O capitao se curvou para tras e cruzou os bracos. Estamos lidando aqui e com uma raca de degenerados, disse. Uma raca de mesticos, nao muito melhor que negros. E talvez nem isso. Nao existe governo no Mexico. Diabo, nao existe Deus no Mexico. Nunca vai existir. A gente esta lidando com um povo absolutamente incapaz de se governar sozinho. E sabe o que acontece com povos que nao conseguem se governar sozinhos? Isso mesmo. Outros vem e govern..
Cormac McCarthy |
Duro es el camino del transgresor. Dios creo este mundo, pero no a gusto de todos, ?verdad?
Cormac McCarthy |
Es un gran misterio. El hombre no puede conocer su mente porque la mente es el unico medio de que dispone para conocerla. Puede conocer su corazon, pero no quiere. Y hace bien. Es mejor no mirar ahi dentro. No es el corazon de una criatura que siga el camino que Dios le ha marcado. Se puede encontrar maldad hasta en el mas pequeno de los animales, pero cuando Dios creo al hombre el diablo estaba a su lado. Una
Cormac McCarthy |
Nos enfrentamos, dijo, a una raza de degenerados. Una raza mestiza, poco mejor que los negros. Puede que ni eso. En Mexico no hay gobierno. Que diablos, en Mexico no hay Dios. Ni lo habra nunca. Nos enfrentamos a un pueblo manifiestamente incapacitado para gobernarse. ?Y sabes lo que ocurre con el pueblo que no sabe gobernarse? Exacto: Que vienen otros a gobernar por ellos.
Cormac McCarthy |
Pues la existencia tiene su propio orden y eso no puede comprenderlo ninguna inteligencia humana, siendo que la propia inteligencia no es sino un hecho entre otros.
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In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure, death will. The world is quite ruthless in selection between the dream and the reality, even where we will not. Between the wish and the thing, the world lies waiting.
Cormac McCarthy |
Todo va a ir bien, ?verdad, papa? Si. Todo ira bien. Y no nos va a pasar nada malo. Desde luego que no. Porque nosotros llevamos el fuego. Asi es. Porque llevamos el fuego.
Cormac McCarthy |
He rode all night and in the first gray light with the horse badly drawn down he walked it out upon a rise beneath which he could make out the shape of the town, the yellow windows in the old mud walls where the first lamps were lit, the narrow spires of smoke standing vertically into the windless dawn so still the village seemed to hang by threads from the darkness.
Cormac McCarthy |
The rain had ripened all the country around and the roadside grass was luminous and green from the run-off and flowers were in bloom across the open country. He slept that night in a field far from any town. He built no fire. He lay listening to the horse crop the grass at his stakerope and he listened to the wind in the emptiness and watched stars trace the arc of the hemisphere and die in the darkness at the edge of the world and as he la..
Cormac McCarthy |
Rezo a Dios por este pais. En serio. Rezo. No voy a la iglesia. ?Para que hablar con esos munecos? Yo hablo aqui.
Cormac McCarthy |
Quan els teus somnis siguin d'un mon que no existira mai i et tornis a sentir felic, sera que t'has rendit.
Cormac McCarthy |
ch`igurma saxeshi esrola. qvelap`eri rac` odesme uelsma ic`oda an up`ik`ria an uqvarda nel-nela ch`amoig'vent`a kedelze mis ukan. dedis saxe, pirveli ziareba, k`alebi romlebic` uqvarda. im mamakac`ebis saxeebi romlebic` mis cin dach`ok`ilebi kvdebodnen. sxva k`veqanashi gzispira mkvdari bavshvis sxeuli. sacolze xelebgashlili icva. t`avis naxevari cac`lili hk`onda.
Cormac McCarthy |
Men do not turn from God so easily you see. Not so easily. Deep in each man is the knowledge that something knows of his existence. Something knows, and cannot be fled nor hid from. To imagine otherwise is to imagine the unspeakable. It was never that this man ceased to believe in God. No. It was rather that he came to believe terrible things of Him. By
Cormac McCarthy |
You dont want to be the youngest. I can tell you right now. There aint no percentage in it. They
Cormac McCarthy |
He said that most men were in their lives like the carpenter whose work went so slowly for the dullness of his tools that he had not time to sharpen them. Y
Cormac McCarthy |
El malpais. Era un laberinto. Subias a toda prisa un pequeno promontorio y de repente te veias rodeado de grietas tan profundas que no te atrevias a saltarlas. Los bordes de cristal negro y puntiagudo y abajo puntiagudas rocas de silex (...) Donde que nosotros sepamos esta localizado el infierno
Cormac McCarthy |
The world was new each day for God so made it daily. Yet it contained within it all the evils as before, no more, no less. The
Cormac McCarthy |
se sento con las manos ahuecadas en el regazo y aparentemente satisfecho con el mundo, como si se le hubiera consultado a el en el momento de su creacion.
Cormac McCarthy |
cada hombre reside temporalmente en su projimo y este en aquel y asi sucesivamente en una infinita cadena de ser y de testigo hasta los mas remotos confines del mundo.
Cormac McCarthy |
He said that the world could only be known as it existed in men's hearts. For while it seemed a place which contained men it was in reality a place contained within them and therefore to know it one must look there and come to know those hearts and to do this one must live with men and not simply pass among them.
Cormac McCarthy |
If people knew the story of their lives how many would then elect to live them? People
Cormac McCarthy |
He visto tantas maldades que no se como Dios no apaga el sol y acaba con todos nosotros
Cormac McCarthy |
Se le regole che hai seguito ti hanno portato fino a questo punto, a che servono quelle regole?
Cormac McCarthy |
Todo esta bien?
Cormac McCarthy |
Soll ich dir eine Geschichte erzahlen? Nein. Warum nicht? Der Junge sah ihn an und wandte den Blick ab. Warum nicht? Diese Geschichten sind nicht wahr. Das mussen sie auch nicht sein. Es sind Geschichten. Ja. Aber in den Geschichten helfen wir andauernd jemanden, dabei tun wir das in Wirklichkeit gar nicht. Warum erzahlst du mir nicht eine Geschichte? Ich will nicht. Okay. Ich habe keine Geschichten zu erzahlen. Du konntest mir eine..
Cormac McCarthy |
La moneta e solo un tondino di ferro della zecca che il coniatore prende dal mucchio e mette sotto il conio in uno dei due versi possibili. Da quell'atto dipende tutto il resto, cara y cruz, indipendentemente da tutti i giri e da tutte le rotazioni che la moneta fa in aria. A un certo punto viene il nostro turno e poi passa. [...] Sono convinta che se il fato governasse i nostri destini sarebbe possibile ragionarci o blandirlo, ma il coniat..
Cormac McCarthy |
Nella storia non ci sono gruppi di controllo e nessuno puo dire cosa sarebbe successo altrimenti. Noi piangiamo pensando a cio che avrebbe potuto succedere al posto di cio che e successo, ma questa eventualita non esiste, non e mai esistita. Dicono che chi non conosce la storia e condannato a ripeterla, ma io non credo che conoscerla serva a qualcosa. L'avidita, la follia e l'attrazione per il sangue sono una costante della storia, e questa..
Cormac McCarthy |
Ricordo Alejandra e la prima volta che aveva visto le sue spalle curve per la tristezza, una tristezza che aveva creduto di capire ma di cui non aveva capito nulla, e si senti solo come non gli era piu capitato da quando era bambino, totalmente estraneo al mondo che pure continuava ad amare. Penso che la bellezza del mondo nascondeva un segreto, che il cuore del mondo batteva ad un prezzo terribile, che la sofferenza e la bellezza del mondo..
Cormac McCarthy |
Ci sono un sacco di cose che sembrano piu belle, viste da lontano. Si? Almeno cosi la penso io. E hai ragione. La vita passata, per esempio. Gia. E magari anche la vita non ancora vissuta.
Cormac McCarthy |
S nim i ran'she byvalo takoe. Ne prosto chuvstvo bezyskhodnosti i pustoty, net. Oshchushchenie, chto mir sokrashchaetsia do razmerov iadra atoma.
Cormac McCarthy |
Vyshel iz razvalin v serom polumrake, ostanovilsia, vdrug iasno osoznal sut' etogo mira: neumolimoe kholodnoe dvizhenie planety; Zemlia pogibla, ne ostaviv naslednikov; bezzhalostnaia temnota; slepye psy solntsa v vechnom dvizhenii; gnetushchaia chernaia pustota vselennoi. I gde-to tam oni -- dva zagnannykh zveria, drozhashchikh, kak lisy v ukrytii. Zhizn' vzaimy: vremia -- v dolg, mir -- tozhe, dazhe glaza, chtoby uzhasat'sia i lit' slezy,..
Cormac McCarthy |
Posmotrel na syna. -- Nasha zhizn', po-tvoemu, koshmar? -- A ty kak dumaesh'? -- Nu smotri. My poka zhivy. Stol'ko vsego plokhogo proizoshlo, a my eshche zhivy. -- Nu da. -- Ty ne schitaesh', chto eto zdorovo? -- Dumaiu, chto nichego osobennogo v etom net.
Cormac McCarthy |
When I was in school I studied biology. I learned that in making their experiments scientists will take some group - bacteria, mice, people - and subject that group to certain conditions. They compare the results with a second group which has not been disturbed. This second group is called the control group. It is the control group which enables the scientist to gauge the effect of his experiment. To judge the significance of what has occur..
Cormac McCarthy |
The truth about the world, he said, is that anything is possible. Had you not seen it all from birth and thereby bled it of its strangeness it would appear to you for what it is, a hat trick in a medicine show, a fevered dream, a trance bepopulate with chimeras having neither analogue nor precedent, an itinerant carnival, a migratory tentshow whose ultimate destination after many a pitch in many a mudded field is unspeakable and calamitous ..
Cormac McCarthy |
Quando non ti resta nient'altro imbastisci cerimoniali sul nulla e soffiaci sopra
Cormac McCarthy |
If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet? The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night. His spirit is exhausted at the peak of its achievement. His meridian is at once his darkenin..
Cormac McCarthy |
I lupi selezionano i lupi, amico. Quale altra creatura potrebbe farlo? E la razza umana non e ancora piu rapace? Tutte le cose del mondo sbocciano, maturano e muoiono, ma in quelle dell'uomo non c'e tramonto e il mezzodi del suo fiorire e gia l'inizio della notte. Il suo spirito si esaurisce nel momento stesso in cui raggiunge l'acme. Per lui il meridiano e insieme il crepuscolo e la sera del giorno. Gli piace giocare? Faccia la sua puntata..
Cormac McCarthy |
By midnight the governor had excused himself and members of the band had begun to slip away. A blind street harpist stood terrified upon the banquet table among the bones and platters and a horde of luridlooking whores had infiltrated the dance. Pistolfire soon became general and Mr Riddle, who was acting American consul in the city, descended to remonstrate with the revelers and was warned away. Fights broke out. Furniture was disassembled..
Cormac McCarthy |
They rode on. They rode like men invested with a purpose whose origins were antecedent to them, like blood legatees of an order both imperative and remote. For although each man among them was discrete unto himself, conjoined they made a thing that had not been before and in that communal soul were wastes hardly reckonable more than those whited regions on old maps where monsters do live and where there is nothing other of the known world s..
Cormac McCarthy |
In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure death will. The world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and the reality, even where we will not. Between the wish and the thing the world lies waiting.
Cormac McCarthy |
It is supposed to be true that those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it. I don't believe knowing can save us. What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood and this is a thing that even God - who knows all that can be known - seems powerless to change.
Cormac McCarthy |
This is what Great Art does. It becomes more real than the real, more true than the truth.
Cormac McCarthy |
BIANCO- Non mi pare proprio. Lei lo vede, Gesu? NERO- No. Non lo vedo. BIANCO- Pero ci parla. NERO- Ogni santo giorno. BIANCO- E lui parla con lei. NERO- Mi ha parlato. Si. BIANCO- Ma lei lo sente? Sente proprio la sua voce? NERO- No, non sento la sua voce. Non sento neanche la mia, se e per questo. A lui pero l'ho sentito. BIANCO- Be, allora Gesu non potrebbe essere soltanto nella sua testa? NERO- Infatti e nella mia testa. BIANCO- Allora..
Cormac McCarthy |
E' una questione personale. E' proprio questo l'effetto dell'istruzione. Rende il mondo intero qualcosa di personale.
Cormac McCarthy |