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Gene RWebster 46:20  And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bore to him.
Gene NHEBJE 46:20  To Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore to him. And there were sons born to Manasseh, which the Aramean concubine bore to him: Machir. And Machir begot Gilead. And the sons of Ephraim, the brother of Manasseh: Shuthelah and Tahan. And the sons of Shuthelah: Eran
Gene SPE 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah priest of On bare unto him.
Gene ABP 46:20  [4born 1And 2the sons 3of Joseph] in the land of Egypt, whom [2bore 3to him 1Asenath], the daughter of Poti-phera, priest of Heliopolis -- Manasseh and Ephraim. And were born the sons of Manasseh whom [4bore 5to him 3concubine 2the 1Sura] -- Machir. And Machir procreated Gilead. And the sons of Ephraim brother of Manasseh -- Sutalaam, and Tam. And the sons of Sutalaam -- Edem.
Gene NHEBME 46:20  To Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore to him. And there were sons born to Manasseh, which the Aramean concubine bore to him: Machir. And Machir begot Gilead. And the sons of Ephraim, the brother of Manasseh: Shuthelah and Tahan. And the sons of Shuthelah: Eran
Gene Rotherha 46:20  And there were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt, whom Asenath daughter of Poti-phera, priest of On, bare to him,: Manasseh and Ephraim;
Gene LEB 46:20  And Ephraim and Manasseh, whom Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, priest of On bore to him, were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt.
Gene RNKJV 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah priest of On bare unto him.
Gene Jubilee2 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On gave birth unto him.
Gene Webster 46:20  And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah priest of On bore to him.
Gene Darby 46:20  And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asnath bore to him, the daughter of Potipherah the priest in On.
Gene ASV 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Poti-phera priest of On, bare unto him.
Gene LITV 46:20  And Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt, whom Asenath the daughter of Potipherah, priest of On, bore to him.
Gene Geneva15 46:20  And vnto Ioseph in the lande of Egypt were borne Manasseh, and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah prince of On bare vnto him.
Gene CPDV 46:20  And sons were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of Heliopolis, bore for him: Manasseh and Ephraim.
Gene BBE 46:20  And Joseph had Manasseh and Ephraim in the land of Egypt, by Asenath, the daughter of Poti-phera, priest of On.
Gene DRC 46:20  And sons were born to Joseph, in the land of Egypt, whom Aseneth, the daughter of Putiphare, priest of Heliopolis, bore him: Manasses and Ephraim.
Gene GodsWord 46:20  In Egypt, Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph by Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, priest from the city of On.
Gene JPS 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath the daughter of Poti-phera priest of On bore unto him.
Gene Tyndale 46:20  And vnto Ioseph in the lode of Egipte were borne: Manasses and Ephraim which Asnath the doughter of Potiphera preast of On bare vnto him.
Gene KJVPCE 46:20  ¶ And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah priest of On bare unto him.
Gene NETfree 46:20  Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt. Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore them to him.
Gene AB 46:20  And there were sons born to Joseph in the land of Egypt, whom Asenath, the daughter of Poti-Pherah, priest of Heliopolis, bore to him, even Manasseh and Ephraim. And there were sons born to Manasseh, which the Syrian concubine bore to him, even Machir. And Machir begot Gilead. And the sons of Ephraim, the brother of Manasseh were Sutalaam, and Taam. And the son of Sutalaam was Edom.
Gene AFV2020 46:20  And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah the priest of On, bore him.
Gene NHEB 46:20  To Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore to him. And there were sons born to Manasseh, which the Aramean concubine bore to him: Machir. And Machir begot Gilead. And the sons of Ephraim, the brother of Manasseh: Shuthelah and Tahan. And the sons of Shuthelah: Eran
Gene NETtext 46:20  Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt. Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore them to him.
Gene UKJV 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him.
Gene KJV 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Poti–pherah priest of On bare unto him.
Gene KJVA 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Poti–pherah priest of On bare unto him.
Gene AKJV 46:20  And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bore to him.
Gene RLT 46:20  And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, which Asenath the daughter of Poti–pherah priest of On bare unto him.
Gene MKJV 46:20  And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath the daughter of Potipherah the priest of On bore him.
Gene YLT 46:20  And born to Joseph in the land of Egypt (whom Asenath daughter of Poti-Pherah, priest of On, hath borne to him) are Manasseh and Ephraim.
Gene ACV 46:20  And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Poti-phera priest of On, bore to him.
Gene VulgSist 46:20  Natique sunt Ioseph filii in Terra Aegypti, quos genuit ei Aseneth filia Phutipharis sacerdotis Heliopoleos: Manasses et Ephraim.
Gene VulgCont 46:20  Natique sunt Ioseph filii in Terra Ægypti, quos genuit ei Aseneth filia Putiphare sacerdotis Heliopoleos: Manasses et Ephraim.
Gene Vulgate 46:20  natique sunt Ioseph filii in terra Aegypti quos genuit ei Aseneth filia Putiphare sacerdotis Heliopoleos Manasses et Ephraim
Gene VulgHetz 46:20  Natique sunt Ioseph filii in Terra Ægypti, quos genuit ei Aseneth filia Putiphare sacerdotis Heliopoleos: Manasses et Ephraim.
Gene VulgClem 46:20  Natique sunt Joseph filii in terra Ægypti, quos genuit ei Aseneth filia Putiphare sacerdotis Heliopoleos : Manasses et Ephraim.
Gene CzeBKR 46:20  A Jozefovi narodili se v zemi Egyptské z Asenat, dcery Putifera knížete On, Manasses a Efraim.
Gene CzeB21 46:20  Josefovi se v Egyptě narodili synové Manases a Efraim, které mu porodila Asenat, dcera Putifery, kněze z Heliopole.
Gene CzeCEP 46:20  Josefovi se narodili v zemi egyptské Manases a Efrajim, které mu porodila Asenat, dcera ónského kněze Potífery.
Gene CzeCSP 46:20  Josefovi se v egyptské zemi narodil Manases a Efrajim, které mu porodila Asenat, dcera Potífery, kněze z Ónu.
Gene PorBLivr 46:20  E nasceram a José na terra do Egito Manassés e Efraim, os que lhe deu Azenate, filha Potífera, sacerdote de Om.
Gene Mg1865 46:20  Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Asenata, zanakavavin’ i Poti-fera, mpisorona tao Ona, izay naterak’ i Josefa tany amin’ ny tany Egypta, dia Manase sy Efraima.
Gene FinPR 46:20  Ja pojat, jotka syntyivät Joosefille Egyptin maassa, olivat Manasse ja Efraim; nämä synnytti hänelle Aasenat, Oonin papin Poti-Feran tytär.
Gene FinRK 46:20  Joosefille syntyivät Egyptin maassa Manasse ja Efraim. Heidät synnytti hänelle Aasenat, Oonin papin Poti-Feran tytär.
Gene ChiSB 46:20  翁城的司祭頗提斐辣的女兒阿斯納特在埃及地給若瑟生了默納協和厄弗辣因;
Gene CopSahBi 46:20  ... ⲙⲛⲧⲁⲁⲙ ⲛϣⲏⲣⲉ ⲇⲉ ⲛⲥⲟⲩⲑⲁⲗⲁⲁⲙ ⲉⲇⲉⲙ
Gene ArmEaste 46:20  Եգիպտացիների երկրում Արեգ քաղաքի քուրմ Պետրափրեսի դուստր Ասանէթից Յովսէփն ունեցաւ իր Մանասէ ու Եփրեմ որդիներին: Մանասէն ասորի հարճից ունեցաւ որդիներ, որոնցից մէկն էր Մաքիրը: Մաքիրը ծնեց Գաղաադին: Եփրեմի՝ Մանասէի եղբօր որդիներն են՝ Սուտաղաամն ու Տաամը: Սուտաղաամի որդին է Եդ»մը:
Gene ChiUns 46:20  约瑟在埃及地生了玛拿西和以法莲,就是安城的祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西纳给约瑟生的。
Gene BulVeren 46:20  И на Йосиф се родиха в египетската земя Манасия и Ефрем, които му роди Асенета, дъщеря на Потифер, жреца на Илиопол.
Gene AraSVD 46:20  وَوُلِدَ لِيُوسُفَ فِي أَرْضِ مِصْرَ: مَنَسَّى وَأَفْرَايِمُ، ٱللَّذَانِ وَلَدَتْهُمَا لَهُ أَسْنَاتُ بِنْتُ فُوطِي فَارَعَ كَاهِنِ أُونٍ.
Gene Esperant 46:20  Kaj al Jozef en la lando Egipta naskiĝis Manase kaj Efraim, kiujn naskis al li Asnat, filino de Poti-Fera, pastro el On.
Gene ThaiKJV 46:20  มนัสเสห์กับเอฟราอิม เกิดแก่โยเซฟในแผ่นดินอียิปต์ ซึ่งนางอาเสนัทบุตรสาวของโปทิเฟรา ปุโรหิตเมืองโอนคลอดให้ท่าน
Gene OSHB 46:20  וַיִּוָּלֵ֣ד לְיוֹסֵף֮ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַיִם֒ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יָֽלְדָה־לּוֹ֙ אָֽסְנַ֔ת בַּת־פּ֥וֹטִי פֶ֖רַע כֹּהֵ֣ן אֹ֑ן אֶת־מְנַשֶּׁ֖ה וְאֶת־אֶפְרָֽיִם׃
Gene SPMT 46:20  ויולד ליוסף בארץ מצרים אשר ילדה לו אסנת בת פוטי פרע כהן אן את מנשה ואת אפרים
Gene BurJudso 46:20  အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်၌ ဩနမြို့၏ ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ် ပေါတိဖေရသမီးအာသနတ်တွင် ယောသပ်နှင့်ရသော သား၊ မနာရှေနှင့်ဧဖရိမ်။
Gene FarTPV 46:20  پسران‌ یوسف‌، منسی و افرایم‌ كه‌ اسنات‌ دختر فوطی فارع‌، كاهن ‌اون‌، برای یوسف‌ در سرزمین ‌مصر به دنیا آورد.
Gene UrduGeoR 46:20  Yūsuf ke do beṭe Manassī aur Ifrāīm Misr meṅ paidā hue. Un kī māṅ On ke pujārī Fotīfirā kī beṭī Āsanat thī.
Gene SweFolk 46:20  De söner som föddes åt Josef i Egyptens land var Manasse och Efraim. De föddes åt honom av Asenat, som var dotter till Poti-Fera, prästen i On.
Gene GerSch 46:20  Und dem Joseph wurden in Ägypten Manasse und Ephraim geboren, die ihm Asnath, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters zu On, gebar.
Gene TagAngBi 46:20  At kay Jose ay ipinanganak sa lupain ng Egipto si Manases at si Ephraim, na ipinanganak sa kaniya ni Asenath, na anak ni Potiphera na saserdote sa On.
Gene FinSTLK2 46:20  Pojat, jotka syntyivät Joosefille Egyptin maassa, olivat Manasse ja Efraim. Nämä synnytti hänelle Aasenat, Oonin papin Poti-Feran tytär.
Gene Dari 46:20  پسران یوسف: منسی و افرایم که اسنات دختر فوتی فارع، کاهن اون، برای یوسف در کشور مصر به دنیا آورد.
Gene SomKQA 46:20  Yuusufna dalka Masar waxaa ugu dhashay Manaseh iyo Efrayim, oo waxaa u dhashay Aasenad ina Footiiferac, oo wadaadkii Oon ahaa.
Gene NorSMB 46:20  Og Josef fekk born i Egyptarland; han fekk deim med Asnat, dotter åt Potifera, presten i On: dei heitte Manasse og Efraim.
Gene Alb 46:20  Dhe Jozefi në vendin e Egjiptit, i lindën Manasi dhe Efraimi. Nëna e tyre ishte Asenathi, e bija e Potiferahut, prift i Onit.
Gene UyCyr 46:20  Йүсүп Мисирда Он шәһириниң роһанийи Потифераниң қизи Асенаттин Манассә вә Әфраим исимлиқ икки оғул тапқан еди.
Gene KorHKJV 46:20  ¶이집트 땅에서 요셉에게 므낫세와 에브라임이 태어났는데 이들은 온의 제사장 보디베라의 딸 아스낫이 그에게 낳은 자들이더라.
Gene SrKDIjek 46:20  А Јосифу се родише у Мисиру од Асенете кћери Потифере свештеника Онскога: Манасија и Јефрем.
Gene Wycliffe 46:20  And sones weren borun to Joseph in the loond of Egipt, Manasses and Effraym, whiche Asenech, `douytir of Putifar, preest of Helipoleos, childide to hym.
Gene Mal1910 46:20  യോസേഫിന്നു മിസ്രയീംദേശത്തു മനശ്ശെയും എഫ്രയീമും ജനിച്ചു; അവരെ ഓനിലെ പുരോഹിതനായ പോത്തിഫേറയുടെ മകളായ ആസ്നത്ത് അവന്നു പ്രസവിച്ചു.
Gene KorRV 46:20  애굽 땅에서 온 제사장 보디베라의 딸 아스낫이 요셉에게 낳은 므낫세와 에브라임이요
Gene Azeri 46:20  يوسئفئن مئصئرده آسِنَتدن مِنَسّه و اِفرايئم آدلي ائکي اوغلو اولدو. آسِنَت «اون» شهرئنئن کاهئني اولان پوتئ‌فِرَعئن قيزي ائدي.
Gene SweKarlX 46:20  Och Joseph wordo födde i Egypten, Manasse och Ephraim, som honom födde Asnath Potiphera dotter Prestens i On.
Gene KLV 46:20  Daq Joseph Daq the puH vo' Egypt were bogh Manasseh je Ephraim, 'Iv Asenath, the puqbe' vo' Potiphera, lalDan vumwI' vo' Daq, boghmoH Daq ghaH.
Gene ItaDio 46:20  E a Giuseppe, nel paese di Egitto, nacquero Manasse ed Efraim, i quali Asenat, figliuola di Potifera, Governatore di On, gli partorì.
Gene RusSynod 46:20  И родились у Иосифа в земле Египетской Манассия и Ефрем, которых родила ему Асенефа, дочь Потифера, жреца Илиопольского.
Gene CSlEliza 46:20  Быша же сынове Иосифу в земли Египетстей, ихже роди ему Асенефа, дщи Петефриа жреца Илиопольска, Манассию и Ефрема. Быша же сынове Манассиины, ихже роди ему наложница Сира, Махира. Махир же роди Галаада. Сынове же Ефраима, брата Манассиина: Суталаам и Таам. Сынове же Суталаамли, Едом.
Gene ABPGRK 46:20  εγένοντο δε υιοί Ιωσήφ εν γη Αιγύπτου ους έτεκεν αυτώ Ασενέθ θυγάτηρ Πετεφρή ιερέως Ηλιουπόλεως τον Μανασσή και τον Εφραίμ εγένοντο δε υιοί Μανασσή ους έτεκεν αυτώ η παλλακή η Σύρα τον Μαχίρ Μαχίρ δε εγέννησε τον Γαλαάδ υιοί δε Εφραίμ αδελφού Μανασσή Σουταλαάμ και Ταάμ υιοί δε Σουταλαάμ Εδέμ
Gene FreBBB 46:20  Et Joseph eut au pays d'Egypte des fils que lui enfanta Asnath, fille de Potiphéra, sacrificateur d'On : Manassé et Ephraïm.
Gene LinVB 46:20  O Ezipeti Yosefu abotaki Manase na Efraim, bana abotaki na Asnat, mwana wa Potifera, nganga Nza­mbe wa engumba On.
Gene HunIMIT 46:20  És született Józsefnek, Egyiptom országában, akiket szült neki Osznász, Pótifera, Ón papjának leánya: Menásse és Efráim.
Gene ChiUnL 46:20  安邑祭司波提非拉女亞西納、在埃及從約瑟生瑪拿西、以法蓮、
Gene VietNVB 46:20  Giô-sép đã có con tại xứ Ai-cập là Ma-na-se, và Ép-ra-im, mà A-sê-na, con gái của Phô-ti-pha, thầy tế lễ thành Ôn, đã sinh cho người.
Gene LXX 46:20  ἐγένοντο δὲ υἱοὶ Ιωσηφ ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτῳ οὓς ἔτεκεν αὐτῷ Ασεννεθ θυγάτηρ Πετεφρη ἱερέως Ἡλίου πόλεως τὸν Μανασση καὶ τὸν Εφραιμ ἐγένοντο δὲ υἱοὶ Μανασση οὓς ἔτεκεν αὐτῷ ἡ παλλακὴ ἡ Σύρα τὸν Μαχιρ Μαχιρ δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν Γαλααδ υἱοὶ δὲ Εφραιμ ἀδελφοῦ Μανασση Σουταλααμ καὶ Τααμ υἱοὶ δὲ Σουταλααμ Εδεμ
Gene CebPinad 46:20  Ug ang nangatawo kang Jose sa yuta sa Egipto si Manases ug si Ephraim, ang mga gianak kaniya ni Asenath, nga anak nga babaye ni Potiphera, nga sacerdote sa On.
Gene RomCor 46:20  Lui Iosif i s-au născut în ţara Egiptului: Manase şi Efraim, pe care i-a născut Asnat, fata lui Poti-Fera, preotul lui On.
Gene Pohnpeia 46:20  Nan Isip Sosep wiahda pwutak riemen: Manase oh Epraim, sang Asenad, nein Podipera serepein, samworo men nan Iliopolis.
Gene HunUj 46:20  Józsefnek Egyiptom földjén született Manassé és Efraim, akiket, Ászenat, Pótíferának, Ón papjának a leánya szült.
Gene GerZurch 46:20  Dem Joseph wurden im Lande Ägypten Manasse und Ephraim geboren, die ihm Asnath gebar, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters von On. (a) 1Mo 41:50
Gene GerTafel 46:20  Und dem Joseph wurden geboren in Ägyptenland, die Asenath, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters von Ohn, ihm gebar, Menascheh und Ephraim.
Gene RusMakar 46:20  У Іосиаа въ землј Египетской родились Манассія и Ефремъ, которыхъ родила ему Асенаѕа, дочь Поти-Фера, жреца Иліопольскаго.
Gene PorAR 46:20  E nasceram a José na terra do Egito Manassés e Efraim, que lhe deu Asenate, filha de Potífera, sacerdote de Om.
Gene DutSVVA 46:20  En Jozef werden geboren in Egypteland, Manasse en Efraïm, die hem Asnath, de dochter van Potifera, den overste te On, baarde.
Gene FarOPV 46:20  و برای یوسف درزمین مصر، منسی و افرایم زاییده شدند، که اسنات دختر فوطی فارع، کاهن اون برایش بزاد.
Gene Ndebele 46:20  Kwasekuzalelwa uJosefa elizweni leGibhithe oManase loEfrayimi, amzalela bona uAsenathi indodakazi kaPotifera umpristi weOni.
Gene PorBLivr 46:20  E nasceram a José na terra do Egito Manassés e Efraim, os que lhe deu Azenate, filha Potífera, sacerdote de Om.
Gene Norsk 46:20  og Josef fikk barn i Egyptens land med Asnat, datter til Potifera, presten i On: Manasse og Efra'im;
Gene SloChras 46:20  In Jožefu sta se rodila v deželi Egiptovski Manase in Efraim, ki mu ju je rodila Asnata, hči Potiferja, svečenika v Onu.
Gene Northern 46:20  Yusifin Misirdə On şəhərinin kahini Poti-Feranın qızı Asnatdan Menaşşe və Efrayim adlı iki oğlu oldu.
Gene GerElb19 46:20  Und dem Joseph wurden im Lande Ägypten Manasse und Ephraim geboren, welche Asnath ihm gebar, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters von On.
Gene LvGluck8 46:20  Un Jāzepam dzima Ēģiptē Manasus un Efraīms, ko viņam dzemdēja Asnata, Potifera, Onna priestera, meita.
Gene PorAlmei 46:20  E nasceram a José na terra do Egypto Manasseh e Ephraim, que lhe pariu Asenath, filha de Potiphera, sacerdote de On.
Gene ChiUn 46:20  約瑟在埃及地生了瑪拿西和以法蓮,就是安城的祭司波提非拉的女兒亞西納給約瑟生的。
Gene SweKarlX 46:20  Och Joseph vordo födde i Egypten, Manasse och Ephraim, som honom födde Asnath Potiphera dotter Prestens i On.
Gene SPVar 46:20  ויולד ליוסף בארץ מצרים אשר ילדה לו אסנת בת פוטיפרע כהן אן את מנשה ואת אפרים
Gene FreKhan 46:20  Il naquit à Joseph, dans le pays d’Égypte; Asenath, fille de Pôti-Féra, prêtre d’On, les lui enfanta: Manassé et Éphraïm.
Gene FrePGR 46:20  Et les enfants qu'eut Joseph au pays d'Égypte, de Asnath, fille de Potiphar, prêtre de On : Manassé et Ephraïm.
Gene PorCap 46:20  *Assenat, filha de Potifera, sacerdote de On, deu a José, no Egito, Manassés e Efraim.
Gene JapKougo 46:20  エジプトの国でヨセフにマナセとエフライムとが生れた。これはオンの祭司ポテペラの娘アセナテが彼に産んだ者である。
Gene GerTextb 46:20  Dem Joseph aber wurden in Ägypten Söhne geboren; die gebar ihm Asnath, die Tochter Potipheras, des Oberpriesters von On: Manasse und Ephraim.
Gene Kapingam 46:20  I Egypt Joseph ana dama-daane dogolua go Manasseh mo Ephraim gi Asenath, tama-ahina ni Potiphera, tangada hai-mee-dabu i Heliopolis.
Gene SpaPlate 46:20  Nacieron a José en tierra de Egipto Manasés y Efraím, de Asenat, hija de Putifar, sacerdote de On.
Gene WLC 46:20  וַיִּוָּלֵ֣ד לְיוֹסֵף֮ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַיִם֒ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יָֽלְדָה־לּוֹ֙ אָֽסְנַ֔ת בַּת־פּ֥וֹטִי פֶ֖רַע כֹּהֵ֣ן אֹ֑ן אֶת־מְנַשֶּׁ֖ה וְאֶת־אֶפְרָֽיִם׃
Gene LtKBB 46:20  Juozapas susilaukė Egipto šalyje dviejų sūnų – Manaso ir Efraimo, kuriuos jam pagimdė Ono kunigo Potiferos duktė Asenata.
Gene Bela 46:20  І нарадзіліся ў Язэпа ў зямлі Егіпецкай Манасія і Яфрэм, якіх нарадзіла яму Асэнэта, дачка Потыфэра, жраца Она.
Gene GerBoLut 46:20  Und Joseph wurden geboren in Agyptenland Manasse und Ephraim, die ihm gebar Asnath, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters zu On.
Gene FinPR92 46:20  Joosefille syntyivät Egyptissä pojat Manasse ja Efraim, ja heidät synnytti Asenat, Onin papin Poti-Feran tytär.
Gene SpaRV186 46:20  Y nacieron a José en la tierra de Egipto, que le parió Asenet, hija de Potifera, príncipe de On: Manasés y Efraím.
Gene NlCanisi 46:20  In Egypte werden Manasse en Efraïm aan Josef geboren uit Asenat, de dochter van Poti-Féra, den priester van On.
Gene GerNeUe 46:20  Von Josef stammen Manasse und Efraïm, die ihm Asenat, die Tochter des Priesters Potifera aus Heliopolis, in Ägypten geboren hatte.
Gene Est 46:20  Joosepile sündisid Egiptusemaal pojad, keda temale ilmale tõi Asnat, Ooni preestri Pooti-Fera tütar: Manasse ja Efraim.
Gene UrduGeo 46:20  یوسف کے دو بیٹے منسّی اور افرائیم مصر میں پیدا ہوئے۔ اُن کی ماں اون کے پجاری فوطی فرع کی بیٹی آسنَت تھی۔
Gene AraNAV 46:20  وَوُلِدَ لِيُوسُفَ فِي أَرْضِ مِصْرَ مَنَسَّى وَأَفْرَايِمُ اللَّذَانِ أَنْجَبَتْهُمَا لَهُ أَسْنَاتُ ابْنَةُ فُوطِي فَارَعَ كَاهِنِ أُونٍ.
Gene ChiNCVs 46:20  约瑟在埃及地生了玛拿西和以法莲,就是安城的祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西纳给约瑟生的。
Gene ItaRive 46:20  E a Giuseppe, nel paese d’Egitto, nacquero Manasse ed Efraim, i quali Asenath, figliuola di Potifera, sacerdote di On, gli partorì.
Gene Afr1953 46:20  En vir Josef is in Egipteland gebore Manasse en Efraim wat Asenat, die dogter van Potiféra, die priester van On, vir hom gebaar het.
Gene RusSynod 46:20  И родились у Иосифа в земле египетской Манассия и Ефрем, которых родила ему Асенефа, дочь Потифера, жреца илиопольского.
Gene UrduGeoD 46:20  यूसुफ़ के दो बेटे मनस्सी और इफ़राईम मिसर में पैदा हुए। उनकी माँ ओन के पुजारी फ़ोतीफ़िरा की बेटी आसनत थी।
Gene TurNTB 46:20  Yusuf'un Mısır'da On Kenti kâhini Potifera'nın kızı Asenat'tan Manaşşe ve Efrayim adında iki oğlu oldu.
Gene DutSVV 46:20  En Jozef werden geboren in Egypteland, Manasse en Efraim, die hem Asnath, de dochter van Potifera, den overste te On, baarde.
Gene HunKNB 46:20  Józsefnek Egyiptom földjén ezek a fiai születtek, ezeket szülte neki Ászenet, Putifárnak, a heliopoliszi papnak a lánya: Manassze és Efraim.
Gene Maori 46:20  A whanau ake a Hohepa i te whenua o Ihipa, ko Manahi raua ko Eparaima, he whanau enei na raua ko Ahenata, tamahine a Potiwhera tohunga o Ono.
Gene sml_BL_2 46:20  Si Manasse isab maka si Epra'im, ya anak si Yusup l'lla bay nianakan ma lahat Misil e' si Asenat anak si Potipero imam ma da'ira Ūn.
Gene HunKar 46:20  És születének Józsefnek Égyiptom földén Manasse és Efráim, a kiket Asznáth, Potiferának, On papjának leánya szűlt néki.
Gene Viet 46:20  Giô-sép đã có con tại xứ Ê-díp-tô, là Ma-na-se, và Ép-ra-im, mà Ách-nát, con gái của Phô-ti-phê-ra, thầy cả thành Ôn, đã sanh cho người.
Gene Kekchi 46:20  Laj Manasés ut laj Efraín xcˈabaˈeb li cuib chi ralal laj José, li queˈcuan riqˈuin lix Asenat aran Egipto. Lix Asenat, aˈan xrabin laj Potifera, li quicˈamoc be chi tijoc chiruheb laj On.
Gene Swe1917 46:20  Och de söner som föddes åt Josef i Egyptens land voro Manasse och Efraim; de föddes åt honom av Asenat, dotter till Poti-Fera, prästen i On.
Gene SP 46:20  ויולד ליוסף בארץ מצרים אשר ילדה לו אסנת בת פוטיפרע . כהן אן את מנשה ואת אפרים
Gene CroSaric 46:20  Josipu su se u egipatskoj zemlji rodili Manaše i Efrajim. Rodila mu ih je kći onskog svećenika Poti-Fere.
Gene VieLCCMN 46:20  Ở xứ Ai-cập, ông Giu-se có thêm Mơ-na-se và Ép-ra-im, mà bà Át-nát, con gái ông Pô-ti Phê-ra, tư tế thành Ôn, đã sinh cho ông.
Gene FreBDM17 46:20  Et il naquit à Joseph au pays d’Egypte, Manassé et Ephraïm, qu’Asenath fille de Potiphérah, Gouverneur d’On, lui enfanta.
Gene FreLXX 46:20  Fils de Joseph en la terre d'Égypte, nés d'Aseneth, fille de Pétéphrès, prêtre d'Héliopolis : Manassé et Éphraïm ; fils de Manassé, né de sa femme syrienne : Machir, et Machir engendra Galaad. Fils d'Éphraïm, frère de Manassé : Sutalani et Taam ; fils de Sutalani : Edom.
Gene Aleppo 46:20  ויולד ליוסף בארץ מצרים אשר ילדה לו אסנת בת פוטי פרע כהן אן—את מנשה ואת אפרים
Gene MapM 46:20  וַיִּוָּלֵ֣ד לְיוֹסֵף֮ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֒יִם֒ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יָֽלְדָה־לּוֹ֙ אָֽסְנַ֔ת בַּת־פּ֥וֹטִי פֶ֖רַע כֹּהֵ֣ן אֹ֑ן אֶת־מְנַשֶּׁ֖ה וְאֶת־אֶפְרָֽיִם׃
Gene HebModer 46:20  ויולד ליוסף בארץ מצרים אשר ילדה לו אסנת בת פוטי פרע כהן אן את מנשה ואת אפרים׃
Gene Kaz 46:20  Мысырда Жүсіптің Манаса мен Ефрем есімді ұлдары дүниеге келді. Бұларды Он қаласындағы діни қызметкер Потифердің қызы Асенет туды.
Gene FreJND 46:20  Et il naquit à Joseph, dans le pays d’Égypte, Manassé et Éphraïm, que lui enfanta Asnath, fille de Poti-Phéra, sacrificateur d’On.
Gene GerGruen 46:20  Dem Joseph aber wurden im Land Ägypten Kinder geboren, die ihm Asenat, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters von On, gebar: Manasse und Ephraim.
Gene SloKJV 46:20  Jožefu sta bila v egiptovski deželi rojena Manáse in Efrájim, katera mu je rodila Asenáta, hči Potifêra, duhovnika iz Ona.
Gene Haitian 46:20  Pandan Jozèf te nan peyi Lejip, Asnat, pitit fi Potifera, prèt lavil On an, te fè Manase ak Efrayim pou li.
Gene FinBibli 46:20  Ja Josephille olivat syntyneet Egyptin maalla, jotka hänelle synnytti Asnat, Potipheran Onin papin tytär: nimittäin Manasse ja Ephraim.
Gene Geez 46:20  ወተወልዱ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ለዮሴፍ ፡ ደቂቅ ፡ በብሔረ ፡ ግብጽ ፡ ምናሴ ፡ ወኤፍሬም ፤ ወደቂቀ ፡ ምናሴ ፡ ዘወለደት ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ዕቅብቱ ፡ ሶርያዊት ፡ [*ማኪር ፡ ወማኪር ፡ ወለዶ ፡ ለገለአድ ፤*] ወደቂቀ ፡ ኤፍሬም ፡ እኁሁ ፡ ለምናሴ ፡ [*ሱታላ ፡ ወጠኀን ፡ ወደቂቀ ፡ ሱታለ ፡ ኤዴን ።*]
Gene SpaRV 46:20  Y nacieron á José en la tierra de Egipto Manasés y Ephraim, los que le parió Asenath, hija de Potipherah, sacerdote de On.
Gene WelBeibl 46:20  Cafodd Joseff ddau fab yn yr Aifft: Manasse ac Effraim (Asnath, merch Potiffera, offeiriad Heliopolis, oedd eu mam).
Gene GerMenge 46:20  Dem Joseph aber waren in Ägypten Manasse und Ephraim geboren, die ihm Asenath, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters von On, geboren hatte.
Gene GreVamva 46:20  Εγεννήθησαν δε εις τον Ιωσήφ εν τη γη της Αιγύπτου Μανασσής και Εφραΐμ, τους οποίους εγέννησεν εις αυτόν Ασενέθ, η θυγάτηρ του Ποτιφερά ιερέως της Ων.
Gene UkrOgien 46:20  І вродилися Йосипові в єгипетськім краї Манасі́я та Єфре́м, що їх уродила йому Оснат, дочка Поті-Фера, жерця Ону.
Gene FreCramp 46:20  Il naquit à Joseph, au pays d'Egypte, des fils que lui enfanta Aseneth, fille de Putiphar, prêtre d'On, savoir Manassé et Ephraïm. —
Gene SrKDEkav 46:20  А Јосифу се родише у Мисиру од Асенете, кћери Потифере свештеника онског: Манасија и Јефрем.
Gene PolUGdan 46:20  Józefowi zaś urodzili się w ziemi Egiptu Manasses i Efraim, których urodziła Asenat, córka Poti-Fery, kapłana z On.
Gene FreSegon 46:20  Il naquit à Joseph, au pays d'Égypte, Manassé et Éphraïm, que lui enfanta Asnath, fille de Poti-Phéra, prêtre d'On.
Gene SpaRV190 46:20  Y nacieron á José en la tierra de Egipto Manasés y Ephraim, los que le parió Asenath, hija de Potipherah, sacerdote de On.
Gene HunRUF 46:20  Józsefnek Egyiptom földjén született Manassé és Efraim, akiket Ászenat, Pótiferának, Ón papjának a leánya szült.
Gene DaOT1931 46:20  og Josef fik Børn i Ægypten med Asenat, en Datter af Potifera, Præsten i On: Manasse og Efraim;
Gene TpiKJPB 46:20  Na Manasa na Ifraim i kamap long Josep long hap graun bilong Isip. Asenat, pikinini meri bilong Poti-fera, pris bilong On, em i karim ol long em.
Gene DaOT1871 46:20  Og der blev født Josef Sønner i Ægyptens Land, hvilke Asnath, en Datter af Potifera, Præsten i On, fødte ham: Manasse og Efraim.
Gene FreVulgG 46:20  Joseph, étant en Egypte, eut deux fils de sa femme Aseneth, fille de Putiphar, prêtre d’Héliopolis : Manassé et Ephraïm.
Gene PolGdans 46:20  Józefowi zaś urodzili się synowie w ziemi Egipskiej, które mu urodziła Asenat, córka Potyfara, książęcia Ońskiego: Manases i Efraim.
Gene JapBungo 46:20  エジプトの國にてヨセフにマナセとエフライムうまれたり是はオンの祭司ポテパルの女アセナテが生たる者なり
Gene GerElb18 46:20  Und dem Joseph wurden im Lande Ägypten Manasse und Ephraim geboren, welche Asnath ihm gebar, die Tochter Potipheras, des Priesters von On.