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eb8d638 And then it was the kind of dark your eyes never adjust to. john-green John Green
e623b99 you say you don't want pity, but your very existence depends upon it. John Green
3d7efdc I began to swim, an armless silver mermaid, using only my hips to generate motion, until finally my ass scraped against the lake's mucky bottom. I turned then and used my hips and waist to roll three times, until I came ashore near a ratty green towel. They'd left me a towel. How thoughtful. John Green
3e89387 In the end it reveals a lot more about the person doing the imagining than it does about the person being imagined. John Green
d5e2a7d In the ensuing silence, I have time to contemplate the word cute-- how dismissive it is, how it's the equivalent of calling someone little, how it makes a person into a baby, how the word is a neon sign burning through the dark reading, "Feel Bad About Yourself." John Green
01db9c0 I always liked routine. I suppose I never found boredom very boring. John Green
cae02f5 That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps. John Green
ce5a52f I left the only way you can leave. You pull your life off all at once - like a Band-Aid. paper-towns leaving John Green
7e21348 All salvation is temporary John Green
1e5d4f6 Nothing was happening, really, but the moment was thick with mattering John Green
aa81963 Oh no you didn't," Radar says when I show him why we're laughing. "Ben Starling, you better not have bought your token black friend a racist shirt." radar quentin-jacobsen paper-towns John Green
df9c08a She loved mysteries so much, that she became one quentin-jacobsen John Green
2ffb6f7 The important thing is not whatever nonsense the voices are saying, but what the voices are feeling. John Green
bf4464d Te sientes mejor? le pregunto. No murmuro Isaac. Es lo que pasa con el dolor dijo Augustus. Volvio la mirada hacia mi y anadio: Hay que sentirlo. John Green
095ef52 I came to the conclusion a while ago that there is nothing romantic or supernatural about loving someone: Love is the privilege of being responsible for another. John Green
771540f AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!' he screamed. 'So that's Sara,' I said. 'Yes.' 'She seems nice. funny colonel miles john-green pudge looking-for-alaska John Green
da6f44b The whole pleasure of being in a state of unknowing is that as long as you don't know, all possible outcomes feel as if they are happening. John Green
b75ff10 The risen sun too bright in her losing eyes. That's God, I think, the rising sun and the light is too bright and her eyes are losing but they aren't lost. I don't believe we return to haunt or comfort the living or anything, but I think something becomes of us. John Green
c37eb66 We're going to get gored to death by a feral fugging hog and your best strategy is to pretend it's a grizzly bear? John Green
a73f517 Between the three of us, we have five legs, four eyes & two & a half working pairs of lungs. hazel-grace-lancaster tfios John Green
4acc2b6 I didn't want to look at them, so I looked away, and to look away was to look at Augustus. John Green
f2b684a She's just playing a trick on us. This is just an Alaska Young Prank Extraordinaire. It's Alaska being Alaska, funny and playful and not knowing when or how to put on the brakes. John Green
685a857 There's no need to suffer. Which I'd argue is just a fundamental misunderstanding of the human predicament, but okay. John Green
08453b8 It's gas! It's gonna blow!" Ben shouts. He throws open the passenger door and takes off, running in a panic. He hurdles a split-rail fence and tears across a hay field. I get out as well, but not in quite the same hurry. Radar is outside, too, and as Ben hauls ass, Radar is laughing. "It's the beer," he says." John Green
e22d982 Dutch is not so much a language as an ailment of the throat. John Green
55d7911 Who cares if she can kiss? She can see through the clouds. love John Green
712d6c4 What?" I asked. "Nothing," he said. beauty quote john-green hazel John Green
3a5ab12 She cannot possibly be dead, people do not just die John Green
df2e308 So much depends upon the transparent G-tube erupting from the gut of the blue-lipped boy. So much depends upon this observer of the universe"......."And you say you don't write poetry." John Green
6169fe0 I am awful. I am heartless. I am scared that these things are actually true. John Green
89ce0b3 We landed, in fact, parallel to a canal, like there were two runways: one for us and one for waterfowl. John Green
1082dfb That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt... John Green
f8c4fc3 Getting pissed wouldn't fix it. Damn it. John Green
b4ad906 And imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present. John Green
5f94ae0 They were angry, I thought. Horrified. These teenagers, with their hormones, making out beneath a video broadcasting the shattered voice of a former father. John Green
d00d467 My parents were my two best friends. My third best friend was an author who did not know I existed. the-fault-in-our-start John Green
7db5064 The abbreviated exam week meant that Wednesday was the last day of school for us. And all day long, it was hard not to walk around, thinking about the lastness of it all. John Green
a4c3750 The marks humans leave are too ofter scars. John Green
e26defc And I agreed, but still, she owed us an explanation. If she was up there, down there, out there, somewhere, maybe she would laugh. John Green
f9734d0 My stomach sank. JP had come so close. His immigrant parents had sacrificed so much. John Green
86d97e0 I lit up like a Christmas tree-Augustus Waters sad John Green
887619a You're amazing, and I so want to be your boyfriend, because of what you just said, and also because that shirt makes me want to take you home and do unspeakable things while we watch live-action Sailor Moon videos John Green
0fd157f You're not a little kid anymore. You need to make friends, get out of the house, and live your life. John Green
5317c7f The pigs can't stop the fox; I'm too quick,' Takumi said to himself. "I can rhyme while I run; I'm that slick." funny miles takumi pudge looking-for-alaska John Green