Why is it okay to put someone to death, but it's not okay for those people to do it themselves?
Michael Thomas Ford |
This is the part where they try to make you remember," said Sadie. She looked at my wrists. "Is it working?" Without realizing it, I'd pushed one sleeve of my pajamas up and was rubbing the gauze that circled my wrist. I stopped, and let the sleeve fall back where it was."
Michael Thomas Ford |
People still think what you look like is who you are.
Michael Thomas Ford |
I realized that all those superheroes were doing was fighting themselves, and that getting to breathe underwater or shoot fire from your fingers didn't really make up for being screwed up in the first place. It was just the consolation prize--you got the great costume and the invisible jet for being a loser in everything else.
Michael Thomas Ford |
I'm gay," I said, not sure how else to say it. "You're fifteen," she said. "You can't be gay."
Michael Thomas Ford |
When she saw me, my mother stood up and started to come toward me, but then stopped. I think maybe Cat Poop had told her not to make any sudden movements because they might scare me, like I'm a wild animal or something, because she kept looking at him and then at me. Finally she just said, "Hello, Jeff," and sat down again next to my father."
Michael Thomas Ford |
I loved Jerry, and I wanted to have his baby." She laughed. "This was before women started looking at their vaginas in hand mirrors and Gloria Steinem told us we could be more than just mothers."
Michael Thomas Ford |
When compiled its list of the one hundred best novels written in English, do you know that was number twelve?" She stopped pacing and glared at Jane. "And do you know where was?" she asked. She looked at the four of them in turn, but nobody answered her. "Number fifty-two!" she shrieked. "Fifty-two! Below that pornographic travesty !" She spat the title as if it were poison. "Below ! Below . Have you ever tried to read ? Have you ..
Michael Thomas Ford |
Anyone can be crazy," she answered. "That's usually just because there's something screwed up in your wiring, you know? But suicide is a whole different thing. I mean, how much do you have to hate yourself to want to just wipe yourself out?"
Michael Thomas Ford |
I'm not even sure I want kids, by the way, even if I'm not the one who has to be pregnant. It seems too risky. I mean, what if you end up with a kid that's just plain bad? Or stupid? It's not like you can give it away or put it in a garage sale or something. You're pretty much stuck with it for a long time. I know now they have all these tests they can do so you can find out if your kid has three arms or is retarded or whatever, but you can..
Michael Thomas Ford |
Just because your life isn't as awful as someone else's that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. You can't compare how you feel to the way other people feel. It just doesn't work. What might look like the perfect life - or even an okay life - to you might not be so okay for the person living it.
Michael Thomas Ford |
People who look down on us poor country folk usually won't admit that anything worthwhile can come out of here.
Michael Thomas Ford |
People always say they want to hear the truth, but they really don't
Michael Thomas Ford |
I thought you said you were okay with turning forty.
Michael Thomas Ford |
I think I'm in love," he said after swallowing. "I could marry that pie." "According to the anti-gay crowd, that'll be next," said Nan. "Pies and sheep."
Michael Thomas Ford |
Astronotlarin uzayda salinip yeryuzune dondukten sonra, burasi onlara curuyen bir et gibi koktugu icin midelerinin kotu oldugunu okumustum bir yerlerde. Biz diger insanlar, her gun soludugumuz icin bu igrenc kokuyu fark etmiyoruz; hava bize normal geliyor, ama aslinda icine saldigimiz bir suru cop, kimyasal ve kirletici maddeyle dolu. Sonra, dunya birinin eski arabasiymis da, dikiz aynasina buyuk boy bir cam kokusu asiyormusuz gibi etrafa b..
Michael Thomas Ford |
I've heard it argued that men aren't physically wired to be with only one person. We have a built-in biological need to scatter our seed as far and as wide as possible. Something about survival of our gene strain. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, they say, you just can't help yourself. Perhaps not. If left to my own devices, though, I'd also eat Ben & Jerry's brownie batter ice cream until I weighed six hundred pounds, but someh..
Michael Thomas Ford |
That's why teenage dating is so dumb, because it's doomed to fail. You'd think people would have learned that by now, but I guess they haven't. They go right on falling in love and thinking it's going to survive high school.
Michael Thomas Ford |
Byron clapped Walter on the back. 'Good work,' he said. Walter shook his head. 'You're the one who clocked her with the Stephen King hardcover. That took some of the wind out of her.' 'Thank heavens he's a wordy man,' said Byron.
Michael Thomas Ford |
I didn't ask to be saved
Michael Thomas Ford |
Why is it that you have to warn people about who you are? Why can't it just be something that happens?
Michael Thomas Ford |
In my opinion any activity during which you can enjoy a beverage is not a sport. It is a party.
Michael Thomas Ford |
Then he asked me which one I thought was most likely to happen. I wish I knew. I really do. But I don't. You'd think that after living with these people for fifteen years I'd know a little something about them. But right now I feel like I don't know my parents at all. I guess when you get down to it, I've never really thought about them as people. They've always been my parents. Now I have to think about them as people with feelings. What a..
Michael Thomas Ford |
If your mother likes your drawing of a duck and hangs it on the refrigerator, that doesn't mean it's good." "Snob," Sam said."
Michael Thomas Ford |
I love that word. Gaydar. So clever." "I'm afraid mine is broken," Burke said. "It never occurred to me that you were gay." "It's because I'm teeming with masculinity," Gaither joked."
Michael Thomas Ford |
If they had a pill that would fix every dysfunctional family in the world, don't you think they'd be selling it?" "I don't think the world is ready for that kind of happiness."
Michael Thomas Ford |
how much do you have to hate yourself to want to just wipe yourself out?
Michael Thomas Ford |
Who uses crunchy peanut butter?" he asked the room. "You might as well eat squirrel shit."
Michael Thomas Ford |
Like many men his age, he occupied a kind of limbo, not young enough to be the new face in the bars that everyone wanted and not old enough to be - and didn't want to be - the funny old queen whose jokes everyone laughed at. Instead, he was just middle aged and alone.
Michael Thomas Ford |
Sometimes seeing the changes in one another had the opposite effect and actually comforted them. Seeing that they weren't alone in growing older, they stopped caring, or at least caring so much. But often this seemed to be accompanied by a kind of neutering, a gradual disappearance of anything remotely resembling sexuality, until finally the men in question were more like kindly old aunties than men who liked to fuck other men.
Michael Thomas Ford |
He's afraid they'll tell their kids to stay away from him and cross the street when they see him. "Don't talk to the crazy man, honey. He might bite you." Coming from someone covered in tattoos, this seemed a little strange. I mean, you can tattoos. You can't see crazy. If I was him, I'd be more worried about people thinking he was in a gang or something."
Michael Thomas Ford |
I mean, if I'm going to go to all the trouble of being gay and everything, I might as well tell people.
Michael Thomas Ford |
To be fair he is Lord Byron," Jane said. "I don't know many people who haven't slept with him at one time or another." -- Jane Fairfax"
Michael Thomas Ford |
you either are or aren't
Michael Thomas Ford |
When I was a kid, I used to watch that show, sitting on the couch in my pajamas and wishing more than anything that one day I'd just change into this other person. I thought that would explain everything. You know, about why I felt so different. Then I'd find out that my mother was really an alien or that I'd been bitten by a radioactive spider as a baby and it would all be okay because I'd be able to fly and see through walls.. But it neve..
Michael Thomas Ford |
And just because your life isn't as awful as someone else's, that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. You can't compare how you feel to the way other people feel. It just doesn't work. What might look like the perfect life--or even an okay life--to you might not be so okay for the person living it. God,
Michael Thomas Ford |
Nobody around here," she said. "We all pretend to, but we never really do." She pointed to the television. "We're like the people in there," she said, like the TV was an apartment house or something. "We open our mouths, but nothing really comes out."
Michael Thomas Ford |
I guess I've learned that no matter how bad things get, there are always people who love you.
Michael Thomas Ford |
By the time we were done I was exhausted. I don't know how movie stars do the same scene over and over like that. It takes a lot out of you.
Michael Thomas Ford |
Dusunun. Idam mahkumlarini, daha sonra oldurebilmek icin olumu bekledikleri sirada canli tutuyorlar. Mahkumlari, zamani geldiginde yargilayabilmek icin intihar etmesinler diye gozetim altinda tutuyorlar. Hic anlamli degil. Birini olume mahkum etmek dogal ama insanlarin bunu kendilerinin yapmasi degil, oyle mi? Size ne dusundugumu soyleyeyim: Kendinizi oldurmeye calistiginizda insanlar sinirleniyorlar; cunku bu, onlarin sizin hayatinizi bir..
Michael Thomas Ford |
If left to my own devices, though, I'd also eat Ben & Jerry's brownie batter ice cream until I weighed six hundred pounds, but somehow I manage to stop myself when my pants start to get a little tight around the middle. But to each his own. And if you're going to do something that might piss off your partner, you might as well have science on your side.
Michael Thomas Ford |
But think about it: Right from the start the odds are against you. It's kind of amazing that any of us ever get here at all.
Michael Thomas Ford |
I don't know why anyone wants to get married," said Burke. "I think the whole thing was cooked up by lawyers so they can get rich off of divorce."
Michael Thomas Ford |
If I forget about the pain, I might also forget that it was a really stupid idea to do it in the first place.
Michael Thomas Ford |