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cf91a90 Once you go on welfare it changes you. Even if you get off welfare, you never escape the stigma that you were a charity case. You're scarred for life. state-benefits life welfare Jeannette Walls
18d0f56 Divorce is a marital welfare. It's just couples asking society to bail them out because they didn't do enough research before they got married. How is that our fault? Don't drag down my country's statistics just because you ran off and got hitched before you ever saw each other in a bad mood. marriage humor welfare satire Stephen Colbert
27d2fe3 The State in particular is turned into a quasi-animate personality from whom everything is expected. In reality it is only a camouflage for those individuals who know how to manipulate it. freedom politics philosophy services welfare the-self individualism society state psychology C.G. Jung
2923320 I have more concern for my nephew's welfare than for Lannister pride. welfare pride George R.R. Martin
d542bc8 Don't pack your bags just yet, stay awhile, Don't try to run away to higher ground, You're in my twisted clouds of sad misfortune, And you are such an entertaining crowd! (I've never had such cheerful toys to play with...) Forget I said that - just a little natural disaster Humour, Ha-ha-ha. Pull up a rusty lawn chair On the waterfront in New Orleans, And ignore the wind that howls, Things aren't always as they seem. I can smell fear in the air, Fresh amidst the cornbread steam, Forgive me if I sound excited, (I'm going to be famous, you know!) And let me take your money, please! I'll drown your family, hunt down your pets, I've got tricks that I've never even tried yet, And it's so easy when I get the chance! (I'll swipe your house in just one glance!) As the saying goes, it all comes out in the wash, But I'm the only wash that leaves no stone unturned, Financial devastation is my middle name, And social degradation is my third! You, little boy from the bayou bank, You used to fish for pointless fun (I can appreciate having fun), But after I go, you'll find your parents poor, You'll have eviction notices on your door, You'll have to sell any fish you can catch, In a desperate grasp for money, Although I hate to break it to you, That bayou's polluted, honey! I see nothing in your future but welfare cheques! And you there, little girl with the closet of toys, You were born well-off with a room of your own, You have dresses that look more like They're from fairy-tales, Glittery lace on your schoolgirl gowns. Wait 'till murky water licks those hems, And your family is bankrupt And you're homeless with them! Accept what's to come, won't you please? I'm just a carousel of wild winds Who'll bring you to your knees! Hell, yeah! Take a bow, take a bow, Take a bow before your god... I might just pardon you If you've got magic up your sleeve! If you're swift and resourceful you could outrun me! I always love a challenge! I always love a game... The question on your mind Is in regards to my first name, Right? My name is Katrina, the witch of the skies, A sorceress whose debut dance makes everyone die, I know it's not what you wanted! (But I'm selfish through and through), So, c'mon and make me happy! Whether you're ready or not... poverty dark-poetry hurricane-katrina natural-disaster southern hurricane welfare witch Rebecca McNutt
8d40a38 "The ones who are always on your side, or so they think, are the ones who keep you down. Everything they do keeps you down. They'll forgive you for anything. Rob, rape, pillage, and kill, and they'll defend you to yourself. They understand all outrages, and all your failings and faults, too. Perfect! You can go on that way forever. What do they care? Excuse me: they do care. They want it that way. How would they make a living, these servants of the poor, if there were no poor? What enabled me to rise above all the people who don't know enough to come in out of the rain is that one day I looked face to face at a man who hated half of everything I was and had the courage to tell me so. I remember his very words. He said, 'What you're doing is hideous--a perfect way to die young. Unless you want to live sweetly only in the hereafter, you ought to learn how to do the right thing.'" The doctor stopped what he was doing, dropped his hand to his sides, and looked directly at Peter Lake. "I hate the poor. Look what they do to themselves. How could you not hate them, unless you thought that they should be like this." welfare Mark Helprin
7941611 The goal and meaning of individual life (which is the only real life) no longer lie in individual development but in the policy of the State, which is thrust upon the individual from outside and consists in the execution of an abstract idea which ultimately tends to attract all life to itself. politics philosophy truth system welfare the-self state psychology mental-health C.G. Jung
fc51cf6 Philanthropy is almost the only virtue which is sufficiently appreciated by mankind. Nay, it is overrated; and it is our selfishness which overrates it. welfare Henry David Thoreau
9d2c2ce "The authors propose "a New Deal for globalization--one thatlinks engagement with the world economy to a substantial redistribution of income." Remember, this isn't hippy talk. These are the capitalists who see angry workers with pitchforks loitering outside the gates of a very profitable factory, and they are making a very pragmatic calculation: Throw these people some food (and maybe some movie tickets and beer) before we all end up worse off" welfare Charles Wheelan
913b5b6 Many believed what they were told: that the welfare of the entire kingdom depended on their selflessness. welfare Margaret Atwood
b42f73e That's what the welfare people want,' Tranquilino gritted his teeth, 'to have us on welfare and to have our women working. Then they can point to our broken families and say the mexicano is a lazy, no good son-of-a-bitch! racism poverty-cycle class-warfare welfare Rudolfo Anaya