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ac77aa5 That's the funny thing about trying to escape. You never really can. Maybe temporarily, but not completely. onyx jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
20201d0 I understood books. I did not understand boys--especially alien boys. onyx katy boys Jennifer L. Armentrout
96b3638 "Crossing the room, he stopped infront of me. "I'm not going to bite." "That's good." "Unless you want me to," He said with a devilish grin." bite-me onyx lux daemon katy teaser Jennifer L. Armentrout
6f75f57 That kind of love should've been able to beat sickness. That kind of love should've conquered anything. love onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
a8ca337 "Kat tipped her head back, meeting my stare. Her throat worked on her next words. "I think I might love you." Air punched out of my lungs. I held her tight, and I knew right then I would burn down the whole universe for her if I had to. I would do anything to keep her safe. Kill. Heal. Die. Anything. Because she was my everything." daemon-black-pov onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
37c63f7 With my name on her lips and with barely anything separating us, I felt the last of my control slipping. Whitish-red light radiated off of me, bathing Kat in the warm glow. There was nowhere that my hands didn't explore, and the way her body arched into the slightest touch, I was awed and consumed. Kissing her and drawing her deep inside me, I never wanted this to end. She was perfect to me. She was mine, and I wanted her more than I wanted anything in my life. onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
e46aec7 "Daemon always looks hot!!! Stretching into the aisle, I went to drop the note back on Carissa's desk. Before it could leave my fingertips, it was snatched from my hand. Son of a donkey butt! My mouth dropped open and my cheeks burned. Twisting around in my seat, I glared at Daemon. He held the note close to his chest and grinned. "Passing notes is bad," he murmured." -- onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
9b30fd7 "Cupping my cheeks, he exhaled a soft groan, and his lips scorched mine as he deepened the kiss until we both were breathless from its intensity. Daemon moved as close as he could with the chair between us. Gripping his arms, I held onto him, wanting him closer. The chair prevented all but our lips and hands from touching. Frustrating. , I ordered restlessly. It trembled under my foot, and then the heavy oak chair slid out from under me, dodging our leaning bodies. Unprepared for the sudden void, Daemon lurched forward, and I was unable to carry the unexpected weight. I collapsed backward, bringing Daemon along with me. The full contact of his body, flush against mine, sent my senses into chaotic overdrive. His tongue swept over mine as his fingers splayed across my cheeks. His hand slid down my side, gripping my hip as he urged me closer. The kisses slowed and his chest rose as he drank me in. With one last lingering exploration, he lifted his head and smiled down at me. My heart skipped a beat as he hovered over me with an expression that tugged deep in my chest. He moved his finger back up, along my cheek, trailing an invisible path to my chin. "I didn't move that chair, Kitten." "I know." "I'm assuming you didn't like where it was?" "It was in your way," I said. My hands were still curled around his arms. "I can see that." Daemon smoothed a fingertip over the curve of my bottom lip before taking my hand, pulling me up." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
459143d "Daemon was suddenly in front of me. I took an involuntary step back. "Do you think I didn't enjoy kissing you? That I haven't thought about it every second since then? And I know you have. Just admit it." In the pit of my stomach, tight coils thrummed. "What is the point of this?" "Have you?" "Oh, for crap's sake, yes, I have. I do! Do you want me to write it down for you? Send you an e-mail or a text? Will that make you feel better?" Daemon arched a brow. "You don't need to be sarcastic." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
d8c0532 "Do you... feel anything around me?" "Other than what I felt this morning when I saw how good you looked in those jeans?" "Daemon." I sighed, trying to disregard the girl in my that screamed, "I'm being serious." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
53e7487 "I tried to push down my anger. One thing I hated more than Daemon's douche-nozzle side was him telling me what to do. "You don't own me, Daemon." "It's not about ownership, you little nut." "Nut?" I glared at him. "I wouldn't call me names when I have a knife in my hand." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
ce2c5cd "I can help Katy," Blake wheezed. "Good enough for you?" "What?" I demanded, dropping my hands. "Yeah, see, you saying her name alone makes me want to kill you. So, no, not good enough for me." -- onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
2db1b00 "Surprise widened his eyes as he stepped back. "Caving in so easily?" "Caving in?" I laughed without feeling. "I just want you out of my face." Daemon chuckled deeply. "Keep telling yourself that, Kitten." "Keep using your ego steroids." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
943cbcc " Warmth spread down my neck. "It's actually, and not blah or whatever." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
daf6c6b I grinned at Daemon and held up a bulb that was so green it almost matched his eyes. I decided it was going to be bulb. onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
3698d59 You're right. This is a lot. I faced him. I thought that you were normal. And you're not. You're telling me that I have the DOD gunning for me. That if I ever decide to leave this place, I'm going to be a Snack Pack for an Arum. And better yet, I am going to lose complete control over whatever powers I have and wipe out a family of four, then be put down! All I wanted to do today was eat some god damn fries and be normal! onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
035fe65 There was something soul-burningly about being on the brink of losing control, tumbling over into the unknown, and I wanted to fall and never resurface. --Jennifer L. Armentrout losing-control onyx katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
cd97a04 "I want you to change me. I want to become what she is" -Will "I can't just twitch my nose and make it happen." -Daemon" onyx lux-series Jennifer L. Armentrout
4557b5c "More books." His eyes went wide. "You have, like, then books you just said you haven't read." "Doesn't mean I won't get more books." I smiled at is incredulous expression. "I haven't been able to read a lot lately, but I will, and then I won't be out of anything new to read." reading deamon-black onyx lux-series katy-swartz opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
6ada265 Dee:I can't believe you ate all the ice cream, Daemon! Daemon:I didn't eat all of it. Dee:Oh, so it ate itself? Did the spoon eat it? Oh wait, I know. The carton ate it. Daemon:Actually, I think the freezer ate it. dee onyx obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout
b68938f Inclino su cabeza besando las lagrimas hasta que atrapo cada una de ellas con su aliento. Entonces sus labios alcanzaron los mios y el espacio desaparecio. El mundo entero desaparecio por aquellos preciosos momentos. onyx katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
5735df3 !Dulces bebes extraterrestres! onyx katy kitten Jennifer L. Armentrout