar announces, "Don't you go talking bad about GoFast bars. Do you want me to stop this car?" "Whenever I eat a GoFast bar," Ben says, "I'm always like, 'So this is what blood tastes like to mosquitoes." paper-towns John Green
2a6c424 I was so tired of her getting upset for no reason. The way she would get sulky and make references to the freaking oppressive nature of tragedy or whatever but then never said what was wrong, never have any goddamned reason to be sad. And I just think you ought to have a reason. My girlfriend dumped me, so I'm sad. I got caught smoking, so I'm pissed off. My head hurts, so I'm cranky. She never had a reason, Pudge. I was just so tired of pu.. John Green
34623a7 The whole passage was underlined in bleeding, water-soaked black ink. But there was another ink, this one a crisp blue, post-flood, and an arrow led from "How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" to a margin note written in her loop-heavy cursive: Straight & Fast." John Green
865a985 Language buries, but does not resurrect. John Green
3c32d7f That's why I like you... You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. John Green
5fcad17 Colin, I hate to fulfill the Theorem, but I don't think we should be involved romantically. The problem is that I secretly in love with Hassan. I can't help myself. I hold your bony shoulder blades in my hands and think of his fleshy back. I kiss your stomach and I think of his awe-inspiring gut. I like you, Colin, I really do. But-I'm sorry. It's just not going to work. I hope we can still be friends. Sincerely, Lindsey Lee Wells P.. John Green
67b7659 A Hazel e diferente. Ela caminha com leveza, velhote. Caminha com leveza sobre a Terra. A Hazel sabe a verdade: Somos tao capazes de magoar o universo como de o ajudar, e nao e provavel que facamos qualquer uma das coisas. As pessoas dirao que e triste que ela deixe uma cicatriz menor, que menos pessoas a recordarao, que ela foi profundamente amada mas de modo menos amplo. Mas nao e triste, Van Houten. E triunfante. E heroico. Nao sera isso.. romance the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
719e479 Sono innamorato di te, e non sono il tipo da negare a me stesso il semplice piacere di dire cose vere. Sono innamorato di te, e so che l'amore non e che un grido nel vuoto, e che l'oblio e inevitabile, e che siamo tutti dannati e che verra un giorno in cui tutti i nostri sforzi saranno ridotti in polvere, e so che il sole inghiottira l'unica terra che avremo mai, e sono innamorato di te. John Green
cda77af Dude," said Hassan softly. "Khanzeer." (Arabic:Pig) "Matha, al-khanazeer la yatakalamoon araby?" Colin asked. (Arabic: What, pigs don't speak Arabic?" "That's no pig," answered Hassan in Enlgish. "That's a goddamned monster." The pig stopped its rotting and looked up at them. "I mean. Wilbur is a fugging pig. Babe is a fugging pig. That thing was birthed from the loins of Iblis." (Arabic: Satan) It was clear now the pig could see them. Col.. John Green
75aefc0 Getting you a date to prom is so hard that the hypothetical idea itself is actually used to cut diamonds. John Green
146c290 La seule chose qui craint plus que de mourir d'un cancer a seize ans, c'est d'avoir un gosse qui meurt d'un cancer. John Green
8d58c0b Cher Monsieur Waters, Je recois votre courrier electronique en date du 14 avril dernier et suis comme il se doit impressionne par la complexite shakespearienne de votre drame. Chaque personnage dans votre histoire a une harmatia en beton. La sienne : etre trop malade. La votre : etre trop bien portant. Fut-ce le contraire, vos etoiles n'auraient pas ete aussi contrariees, mais c'est dans la natures des etoiles d'etre contrariees. A ce propo.. John Green
6a61aad The gray paint peels off the wall in odd and beautiful patterns, each cracked polygon of paint a snowflake of decay. young-adult imagery John Green
b863a6d Sans souffrance, comment connaitre la joie? (Un point de vue que j'avais toujours trouve d'une stupidite et d un manque de finesse inouis. Pour le demontrer, il suffisait de dire que, meme si le brocoli existait, ca n'empechait pas le chocolat d'etre bon.) John Green
0186df5 Estou apaixonado por ti e sei que o amor e apenas um grito no vazio e que o esquecimento e inevitavel e que estamos todos condenados e que chegara o dia em que todo o nosso esforco sera devolvido ao po, e eu sei que o sol ira engolir a unica Terra que alguma vez teremos, e eu estou apaixonado por ti. John Green
84e75fa Diante deste edificio aprendo uma coisa sobre o medo. Aprendo que nao se trata de fantasias ociosas de alguem que talvez queira que lhe aconteca algo de importante, mesmo que a coisa importante seja horrivel. Nao e o nojo de ver um estranho morto (...) . Este medo nao tem comparacao com qualquer medo por que alguma vez tenha passado. Esta e a emocao mais primaria, o sentimento que estava connosco antes mesmo de existir-mos (...). Foi este m.. John Green
546103c It's a song soldiers in England used to sing to the tune of the New Year's song, "Auld Lang Syne." It goes, "We're here because we're here because we're here because we're here." John Green
d741567 Sempre que he pensat en la mort d'aquell home, [...] l'he imaginat com vas dir tu, que se li van trencar totes les cordes de dins. Pero hi ha mil maneres de mirar-s'ho: potser es trenquen les cordes, o potser s'enfonsa el nostre vaixell, o potser som herba, i les arrels son tan interdependents que ningu no es mor mentre encara hi hagi algu viu. El que dic es que, de metafores, en tenim tantes com vulguem. Pero s'ha de vigilar la que es tria.. John Green
3000130 Tothom acaba marxant, vaig pensar. [...] Res no es etern, ni tan sols la Terra. Segons el que haviem apres, el Buda deia que el patiment era consequencia del desig, i que la desaparicio del desig implicava la desaparicio del patiment. Si deixes de desitjar que les coses no es morin, deixaras de patir per si es moren. Algun dia ningu no es recordara de la seva existencia, vaig escriure a la meva llibreta. Ni de la meva. Perque els records ta.. John Green
7faa1f4 I may not have facts on my side, Hank, but I still think I'm right. That's the American way. John Green
b4e70dc Never go to war with a noun. You will always lose. John Green
2f59ca3 The Venn Diagram of guys who don't like smart girls and guys you don't want to date is a circle. John Green
eddfd42 Is the labyrinth living or dying? Which is he trying to escape--the world or the end of it?" John Green
5ee7a74 God will punish the wicked. And before He does, we will." John Green