This river is famed in atrocious song and verse; the most prevalent motif is one which attempts to make of the river an ersatz father figure. Actually, the Mississippi River is a treacherous and sinister body of water whose eddies and currents yearly claim many lives. I have never known anyone who would even venture to stick his toe in its polluted waters, which seethe with sewage, industrial waste, and deadly insecticides. Even the fish ar..
John Kennedy Toole |
He resented my worldview rather actively.
John Kennedy toole |
This had been a very productive morning, he thought. He had not accomplished so much in weeks. Looking at the Big Chief tablets that made a rug of Indian headdresses around the bed, Ignatius thought smugly that on their yellowed pages and wide-ruled lines were the seeds of a magnificent study in comparative history. Very disordered, of course. But one day he would assume the task of editing these fragments of his mentality into a jigsaw puz..
John Kennedy Toole |
Just look at my sweater, you disgusting monster." "Only the most flamboyant offal would be seen in a miscarriage like that. You must have some shame or at least some taste in dress."
John Kennedy Toole |
Shifting from one hip to the other in his lumbering, elephantine fashion, Ignatius sent waves of flesh rippling beneath the tweed and flannel, waves that broke upon buttons and seams. Thus
John Kennedy Toole |
After all, I do not believe that one must necessarily scrape bottom, as it were, in order to view his society subjectively. Rather than moving vertically downward, one may move horizontally outward toward a point of sufficient detachment where a modicum of creature comforts are not necessarily precluded.
John Kennedy Toole |
A incapacidade de contactar com a realidade e a caracteristica de toda a <> americana. Qualquer semelhanca entre a arte americana e a natureza americana e pura coincidencia, mas isso acontece apenas porque a nacao, no seu conjunto, nao tem contacto com a realidade.
John Kennedy Toole |
I thought that the vibrissae about my nostrils detected something unique while I was outside.
John Kennedy Toole |
I consider the trumpet a good investment, although our neighbor, Miss Annie, does not. If she beats on my shutters again, I'll pour water on her.
John Kennedy Toole |
My excellence confused them
John Kennedy Toole |
mn nmykhwm <> rw bbynm. khwshbyny b`th myshh Hlt thw` bgyrm. mnHrfnhst. nsn b`d z hbwT yn dny fqT lyqt bdbkhty rw drh.
John Kennedy Toole |
lbth khr chndny b anh ndshtm, chr khh mn jz b hmty khwd grm nmygyrm w z anjyy khh hmtyy ndrm b khsy hm grm nmygyrm.
John Kennedy Toole |
Saltando vigorosamente de costado, Ignatius percibio que ascendia por su garganta un eructo, pero cuando abrio esperanzado la boca, solo emitio un leve soplido. Aun asi, los saltos tuvieron ciertos efectos fisiologicos. Ignatius acaricio la modesta ereccion que apuntaba en las sabanas. La atrapo con la mano y se quedo quieto intentando decidir que hacer. En esta posicion, con el camison rojo de franela alrededor del pecho y el vientre inmen..
John Kennedy Toole |
When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occassional cheese dip. -- John Kennedy Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces
John Kennedy Toole |
A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head.
John Kennedy Toole |
Leaving New Orleans also frightened me considerably. Outside of the city limits the heart of darkness, the true wasteland begins.
John Kennedy Toole |
Fortuna wished to make amends. Somehow she had summoned and flushed Myrna minx from a subway tube, from some picket line, from the pungent bed of some Eurasian existentialist, from the hands of some epileptic Negro Buddhist, from the verbose midst of a group therapy session.
John Kennedy Toole |
To you character is a psychosis. Integrity is a complex.
John Kennedy Toole |
Attacked by a bird," Mrs. Reilly wept. "That hadda happen to you, Ignatius. Nobody never gets attacked by a bird."
John Kennedy Toole |
This was the sort of girl who should be attending college, not ones like that dreadful Minkoff girl, that brutal and slovenly girl who had almost been raped by one of the janitors just outside of his office. Dr. Talc shuddered at the very thought of Miss Minkoff. In class she had Insulted and challenged and vilified him at every turn, egging the Reilly monster to join in the attack. He would never forget those two; no one on the faculty eve..
John Kennedy Toole |
Mrs. Reilly looked at her son slyly and asked, "Ignatius, you sure you not a communiss?" "Oh, my God!" Ignatius bellowed. "Every day I am subjected to a McCarthyite witch-hunt in this crumbling building. No! I told you before. I am not a fellow traveler. What in the world has put that into your head?" "I read someplace in the paper where they got plenty communiss at college." "Well, fortunately I didn't meet them. Had they crossed my path, ..
John Kennedy Toole |
This guy was a real Pscyho' Mr. Levy said. 'To you character is a psychosis, integrity is a complex. I've heard it all before.
John Kennedy Toole |
I should perhaps warn you that I am about to faint from anxiety and general depression, though. The film I saw last night was especially grueling, a teenage beach musical. I almost collapsed during the singing sequence on surfboard. In addition, I suffered through two nightmares last night, one involving a Scenicruiser bus. The other involved a girl of my acquaintance. It was rather brutal and obscene. If I described it to you, you would no..
John Kennedy Toole |
Already the lecture is beginning to interest several dedicated people I know. One person who has promised to come (and bring several sharp friends, too) is a brilliant new contact I made during rush hour on the Jerome Avenue line. His name is Ongah, and he is an exchange student from Kenya who is writing a dissertation at N.Y.U. on the French symbolists of the 19th cent. Of course, you would not understand or like a brilliant and dedicated ..
John Kennedy Toole |
What you think about somebody wants peace, Claude?" "That sounds like a communiss to me." Mrs."
John Kennedy Toole |
I am the avenging sword of taste and decency,
John Kennedy Toole |
I refuse to 'look up.' Optimism nauseates me. It is perverse. Since man's fall, his proper position in the universe has been one of misery.
John Kennedy Toole |
Once in high school someone had shown him a pornographic photograph, and he had collapsed against a watercooler, injuring his ear. This photograph was far superior.
John Kennedy Toole |
You know, manacles and chains have functions in modern life which their fevered inventors must never have considered in an earlier and simpler age. If I were a suburban developer, I would attach at least one set to the walls of every new yellow brick ranch style and Cape Cod split level. When the suburbanites grew tired of television and Ping-Pong or whatever they do in their little homes, they could chain one another up for a while. Everyo..
John Kennedy Toole |
Miss O'Hara certainly had to cast her pearls before a dismal lot of swine, who looked like the type of vague, drawn old men who molested children at matinees.
John Kennedy Toole |
El senor Gonzalez, mi <>, aunque sea bastante cretino, resulta, sin embargo, bastante agradable. Parece que siempre esta atemorizado, demasiado, desde luego, para criticar la tarea de cualquier trabajador. En realidad, es capaz de aceptar casi cualquier cosa, y es, por tanto, atractivamente democratico, a su modo subnormal.
John Kennedy Toole |
Claude is dumb. Okay. I'll grant you that. Claude is all the time worrying me about them communiss. Okay. Maybe he don't know nothing about politics. But I ain't worried about politics. I'm worried about dying halfway decent. Claude can be kind to a person, and that's more than you can do with all your politics and all your graduating smart. For everything nice I ever done for you, I just get kicked around. I want to be treated nice by some..
John Kennedy Toole |
She had driven him downtown in the old Plymouth, and while she was at the doctor's seeing about her arthritis, Ignatius had bought some sheet music at Werlein's for this trumpet and a new string for his lute. Then he had wandered into the Penny Arcade on Royal Street to see whether any new games had been installed. He had been disappointed to find the miniature mechanical baseball game gone. Perhaps it was only being repaired. The last time..
John Kennedy Toole |
Ignatius, was you wearing that cap when you spoke to the insurance man?" "Of course I was. That office was improperly heated. I don't know how the employees of that company manage to stay alive exposing themselves to that chill day after day. And then there are those fluorescent tubes baking their brains out and blinding them. I did not like the office at all. I tried to explain the inadequacies of the place to the personnel manager, bu..
John Kennedy Toole |
I dust a bit," Ignatius told the policeman. "In addition, I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip."
John Kennedy Toole |
She offered Patrolman Mancuso a torn and oily cake box that looked as if it had been subjected to unusual abuse during someone's attempt to take all of the doughnuts at once. At the bottom of the box Patrolman Mancuso found two withered pieces of doughnut out of which, judging by their moist edges, the jelly had been sucked.
John Kennedy Toole |
I don't believe that my particular body structure is easily adaptable to that type of device,
John Kennedy Toole |
I will probably spend years at the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital having this attended to," Ignatius said, fingering his ear. "You may expect to receive some rather staggering medical bills each month. My corps of attorneys will contact you in the morning wherever it is that you carry on your questionable activities. I shall warn them beforehand that they may expect to see and hear anything. They are all brilliant attorneys, pillars of..
John Kennedy Toole |
John Kennedy Toole |
For the contemporary period, you should study some selected comic books." "You're fantastic." "I recommend Batman especially, for he tends to transcend the abysmal society in which he's found himself. His morality is rather rigid, also. I rather respect Batman."
John Kennedy Toole |
Parce que, a sa facon de causer, on voyait bien que le gars etait alle tres longtemps a l'ecole. C'etait probablement ce qui l'avait rendu dingue.
John Kennedy Toole |
For Christmas, Mrs. Levy always compiled not a gift list but rather a list of the injustices and brutalities she had suffered since August. The girls got this list in their stockings. The only gift Mrs. Levy asked of the girls was that they attack their father. Mrs. Levy loved Christmas.
John Kennedy Toole |
I was in the Pre-School Play section, but we never played like the name said. We had to listen to stories some old woman read to us out of a grownup book that we didn't understand.
John Kennedy Toole |
When we have at last overthrown all existing governments, the world will enjoy not war but global orgies conducted with the utmost protocol and the most truly international spirit, for these people do transcend simple national differences. Their minds are on one goal; they are truly united; they think as one.
John Kennedy Toole |