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9731358 For a certain type of person, high school will always be brutal,' the head says. 'The best advice that I can give you is to figure out what comes next, and work towards that. Stephanie Perkins
ab308a9 I don't know what I believe. I guess that makes me a Christmas tree agnostic." He smiles. "I like it and you're a Yom Kippur atheist." belives yom-kippur christmas-tree atheist Stephanie Perkins
a31efdf I tell the annoying classmates to shove it, and Madame Guillotine gets mad at me. Not because I told them to shove it,but because What is wrong with this school? Stephanie Perkins
b1d1ba8 He pats his way around the bed and slides back in. 'Ow,' he says. 'Yes?' 'My belt. Would it be weird...' I'm thankful he can't see me blush. 'Of course not.' And I listen to the slap of leather as he pulls it out of his belt loops. He lays it gently on my hardwood floor. 'Um,' he says. 'Would it be weird--' 'YES.' 'Oh, piss off. I'm not talking trousers. I only want under the blankets.That breeze is horrible.' He slides underneath, and now .. Stephanie Perkins
6a3371a You can carry alt these memories around. They'll last longer than your grief, I promise, and someday you'll be able to think of them and feel like I'm right there with you again. Stephanie Perkins
902914c He couldn't be dead, because he was still so alive in her mind. Stephanie Perkins
9174a58 Siempre he sentido que estoy matando el tiempo aqui hasta que mi vida real pueda empezar. Stephanie Perkins
76724d3 Because, of course, of how intelligent you are. And funny. Not that you aren't attractive. Because you are. Attractive. Oh, bugger..." I wait. "Are you still there, or did you hang up because I'm such a bleeding idiot?" "I'm here." "God, you made me work for that." Stephanie Perkins
ba77661 It's about isolation and loneliness, but it's also about friendship. Being exactly what the other person needs. Stephanie Perkins
218df73 Let's go over the facts one more time," Josh says. "This is your first weekend away from home?" "Yes." "Your first weekend without parental supervision?" "Yes." "Your first weekend without parental supervision And you want to spend it in your bedroom? Alone?" He and Rashmi exchange pitying glances. I look at St. Clair for help, but find him staring at me with his head tilted to the side. "What?" I ask,irritated. "Soup on my chin? Green be.. Stephanie Perkins
aabcba8 Your brother?" St. Clair points above my bed to the only picture I've hung up. Seany is grinning at the camera and pointing at one of my mother's research turtles,which is lifting its neck and threatening to take away his finger. Mom is doing a study on the lifetime reproductive habits of snapping turtles and visits her brood in the Chattahoochie River several times a month. My brother loves to go with her, while I prefer the safety of our .. Stephanie Perkins
87dada4 Because I was right. For the two of us, home isn't a place. It's a person. And we're finally home. Stephanie Perkins
3bef456 I smile at my friends, but Mer and Rashmi and Josh are distracted, arguing about something that happened over dinner. St. Clair sees me and smiles back. "Good?" I nod.He looks pleased and ducks into the row after me. I always sit four rows up from the center, and we have perfectseats tonight.The chairs are classic red. The movie begins,and the title screen flashes up. "Ugh,we have to sit through the credits?" Rashmi asks. They roll first,li.. Stephanie Perkins
86b53e5 I'm not interested in making what's easy. I'm interested in making what's beautiful. Stephanie Perkins
c6afc3d Do adults realize how lucky they are? lucky luck Stephanie Perkins
6f8b74b You look like a corgi young-adult Stephanie Perkins
0a237c9 But we stayed together, because I don't know why. Maybe because we though we should be in love. At least I did. I wanted to be in love. Stephanie Perkins
e8acf29 But you'll want me someday? That feeling you once had for me . . . that hasn't left either?" Our hearts beat the same wild rhythm. They're playing the same song. "It never left," I say." Stephanie Perkins
c9a93ee I'm empty. I'm drained. And I can't move. Not that I'd want to. Because that's the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don't want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. Stephanie Perkins
50eeb60 I like being different." "And I like that about you ... But I like the real you best." Stephanie Perkins
93936f9 School has ruined cinema.It's official. There's nothing worth living for. Stephanie Perkins
c757c73 I LOVE his hair, and now I get to touch it whenever I want. And he doesn't even get irritated. Most of the time. Stephanie Perkins
a28ac7d I get out of the car, and I'm blasted by the stench of body odor. Cricket is beside me, and he's talking, but his words don't reach my ears. Because it's my mother. Smelling. On my porch. smell mother Stephanie Perkins
a9e325f I'm jittery.It's like the animatronic band from Chuck E. Cheese is throwing a jamboree in my stomach. I've always hated Chuck E. Cheese. Why am I thinking about Chuck E. Cheese? I don't know why I'm nervous.I'm just seeing my mom again. And Seany.And Bridge! Bridge said she'd come. St. Clair's connecting flight to San Francisco doesn't leave for another three hours,so we board the train that runs between terminals,and he walks me to the arr.. Stephanie Perkins
437c1b1 Josh leans his lanky body over my shoulder and peers at my laptop. "Is it just me,or is that 'YOU' sort of threatening?" "No.It's not just YOU," I say. "I thought your dad was a writer.What's with the 'laser-focused''gentle reminder' shit?" "My father is fluent in cliche. Obviously, you've never read one of his novels." I pause. "I can't believe he has the nerve to say he'll give Seany my best." Josh shakes his head in disgust. My friends a.. Stephanie Perkins
8920585 See you at breakfast?" "Yeah.See ya." I try to say this casually,but I'm so thrilled that I skip from her room and promptly slam into a wall. Whoops.Not a wall.A boy. "Oof." He staggers backward. "Sorry! I'm so sorry,I didn't know you were there." He shakes his head,a little dazed. The first thing I notice is his hair-it's the first thing I notice about everyone. It's dark brown and messy and somehow both long and short at the same time. I .. Stephanie Perkins
fdf8f2a People say be different I am so why am I bullied? Stephanie Perkins
3d9f391 There.You're officially Canadian. Try not to abuse your new power." "Whatever.I'm totally going out tonight." "Good." He slows down. "You should." We're both standing still. He's so close to me.His gaze is locked on mine, and my heart pounds painfully in my chest. I step back and look away. Toph. I like Toph,not St. Clair. Why do I have to keep reminding myself of this? St. Clair is taken. "Did you paint these?" I'm desperate to change the .. Stephanie Perkins
8793910 That was interesting.Who was that?" Matt looks unhappy. "What?" I ask him. "You'll talk to that guy,but you won't talk to us anymore?" "Sorry," I mumble, and climb out of his car. "He's just a friend.Thanks for the ride." Matt gets out,too. Cherrie starts to follow,but he throws her a sharp look. "So what does that mean?" he calls out. "We aren't friends anymore? You're bailing on us?" I trudge toward the house. "I'm tired, Matt.I'm going t.. Stephanie Perkins
989ce1c So why did he do it?" Cricket rakes a hand through his hair. "For the same reason everyone makes mistakes. He fell in love." romance love lola-and-the-boy-next-door lola-nolan mistakes Stephanie Perkins
4021fc8 You know more useless crap, St. Clair. Good thing you're so darn cute," Josh says." Stephanie Perkins
0d01eda To: Anna Oliphant From: Etienne St. Clair Subject: So . . . Does that mean I can call you now? Stephanie Perkins
70f9cd1 Anna?" Someone knocks on my door, and it startles me out of my seat. No.Not . St. Clair. I'm wearing an old Mayfield Dairy T-shirt, complete with yellow-and-brown cow logo,and hot pink flannel pajama bottoms covered in giant strawberries. I am not even wearing a bra. "Anna,I know you're in there. I can see your light." "Hold on a sec!" I blurt. "I'll be right there." I grab my black hoodie and zip it up over the cow's face before wrenching.. Stephanie Perkins
551f75a It was sad that people only got along when everybody was unhappy. Stephanie Perkins
5892b09 Asi que no el no me dio flores o dulces. El me dio la luna y las estrellas. El infinito. Stephanie Perkins
5b5ebf8 Everyone's here except for St. Clair." Meredith cranes her neck around the cafeteria. "He's usually running late." "Always," Josh corrects. "Always running late." I clear my throat. "I think I met him last night. In the hallway." "Good hair and an English accent?" Meredith asks. "Um.Yeah.I guess." I try to keep my voice casual. Josh smirks. "Everyone's in luuurve with St. Clair." "Oh,shut up," Meredith says. "I'm not." Rashmi looks at me fo.. Stephanie Perkins
7f1cb8d I'm not British.I'm American." I smile. "Sure you are." "I am.You have to be an American to attend SOAP,remember?" "Soap?" "School of America in Paris," he explains. "SOAP." Nice.My father sent me here to be cleansed." Stephanie Perkins
8e65c49 I'm fine.My father's an arse, and my mum is dying and-oh my God,I'm so pissed." St. Clair looked at me again. His eyes were glassy like black marbles. "Pissed.Pissed.Pissed." "We know you're pissed at your dad," I said. "It's okay. You're right, he's a jerk." I mean what was I supposed to say? He just found out his mother has cancer. " is British for 'drunk,'" Mer said. "Oh," I said. "Well. You're definitely that, too." Meanwhile,The Coupl.. Stephanie Perkins
6040561 That being singular is the exact thing that makes something--or someone--amazing Stephanie Perkins
98c1ac3 The translator, no matter how true he thinks he's staying to the text, still brings his own life experiences and opinions to the decisions he makes. Maybe not consciously, but every time a choice is made between one meaning of a word or another, the translator determines which one to use based on what he believes is correct, based on his own personal history with the subject.">>" -- Stephanie Perkins
abe6144 Wanna go to the movies? They're showing at Le Champo." Just because I haven't gone out doesn't mean I haven't pored over the glorious "They're showing what? And I'm not gonna tell you how badly you just butchered that theater's name." " Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert.Won five Academy Awards.It was a big deal." "In what century?" "Ha ha. Honestly, you'll like it. I hear it's great." Rashmi rubs her temples. "I don't know. I don't real.. Stephanie Perkins
92fa178 And we'll keep walking until the rest of the world ceases to exist. Stephanie Perkins
7c64220 I am hard on myself. But isn't it better to be honest about these things before someone else can use them against you? Before someone else can break your heart? Isn't it better to break it yourself?. I thought honesty made people strong. Stephanie Perkins
a4585d0 My boyfriend loses his virginity, and, oh, who's that looking on? It's a rabbit. isla-martin josh-wasserstein Stephanie Perkins