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32445a4 Yo, Miguel Littin, hijo de Hernan y Cristina, director de cine y uno de los cinco mil chilenos con prohibicion absoluta de regresar, estaba de nuevo en mi pais despues de doce anos de exilio, aunque todavia exiliado dentro de mi mismo: llevaba una identidad falsa, un pasaporte falso, y hasta una esposa falsa. Mi cara y mi apariencia estaban tan cambiadas por la ropa y el maquillaje que ni mi propia madre habia de reconocerme a plena luz uno.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
ffb84bc with every six heads sixty enemies are produced and for every sixty six hundred are produced and then six thousand and then six million, the whole country, God damn it, we'll never end, Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
be1cc77 they brought the Bible and syphilis, they made people believe that life was easy, mother, that everything is gotten with money, that blacks carry a contagion, they tried to convince our soldiers that the nation is a business and that the sense of honor is a brother invented by the government so that soldiers would fight for free Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
7fb5270 nothing one does in bed is immoral if it helps to perpetuate love. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
ab3fdc0 It was inevitable: the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love. Dr. Juvenal Urbino noticed it as soon as he entered the still darkened house where he had hurried on an urgent call to attend a case that for him had lost all urgency many years before. unrequited-love Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
cf226fe I came back from the bridge bathed in tears. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
5548d77 When his father told him about his alarm at having forgotten even the most impressive happenings of his childhood, Aureliano explained his method to him [...] with an inked brush he marked everything with its name: table, chair, clock, door, wall, bed, pan. He went to the corral and marked the animals and plants: cow, goat, pig, hen, cassava, caladium, banana. Little by little, studying the infinite possibilities of a loss of memory, he rea.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0314db1 It was as if God had decided to put to the test every capacity for surprise and was keeping the inhabitants of Macondo in a permanent alteration between excitement and disappointment, doubt and revelation, to such an extreme that no one knew for certain where the limits of reality lay. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0236c5e The act was an exorcism of relief for Florentino Ariza, for when he put the violin back into its case and walked down the dead streets without looking back, he no longer felt that he was leaving the next morning but that he had gone away many years before with the irrevocable determination never to return. love sadness Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
758c129 In reality [hers] were distracted letters, intended to keep the coals alive without putting her hand in the fire, while Florentino Ariza burned himself alive in every line. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
7d67c24 He stared at her openly, at her intense mourning, at the dignity of her grief, Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
bb2142c l ywjd m hw t`s mn 'n ymwt lnsn wHydan Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
71db7fe Colonel Aureliano Buendia could understand only that the secret of good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude- 205 Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0c5b6ec 'n lGyr@ 'qw~ fy ltwSl l~ lHqyq@ mn l'dl@ Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0e760f6 A lack of communication with horses has impeded human progress, said Abrenuncio. If we ever broke down the barriers, we could produce the centaur horses humor Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
5fbe433 Morality, too, is a question of time, Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
4539ab2 Don't stay with Urdanetea, he told him. And don't go with your family to the United States. It's omnipotent and terrible, and its tale of liberty will end in a plague of miseries for us all. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
7e0c135 Open the windows and the doors, she shouted, cook some meat and fish, buy the largest turtles around, let strangers come in and spread their mats in the corners and urinate in the rose bushes and sit down to eat as many times as they want, and belch and rant and muddy everything with their boots, and let them do whatever they want to us, because that's the only way to drive off ruin. guests hospitality ursula Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
5540fcf Amaranta, en cambio, cuya dureza de corazon la espantaba, cuya concentrada amargura la amargaba, se le esclarecio en el ultimo examen como la mujer mas tierna que habia existido jamas, y comprendio con una lastimosa clarividencia que las injustas torturas a que habia sometido a Pietro Crespi no eran dictadas por una voluntad de venganza, como todo el mundo creia, ni el lento martirio con que frustro la vida del coronel Gerinaldo Marquez hab.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
69be5de Ya me sobrara tiempo para descansar cuando me muera, pero esta eventualidad no esta todavia en mis proyectos. death-and-dying life Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
d7a20ac La soledad le habia seleccionado los recuerdos, y habia incinerado los entorpecedores montones de basura nostalgica que la vida habia acumulado en su corazon, y habia purificado, magnificado y eternizado los otros, los mas amargos. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
6cfdd59 Only god knows how much I loved you. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
56cea49 In reality they were distracted letters, intended to keep the coals alive without putting her hand in the fire, while Florentino Ariza burned himself in every line. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
f2aa62a They pawned, between sobs, the last glittering ornaments of their last paradise. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
86283a8 But the lucidity of her old age allowed her to see, and she said so many times, that the cries of children in their mothers' wombs are not announcements of ventriloquism or a faculty for prophecy but an unmistakable sign of an incapacity for love. birth children love unable-to-love Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
b4f6bfd She reminded him that the weak will never enter the kingdom of love, which is a harsh and ungenerous kingdom,and that women give themselves only to men of resolute spirit, who provide them with the security they need in order to face life. security strength weakness women Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
39e07b8 It was then, for the first time, that she understood above all her virtues what was in command was the vanity of a metaphysical woman. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
53da7f3 Fernanda was scandalized that she did not understand the relationship of Catholicism with life but only its relationship with death, as if it were not a religion but a compendium of funeral conventions. death funeral-rites funerals misunderstanding religion religion-meaning Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
6de2a3a y la miro por ultima vez para siempre jamas con los ojos mas luminosos, mas tristes y mas agradecidos que ella no le vio nunca en medio siglo de vida en comun, y alcanzo a decirle con el ultimo aliento: --Solo Dios sabe cuanto te quise. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
c9bb8da At twelve o'clock, when Aureli-ano, Jose had bled to death and Carmelita Montiel found that the cards showing her future were blank, more than four hundred men had filed past the theater and discharged their revolvers into the abandoned body of Captain Aquiles Ricardo. A patrol had to use a wheelbarrow to carry the body, which was heavy with lead and fell apart like a water-soaked loaf of bread. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
607893c w'khyran 'nblj lkhranj ldhy tHmlh Twlh Hyth mnfjran qy'l: "fyrmyn, lqd 'ntZrt 'kthr mn nSf qrn l'jdd lk l`hd blwf wlHb l'zly" ." Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
fbf674f Asi como los recuerdos reales se olvidan, tambien algunos que nunca fueron pueden estar en los recuerdos como si hubieran sido. recordar Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
3b7e2b3 Crees que ella estara de acuerdo? - Ay, mi sabio triste, esta bien que estes viejo, pero no pendejo -Dijo Rosa Cabarcas muerta de risa-. Esa pobre criatura esta lela de amor por ti. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
203bb09 'm zwjhm, km yqwl, lqy'm byn Tbqtyn mtnHrtyn, fy mdyn@ mzlt tHlm b`wd@ lHkm lst`mryyn, flmlT lwHyd lqdr `ly HfZ tmskh hw shy S`b mtqlb klHb Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
1b1082c No one understood why she had not died of hunger until the Indians, who were aware of everything, for they went ceaselessly about the house on their stealthy feet, discovered that Rebeca only liked to eat the damp earth of the courtyard and the cake of the whitewash that she picked off the walls with her nails. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
8345fbb La ciudad estaba sumergida en su marasmo de siglos, pero no falto quien vislumbrara el rostro macilento, los ojos fugaces del caballero incierto con sus tafetanes de luto, cuya carroza abandono el recinto amurallado y se dirigio a campo traviesa hacia el cerro de San Lazaro. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
1e767d6 Florentino Ariza was left with the nagging suspicion that this was not her last word. He believed that when a woman says no, she is waiting to be urged before making her final decision, but with her he could not risk making the same mistake twice. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
66bca57 y senti que me hundia en las delicias de las arenas movedizas de su ternura.>> Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
fda8f05 But in the days that followed I realized he was only what he seemed: a giant baby with a heart too big for his body. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0c9ac6a Lo guardo negli occhi: <> <> disse Delaura senza allarme <> Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
40a9ded Desde entonces manifestaba el parroco los primeros sintomas del delirio senil que lo llevo a decir, anos mas tarde, que probablemente el diablo habia ganado la rebelion contra Dios, y que era aquel quien estaba sentado en el trono celeste, sin revelar su verdadera identidad para atrapar a los incautos. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
e4a43d1 Le idee non sono di nessuno>> disse. Disegno in aria con l'indice una serie di cerchi continui e concluse: <> inspirational Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
faf9192 El bisturi es la prueba mayor del fracaso de la medicina Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
f1c3625 La muerte no era solo una probabilidad permanente, como lo habia sentido siempre, sino una realidad inmediata. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez