the bland politician's smile of someone who knows that the bodies in the car trunk are, indeed, dead.
Douglas Coupland |
Mozda je molitva zapravo zelja da ulancas dogadaje u svom zivotu tako da sacine pricu- nesto sto pokazuje smisao dogadaja za koje znas da imaju znacenje. Bar se zato ja molim" Harj"
Douglas Coupland |
These were citizens who, never having bothered to awaken to the technological and psychic changes in their world, hadn't bothered to defend themselves, hadn't bothered to build walls or plan or counterattacks or build weapons-- asleep inside their collective dream, thinking for all the world that the unthinkable would never happen. Thinking they were safe.
Douglas Coupland |
Speaking of the information superhighway, we have all given each other official permission to administer a beating to whoever uses that accursed term. We're so sick of it!
Douglas Coupland |
You could return to that same hive a thousand years later and there would be just the same perception of tomorrow as never being any different. Humans are completely different. We assume tomorrow is another world.
Douglas Coupland |
Actually, it's not the impertinence I'm punishing him for, it's that he let other people know what he wanted.
Douglas Coupland |
innocent." Stupid, stupid woman, but a woman whose daughter was lost in the"
Douglas Coupland |
What about life after death?" "What about death after life after death?"
Douglas Coupland |
Ci siamo trovati tutti coinvolti in una discussione sul genere di software che progetterebbero i cani, se potessero farlo. Secondo Marty, si tratterebbe di programmi per delimitare il territorio, con simulatori di pipi e interfacce lappabili. Antonella ha tirato fuori l'idea di un OssoFinder. Ad Harold e venuta in mente una cuccia fatta col CAD, tutto altamente cartone animato/sensoriale, con un sacco di elementi visuali. Poi naturalmente ..
Douglas Coupland |
The one appalling thing about electric cars is that one plugs them into already overtaxed municipal power grids. Try mentioning this to a politician or manufacturer who wants to ride the green wave and you will quickly find yourself escorted out of the room. Mention this twice and you'll magically find yourself on the No Fly List. Mention this three times and your cold lifeless body will be found in a clump of brambles off the nearest motor..
Douglas Coupland |
Instead of feeling sexy and tingly, it felt useless, like recycling plastics or registering to vote.
Douglas Coupland |
My delaem svoikh chad kalekami na vsiu zhizn', umalchivaia ob odinochestve v ego ottenkakh, polutonakh i podoplekakh. A vot kogda bakhnet po bashke (obychno posle togo, kak my vyletaem iz rodnogo gnezdyshka), my i poniat' ne mozhem, chto striaslos'. Glazeem po storonam, kak osharashennye. Na bolezn' valim, shizoidnye i bipoliarnye rasstroistva sebe vydumyvaem, greshim na durnoi kharakter i nedostatok khroma v ratsione. Godam k tridtsati do ..
Douglas Coupland |
Byvaet, napadet khandra -- kazhetsia, tak i pomresh' odinokoi; ni v nastoiashchem, ni v budushchem nichego khoroshego ne svetit. Ogliadyvaias' na prozhitye gody, vspominaesh' tol'ko oshibki i neudachi, kalecha tem samym i proshloe. No osobenno nepriiatno to, chto, znaia vraga v litso, ty ne v silakh nichego s nim podelat'.
Douglas Coupland |
Zhizn' odinokogo cheloveka sviazana s ritualom izgnaniia vakuuma iz vecherov, provedennykh v odinochestve.
Douglas Coupland |
Ci sono altre ragioni per cui mi sono innamorato di Karla; ragioni non cosi poetiche, ma ugualmente reali. E un' per me, e abbiamo tutti questi interessi comuni... "incontri della mente"... qualunque cosa essa sia. Posso parlare di computer e della Microsoft e di quella parte della nostra vita, ma facciamo anche conversazioni esoteriche che non hanno niente a che fare con la vita tech. Non ho mai avuto davvero un'amica cosi intima prima. E..
Douglas Coupland |
Now: I am an affectionate man but I have much trouble showing it. When I was younger I used to worry so much about being alone - of being unlovable or incapable of love. As the years went on, my worries changed. I worried that I had become incapable of having a relationship, of offering intimacy. I felt as though the world lived inside a warm house at night and I was outside, and I couldn't be seen - because I was out there in the night. Bu..
Douglas Coupland |
Vsio, chto voznikaet za schiot deneg, vsegda voznikaet vspyshkoobrazno.
Douglas Coupland |
When I started researching this book, I thought that the Internet was a metaphor for life; now I think life is a metaphor for the Internet. I'm not trying to be cute. Just as it is impossible to point to a single spark within the human brain that proves life, so it is impossible to disprove that the Internet is a living thing. It is massive. It never sleeps. And more and more, it's talking about us behind our backs.
Douglas Coupland |
4 560 110 zemlian segodnia vliubilis'. 4 560 007 - razliubili.
Douglas Coupland |
Mam, ia nikogda tebia po-nastoiashchemu ne uznaiu. Ty tozhe eto ponimaesh'? -- Ponimaiu. -- Nado bylo sviazat'sia s toboi ran'she. -- Chepukha.
Douglas Coupland |
Nachnem s togo, chto, na moi vzgliad, tol'ko liudi mogut otdelit' son ot grez naiavu. Bud' ty l'venkom, meduzoi ili paporotnikom -- ty ne otlichish' bodrstvovanie ot sna. Mne kazhetsia, chto eshche neskol'ko tysiach let nazad liudi tozhe tak schitali. A potom poiavilsia chelovek, kotoryi razrushil zamknutyi krug i raskryl raznitsu mezhdu dvumia mirami. Neskol'ko soten let liudi svykalis' s mysl'iu, chto zhizn' naiavu i mechta -- dve soversh..
Douglas Coupland |
V nekotorom rode dazhe priiatno ostavat'sia v nevedenii otnositel'no togo, chto s nami proiskhodit do rozhdeniia ili posle smerti. Ili chto sluchitsia v nervnoe, nepredskazuemoe vremia mezhdu migom, kotoryi oboznachaet nashu gotovnost' k peremenam v zhizni, i momentom, kogda eti peremeny proiskhodiat.
Douglas Coupland |
Nu pochemu imenno my? Nu pochemu, naprimer, ne indiiskii prodavets risa, skazhem, iz Lakhora, srednikh let, vdobavok sifilitik i kollektsioner belich'ikh chuchel.
Douglas Coupland |
Zdes' u vsekh takoi vid, slovno oni prinimaiut uchastie v programme zashchity i peremeshcheniia svidetelei.
Douglas Coupland |
Predstav', chto ty kloniruesh' sebia i kazhdyi raz peredaiosh' instruktsiiu chto nuzhno i ne nuzhno delat'. Navernoe, tak my i budem evoliutsionirovat' v budushchem.
Douglas Coupland |
TERMINAL WANDERLUST: A condition common to people of transient middle-class upbringings. Unable to feel rooted in any one environment, they move continually in the hopes of finding an idealized sense of community in the next location.
Douglas Coupland |
I wish I knew how bad I could become. I wish I could get a printout that showed me exactly how susceptible I was to a long list of sins. Gluttony: 23 percent susceptible. Envy: 68 percent susceptible. Lust: 94 percent susceptible. That kind of thing.
Douglas Coupland |
If you want to get close to somebody, you have to tell him or her something intimate about yourself. They'll tell you something intimate in return, and if you keep this going, maybe you'll end up in love.
Douglas Coupland |
This is not an apartment in which fresh vegetables are consumed. It smells like a dead spice rack.
Douglas Coupland |
People are leaky.
Douglas Coupland |
The heart of a man is like deep water.
Douglas Coupland |
Daca am fi avut convingeri, oare am fi avut macar curajul sa le urmam?
Douglas Coupland |
Probably tastes like a pocket calculator garnished with dried herpes juice flakes.
Douglas Coupland |
Bogatyi muzhchina -- eto neizmenno prosto bogatyi muzhchina, a bogataia zhenshchina -- eto vsego-navsego neschastnaia babentsiia, u kotoroi vodiatsia den'zhata.
Douglas Coupland |
But when you're caked in your own leavings, you don't really mind being hit with brutally hard jets of water.
Douglas Coupland |
Te, komu grezitsia apokalipsis, prosto ne predstavliaiut sebe zhizn' posle smerti. I esli im pridetsia pokinut' etot svet, oni gotovy zabrat' s soboi ves' mir.
Douglas Coupland |
Remember: Condoms promote licentiousness, so reconsider before using.
Douglas Coupland |
There's something fun about Sharpies that's really hard to articulate.
Douglas Coupland |
How strange that all you have to do sometimes to meet somebody is walk up to their house and ring a doorbell, and magically they appear as if from nowhere.
Douglas Coupland |
Because in the end we forget everything, anyway. We're human; we're amnesia machines.
Douglas Coupland |
And if you were such a good clairvoyant, why didn't you just write things straight out? What's with all the stupid rhyming quatrains? Thanks for nothing.
Douglas Coupland |
One contradiction of the human heart is this: God refuses to see any one person as unique in his or her relationship to Him, and yet we humans see each other as bottomless wells of creativity and uniqueness.
Douglas Coupland |
Just imagine how it must feel to know that your family won't be going to heaven with you- I mean, truly believing that. We're ghosts to him. We might a well be dead.
Douglas Coupland |
Crawl to your God, you arrogant bastard. See if your God doesn't look at the slime trail you leave behind you and throw you to the buzzards. You heartless, sad little man. You don't even have a soul. You killed it years ago. I want you to die. You got that? I want you to die.
Douglas Coupland |