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8e74265 "Can you be a girl for a few seconds?" "I'm always a girl" I frown. "You know what I mean. Like a silly, annoying girl" I twirl my hair around my finger. "Kay." divergent funny humor tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
5f8cba4 Who cares about pretty? I'm going for noticeable. eyeliner pretty tris Veronica Roth
d669797 "You think giving you a hug would give away too much?" he says. "You know," I say. "I really don't care." I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. It is the best moment of my life." four tobias tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
bdab018 She taught me all about real sacrifice. That it should be done from love... That it should be done from necessity, not without exhausting all other options. That it should be done for people who need your strength because they don't have enough of their own. sacrifice tris tris-prior veronica-roth Veronica Roth
2f3fb43 For a few minutes we kiss, deep in the chasm, with the roar of water all around us. And we rise, hand in hand, I realize that if we had both chosen differently, we might have ended up doing the same thing, in a safer place, in gray clothes instead of black ones. tris Veronica Roth
713e07a "I pout my lower lip for a second, but then I grin as the pieces come together. " why you like me!" I exclaim. "Because you're not very nice either! It makes so much more sense now." insurgent tris Veronica Roth
6c987d8 "You're not very nice," I say, grinning. "You're one to talk." "Hey, I could be nice if I tried." "Hmm." He taps his chin. "Say something nice, then." "You're very good-looking." He smiles, his teeth a flash in this dark. "I like this 'nice' thing." divergent divergent-series four humour tobias tris tris-and-tobias veronica roth
3042cf6 I belong to the people I love, and they belong to me--they, and the love and loyaty I give them, form my identity far more than any word or group ever could. love loyalty tris Veronica Roth
1d0fc8d You nearly died today,' he says. 'I almost shot you. Why didn't you shoot me, Tris?' 'I couldn't do that,' I say. 'It would have been like shooting myself.' He looks pained and leans closer to me, so his lips brush mine when he speaks. four tobias tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
0027344 Can I be forgiven for all I've done to get here? I want to be. I can. I believe it. tris Veronica Roth
58ac842 "What is it with you today?" says Christina on the way to breakfast. Her eyes are still swollen from sleep and her tangled hair forms a fuzzy halo around her face. "Oh, you know," I say. "Sun shining. Birds chirping." She raises an eyebrow at me, as if reminding me that we are in an underground tunnel." humor tris Veronica Roth
dc7d8e7 A chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy. dauntless four tris Veronica Roth
38298ee "Okay, okay." I set my hand on top of his and guide it to my chest, so it's right over my heart. "Feel my heartbeat. Can you feel it?" "Yes." "Feel how steady it is?" "It's fast." "Yes, well, that has nothing to do with the box." I wince as soon as I'm done speaking. I just admitted to something. Hopefully he doesn't realize that." tobias tris Veronica Roth
d2f205c We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don't want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest." He clears his throat. "I continually struggle with kindness. four inspirational tobias tris Veronica Roth
eeebb67 "We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don't want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest." He clears his throat. "I continually struggle with kindness." inspirational tobias tris Veronica Roth
4c67156 "I love you" I say. "I love you, too" he says. "I'll see you soon." love tris Veronica Roth
d4d02f1 He turns toward me. I want to touch him, but I'm afraid of his bareness; afraid that he will make me bare too. 'Is this scaring you, Tris?' 'No,' I croak. I clear my throat. 'Not really. I'm only...afraid of what I want.' 'What do you want?' Then his face tightens. 'Me?' Slowly I nod. four tobias tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
8f0df60 "Tris: "I was reading." Sandry: "You're always reading. The only way people can ever talk to you is to interrupt." Tris: "Then maybe they shouldn't talk to me." reading sandry talk tris Tamora Pierce
f90f03e You chose us. Now we have to choose you. divergent eric tris Veronica Roth
9f980af "Looks like someone had a mood swing." She rolls her eyes. "Like you don't want to know what his fears are. He acts so tough that he's probably afraid of marshmallows and really bright sunrises or something." tris Veronica Roth
2c5b2bb I don't know how long it takes for me to realize that isn't going to happen, that she is gone. But when I do I feel all the strength go out of me, and I fall to my knees beside the table and I think I cry, then, or at least I want to, and everything inside me screams for just one more kiss, one more word, one more glance, one more. allegiant-quotes beatrice-prior four tobias tobias-eaton tris Veronica Roth
7ed3c7e We are not people who touch each other carelessly; every point of contact between us feels important, a rush of energy and relief. four love touch tris Veronica Roth
9ff7fea And I'm the kind of person who does not let inconsequential things like boys and near death experiences stop her. divergent tris Veronica Roth
8a5394c He slides his hand over my cheek, one finger anchored behind my ear. Then he tilts his head down and kisses me, sending a warm ache through my body. I wrap my hands around his arm, holding him there as long as I can. When he touches me, the hollowed-out feeling in my chest and stomach is not as noticeable. four insurgent tobias tris Veronica Roth
56d34b8 "There's a reason why she left them, Lauren," he says. His voice is deep, and it rumbles. "What's your name?" "Um..." I don't know why I hesitate. But "Beatrice" just doesn't sound right anymore. "Think about it," he says, a faint smile curling his lips. " You don't get to pick again." A new place, a new name. I can be remade here. "Tris," I say firmly." remade tris Veronica Roth
212ab6c "Simulation Tobias kisses my neck. I try to think. I have to face the fear. I have to take control of the situation and find a way to make it less frightening. I look Simulation Tobias in the eye and say sternly, "I am not going to sleep with you in a hallucination. Okay?" Then I grab him by his shoulders and turn us around, pushing him against the bedpost. I feel something other than fear--a prickle in my stomach, a bubble of laughter. I press against him and kiss him, my hands wrapping around his arms. He feels strong. He feels...good. And he's gone. I laugh into my hand until my face gets hot. I must be the only initiate with this fear." simulation tobias tris Veronica Roth
0bb3abe It reminds me that no embrace will ever feel the same again, because no one will ever be like her again, because she's gone. She's gone, and crying feels so useless, so stupid, but it's all I can do. grief loss love tobias tris Veronica Roth
f452f8b Some things are hard to let go of. tobias tris Veronica Roth
7657165 It's not often real that you encounter the real person behind a good-natured mask, the darkest part of someone. It's not comfortable what you do. divergent insurgent tris Veronica Roth
2fd3f77 I keep finding myself stifled by the company of others and then crippled by loneliness when I leave them. I am terrified and I don't even know of what, because I have lost everything already. grief tobias tris Veronica Roth
c417831 If we stay together, I'll have to forgive you over and over again, and if you're still in this, you'll have to forgive me over and over again too. So forgiveness isn't the point. What I really should have been trying to figure out is whether we were still good for each other or not beatrice-prior four tobias-eaton tris Veronica Roth
9eca909 "What did you do?" I scream. "You die, I die too." insurgent tobias tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
7302a51 It isn't just brave that she died for me; it is brave that she did it without announcing it, without hesitation, and without appearing to consider another option. divergent-insurgent divergent-series dystopia dystopian dystopian-fiction prior tris tris-prior Veronica Roth
2b7500e "Tris," he says. "What did they do to you? You're acting like a lunatic." "That's not very nice of you to say," I say. "They put me in a good mood, that's all. And now I really want to kiss you, so if you could just relax-" four funny insurgent tobias-and-tris tobias-eaton tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
6efc52d One thing I know: For helping me forget how awful the world is, I prefer her to alcohol. beatrice-prior divergent four insurgent tobias-eaton tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
42275d6 "I touch her cheek to slow the kiss down, holding her mouth on mine so I can feel every place where our lips touch and every place where they pull away. I savor the air we share in the second afterwards and the slip of her nose across mine. I think of something to say, but it is too intimate, so I swallow it. A moment later I decide I don't care. "I wish we were alone," I say as I back out of the cell. She smiles. "I almost always wish that." four kiss love tris Veronica Roth
5f8478d I feel the urge, familiar now, to wrench myself from my body and speak directly into her mind. It is the same urge, I realize, that makes me want to kiss her every time I see her, because even a sliver of distance between us is infuriating. Our fingers, loosely woven a moment ago, now clutch together, her palm tacky with moisture, mine rough in places where I have grabbed too many handles on too many moving trains. Now she looks pale and small, but her eyes make me think of wide-open skies that I have never actually seen, only dreamed of. love tris Veronica Roth
1b44b39 I feel like myself, strong and weak at once - allowed, at least for a little while, to be both. strong tobias tris weak Veronica Roth
dafd03d "Eyes open, then," I say, tapping the skin between my eyebrows. I don't really need her eyes to be on mine, but I feel better when they are." tris Veronica Roth
755305e He holds my face in both hands and kisses me back. I press into the distance between us until it is gone, crushing the secrets we have kept and the suspicions we have harbored-for good, I hope. tobias tris Veronica Roth
577c06b Can you tell me where to find Tobias'? I ask. When I imagine his face, affection for him bubbles up inside of me and all I want to do is kiss him. 'Four, I mean. He's so handsome, isn't he? I don't really understand why he likes me so much. I'm not very nice, am I?' -Tris amity candor dauntless divergent eurdite tobias tobias-and-tris tobias-eaton tris Veronica Roth
326f2e1 "I think that are the liar!" I say, my voice quaking. "You tell me you love me, you trust me, you think I'm more perceptive than the avarge person. And the first second that belief in my perceptiveness, that trust, that is put to the test, it all falls apart." I am crying now, nut I am not ashamed of the tears shining on my cheeks or the thickness of my voice. "So you must have lied when you told me all those things... you must have, because I can't believe your love really is that feeble." I step closer to him, so that there are only inches between us, and none of the others can hear me. "I am still the person who would have died rather than kill you," I say, remembering the attack simulation and the feel of his heartbeat under my hand. "I am exactly who you think I am." tris Veronica Roth
1a8fc51 "Before I leave the bathroom, I pinch my cheeks hard to bring blood to the surface of my skin. It's stupid, but I don't want to look weak and exhausted in front of everyone. When I walk back into Tobias's room, Uriah is sprawled across the bed facedown; Christina is holding the blue sculpture above Tobias's desk, examining it; and Lynn is poised above Uriah with a pillow, a wicked grin creeping across her face. Lynn smacks Uriah hard in the back of the head, Christina says, "Hey Tris!" and Uriah cries, "Ow! How on earth do you make a pillow hurt, Lynn?" "My exceptional strength," she says. "Did you get smacked, Tris? One of your cheeks is bright red." I must not have pinched the other one hard enough. "No, it's just ... my morning glow." humor lynn tris uriah Veronica Roth
c3b1645 "I'll be your family now." ~ Tobis 'Four" four-tobias insurgent love tris Veronica Roth
8b989ac If someone offer you an opportunity to get closer to your enemy, you always take it. tris Veronica Roth
be49385 We don't know what's happened out there since they put us in here, or how many generations have lived and died since they did.We could be the last people left. quote tris veronica-roth Veronica Roth
b49987b I understand why she did all those things, but that doesn't mean we aren't still broken. love tobias tris Veronica Roth
1f8a5f9 It is impossible to erase my choices. impossible tobias tris Veronica Roth
20c3eed Now she looks pale and small, but her eyes make me think of wide- open skies that I have never actually seen, only dreamed of. eyes skies tobias tris Veronica Roth
89276d3 Or maybe we'll make a home somewhere inside ourselves, to carry with us wherever we go- which is the way I carry my mother now. memory tris Veronica Roth
2b91375 Chaos and destruction do tend to take away a person's dating possibilities. date destruction love possibility tobias tris Veronica Roth
155701e Because even a sliver of distance between us is infuriating. love tobias-eaton tris Veronica Roth
d1cdc71 "At last Niko dropped his hands, and opened his eyes. His perfect tree illusion solidified and settled. "Very nice," said Briar with approval. "Couldn't have done better myself" "Couldn't do it at all yourself," muttered Tris. Briar ignored her. "But you'd never find a cork oak in these parts. Too cold." Niko looked down his nose at the boy. "I beg your pardon?" niko tris tamora pierce
4f83a56 Stiff. That's why you're strong, get it? - Tobias Eaton stiff tobias tobias-eaton tris Veronica Roth
9f53534 "Rosethorn had gone to her room the moment Niko started to cough. Now she returned with her syrup and a firm look in her eye. "I thought you were having trouble last night. Drink this." She poured some into a cup and held it out to him. Niko looked at it as if she offered him rotten fish. "I am fine. I am per-" He couldn't even finish the sentence for coughing. "It's not bad," said Tris, crossing her fingers behind her back. "Really, tastes like-like mangoes." Niko looked at her, then took the cup and downed its contents. The four watched with interest as his cheeks turned pale, then scarlet. "That's terrible (exclamation point)" he cried, his voice a thin squeak. "Maybe I was thinking of some other syrup," Tris remarked with a straight face." niko tris Tamora Pierce
07179c0 Relax Beatrice, I've driven a car before.' MARCUS 'I've done a lot of things before, but that doesn't mean I'm any good at them!' TRIS tris Veronica Roth
7c21aea "Tris: "What if I don't want to cut up aloe leaves?" Rosethorn: "Ask me if I what you want." rosethorn tris Tamora Pierce
9dab495 If you see someone in trouble, you should help them. Experiment or not. tris Veronica Roth
ed2cd13 If they told us what to believe, and we didn't come to it on our own, is it still true? tobias tris truth Veronica Roth
fa5a022 Every tattoo I got with them is a mark of their friendship, and almost every time I have laughed in this dark place was because of them. I don't want to lose them. But I feel like I have already. divergent-series tris Veronica Roth
a3ab50f I laugh, and it's laughter, not light, that casts out the darkness building within me, that reminds me I am still alive, even in this strange place where everything I've ever known is coming apart. darkness laugh light tris Veronica Roth
d63bfdd Not all nine-fingered girls have hatchets, she said in Tradertalk. Some of us just tried to have a conversation with a snapping turtle. (Sandry to Daja, referring to her conversation with Tris.) sandry snappishness tris Tamora Pierce
f89b37e "Ishabal: "If you may correct your vision as you like, why do you wear spectacles?" Tris: "Because I like them. Because I have better things to do with my magic than fixing my vision when ordinary glass will do." ishabal magic tris Tamora Pierce
0a78d55 We can't just act without thinking anymore, Tris. They've been trying to teach as that all along. I guess if we're mages, we can't exactly be kids, can we? - Sandry after the pirate attack sandry tris Tamora Pierce