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200c167 A man driven to incessant work by a sense of deep insecurity and loneliness; or another one driven by ambition, or greed for money. In all these cases the person is the slave of a passion, and his activity is in reality a "passivity" because he is driven; he is the sufferer, not the "actor." On the other hand, a man sitting quiet and contemplating, with no purpose or aim except that of experiencing himself and his oneness with the world, is.. Erich Fromm
ad0e00b Women have been so thoroughly oppressed that they have accepted unconsciously the role that the ruling sex, man, gave to them. They have even believed in male propaganda, which is very much the same as the propaganda in other wars, wars against colonial people, etc. Women have been considered to be naive: Freud said that they were narcissistic, unrealistic, cowardly, inferior to man anatomically, intellectually, morally. The fact is that.. Erich Fromm
61d25e3 Faith in life, in oneself, in others must be built on the hard rock of realism; that is to say, on the capacity to see evil where it is, to see swindle, destructiveness, and selfishness not only when they are obvious but in their many disguises and rationalizations. Indeed, faith, love, and hope must go together with such a passion for seeing reality in all its nakedness that the outsider would be prone to call the attitude 'cynicism.' And .. Erich Fromm
47568c3 Not so much because many occupations would not permit of a loving attitude, but because the spirit of a production-centered, commodity-greedy society is such that only the non-conformist can defend himself successfully against it. Those who are seriously concerned with love as the only rational answer to the problem of human existence must, then, arrive at the conclusion that important and radical changes in our social structure are necessa.. Erich Fromm
886b11c n lm`rf@ bwjwd lkhrb wlkhd` wlnny@ wjb@, lys fqT `ndm tkwn wDH@ mmn klshms, wlkn yjb `lyn m`rfth Ht~ b'shklh lmkhtlf@ lmsttr@ wmbrrth. Erich Fromm
f3d7d3c klm t`Zm lsh`wr bl`jz wbnqS lrd@ l'Syl, klm tnm~ lkhDw` 'w lrGb@ lmhwws@brD nzw@ lmr wlSrr `l~ lkhty. Erich Fromm
58bf850 n l'mr bHj@ l~ bHth `myq wtHlyl dqyq lk~ nnfdh l~ lHqyq@ wnHkm `l~ 'nfsn Hkm 'qrb l~ lSwb. Erich Fromm
abceae9 In the sphere of material things giving means being rich. Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much. Erich Fromm
5ea3805 'n ykwn lnsn nshyTan y`ny 'n yjd nfsh w'n ynmw, wytdfq, wyHb, wytjwz sjn dhth lmn`zl@, w'n ykwn shGwfan wmnStan wm`T Erich Fromm
5115214 Modern man thinks he loses something--time--when he does not do things quickly; yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains--except kill Erich Fromm
43956e9 Why should anyone be so grateful for acceptance unless he doubts that he is acceptable, and why should a young, educated and successful couple have such doubts, if not due to the fact that they cannot accept themselves because they are not themselves. identity individuality originality self Erich Fromm
5f6f5e9 nn l nnkr 'n lnsny@ wsT hdh lDjyj wl`jyj l t`dm nfran mn l`ql bndwn b`qd m`hdt lSlH wnshr 'lwy@ lslm f~ rbw` l`lm b'srh. Gyr 'n qSr~ m ybdhlh hw'l l`ql mn jhd l y`dw 'n ykwn klmt mktwb@ wHbran `l~ wrq. Erich Fromm
240f237 We owe nobody an explanation or an accounting, as long as our acts do not hurt or infringe on them. Erich Fromm
87a4038 yHdth ltGyr fy lwZyf@ `ndm ytwqf ltmlk `n kwnh wsyl@ llsh`wr bHywy@ wntjy@ '`Zm, wytHwl l~ wsyl@ llsthlk lslby lHsy. `ndm tkwn wZyf@ ltmlk l'ssy@ rD Hjt lsthlk lmtzyd@, fnh ('y ltmlk) sytwqf `n kwnh Hl@ tDyf l~ "lkynwn@", wln ykhtlf `n "lmtlk ltwfyry"." Erich Fromm
ba6f711 We have seen, then, that certain socioeconomic changes, notably the decline of the middle class and the rising power of monopolistic capital, had a deep psychological effect... Nazism resurrected the lower middle class psychologically while participating in the destruction of its old socioeconomic position. It mobilized its emotional energies to become an important force in the struggle for the economic and political aims of Germain imperia.. imperialism middle-class nazi Erich Fromm
01df01e They were more free, but they were more alone. psychology Erich Fromm
aaada27 There were always men who looked beyond the dimensions of their own society- and while they may have been called fools or criminals in their time they are the roster of great men as far as the record of human history is concerned- and visualized something which can be called universally human and which is not identical with what a particular society assumes human nature to be. There were always men who were bold and imaginative enough to se.. individualism individualist society unique-people universality Erich Fromm
a79ce06 l`l mn lTryf f~ hdh lSdd 'n ndhkr hn 'n 'Hd lmw'rkhyn lthq@ yw'kd ln 'nh fym byn `m 1500 w 1860 b`d lmyld wq`t ldwl m ynyf `n thmny@ alf m`hd@ llSlH, thdf kl mnh l~ syd@ lslm ldy'm byn lsh`wb, wlm tdm wHd@ mnh 'kthr mn `myn ! Erich Fromm
10e818e nn l nnkr 'n lnsny@ wsT hdh lDjyj wl`jyj l t`dm nfran mn l`ql bndwn b`qd m`hdt lSlH wnshr 'lwy@ lslm f~ rbw` l`lm b'srh. Gyr 'n qSr~ m ybdhlh hw'l l`ql mn jhd l y`dw 'n ykwn klmt mktwb@ wHbran `l~ wrq. l`l mn lTryf f~ hdh lSdd 'n ndhkr hn 'n 'Hd lmw'rkhyn lthq@ yw'kd ln 'nh fym byn `m 1500 w 1860 b`d lmyld wq`t ldwl m ynyf `n thmny@ alf m`hd@ llSlH, thdf kl mnh l~ syd@ lslm ldy'm byn lsh`wb, wlm tdm wHd@ mnh 'kthr mn `myn ! Erich Fromm
0127538 Si percibo en otra persona nada mas que lo superficial, percibo principalmente las diferencias, lo que nos separa. Si penetro hasta el nucleo, percibo nuestra identidad, el hecho de nuestra hermandad. humanity life love peace Erich Fromm
32c2106 The development of man's intellectual capacities has far outstripped the development of his emotions. Man's brain lives in the twentieth century; the heart of most men lives still in the Stone Age. The majority of men have not yet acquired the maturity to be independent, to be rational, to be objective. They need myths and idols to endure the fact that man is all by himself, that there is no authority which gives meaning to life except man .. psychology Erich Fromm
4108da7 Yet all this bespeaks a dim realization of the truth--the truth that modern man lives under the illusion that he knows what he wants, while he actually wants what he is supposed to want. In order to accept this it is necessary to realize that to know what one really wants is not comparatively easy, as most people think, but one of the most difficult problems any human being has to solve. It is a task we frantically try to avoid by accepting.. Erich Fromm
9f68638 If one candle is brought into an absolutely dark room, the darkness disappears, and there is light. But if ten or a hundred or a thousand candles are added, the room will become brighter and brighter. Yet the decisive change was brought about by the first candle which penetrated the darkness.57 Erich Fromm
a1c71cb Whether a carpenter makes a table, or a goldsmith a piece of jewelry, whether the peasant grows his corn, or the painter paints a picture, in all types of creative work the worker and his object become one, man unites himself with the world in the process of creation. This, however, holds true only for productive work, for work in which I plan, produce, see the result of my work. In the modern work process of a clerk, the worker on the endl.. Erich Fromm
09f3ecc Man is gifted with reason; he is life being aware of itself he has awareness of himself, of his fellow man, of his past, and of the possibilities of his future. This awareness of himself as a separate entity, the awareness of his own short life span, of the fact that without his will he is born and against his will he dies, that he will die before those whom he loves, or they before him, the awareness of his aloneness and separateness, of h.. Erich Fromm
0c4659d Meister Eckhart on this topic: "If you love yourself, you love everybody else as you do yourself. As long as you love another person less than you love yourself, you will not really succeed in loving yourself, but if you love all alike, including yourself, you will love them as one person and that person is both God and man. Thus he is a great and righteous person who, loving himself, loves all others equally."[14]" Erich Fromm
a9c3fc2 Mental health cannot be defined in terms of the "adjustment" of the individual to his society, but, on the other hand, that it must be defined in terms of the society to the needs of man, of its role in furthering or hindering the development of mental health. Whether or not the individual is healthy, is primarily not an individual matter, but depends on the structure of his society." Erich Fromm
e9e717a The supreme principle of socialism is that man takes precedence over things, life over property, and hence, work over capital; that power follows creation, and not possession; that man must not be governed by circumstances, but circumstances must be governed by man. political-philosophy socialism work Erich Fromm
6d8f2f4 God explains to Jonah that the essence of love is to "labor" for something and "to make something grow," Erich Fromm
3ed8974 For centuries kings, priests, feudal lords, industrial bosses and parents have insisted that obedience is a virtue and that disobedience is a vice. obedience Erich Fromm
bf50ca6 Let your deeds be judged, and from your deeds, your real intentions. But know that a free person owes an explanation only to himself, to his reason and his conscious, and to the few who may have a justified claim for explanation. Erich Fromm
81282cb Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. Erich Fromm
cb6ce03 It seems that nothing is more difficult for the average man to bear than the feeling of not being identified with a larger group. Erich Fromm
36335f9 The full humanization of man requires the breakthrough from the possession-centered to the activity-centered orientation, from selfishness and egotism to solidarity and altruism. Erich Fromm
28b1d46 Existuje jeste jeden dalsi rozdil mezi logikou zjevneho a skryteho vypraveni. Ve zjevnem vypraveni existuje logicka kauzalni souvislost mezi vnejsimi udalostmi. Jonas chce plout pres more, protoze chce uteci pred Bohem, usne, protoze je unaven, je vrzen pres palubu, protoze je povazovan za pricinu boure a je pozren rybou, protoze se v mori vyskytuji drave ryby. Jedna udalost vyplyva z predchazejici. (Posledni cast pribehu je sice nerealisti.. fromm psychology symbols Erich Fromm
f70ff9f How should a man caught in this net of routine not forget that he is a man, a unique individual, one who is given only this one chance of living, with hopes and disappointments, with sorrow and fear, with the longing for love and the dread of the nothing and of separateness? Erich Fromm
cbf967d The myth identifies the beginning of human history with an act of choice, but it puts all emphasis on the sinfulness of this first act of freedom and the suffering resulting from it. Man and woman live in the Garden of Eden in complete harmony with each other and with nature. There is peace and no necessity to work; there is no choice, no freedom, no thinking either, Man is forbidden to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He ac.. Erich Fromm
85ab283 Freedom is not something we have, there is no such thing as freedom. Freedom is a quality of our personality: we are more or less free to resist pressure, more or less free to do what we want and to be ourselves. Freedom is always a question of increasing freedom one has, or decreasing it. Erich Fromm
d74cd11 The right to express out thoughts, however, means something only if we are able to have thoughts of our own; freedom from external authority is a lasting gain only if the inner psychological conditions are such that we are able to establish our own individuality. Erich Fromm
9e91d4e To know and yet [think] we do not know is the highest [attainment]; not to know [and yet think] we do know is a disease. Erich Fromm
c53e677 Most people are not even aware of their need to conform. They live under the illusion that they follow their own ideas and inclinations, that they are individualists, that they have arrived at their opinions as the result of their own thinking--and that it just happens that their ideas are the same as those of the majority. Erich Fromm
40536f5 Two persons thus fall in love when they feel they have found the best object available on the market, considering the limitations of their own exchange values. Erich Fromm
7a9b935 Our whole culture is based on the appetite for buying, on the idea of a mutually favorable exchange. [...] "Attractive" usually means a nice package of qualities which are popular and sought after on the personality market. [...] Two persons thus fall in love when they feel they have found the best object available on the market, considering the limitations of their own exchange values. In a culture in which the marketing orientation prevai.. psychology Erich Fromm
70e63f5 Any society, in order to survive, must mold the character of its members in such a way that they want to do what they have to do; their social function must become internalized and transformed into something they feel driven to do, rather than something they are obliged to do. Erich Fromm
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