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a71efac even if we can't change the big picture, our choices can alter the details. That's how we rebel against destiny, Rick Riordan
b7efc61 It almost made me long for the flying pig. --Percy the-last-olympian Rick Riordan
adf1518 He fixed his dark eyes on her. 'I am Kekrops, the first and eternal king of Athens. I would welcome you to my city.' He held up the covered platter. ' Also, I brought a Bundt cake.' Piper glanced at her friends. 'A trick?' 'Probably?' Annabeth said. 'At least he brought dessert.' Percy smiled down at the snake guys. 'Welcome aboard! greek-gods blood-of-olympus piper rick-riordan Rick Riordan
3a2afa5 Death has more in common with Love than you might imagine. Rick Riordan
b9852ed I try very hard to be annoying. Don't insult my ability to annoy. leo-valdez Rick Riordan
dd0bee9 The crew gathered for a hurried meeting on the foredeck - mostly because Percy was keeping an eye on a giant red sea serpent swimming off the port side. 'That thing is really red,' Percy muttered. 'I wonder if it's cherry-flavoured.' 'Why don't you swim over and find out?' Annabeth asked. 'How about no. the-blood-of-olympus percy-jackson Rick Riordan
bbd8c3f Zoe ordered the Hunters to start loading. She picked up her camping pack, and Apollo said, "Here, sweetheart. Let me get that." Zoe recoiled. Her eyes flashed murderously. "Brother," Artemis chided. "You do not help my Hunters. You do not look at, talk to, or flirt with my Hunters. And you do call them sweetheart." artemis zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
c58c5e4 that's me. ancient history." [Poseidon to Paul]" Rick Riordan
2299113 Your voice is your identity. Rick Riordan
2be4b6d Yeah, okay. But, Nico, you choose how to live your life. You want to trust somebody? Maybe take a risk that I'm really your friend and I'll accept you. It's better than hiding. trust friendship heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo rick-riordan Rick Riordan
a3a2d6a Coach Hedge came pounding up the stairs with Hazel at his hooves. "Where are they?" he demanded. "Who do I kill?" "No killing!" Annabeth ordered. "Just defend the ship!" "But they interrupted a Chuck Norris movie!" Rick Riordan
2be3a83 I won't go looking for trouble. I usually don't have too. Rick Riordan
921f527 She's pretty," Zethes mumbled. "I mean, she's right." zethes Rick Riordan
7f5c557 He scowled at Jason. "And please, I don't like being touched. Don't ever grab me again." percy-jackson jason-grace nico-di-angelo rick-riordan Rick Riordan
64fd5b7 What exactly did you find in Atlanta?" Frank unzipped his backpack and started bringing out souvenirs. "Some peach preserves. A couple of T-shirts. A snow globe. And, um, these not-really-Chinese handcuffs." Annabeth forced herself to stay calm. "How about you start from the top--of the story, not the backpack." communication percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena frank-zhang jason-grace the-heroes-of-olympus Rick Riordan
443e5ca I didn't answer, but, please--nothing is obvious with boys. For such simple creatures, they are quite baffling. rick-riordan Rick Riordan
3b41530 Doubtful, but it did work... "Annabeth?" Percy said again. "You're planning something. You've got that I'm-planning-something look." "I don't have an I'm-planning-something look." "Yeah, you totally do. Your eyebrows knit and your lips press together and ---" "Do you have a pen?" she asked him. "You're kidding, right?" He brought out Riptide. "Yes, but can you actually write with it?" "I--I don't know," he admitted. "Never tried." humor percy-jackson Rick Riordan
603d750 True success requires sacrifice. Rick Riordan
9509dd9 Nico," I said at last, "shouldn't you be sitting at the Hades table?" He shrugged. "Technically, yes. But if I sit alone at my table, strange things happen. Cracks open in the floor. Zombies crawl out and start roaming around. It's a mood disorder. I can't control it. That's what I told Chiron." "And is it true?" I asked. Nico smiled thinly. "I have a note from my doctor." Will raised his hand. "I'm his doctor." "Chiron decided it wasn't wo.. solangelo will-solace nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
2a51cb8 Keep moving. Don't get bogged down. Don't think about the bad stuff. Smile and joke even when you don't feel like it. Especially when you don't feel like it. Rick Riordan
bc25c07 I disobeyed Ra's wishes, and so he ordered my onw father, Shu-" "Hang on," I said. "Shoe?" "S-h-u," she said. "The god of the wind." "On." I wished these gods had names that wearn't common household objects. "Go on, please." Rick Riordan
ae0c3a6 Percy grunted. 'Probably something to do with that creep Octavian. Maybe he was so bad at telling the future that he broke Apollo's powers. octavian prophecy percy-jackson Rick Riordan
8576cfc Which meant his only assets were one whiny imprisoned goddess, one sort-of-girlfriend with a dagger, and Leo, who apparently thought he could defeat the armies of darkness with breath mints. jason-grace Rick Riordan
5b4d5e2 Cupid said. "Great," Jason said. "Now he's spouting greeting card messages." love eros heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson house-of-hades jason-grace rick-riordan Rick Riordan
7e41850 Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need. inspirational equity fairness Rick Riordan
372b889 Eat bitter, taste sweet Rick Riordan
06aa1e3 Some of the best demigods have gotten their start by blowing up toilets. Rick Riordan
870c374 He just raised the dead with coke and cheeseburgers nico percy-jackson-and-the-olympians Rick Riordan
bd147a8 Tyson] looked him over with that massive baby-brown eye. "You are not dead. I like it when you are not dead." Ella fluttered to the ground and began preening her feathers. "Ella found a dog," she announced. "A large dog. And a Cyclops." Was she blushing? Before Percy could decide, his black mastiff pounced on him, knocking Percy to the ground and barking so loudly that even Arion backed up. "Hey, Mrs. O'Leary," Percy said. "Yeah, I love yo.. humor percy-jackson-and-te-olympians mrs-o-leary son-of-neptune tyson heroes-of-olympus hazel-levesque Rick Riordan
a12446c She reached into her coat pocket and felt two things she hadn't expected.... One was a wad of cash... she brought out the money. Leo whistled. "Allowance? Piper, your mom rocks!" Rick Riordan
3fc3003 Ut cum spiritu postrema sacramentum dejuremus," he chanted. "Et hostes ornamenta addent ad ianuam necem." "You just...finished the prophesy,"Rachael stammered. "-An oath to keep with a final breath/And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death. How did you-" "I know those lines." Jason winced and put his hands to his temples. "I don't know how, but I KNOW that prophecy." "In Latin, no less," Drew called out. "Handsome AND smart." Rick Riordan
43b59e6 I lifted my wand, hoping she would see this as a dramatic move, not a threat. "Why once, in my bunker at Charing Cross Station, I stalked the deadly prey known as Jelly Babies." Neith's eyes widened. "They are dangerous?" "Horrible," I agreed. "Oh, they seem small alone, but they always appear in great numbers. Sticky, fattening--quite deadly. There I was, alone with only two quid and a Tube pass, beset by Jelly Babies, when...Ah, but never.. Rick Riordan
0a49392 Seven half-bloods shall answer the call To storm or fire the world must fall An oath to keep with a final breath and foes bear arms to the doors of death prophency rhyme Rick Riordan
3cba89f Think long and hard about how you proceed, Nico di Angelo. You cannot lie to Cupid. If you let your anger rule you... well, your fate will be even sadder then mine. favonius heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson house-of-hades nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
48fa2eb As for Percy, he held his magic ballpoint pen like he was trying to decide whether to bust out some sword moves or autograph Nike's chariot. leo-valdez Rick Riordan
1929e2a There will be guards," Bast said. "And traps. And alarms. You can bet the house is heavily charmed to keep out gods." "Magicians can do that?" I asked. I imagined a big can of pesticide labeled God-Away." Rick Riordan
321f929 Don't judge someone until you've stood at his forge and worked with his hammer, eh? percy-jackson Rick Riordan
c0d1996 Poseidon raised his eyebrows as they shook hands. "Blowfish, did you say?" "Ah, no. Blofis, actually." "Oh, I see," Poseidon said. "A shame. I quite like blowfish. I am Poseidon." "Poseidon? That's an interesting name." "Yes, I like it. I've gone by other names, but I do prefer Poseidon." "Like the god of the sea." "Very much like that, yes." poseidon Rick Riordan
f38a57c Then there were the shabti, magical figurines that were supposed to come to life when summoned. A few months ago, I'd fallen for a girl named Zia Rashid, who'd turned out to be a shabti. Falling in love for the first time had been hard enough. But when the girl you like turns out to be ceramic and cracks to pieces before your eyes--well, it gives "breaking your heart" a new meaning." -- Rick Riordan
70990e5 The River Styx,' Annabeth murmured. 'It's so...' 'Polluted,' Charon said. 'For thousands of years, you humans have been throwing in everything as you come across - hopes, dreams, wishes that never came true. Irresponsible waste management, if you ask me. Rick Riordan
f60cc07 The most dangerous flaws are those which are good in moderation. Rick Riordan
8c648ef The Death Mist is not for helping!" Akhlys shrieked. "It shrouds mortals in misery as their souls pass into the Underworld. It is the very breath of Tartarus, of death, of despair!" "Awesome," Percy said. "Could we get two orders of that to go?" percy-jackson sarcasm Rick Riordan
99bb5dd Hey, why do pegasi gallop as they fly, anyway?" Blackjack whinnied. " percy-jackson Rick Riordan
dda4ffa Want to hit Leo? That is understandable Hunk muffin earned it Rick Riordan