He lay listening to the water drip in the woods. Bedrock, this. The cold and the silence. The ashes of the late world carried on the bleak and temporal winds to and fro in the void. Carried forth and scattered and carried forth again. Everything uncoupled from its shoring. Unsupported in the ashen air. Sustained by a breath, trembling and brief. If only my heart were stone.
Cormac McCarthy |
Even in this world, more things exist without our knowledge than with it and the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way. For existence has its own order and that no man's mind can compass, that mind itself being but a fact among others.
Cormac McCarthy |
When she quieted the jet engine buzz of worries assaulting her brain, when she stopped thinking altogether and just felt, she knew this was right. Feeling the silence of peace and conviction was so foreign to her she wasn't even sure what to do with it.
Erin McCarthy |
Used to be a hobo right smart. back in the thirties. They wasnt no work I dont care what you could do. I was ridin through the mountains one night, state of Colorado. Dead of winter it was and bitter cold. I had just a smidgin of tobacco, bout enough for one or two smokes. I was in one of them old slatsided cars and I'd been up and down in it like a dog tryin to find some place where the wind wouldnt blow. Directly I scrunched up in a corner and rolled me a smoke and lit it and thowed the match down. Well, they was some sort of stuff in the floor about like tinder and it caught fire. I jumped up and stomped on it and it aint done nothin but burn faster. Wasnt two minutes the whole car was afire. I run to the door and got it open and we was goin up this grade through the mountains in the snow with the moon on it and it was just blue looking and dead quiet out there and them big old black pine trees going by. I jumped for it and lit in a snowbank and what I'm goin to tell you you'll think peculiar but it's the god's truth. That was in nineteen and thirty one and if I live to be a hunnerd year old I dont think I'll ever see anything as pretty as that train on fire goin up that mountain and around the bend and them flames lightin up the snow and the trees and the night.
Cormac McCarthy |
Se quedo escuchando el goteo del agua en el bosque. Lecho rocoso, este. El frio y el silencio. Las cenizas del mundo difunto trajinadas de aca para alla por los crudos y transitorios vientos en el vacio. Llevadas, esparcidas y llevadas de nuevo. Todo desencajado de su apuntalamiento. Sin soporte en el viento cinereo. Sostenido por una respiracion, temblorosa y breve. Ojala mi corazon fuese de piedra.
Cormac McCarthy |
En sus suenos su palida novia iba hacia el desde una verde boveda de ramas. Sus pezones como de marga y sus costillas pintadas de blanco. Llevaba un vestido de gasa y sus cabellos oscuros estaban recogidos con peinetas de marfil, peinetas de concha. Su sonrisa, su mirada baja. Por la manana volvia a nevar. Cuentas de hielo gris en ristra sobre los cables de electricidad.
Cormac McCarthy |
Ella se marcho y la frialdad de la partida fue su regalo final. Lo haria con una hojuela de obsidiana. El mismo le habia ensenado como. Mas afilada que el acero. El borde de un grosor de atomo. Y ella llevaba razon. No habia argumentos. Innumerables noches pasadas en vela debatiendo los pros y los contras de la autodestruccion con la seriedad de unos filosofos encadenados al muro de un manicomio. Por la manana el chico no dijo nada de nada y cuando tuvieron el equipaje hecho y estuvieron listos para echarse a la carretera se volvio y miro hacia donde habian acampado la vispera y dijo: Se ha marchado, ?verdad? Y el dijo: Si.
Cormac McCarthy |
I jumped for it and lit in a snowbank and what I'm goin to tell you you'll think peculiar but it's the god's truth. That was in nineteen and thirty one and if I live to be a hunnerd year old I dont think I'll ever see anything as pretty as that train on fire goin up that mountain and around the bend and them flames lightin up the snow and the trees and the night.
Cormac McCarthy |