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9c244d9 And then we're laughing. And then I'm in his arms, and we're kissing, st first quickly - to make up for lost time -- and then slowly, because we have all the time in the world. And his lips are soft and honey sweet, and the careful, passionate way he moves them against my own says that he savors the way I taste, too. And in between kisses, I tell him I love him. Again and again and again. Stephanie Perkins
bf9e1b3 It's not uncommon. Nice guys finish last and all. Stephanie Perkins
b9242b6 There's no reason to suffer this flight alone when we can suffer it together. Stephanie Perkins
64b603a The towers are illuminated in blue and white lights. They're more disjointed than the buildings in Paris;they have no relationship. They're just stupid rectangles designed to be taller, better than others. Stephanie Perkins
d0b1bab Solo porque algo no es practico, no quiere decir que no vale la pena crearlo. A veces, la belleza y la magia de la vida real son suficientes. Stephanie Perkins
793d0ea So he started writing these novels set in Small Town Georgia about folks with Good American Values who Fall in Love and then contract Life-Threatening Diseases and Die. I'm Stephanie Perkins
eb67c53 Se que no eres perfecta. Pero son las imperfecciones de una persona lo que la hace perfecta para alguien mas. Stephanie Perkins
256cfb2 Marigold wondered if that were true. It was nice to think that she might have a superpower, even a dumb one, hidden inside of her. What might it be? Stephanie Perkins
11d72cf Se que no eres perfecta. Pero son las imperfecciones de una persona lo que la hace perfecta para alguien mas... Stephanie Perkins
aeda815 Y si no me quiere? --El te quiere. --?Que si no? --Ugh, ?entonces a quien le importa? No perderas nada que ya no hayas perdido. Stephanie Perkins
f5d0b91 It's maddening how someone so easy to read can be so impossible to understand. Stephanie Perkins
4e1209d It turns out, teachers think of glitter as the herpes of the craft world--impossible to contain or exterminate. Stephanie Perkins
515788d Someday, their story would be a chapter in one of those sleazy, mass-market, true-crime paperbacks that were shelved in the cobwebbed corners of used bookstores--the types of paperbacks that boasted about the number of crime-scene photographs inside. Stephanie Perkins
a386d7d It had been so long since Makani had felt any amount of genuine, unadulterated happiness that she'd forgotten that sometimes it could hurt as much as sadness. Stephanie Perkins
a3afe46 We can't stop smiling at each other. I can't believe that adults get to do this every day. And I don't even mean sex, though it's wonderful, but things like this. Brushing our teeth at the same sink. Do adults realize how lucky they are? Or do they forget that these small moments are actually small miracles? I don't want to ever forget. marriage Stephanie Perkins
171cb5a The walls here are thinner than Band-Aids, Stephanie Perkins
b65728a how black dogs are always the last to be adopted at shelters and, therefore, more likely to be put down. Which is totally Dog Racism, Stephanie Perkins
a390349 Y, de repente, quiero tocarlo. No un empujon, no un golpe, ni siquiera un abrazo amistoso. Quiero sentir los pliegues de su piel, conectar sus pecas con lineas invisibles, cepillar mis dedos en el interior de su muneca. Stephanie Perkins
783623c Mientras mas sabes quien eres, y lo que quieres, menos dejas que las cosas te molesten. Stephanie Perkins
ba20bac Es facil hablar de cosas que odio, pero a veces es dificil de explicar exactamente por que nos gusta algo. Stephanie Perkins
6324b68 Josh: So. Saturday. I'm out of detention at eighteen hours. Anytime you want to meet after that .. Isla: Yeah? Josh: You know that because you asked me out, you're the one who has to pick the place, right? Whatever you suggest. I'll say yes. You'll definitely get a yes. If that helps. Stephanie Perkins
5a8ba20 And we're finally home. love finally home Stephanie Perkins
ef3ca82 Vuoi, per favore, dirmi che mi ami? Sto morendo, qui"~" Stephanie Perkins
da50bad All I want to do is burrow into his arms and know that everything is still good between us. Stephanie Perkins
8ca11ee Lola: No, I don't love Max anymore. But I don't want to give you this broken, empty me. I want you to have me when I'm full, when I can give something back to you. I don't have much to give right now. Cricket: But you'll want me someday? That feeling you once had for me ... that hasn't left either? Lola: It never left. Stephanie Perkins
1070912 Cricket: NO. I mean, yes, but ... sometimes there are ... extenuating circumstances. That prevent it from being easy. For a while. But then people overcome those ... circumstances and ... Lola: So you believe in second chances? Cricket: Second, third, fourth. Whatever it takes. However long it takes. If the person is right. Lola: If the person is ... Lola? Cricket: Only if the other person is Cricket. Stephanie Perkins
a3e2e6d I wanted weird, but maybe it's too weird?" "It doesn't matter. I'm with you. I'm happy to be anywhere with you." Stephanie Perkins
94fae32 Anna: I have a new city to learn next year, but I'm not scared. Because I was right. For the two of us, home isn't place. It's a person. And we're finally home. Stephanie Perkins
bb7f2c1 I want to feel the creases in his skin, connect his freckles with invisible lines, brush my fingers across the inside of his wrist. Stephanie Perkins
4b2a0ca It's the beginning of everything. Stephanie Perkins
8fc1916 Love can be so strange and sad. It can be hard to understand why we run toward certain people and away from others at different times in our lives. Why we search so hard for that thing we are looking for, and then run so fast when we find it. (Sick pleasure) Stephanie Perkins
3e864e8 now I heard in it this sense of propulsion toward a particular goal, like everything in life had buoyed him there. Like even his mistakes, even his darkness, had been taking him toward her.- Veronica Roth in Inertia Stephanie Perkins
84fb5b8 Because that's the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don't want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. I want to cloak myself under its heavy weight and breath it into my lungs. I want to nurture it, grow it, cultivate it. It's mine. I want to check out with it, drift asleep wrapped in its arms and not wake up for a long, long time. Stephanie Perkins
58c07b4 But I don't want to give you this broken, empty me. I want you to have me when I'm full, when I can give something back to you. I don't have much to give right now. Stephanie Perkins
7f8829b But Marigold was enthralled by the way he said the words unwieldy. A fantasy flashed through her and in which he dictated an endless list of juicy-sounding words. Innocuous. Sousaphone. Crepuscular. Stephanie Perkins
c7a82fe Pero son las imperfecciones de una persona lo que la hace perfecta para alguien mas. Stephanie Perkins
63d6c5b A gorgeous boy is in love with you, and you're not even gonna try to make it work? Stephanie Perkins
43c1ac5 It's so Hogwarts. harry-potter Stephanie Perkins
9c2d36c We reach the landing, and St. Clair scratches his head. "Er..." "So..." "I'm going to get dressed for bed. Is that all right?" His voice is serious, and he watches my reaction carefully. "Yeah. Me too. I'm going to... get ready for bed, too." "See you in a minute?" I swell with relief. "Up there or down here?" "Trust me, you don't want to sleep in my bed." He laughs, and I have to turn my face away, because I , holy crap do I ." Stephanie Perkins
0274a4f Who's this?" I point to Soccer Guy. He's wearing red and white, and he's all dark eyebrows and dark hair. Quite good-looking, actually. "Cesc Fabregas. God, he's the most incredible passer. Plays for Arsenal. The English football club? No?" Stephanie Perkins
4840a65 I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul." -- Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss" Stephanie Perkins
685a223 Still, it wouldn't hurt to show him a little encouragement. He might be handy to have around this summer. -Use him, you mean?- asked Lena. -Of course! What other purpose do boys serve? You can use them for all sort of things: carrying, building, fixing, remembering. And some of them are quite nice to look at. -There are practical and aesthetic advantages to the idea of keeping one on hand- admitted Lena From: "Love is the last resort" by Jo.. Stephanie Perkins
341d927 El es tan hermoso, tan perfecto. Estoy mareada. Mi corazon martilla, mi pulso se acelera. Inclino mi rostro hacia el suyo, el responde con una inclinacion lenta e identica hacia el mio. Stephanie Perkins
3586cc0 He sat on one side of a love seat, leaving space to sit beside him. Was it an invitation? Or a gesture of kindness, in that he was offering me the room's larger couch? WHY WAS THIS SO HARD? Stephanie Perkins