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860dda3 Don't wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects. death life simulacra post-modernism end-of-the-world cinema armageddon Roger Zelazny
c1e9bca "The angel said, "I like black-and-white films more than color because they're more artificial. You have to work harder to overcome your disbelief. It's sort of like prayer." color prayer films cinema Jonathan Carroll
081c220 "When we leave the realm of cinema, it is obvious that the dynamics of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy---which has historically represented black females as "undesirable mates" even if they are desirable sex objects, and so rendered it socially unacceptable for powerful white males to seek committed relationships with black women---continue to inform the nature of romantic partnership in our society. What would happen to the future of white supremacist patriarchy if heterosexual white males were choosing to form serious relationships with black females? Clearly, this structure would be under mined. Significantly, The Bodyguard reaffirms this message. Frank Farmer is portrayed as a conservative Republican patriarch, a defender of the nation. Once he leaves the black woman "she devil" who has seduced and enthralled him, he returns to his rightful place as keeper of the nation's patriarchal legacy. In the film, we see him protecting the white male officers of state. These last scenes suggest that loving a black woman would keep him from honoring and protecting the nation." feminism-woman-submission cinema white-privilege patriarchy Bell Hooks
d9aa55a I was hungry when I left Pyongyang. I wasn't hungry just for a bookshop that sold books that weren't about Fat Man and Little Boy. I wasn't ravenous just for a newspaper that had no pictures of F.M. and L.B. I wasn't starving just for a TV program or a piece of music or theater or cinema that wasn't cultist and hero-worshiping. I was . I got off the North Korean plane in Shenyang, one of the provincial capitals of Manchuria, and the airport buffet looked like a cornucopia. I fell on the food, only to find that I couldn't do it justice, because my stomach had shrunk. And as a foreign tourist in North Korea, under the care of vigilant minders who wanted me to see only the best, I had enjoyed the finest fare available. theatre literature television books music airports cinema cults hero-worship manchuria shenyang totalitarianism tourism-in-north-korea pyongyang hunger kim-il-sung kim-jong-il north-korea propaganda newspapers food tourism Christopher Hitchens
69af6a7 "Gehen Sie nicht gern ins Kino, Fermin?" "Im Vertrauen gesagt, mich lasst diese siebte Kunst vollig kalt. Meiner Meinung nach ist das nichts weiter als Nahrung zur Verdummung der verrohten Plebs, schlimmer als Fussball oder Stierkampfe. Der Cinematograph ist entstanden als eine Erfindung zur Unterhaltung der analphabetischen Massen und funfzig Jahren spater hat sich daran nichts geandert"." cinema sarcasm Carlos Ruiz Zafón
3eb4947 "Magnus had caught it gingerly, half expecting it to blow in his face. The Teacher chuckled. "Don't worry, it can't do anything without fire." The thing looked and felt pretty innocuous, actually. It was shorter and fatter than a candlestick, and not colored red like it was in the comic books or the new Technicolor cartoons that still ran at the cinema every Saturday afternoon. Magnus had no money for such things anymore, but sometimes he and Kiki- another boy who worked for the Resistance- sneaked into the theater through an unlocked window." -- dynamite magnus-johansen resistance-movement cinema theater Susan Wiggs