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5dd50a2 You'll be so easy," Rashmi said. "Would you like-ah to order-ah the spa-ghe-tti? 'Oh, do me, Marco!" Stephanie Perkins
a5b4500 Avevo ragione. Per noi due, casa non e un luogo. E una persona. E noi siano finalmente a casa. relazione casa Stephanie Perkins
5d3f0d5 Because that's the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don't want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. I want to cloak myself under its heavy weight and breathe it into my lungs. I want to nurture it, grow it, cultivate it. It's mine. I want to check out with it, drift asleep wrapped in its arms and not wake up for a long, long time. young-adult Stephanie Perkins
871240a Per noi due, casa non e un luogo. E una persona. E noi siano finalmente a casa. relazione casa Stephanie Perkins
7ed9e4b Because that's the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don't want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. I want to cloak myself under its heavy weight and breathe it into my lungs. I want to nurture it, grow it, cultivate it. It's mine. I want to check out with it, drift asleep wrapped in its arms and not wake up for a long, long time. I've Stephanie Perkins
92bea36 Ti amo come si amano certe cose oscure, segretamente, tra l'ombra e l'anima. Stephanie Perkins
6c4e06d Thanks. I forgot how to flip off the English. I'll use the correct hand gesture next time. Stephanie Perkins
8fa1286 Why is it that the right people never wind up together? Why are people so afraid to leave a relationship, even if they know it's a bad one? Stephanie Perkins
197d50a How could I wish for it for so long, only to come back and find it gone. To be here, in my technical house, and discover that home is now someplace different. Stephanie Perkins
44b10a6 I know he is smiling, and my heart races. Stephanie Perkins
ff72dd1 There's another uncomfortable tug on my heart. Why do I care so much about him, and why do I wish I didn't? How can one person make me so confused all the time? Stephanie Perkins
93b28fc At least I'm not the only one who finds change difficult. Stephanie Perkins
158f92f Los ojos marrones son alucinantes en algunas personas y, en otras, terriblemente vulgares. Stephanie Perkins
2da4973 Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place? Because I was right. For the two of us, home isn't a place. It's a person. Stephanie Perkins
263d5e0 Noto un peso incomodo en mi corazon. ?Por que me importa tanto este chico, y por que me gustaria que no fuera asi? ?Como es posible que una sola persona me confunda de esta manera? ?Que es esto? ?Es lujuria? ?U otra cosa completamente diferente? ?Es posible que yo me sienta asi sin que el me corresponda? Dijo que le gustaba. Lo dijo. Y, aunque estaba como una cuba, no lo habria dicho si no hubiera un minimo de verdad en sus palabras, ?no? N.. anna-oliphant Stephanie Perkins
7e8af6c I look down, and I'm surprised to find myself standing in the middle of a small stone circle. In the center, directly between my feet, is a coppery-bronze octagon with a star. Words are engraved in the stone around it: 'Mademoiselle Oliphant. It translates to "Point zero of the roads of France." In other words, it's the point from which all other distances in France are measured.' St. Clair clears his throat. 'It's the beginning of everyth.. love paris Stephanie Perkins
378ecd8 His reply is anguished. Honest. "I love you." ya-contemporary-romance Stephanie Perkins
ab12d94 I scan the dark room, through the thrashing bodies of disillusioned Parisian youth, getting their anger out with a healthy dose of French punk rock. Stephanie Perkins
dea4822 And then there's the other thing. The thing I'm trying to ignore. The thing I shouldn't want, the thing I can't have. And he's standing in front of me right now. So what do I wish for? Something I'm not sure I want? Someone I'm not sure I need? Or someone I know I can't have? Screw it. Let the fates decide. How's that for a generalization? I open my eyes, and the wind is blowing harder. St. Clair pushes a strand of hair from his eyes. "Must.. fate wish wishes Stephanie Perkins
a896094 looking for tail." "Tail? Oh mon Dieu." I can't believe she's" Stephanie Perkins
912a1ef We've stopped in front of Notre-Dame again. I point at the familiar star and clear my throat. "Wanna make another wish?" "You go first." He's watching me, puzzled, like he's trying to figure something out. He bites his thumbnail. This time I can't help it. All day long, I've thought about it. Him. Our secret. He steps on the coppery-bronze star after me and closes his eyes. I realize he must be wishing about his mother, and I feel guilty th.. love wish wishes Stephanie Perkins
ccce9f2 Eger ben yildizlarsam, Cricket Bell koskoca galaksiler eder. Stephanie Perkins
5dc510d But that's not quite right either. I miss Paris, but it's not home. It's more like... I miss this. This warmth over the telephone. Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place? Bridgette used to be home to me. Maybe St. Clair is my new home. I mull this over as our voices grow tired and we stop talking. We just keep each other company. My breath. His breath. My breath. His breath. I could never tell him, but it's true. This is hom.. love Stephanie Perkins
adc10d9 And then this -- the moment he calls my name -- is the real moment everything changes. He is no longer St. Clair, everyone's pal, everyone's friend. He is Etienne. Etienne, like the night we met. He is Etienne; he is friend. He is so much more. Etienne. My feet trip in three syllables. E-ti-enne, E-ti-enne, E-ti-enne. His name coats my tongue like melting chocolate. He is so beautiful, so perfect. love Stephanie Perkins
da32cb8 Desde cuando es razonable el comportamiento humano? Stephanie Perkins
da1fddd I'm beginning to think that maybe it's okay to be a blank canvas. Maybe it's okay that my future is unknown. And maybe, it's okay to be inspired by the people who do know their future. Stephanie Perkins
aca43db Here is everything I know about France: Madeline and Amelie and Moulin Rouge. Stephanie Perkins
d87d2f9 Any bloke with a working prick would be insane not to like you. There's a shocked pause, on both ends of the line. Because, of course, of how intelligent you are. And funny Stephanie Perkins
5c271f8 Cuanto mas sabes quien eres y lo que quieres, menos te afectan las cosas>>. Stephanie Perkins
11add54 Hand in hand with the boy who gave me the moon and the stars. Stephanie Perkins
7f1c61a Something that would've happened in a year anyway, once I left for college, but that no matter how many days or months or years I've yearned for it, I am still not prepared for when it actually happens. My mother leaves. I am alone. Stephanie Perkins
d6f1df3 and I can no longer remember my name or my country, or even my place in the universe. Stephanie Perkins
d10b98c When I was little, my parents were embarrassed by the way I dressed. ... They were terrified that people would think THEY were dressing me like that. That THE GAYS were corrupting me with false eyelashes and glitter. Stephanie Perkins
ede7998 They blinked in the dusk of the setting sun, a reminder that light was a recurring state. love Stephanie Perkins
ff286fd Te amo como se aman ciertas cosas oscuras, secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma.>> Stephanie Perkins
10669bf Wow... Good wow? Standing ovation wow. Stephanie Perkins
e04c63e Ollie hadn't been kidding. He really did like jigsaw puzzles. A countryside harvest festival was spread across the coffee table, and its repeating autumnal patterns held him and Grandma Young in a matching trance. Perched on their seat edges, they bonded over etiquette and strategy: start with the border. Then any sections that contain printed words. If someone is searching for one specific piece, but the other person finds it, it must be h.. Stephanie Perkins
36c02b6 This is where our story started," he said. "You were so ... I mean, their opinions were completely irrelevant to you. It's like while everyone else was listening to one song, you were listening to another. And God, I loved that. I wanted it for myself." Stephanie Perkins
698f8e7 Fair enough," he said. "But I went to that party sophomore year because I found out you were going and ... I wanted to get to know you. I loved this project. I loved everything you did in art class. I felt like you had showed yourself to me, and I wanted to return the favor." Stephanie Perkins
e887cfb Because she's jealous! Anna, I was there that first night he called you. I've seen how he looked at you in pictures." I protest, but he interrupts. "Any bloke with a working prick would be insane not to like you." There's a shocked pause, on both ends of the line. "Because, of course, of how intelligent you are. And funny. Not that you aren't attractive. Because you are. Attractive. Oh, bugger ..." I wait. "Are you still there, or did you h.. Stephanie Perkins
9b2e8fc They had me next to some horrible couple in matching Hawaiian shirts. There's no reason to suffer this flight alone when we can suffer it together. Stephanie Perkins
61db215 And for the first time since coming home, I'm completely happy. It's strange. Home. How I could wish for it for so long, only to come back and find it gone. To be here, in my technical HOUSE, and discover that home is now someplace different. Stephanie Perkins
92d8f83 Soy una nina que juega a disfrazarse y que no es capaz de reconocerse a si misma bajo el disfraz. Stephanie Perkins
4563263 I love Paris", I say. "And I'm sure it loves you back." Stephanie Perkins