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6167e05 Music shouldn't be just a tune, it should be a touch. advertisement album alliterations amit-kalantri amit-kalantri-quotes amit-kalantri-writer artist background-music background-score band book-writing catch-lines catchphrases characters concert creative-writing drums essay guitar inspirational instruments knowledge melody michael-jackson motivational movie movie-dialogue movies music music-director music-industry music-quotes musicians novel-writing philosophy playing pop proverbs public-speaking quotes rhetoric rock script script-writing scriptwriting singer singing song soul sound speech speechwriting story tag-lines touch tune vocal wisdom writing Amit Kalantri
3414688 She was like a landscape you see from the train, and you want to stop just there. existentialism fear-of-death fiction play psychology script Graham Greene
af0ab88 The same solution--that Easter Island was once part of a much larger landmass--would also explain another, very different puzzle, namely the so-called Rongo Rongo script. It is unprecedented in human history for a sophisticated fully developed writing system to be invented and put into use by a small, isolated island community. Yet Easter Island does have its own script, examples of which, mostly incised on wooden boards, copies of copies of copies of much older lost originals, were collected in the nineteenth century and have found their way into a number of museums around the world. None remain on Easter Island itself and even in the period when they were collected no native Easter Islanders were able to read them. isolated mystery rongo-rongo script writing-system Graham Hancock