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Judg RWebster 20:35  And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg NHEBJE 20:35  Jehovah struck Benjamin before Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin that day twenty-five thousand one hundred men: all armed with swords.
Judg ABP 20:35  And [2put 4to flight 1the lord 3Benjamin] before Israel. And [4utterly destroyed 1the 2sons 3of Israel] among Benjamin in that day twenty and five thousand and a hundred men, all these unsheathing the broadsword.
Judg NHEBME 20:35  The Lord struck Benjamin before Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin that day twenty-five thousand one hundred men: all armed with swords.
Judg Rotherha 20:35  Thus Yahweh smote Benjamin before Israel, and the sons of Israel destroyed in Benjamin, that day, twenty-five thousand and one hundred men,—all these, drew the sword.
Judg LEB 20:35  And Yahweh defeated Benjamin in the presence of Israel, and the ⌞Israelites⌟ destroyed on that day twenty-five thousand one hundred men of Benjamin, all of them ⌞sword-wielding⌟.
Judg RNKJV 20:35  And יהוה smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg Jubilee2 20:35  And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel, and the sons of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty-five thousand one hundred men; all these drew the sword.
Judg Webster 20:35  And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjaminites that day twenty and five thousand and a hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg Darby 20:35  And Jehovah smote Benjamin before Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjaminites that day twenty-five thousand one hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg ASV 20:35  And Jehovah smote Benjamin before Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin that day twenty and five thousand and a hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg LITV 20:35  And Jehovah struck Benjamin before Israel. And the sons of Israel destroyed twenty five thousand, one hundred men on that day in Benjamin; all these were swordsmen.
Judg Geneva15 20:35  And the Lord smote Beniamin before Israel, and the children of Israel destroyed of the Beniamites the same day fiue and twenty thousand and an hundreth men: all they could handle the sword.
Judg CPDV 20:35  And the Lord struck them down in the sight of the sons of Israel, and they put to death, on that day, twenty-five thousand of them, along with one hundred men, all warriors and those who drew the sword.
Judg BBE 20:35  Then the Lord sent sudden fear on Benjamin before Israel; and that day the children of Israel put to death twenty-five thousand, one hundred men of Benjamin, all of them swordsmen.
Judg DRC 20:35  And the Lord defeated them before the children of Israel, and they slew of them in that day five and twenty thousand, and one hundred, all fighting men, and that drew the sword.
Judg GodsWord 20:35  So the LORD defeated them in front of Israel. On that day the Israelites slaughtered 25,100 men from Benjamin who were armed with swords.
Judg JPS 20:35  And HaShem smote Benjamin before Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin that day twenty and five thousand and a hundred men; all these drew the sword.
Judg KJVPCE 20:35  And the Lord smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg NETfree 20:35  The LORD annihilated Benjamin before Israel; the Israelites struck down that day 25,100 sword-wielding Benjaminites.
Judg AB 20:35  And the Lord struck Benjamin before the children of Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin in that day a hundred and twenty-five thousand men: all these drew the sword.
Judg AFV2020 20:35  And the LORD struck Benjamin before Israel. And the children of Israel destroyed in Benjamin twenty-five thousand and a hundred men that day. All these drew the sword.
Judg NHEB 20:35  The Lord struck Benjamin before Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin that day twenty-five thousand one hundred men: all armed with swords.
Judg NETtext 20:35  The LORD annihilated Benjamin before Israel; the Israelites struck down that day 25,100 sword-wielding Benjaminites.
Judg UKJV 20:35  And the LORD stroke Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg KJV 20:35  And the Lord smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg KJVA 20:35  And the Lord smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg AKJV 20:35  And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg RLT 20:35  And Yhwh smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.
Judg MKJV 20:35  And the LORD struck Benjamin before Israel. And the sons of Israel destroyed in Benjamin twenty-five thousand and a hundred men that day. All these drew the sword.
Judg YLT 20:35  And Jehovah smiteth Benjamin before Israel, and the sons of Israel destroy in Benjamin, on that day, twenty and five thousand, and a hundred men; all these are drawing sword.
Judg ACV 20:35  And Jehovah smote Benjamin before Israel, and the sons of Israel destroyed of Benjamin that day twenty-five thousand and a hundred men. All these drew the sword.
Judg VulgSist 20:35  Percussitque eos Dominus in conspectu filiorum Israel, et interfecerunt ex eis in illo die viginti quinque millia, et centum viros, omnes bellatores et educentes gladium.
Judg VulgCont 20:35  Percussitque eos Dominus in conspectu filiorum Israel, et interfecerunt ex eis in illo die viginti quinque millia, et centum viros, omnes bellatores et educentes gladium.
Judg Vulgate 20:35  percussitque eos Dominus in conspectu filiorum Israhel et interfecerunt ex eis in illo die viginti quinque milia et centum viros omnes bellatores et educentes gladium
Judg VulgHetz 20:35  Percussitque eos Dominus in conspectu filiorum Israel, et interfecerunt ex eis in illo die viginti quinque millia, et centum viros, omnes bellatores et educentes gladium.
Judg VulgClem 20:35  Percussitque eos Dominus in conspectu filiorum Israël, et interfecerunt ex eis in illo die viginti quinque millia, et centum viros, omnes bellatores et educentes gladium.
Judg CzeBKR 20:35  I porazil Hospodin Beniamina před Izraelem, a zbili synové Izraelští z Beniaminských dne toho pětmecítma tisíc a sto mužů, vše bojovných.
Judg CzeB21 20:35  Hospodin tehdy Benjamína před Izraelem porazil. Onoho dne synové Izraele pobili 25 100 benjamínských mužů, samých bojovníků.
Judg CzeCEP 20:35  I porazil Hospodin Benjamína před Izraelem. Izraelci vnesli onoho dne do Benjamína zkázu; padlo dvacet pět tisíc sto mužů, všichni ozbrojení meči.
Judg CzeCSP 20:35  I porazil Hospodin Benjamína před Izraelem. Synové Izraele v onen den uvrhli do zkázy dvacet pět tisíc a sto mužů z Benjamína. Ti všichni byli ozbrojeni mečem.
Judg PorBLivr 20:35  E feriu o SENHOR a Benjamim diante de Israel; e mataram os filhos de Israel aquele dia vinte e cinco mil e cem homens de Benjamim, todos os quais tiravam espada.
Judg Mg1865 20:35  Ary Jehovah namely ny Benjamita teo anoloan’ ny Isiraely, ary tamin’ izany andro izany ny taranak’ i Benjamina dia nahafatesan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely zato sy dimy arivo amby roa alin-dahy; nahatan-tsabatra avokoa ireo rehetra ireo.
Judg FinPR 20:35  Ja Herra antoi Israelin voittaa Benjaminin, ja israelilaiset kaatoivat sinä päivänä Benjaminista kaksikymmentäviisi tuhatta ja sata miestä, kaikki miekkamiehiä.
Judg FinRK 20:35  Herra löi Benjaminin Israelin edessä, ja israelilaiset kaatoivat sinä päivänä Benjaminista kaksikymmentäviisituhatta sata miestä, kaikki miekkamiehiä.
Judg ChiSB 20:35  這樣,本雅明子孫看出自己失敗。原來以色列人依仗在基貝亞所設下的伏兵,先在本雅明人前退怯;
Judg CopSahBi 20:35  ⲁⲩⲱ ⲡϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ ⲁϥⲡⲁⲧⲁⲥⲥⲉ ⲛⲃⲉⲛⲓⲁⲙⲓⲛ ⲙⲡⲉⲙⲧⲟ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲙⲡⲓⲥⲣⲁⲏⲗ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛϣⲏⲣⲉ ⲙⲡⲓⲥⲣⲁⲏⲗ ⲁⲩⲣⲱϩⲧ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲛ ⲃⲉⲛⲓⲁⲙⲓⲛ ϩⲙ ⲡⲉϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲉⲧⲙⲙⲁⲩ ⲛⲧⲃⲁ ⲥⲛⲁⲩ ⲟⲩϭⲟⲥ ⲙⲛϣⲉ ⲛⲣⲱⲙⲉ ⲛⲁⲓ ⲧⲏⲣⲟⲩ ⲉⲩⲧⲉⲕⲙⲥⲏϥⲉ
Judg ChiUns 20:35  耶和华使以色列人杀败便雅悯人。那日,以色列人杀死便雅悯人二万五千一百,都是拿刀的。
Judg BulVeren 20:35  И ГОСПОД разби Вениамин пред Израил, и в онзи ден израилевите синове простряха двадесет и пет хиляди и сто мъже от Вениамин; всички те теглеха меч.
Judg AraSVD 20:35  فَضَرَبَ ٱلرَّبُّ بَنْيَامِينَ أَمَامَ إِسْرَائِيلَ، وَأَهْلَكَ بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ مِنْ بَنْيَامِينَ فِي ذَلِكَ ٱلْيَوْمِ خَمْسَةً وَعِشْرِينَ أَلْفَ رَجُلٍ وَمِئَةَ رَجُلٍ. كُلُّ هَؤُلَاءِ مُخْتَرِطُو ٱلسَّيْفِ.
Judg Esperant 20:35  Kaj la Eternulo frapis la Benjamenidojn antaŭ la Izraelidoj; kaj la Izraelidoj ekstermis en tiu tago el la Benjamenidoj dudek kvin mil kaj cent homojn; ĉiuj ili estis eltirantoj de glavo.
Judg ThaiKJV 20:35  พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงให้คนเบนยามินพ่ายแพ้คนอิสราเอล ในวันนั้นคนอิสราเอลทำลายคนเบนยามินเสียสองหมื่นห้าพันหนึ่งร้อยคน ทุกคนเหล่านี้เป็นทหารถือดาบ
Judg OSHB 20:35  וַיִּגֹּ֨ף יְהוָ֥ה ׀ אֶֽת־בִּנְיָמִן֮ לִפְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ וַיַּשְׁחִיתוּ֩ בְנֵ֨י יִשְׂרָאֵ֤ל בְּבִנְיָמִן֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא עֶשְׂרִ֨ים וַחֲמִשָּׁ֥ה אֶ֛לֶף וּמֵאָ֖ה אִ֑ישׁ כָּל־אֵ֖לֶּה שֹׁ֥לֵף חָֽרֶב׃
Judg BurJudso 20:35  ထိုအခါ ထာဝရဘုရားသည် ဗင်္ယာမိန်လူတို့ကို ဣသရေလလူတို့ရှေ့မှာ ရှုံးစေတော်မူသဖြင့်၊ ထို့နေ့ တွင် ဣသရေလ လူတို့သည် ထားလက်နက်စွဲကိုင်သော ဗင်္ယာမိန်လူနှစ်သောင်းငါးထောင်တရာ တို့ကို ပယ်ရှင်းကြ၏။
Judg FarTPV 20:35  خداوند به اسرائیل کمک کرد که بنیامین را شکست بدهند و بیست و پنج هزار و صد نفرشان را که همه مردان شمشیرزن بودند، در همان روز به قتل برسانند.
Judg UrduGeoR 20:35  Us din Isrāīliyoṅ ne Rab kī madad se fatah pā kar talwār se lais 25,100 Binyamīnī faujiyoṅ ko maut ke ghāṭ utār diyā.
Judg SweFolk 20:35  Herren slog Benjamin inför Israel så att Israels barn den dagen nergjorde av Benjamin 25 100 man, alla beväpnade med svärd.
Judg GerSch 20:35  Und der HERR schlug Benjamin vor den Kindern Israel, so daß die Kinder Israel an jenem Tag 25100 Mann von Benjamin, die das Schwert zogen, zu Boden streckten.
Judg TagAngBi 20:35  At sinaktan ng Panginoon ang Benjamin sa harap ng Israel: at pinatay ng mga anak ni Israel sa Benjamin nang araw na yaon ay dalawang pu't limang libo at isang daang lalake: lahat ng mga ito'y humahawak ng tabak.
Judg FinSTLK2 20:35  Herra antoi Israelin voittaa Benjaminin, ja israelilaiset kaatoivat sinä päivänä Benjaminista kaksikymmentäviisi tuhatta ja sata miestä, kaikki miekkamiehiä.
Judg Dari 20:35  و خداوند به اسرائیلی ها کمک کرد که بنیامین را شکست بدهند و بیست و پنج هزار و یکصد نفر شان را که همه مردان شمشیرزن بودند در همان روز بقتل برسانند.
Judg SomKQA 20:35  Markaasuu Rabbigu reer Benyaamiin ku laayay reer binu Israa'iil hortooda; oo maalintaas reer binu Israa'iil waxay reer Benyaamiin ka baabbi'iyeen shan iyo labaatan kun iyo boqol nin oo wada seefqaad ah.
Judg NorSMB 20:35  Og Herren laga det so at Benjamin rauk for Israel; Israels-sønerne felte den dagen fem og tjuge tusund og eitt hundrad mann av Benjamins-ætti; alle desse var våpnføre.
Judg Alb 20:35  Kështu Zoti mundi Beniaminin para Izraelit; dhe bijtë e Izraelit vranë atë ditë njëzet e pesë mijë e njëqind burra të Beniaminit, të gjithë të zotë të përdornin shpatën.
Judg UyCyr 20:35  Пәрвәрдигар биняминларни исраилларниң көз алдида йоқатти, йәни исраиллар шу күни биняминлардин 25100 қиличлиқ ләшкәрни өлтүрди.
Judg KorHKJV 20:35  주께서 이스라엘 앞에서 베냐민을 치시매 그 날에 이스라엘 자손이 베냐민 족속 중에서 이만 오천백 명을 멸하였는데 이들은 다 칼을 빼는 자들이더라.
Judg SrKDIjek 20:35  И Господ поби Венијамина пред Израиљем, и синови Израиљеви погубише онај дан од синова Венијаминовијех двадесет и пет тисућа и сто људи, који сви мачем махаху.
Judg Wycliffe 20:35  And the Lord smoot hem in the siyt of the sones of Israel, and `thei killiden of hem in that dai fyue and twenti thousynde and an hundrid men, alle the werryours and drawynge swerd.
Judg Mal1910 20:35  യഹോവ ബെന്യാമീന്യരെ യിസ്രായേലിന്റെ മുമ്പിൽ തോല്ക്കുമാറാക്കി; അന്നു യിസ്രായേൽമക്കൾ ബെന്യമീന്യരിൽ ഇരുപത്തയ്യായിരത്തൊരുനൂറുപേരെ സംഹരിച്ചു; അവർ എല്ലാവരും ആയുധപാണികൾ ആയിരുന്നു.
Judg KorRV 20:35  여호와께서 이스라엘 앞에서 베냐민을 쳐서 파하게 하시매 당일에 이스라엘 자손이 베냐민 사람 이만 오천일백을 죽였으니 다 칼을 빼는 자이었더라
Judg Azeri 20:35  رب ائسرايئلئن قاباغيندا بِنيامئنلی‌لري دارماداغين اتدي. همئن گون ائسرايئل اؤولادلاري بِنيامئنلی‌لردن ائيئرمي بش مئن يوز کئشئني هلاک اتدئلر. بونلارين هاميسي قيلينج گَزدئرن آداملار ائدي.
Judg SweKarlX 20:35  Alltså slog Herren BenJamin för Israels barn, så att Israels barn på den dagen förderfvade fem och tjugu tusend och hundrade män i BenJamin, som alle svärd förde.
Judg KLV 20:35  joH'a' struck Benjamin qaSpa' Israel; je the puqpu' vo' Israel Qaw'ta' vo' Benjamin vetlh jaj cha'maH- vagh SaD wa' vatlh loDpu': Hoch Dochvammey drew the 'etlh.
Judg ItaDio 20:35  E il Signore sconfisse Beniamino davanti ad Israele; e in quel giorno i figliuoli d’Israele tagliarono a pezzi venticinquemila e cent’uomini di Beniamino, i quali tutti potevano trar la spada.
Judg RusSynod 20:35  И поразил Господь Вениамина пред Израильтянами, и положили в тот день Израильтяне из сынов Вениамина двадцать пять тысяч сто человек, обнажавших меч.
Judg CSlEliza 20:35  И порази Господь Вениамина пред сыны Израилевыми: и избиша сынове Израилевы от Вениамина в той день двадесять пять тысящ и сто мужей: сии вси воздвизаху оружие.
Judg ABPGRK 20:35  και ετρόπωσε κύριος τον Βενιαμίν κατά πρόσωπον Ισραήλ και διέφθειραν οι υιοί Ισραήλ εν τω Βενιαμίν εν τη ημέρα εκείνη είκοσι και πέντε χιλιάδας και εκατόν άνδρας πάντες ούτοι σπώμενοι ρομφαίαν
Judg FreBBB 20:35  Et l'Eternel battit Benjamin devant Israël, et ce jour-là les fils d'Israël tuèrent à Benjamin vingt-cinq mille et cent hommes, tous tirant l'épée.
Judg LinVB 20:35  Yawe alo­ngi ba-Benyamin o miso ma ba-Israel. O mokolo mona ba-Israel babomi ba-Benyamin nkoto ntuku ibale na itano na monkama, bato bayebi kobunda na mopanga.
Judg HunIMIT 20:35  És megverte az Örökkévaló Benjámint Izraél előtt és leterítettek Izraél fiai Benjámin közül ama napon huszonötezer és száz embert, mindezek kardrántók.
Judg ChiUnL 20:35  耶和華使便雅憫人敗於以色列人前、是日以色列人殺便雅憫人、二萬五千一百、皆執兵之士、
Judg VietNVB 20:35  CHÚA đã đánh bại người Bên-gia-min trước mặt người Y-sơ-ra-ên. Trong ngày ấy, người Y-sơ-ra-ên đánh hạ hai mươi lăm ngàn một trăm người Bên-gia-min. Tất cả đều là những tay kiếm giỏi.
Judg LXX 20:35  καὶ ἐπάταξεν κύριος τὸν Βενιαμιν ἐνώπιον υἱῶν Ισραηλ καὶ διέφθειραν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ ἐκ τοῦ Βενιαμιν ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ εἴκοσι καὶ πέντε χιλιάδας καὶ ἑκατὸν ἄνδρας πάντες οὗτοι εἷλκον ῥομφαίαν καὶ ἐτρόπωσεν κύριος τὸν Βενιαμιν κατὰ πρόσωπον Ισραηλ καὶ διέφθειραν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ ἐν τῷ Βενιαμιν ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ εἴκοσι καὶ πέντε χιλιάδας καὶ ἑκατὸν ἄνδρας πάντες οὗτοι σπώμενοι ῥομφαίαν
Judg CebPinad 20:35  Ug si Jehova naghampak kang Benjamin sa atubangan sa Israel; ug ang mga anak sa Israel naglaglag gikan sa Benjamin niadtong adlawa kaluhaan ug lima ka libo ug usa ka gatus ka tawo: kining tanan nanag-ibut sa pinuti.
Judg RomCor 20:35  Domnul a bătut pe Beniamin înaintea lui Israel, şi copiii lui Israel au ucis în ziua aceea douăzeci şi cinci de mii o sută de oameni din Beniamin, toţi în stare să poarte armele.
Judg Pohnpeia 20:35  KAUN-O ketikihong mehn Israel ko re en powehdi karis kan en Pensamin. Mehn Israel ko kemehla aramas 25,100 rahno;
Judg HunUj 20:35  Az Úr ugyanis vereséget mért Benjáminra Izráel előtt, és Izráel fiai huszonötezer-egyszáz embert pusztítottak el azon a napon a benjáminiak közül, akik mind járatosak voltak a kardforgatásban.
Judg GerZurch 20:35  So liess der Herr die Benjaminiten den Israeliten erliegen, und die Israeliten machten an jenem Tage 25 100 Benjaminiten nieder, lauter schwertbewehrte Männer.
Judg GerTafel 20:35  Und Jehovah schlug Benjamin vor Israel, und die Söhne Israels verdarben in Benjamin an diesem Tage fünfundzwanzigtausend und hundert Mann, die alle das Schwert zogen.
Judg PorAR 20:35  Então o Senhor derrotou a Benjamim diante dos filhos de Israel, que destruíram naquele dia vinte e cinco mil e cem homens de Benjamim, todos estes dos que arrancavam da espada.
Judg DutSVVA 20:35  Toen sloeg de Heere Benjamin voor Israëls aangezicht; dat de kinderen Israëls op dien dag van Benjamin vernielden vijf en twintig duizend en honderd mannen; die allen trokken het zwaard uit.
Judg FarOPV 20:35  و خداوند بنیامین را به حضور اسرائیل مغلوب ساخت و بنی‌اسرائیل در آن روز بیست وپنجهزار و یکصد نفر را از بنیامین هلاک ساختندکه جمیع ایشان شمشیرزن بودند.
Judg Ndebele 20:35  INkosi yasimtshaya uBhenjamini phambi kukaIsrayeli. Abantwana bakoIsrayeli basebebhubhisa koBhenjamini amadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu lekhulu elilodwa ngalolosuku; bonke laba bahwatsha inkemba.
Judg PorBLivr 20:35  E feriu o SENHOR a Benjamim diante de Israel; e mataram os filhos de Israel aquele dia vinte e cinco mil e cem homens de Benjamim, todos os quais tiravam espada.
Judg Norsk 20:35  Og Herren lot Benjamin ligge under for Israel, og Israels barn felte den dag fem og tyve tusen og et hundre mann av Benjamin; alle disse kunde dra sverd.
Judg SloChras 20:35  In Gospod je udaril Benjamina pred sinovi Izraelovimi, da so sinovi Izraelovi pobili tisti dan iz Benjamincev petindvajset tisoč in sto mož, ki so vsi izdirali meč.
Judg Northern 20:35  Rəbb İsrailin önündə Binyaminliləri darmadağın etdi. Həmin gün İsrail övladları Binyaminlilərdən iyirmi beş min yüz kişini həlak etdi. Bunların hamısı qılınc gəzdirən adamlar idi.
Judg GerElb19 20:35  Und Jehova schlug Benjamin vor Israel, und die Kinder Israel streckten unter Benjamin an selbigem Tage fünfundzwanzigtausend einhundert Mann nieder; diese alle zogen das Schwert. -
Judg LvGluck8 20:35  Tā Tas Kungs Benjaminu kāva Israēla priekšā, jo Israēla bērni tai dienā no Benjamina apkāva divdesmit piecus tūkstošus un simts vīrus, kas visi bija zobenu vilcēji.
Judg PorAlmei 20:35  Então feriu o Senhor a Benjamin diante d'Israel; e desfizeram os filhos d'Israel n'aquelle dia vinte e cinco mil e cem homens de Benjamin, todos dos que arrancavam espada.
Judg ChiUn 20:35  耶和華使以色列人殺敗便雅憫人。那日,以色列人殺死便雅憫人二萬五千一百,都是拿刀的。
Judg SweKarlX 20:35  Alltså slog Herren BenJamin för Israels barn, så att Israels barn på den dagen förderfvade fem och tjugu tusend och hundrade män i BenJamin, som alle svärd förde.
Judg FreKhan 20:35  Le Seigneur fit succomber Benjamin sous les armes d’Israël, et les Israélites, ce jour-là, tuèrent à Benjamin vingt-cinq mille cent hommes, tous experts à l’épée.
Judg FrePGR 20:35  Et l'Éternel battit Benjamin devant Israël ; et les enfants d'Israël, dans cette journée, tuèrent à Benjamin vingt-cinq mille et cent hommes tous tirant l'épée.
Judg PorCap 20:35  O Senhor feriu Benjamim na presença de Israel e, nesse dia, os filhos de Israel deram morte a vinte e cinco mil e cem homens, todos eles valentes guerreiros e hábeis no manejo da espada.
Judg JapKougo 20:35  主がイスラエルの前にベニヤミンを撃ち敗られたので、イスラエルの人々は、その日ベニヤミンびと二万五千一百人を殺した。これらは皆つるぎを帯びている者であった。
Judg GerTextb 20:35  So ließ Jahwe Benjamin vor Israel erliegen und die Israeliten hieben von Benjamin an jenem Tage 25100 Mann nieder, lauter mit Schwertern Bewaffnete.
Judg Kapingam 20:35  Dimaadua guu-hai digau Israel gi-maaloo i digau-dauwa Benjamin. Digau Israel ne-daaligi nadau gau e-madalua maa-lima mana ge lau-(25,100) i-di laangi deelaa,
Judg SpaPlate 20:35  Así derrotó Yahvé a Benjamín ante Israel, pues los hijos de Israel mataron en aquel día veinte y cinco mil cien hombres de Benjamín, todos armados de espada.
Judg WLC 20:35  וַיִּגֹּ֨ף יְהוָ֥ה ׀ אֶֽת־בִּנְיָמִן֮ לִפְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ וַיַּשְׁחִיתוּ֩ בְנֵ֨י יִשְׂרָאֵ֤ל בְּבִנְיָמִן֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא עֶשְׂרִ֨ים וַחֲמִשָּׁ֥ה אֶ֛לֶף וּמֵאָ֖ה אִ֑ישׁ כָּל־אֵ֖לֶּה שֹׁ֥לֵף חָֽרֶב׃
Judg LtKBB 20:35  Viešpats suteikė pergalę Izraeliui, ir jie sunaikino tą dieną dvidešimt penkis tūkstančius šimtą benjaminų, ginkluotų kardais.
Judg Bela 20:35  І пабіў Гасподзь Веньяміна перад Ізраільцянамі, і паклалі ў той дзень Ізраільцяне з сыноў Веньяміна дваццаць пяць тысяч сто чалавек, што агалілі меч.
Judg GerBoLut 20:35  Also schlug der HERR Benjamin vor den Kindern Israel, daß die Kinder Israel auf den Tag verderbeten fünfundzwanzigtausend und hundert Mann in Benjamin, die alle das Schwert fuhreten.
Judg FinPR92 20:35  Herra antoi israelilaisten voittaa benjaminilaiset. Sinä päivänä he surmasivat kaksikymmentäviisituhatta sata benjaminilaista soturia.
Judg SpaRV186 20:35  E hirió Jehová a Ben-jamín delante de Israel; y mataron los hijos de Israel aquel día veinte y cinco mil y cien hombres de Ben-jamín, todos estos que sacaban espada.
Judg NlCanisi 20:35  Maar Jahweh deed Benjamin voor Israël vluchten, en de Israëlieten versloegen die dag vijf en twintig duizend Benjamieten, allemaal zwaardvechters.
Judg GerNeUe 20:35  An diesem Tag tötete Jahwe durch die Israeliten 25 100 bewaffnete Kämpfer aus dem Stamm Benjamin.
Judg UrduGeo 20:35  اُس دن اسرائیلیوں نے رب کی مدد سے فتح پا کر تلوار سے لیس 25,100 بن یمینی فوجیوں کو موت کے گھاٹ اُتار دیا۔
Judg AraNAV 20:35  وَهَزَمَ الرَّبُّ بَنْيَامِينَ أَمَامَ إِسْرَائِيلَ فَأَهْلَكُوا مِنْهُمْ فِي ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمِ خَمْسَةً وَعِشْرِينَ أَلْفَ رَجُلٍ وَمِئَةَ رَجُلٍ، وَكُلُّهُمْ مِنْ رِجَالِ السَّيْفِ.
Judg ChiNCVs 20:35  耶和华在以色列人面前击败了便雅悯人;那天以色列人消灭便雅悯人,共二万五千一百名,都是拿刀的。
Judg ItaRive 20:35  E l’Eterno sconfisse Beniamino davanti ad Israele; e i figliuoli d’Israele uccisero quel giorno venticinquemila e cento uomini di Beniamino, tutti atti a trar la spada.
Judg Afr1953 20:35  Toe het die HERE Benjamin voor Israel verslaan, en die kinders van Israel het op dié dag in Benjamin vyf en twintig duisend een honderd man wat almal die swaard uittrek, vernietig.
Judg RusSynod 20:35  И поразил Господь Вениамина перед израильтянами, и положили в тот день израильтяне из сынов Вениамина двадцать пять тысяч сто человек, обнажавших меч.
Judg UrduGeoD 20:35  उस दिन इसराईलियों ने रब की मदद से फ़तह पाकर तलवार से लैस 25,100 बिनयमीनी फ़ौजियों को मौत के घाट उतार दिया।
Judg TurNTB 20:35  RAB onları İsrail'in önünde bozguna uğrattı. İsrailliler o gün Benyaminoğulları'ndan eli kılıç tutan yirmi beş bin yüz kişiyi öldürdüler.
Judg DutSVV 20:35  Toen sloeg de HEERE Benjamin voor Israels aangezicht; dat de kinderen Israels op dien dag van Benjamin vernielden vijf en twintig duizend en honderd mannen; die allen trokken het zwaard uit.
Judg HunKNB 20:35  Végre is az Úr megverte őket Izrael fiainak színe előtt, s megöltek közülük azon a napon huszonötezer-száz, csupa hadakozó és kardforgató férfit.
Judg Maori 20:35  Na patua iho e Ihowa a Pineamine i te aroaro o Iharaira, a ngaro iho o Pineamine i nga tama a Iharaira i taua ra, e rua tekau ma rima mano kotahi rau: he hunga mau hoari enei katoa.
Judg HunKar 20:35  Így verte le az Úr Izráel előtt Benjámint, és elpusztítottak az Izráel fiai azon a napon a Benjámin fiai közül huszonötezerszáz férfiút, kik mind fegyverfoghatók voltak.
Judg Viet 20:35  Ðức Giê-hô-va đánh bại người chi phái Bên-gia-min trước mặt dân Y-sơ-ra-ên; và trong ngày đó, dân Y-sơ-ra-ên giết hai muôn năm ngàn mốt người Bên-gia-min, hết thảy đều có tài cầm gươm.
Judg Kekchi 20:35  Li Ka̱cuaˈ quixtenkˈaheb li ralal xcˈajol laj Israel chi numta̱c saˈ xbe̱neb li ralal xcˈajol laj Benjamín. O̱b xcaˈcˈa̱l mil riqˈuin jun ciento (25,100) lix soldado li ralal xcˈajol laj Benjamín queˈcamsi̱c saˈ li cutan aˈan.
Judg Swe1917 20:35  Och HERREN lät Benjamin bliva slagen av Israel, och Israels barn nedgjorde av Benjamin på den dagen tjugufem tusen ett hundra man, allasammans svärdbeväpnade män.
Judg CroSaric 20:35  I Jahve potuče Benjamina pred Izraelom toga dana te Izraelci pobiše Benjaminu dvadeset i pet tisuća i sto ljudi vičnih maču.
Judg VieLCCMN 20:35  ĐỨC CHÚA đánh cho Ben-gia-min tháo chạy trước Ít-ra-en, và hôm đó con cái Ít-ra-en đã giết được 25.100 người Ben-gia-min, toàn là những người biết tuốt gươm.
Judg FreBDM17 20:35  L’Eternel donc battit Benjamin devant les Israélites ; et les enfants d’Israël mirent ce jour-là par terre vingt-cinq mille et cent hommes de Benjamin, tous tirant l’épée.
Judg FreLXX 20:35  Et, ce jour-là, le Seigneur frappa Benjamin devant les fils d'Israël, et les fils d'Israël détruisirent de Benjamin vingt-cinq mille cent hommes, tous portant l'épée.
Judg Aleppo 20:35  ויגף יהוה את בנימן לפני ישראל וישחיתו בני ישראל בבנימן ביום ההוא עשרים וחמשה אלף ומאה איש  כל אלה שלף חרב
Judg MapM 20:35  וַיִּגֹּ֨ף יְהֹוָ֥ה ׀ אֶֽת־בִּנְיָמִן֮ לִפְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ וַיַּשְׁחִ֩יתוּ֩ בְנֵ֨י יִשְׂרָאֵ֤ל בְּבִנְיָמִן֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא עֶשְׂרִ֨ים וַחֲמִשָּׁ֥ה אֶ֛לֶף וּמֵאָ֖ה אִ֑ישׁ כׇּל־אֵ֖לֶּה שֹׁ֥לֵֽף חָֽרֶב׃
Judg HebModer 20:35  ויגף יהוה את בנימן לפני ישראל וישחיתו בני ישראל בבנימן ביום ההוא עשרים וחמשה אלף ומאה איש כל אלה שלף חרב׃
Judg Kaz 20:35  Жаратқан Ие Буняминді Исраилдің алдында ойсырата талқандап, исраилдіктер сол күні олардың жиырма бес мың бір жүз адамын құртты. Солардың бәрі семсер асынған сарбаздар еді.
Judg FreJND 20:35  Et l’Éternel battit Benjamin devant Israël, et les fils d’Israël étendirent morts en ce jour-là 25100 hommes de Benjamin, tous tirant l’épée.
Judg GerGruen 20:35  So schlug der Herr durch Israel Benjamin. Und die Israeliten schlugen an jenem Tag von Benjamin 25.100 Mann, lauter Schwertbewaffnete.
Judg SloKJV 20:35  Gospod je udaril Benjamina pred Izraelom in Izraelovi otroci so izmed Benjaminovcev ta dan uničili petindvajset tisoč in sto mož. Vsi ti so izdirali meč.
Judg Haitian 20:35  Seyè a fè pèp Izrayèl la bat lame moun Benjamen yo byen bat jou sa a. Lame pèp Izrayèl la te desann vennsenkmil san (25.100) sòlda nan moun Benjamen yo.
Judg FinBibli 20:35  Ja Herra löi BenJaminin Israelin edestä, niin että Israelin lapset sinä päivänä löivät viisikolmattakymmentä tuhatta ja sata miestä BenJaminista, jotka kaikki miekkaa vetivät ulos.
Judg Geez 20:35  ወአውደቆሙ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለብንያሚ ፡ ቅድመ ፡ እስራኤል ፡ ወቀተልወሙ ፡ ደቂቀ ፡ እስራኤል ፡ ለብንያሚ ፡ ፪፻-፻ወ፶ወ፩፻ወኵሎሙ ፡ እሉ ፡ እለ ፡ ይጸውሩ ፡ ኵናተ ።
Judg SpaRV 20:35  E hirió Jehová á Benjamín delante de Israel; y mataron los hijos de Israel aquel día veinticinco mil y cien hombres de Benjamín, todos los cuales sacaban espada.
Judg WelBeibl 20:35  Dyma'r ARGLWYDD yn taro byddin Benjamin i lawr o flaen milwyr Israel. Cafodd 25,100 o filwyr Benjamin eu lladd.
Judg GerMenge 20:35  Da ließ der HERR den Stamm Benjamin von Israel besiegt werden, so daß die Israeliten von den Benjaminiten 25100 Mann an diesem Tage niedermachten, lauter Männer, die das Schwert führten.
Judg GreVamva 20:35  Και επάταξεν ο Κύριος τον Βενιαμίν έμπροσθεν του Ισραήλ. και εξωλόθρευσαν οι υιοί Ισραήλ κατ' εκείνην την ημέραν εκ των Βενιαμιτών εικοσιπέντε χιλιάδας και εκατόν άνδρας· πάντες ούτοι έσυρον ρομφαίαν.
Judg UkrOgien 20:35  І вдарив Господь Веніямина перед Ізраїлем, і Ізраїлеві сини повалили того дня між Веніямином двадцять і п'ять тисяч і сто чоловіка, — усі ті, що витягають меча.
Judg FreCramp 20:35  Yahweh battit Benjamin devant Israël, et les enfants d'Israël tuèrent ce jour-là à Benjamin vingt-cinq mille et cent hommes, tous tirant l'épée.
Judg SrKDEkav 20:35  И Господ поби Венијамина пред Израиљем, и синови Израиљеви погубише онај дан од синова Венијаминових двадесет и пет хиљада и сто људи, који сви мачем махаху.
Judg PolUGdan 20:35  I Pan pobił Beniamina przed Izraelem i w tym dniu synowie Izraela zabili dwadzieścia pięć tysięcy stu mężczyzn z Beniamina, wszystkich dobywających miecz.
Judg FreSegon 20:35  L'Éternel battit Benjamin devant Israël, et les enfants d'Israël tuèrent ce jour-là vingt-cinq mille et cent hommes de Benjamin, tous tirant l'épée.
Judg SpaRV190 20:35  E hirió Jehová á Benjamín delante de Israel; y mataron los hijos de Israel aquel día veinticinco mil y cien hombres de Benjamín, todos los cuales sacaban espada.
Judg HunRUF 20:35  Az Úr ugyanis vereséget mért Benjáminra Izráel előtt, és Izráel fiai azon a napon a benjáminiak közül huszonötezer-egyszáz embert pusztítottak el, akik a kardforgatásban mind jártasak voltak.
Judg DaOT1931 20:35  Saa slog HERREN Benjamin foran Israel, og Israeliterne fældede den Dag 25 100 Mand af Benjamin, alle vaabenføre Mænd;
Judg TpiKJPB 20:35  Na BIKPELA i paitim Benjamin long ai bilong ol Isrel. Na ol pikinini bilong Isrel i bagarapim olgeta bilong ol lain Benjamin long dispela de 25,100 man. Olgeta dispela i save kamautim bainat.
Judg DaOT1871 20:35  Saa slog Herren Benjamin for Israels Ansigt, og Israels Børn sloge af Benjamin paa den samme Dag fem og tyve Tusinde og hundrede Mand; alle disse kunde føre Sværd.
Judg FreVulgG 20:35  Le Seigneur les tailla en pièces aux yeux des enfants d’Israël, qui tuèrent en ce jour vingt-cinq mille cent hommes, tous gens de guerre et de combat.
Judg PolGdans 20:35  I poraził Pan Benjamina przed twarzą Izraela, a zabili synowie Izraelscy z Benjamina dnia onego dwadzieścia i pięć tysięcy i sto mężów, wszystko godnych do boju.
Judg JapBungo 20:35  ヱホバ、イスラエルのまへにベニヤミンを撃敗りたまひしかばイスラエルの子孫その日ベニヤミン人二萬五千一百人を殺せり是みな劍をぬくところの者なり
Judg GerElb18 20:35  Und Jehova schlug Benjamin vor Israel, und die Kinder Israel streckten unter Benjamin an selbigem Tage 25100 Mann nieder; diese alle zogen das Schwert. -