against the velvet rope force fields that kept everyone without an invitation at bay. As I walked toward the entrance, the crowd bombarded me with a mix of insults, autograph requests, death threats, and tearful declarations of undying love. I had my body shield activated, but surprisingly, no one took a shot at me. I flashed the cyborg doorman my invitation, then mounted the long crystal staircase leading up into the club. Entering the Dis..
Ernest Cline |
O que acontece depois da morte? Bem, nao sabemos ao certo. Mas as evidencias sugerem que nao acontece nada. Voce morre, seu cerebro para de funcionar e voce some e deixa de fazer perguntas irritantes.
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Minha vida nao era tao ruim. Pelo menos era isso o que dizia a mim mesmo o tempo todo, numa tentativa inutil de afastar a enorme solidao que sentia.
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Sempre que via o sol, eu me lembrava de que estava olhando para uma estrela. Uma entre mais de cem bilhoes de estrelas em nossa galaxia. Uma galaxia que era apenas uma entre bilhoes de outras galaxias no Universo. Isso me ajudava a manter a cabeca no lugar.
Ernest Cline |
Para mim, a escola tinha sido um exercicio darwiniano. Um ataque diario de ridicularizacao, abuso e isolamento.
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Ali, sob as luzes fluorescentes de meu pequeno apartamento de um comodo, nao havia modo de escapar da verdade. Na vida real, eu nao passava de um ermitao antissocial. Um recluso. Um geek palido obcecado pela cultura pop. Um introvertido agorafobico, sem amigos, familia ou contato com pessoas. Eu era apenas mais uma alma triste, perdida e solitaria, desperdicando a vida em um videogame.
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Peu importaient les responsables au pouvoir, ils se contentaient de modifier l'agencement des transats sur le pont du Titanic, et personne ne se faisait d'illusions.
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It felt wonderful. Like being struck by lightning.
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Segui torturandome mentalmente hasta que, al fin, el sueno me vencio.
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I also have a habit of overeating when I was depressed or frustrated, which was most of the time.
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Sorrento," I said, trying to hide the fear in my voice, "I want you and your bosses to know something. You're never going to find Halliday's egg. You know why? Because he was smarter than all of you put together. It doesn't matter how much money you have or who you try to blackmail. You're going to lose."
Ernest Cline |
OK, Arty," I said."
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could always triumph over the game's AI, because software couldn't improvise. It could either react randomly, or in a limited number of predetermined ways, based on a finite number of preprogrammed conditions. This was an axiom in videogames, and would be until humans invented true artificial intelligence. Our second game came right down
Ernest Cline |
Then I remembered something else from the 2112 liner notes. I pulled them up and scanned over them again. There was my answer, in the text that preceded Part III--"Discovery": Behind my beloved waterfall, in the little room that was hidden beneath the cave, I found it. I brushed away the dust of the years, and picked it up, holding it reverently in my hands. I had no idea what it might be, but it was beautiful. I learned to lay my fingers a..
Ernest Cline |
You're probably wondering what happened before you got here. An awful lot of stuff, actually. Once we evolved into humans, things got pretty interesting. We figured out how to grow food and domesticate animals so we didn't have to spend all of our time hunting. Our tribes got much bigger, and we spread across the entire planet like an unstoppable virus. Then, after fighting a bunch of wars with each other over land, resources, and our made-..
Ernest Cline |
Just a maintenance tech here, folks, heading home after a long night of rebooting routers. That's all. I am definitely not an indent making a daring escape with ten zettabytes of stolen company data in his pocket. Nosiree.
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Philip K. Dick,
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but the reception inside the van was for shit, since it was buried under a huge mound of dense metal.
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Ernest Cline |
all of
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William Higinbotham
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Uma pessoa consegue guardar um segredo, mas nao duas.
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Ninguem no mundo consegue o que quer e isso e bonito.
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Eu nao sabia como me relacionar com as pessoas. Senti medo durante toda a minha vida. Ate eu saber que estava terminando. Foi quando eu percebi que, por mais assustadora e dolorosa que a realidade possa ser, e tambem o unico lugar onde se pode encontrar felicidade de verdade. Porque a realidade e real. Entendeu?
Ernest Cline |
Oh, and by the way ... there's no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid. Deal with it.
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Real estate within walking distance of a big city became far too valuable to waste on a flat plane of mobile homes, so someone had cooked up the brilliant idea of, as Mr. Miller pit it, "stacking the sumbitches," to maximise the use of ground space."
Ernest Cline |
The moment I began searching for the egg, the future no longer seemed so bleak.
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Sentado sozinho no escuro, assistindo ao programa em meu laptop, sempre imaginava que eu vivia naquela casa quente e bem iluminada, e que aquelas pessoas sorridentes e compreensivas eram a minha familia. Imaginava que nao havia nada tao errado no mundo que nao pudessemos resolver ate o final de um unico episodio de meia hora (ou talvez em dois, se fosse algo muito serio).
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Richard K. Morgan. Stephen King. Orson Scott Card. Terry Pratchett. Terry Brooks. Bester, Bradbury, Haldeman, Heinlein, Tolkien, Vance, Gibson, Gaiman, Sterling, Moorcock, Scalzi, Zelazny. I
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