But if they had learned anything together, it was that wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good. For
Gabriel García Márquez |
Duslerinin paramparca olusundan cok, yaralarinin verdigi sizidan aci duyuyordu.
Gabriel García Márquez |
En realidad, el proceso mas dificil para mi fue el convertirme en otra persona. El cambio de personalidad es una lucha cotidiana en la que uno se rebela a menudo contra su propia determinacion de cambiar, y quiere seguir siendo uno mismo. Asi que la dificultad mayor no fue el aprendizaje, come pudiera pensarse, sino mi resistencia inconsciente, tanto a los cambios fisicos como a los cambios del comportamiento. Tenia que resignarme a dejar d..
Gabriel García Márquez |
John Myers wrote, "It is Imagination, man's power to imagine, that makes living in society, any society, possible. It think what Paul Goodman says about doing away with 'intolerable biological deprivation and spiritual impoverishment' through what he calls 'creative cooperative production' is the right and humane solution to our social woes."
Mary Gabriel |
O'Reilly also shared another significant Ailesian trait: he understood television news was nothing but a show. "Bill O'Reilly is one of the greatest bullshitters in the world," Ailes's brother, Robert, said. "He can talk about any subject, he can get the best out of his guest by taking the opposite point of view even if he doesn't believe it."
Gabriel Sherman |
On the night of September 13, Bill O'Reilly had an exchange with Sam Husseini, a former spokesperson for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, that characterized Fox's position as it was developing. "Here's what we're going to do, and I'll let you react to it," O'Reilly said. "We're going to take out this Osama bin Laden. Now, whether we go in with air power or whether we go in with a Delta force, he's a dead man walking. He's th..
Gabriel Sherman |
Te adoro porque me volviste puta.
Gabriel García Márquez |
fqr bhtryn dwy mrD qnd st.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Insan olme zamani geldiginde degil,olebildigi zaman olur.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Nada en este mundo debe ser mas tremendo que los escombros de un hombre.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Venga cuando quiera, a ver si se cumplen mis deseos de que se muera en mi casa.
Gabriel García Márquez |
that recurrent dream had the quality of not being remembered except within the dream itself
Gabriel García Márquez |
His bones began to fill with sounds
Gabriel García Márquez |
With a languid hand he brushed away the cobwebs of his siesta...
Gabriel García Márquez |
El hambre de tierra, el cloc cloc de los huesos de sus padres, la impaciencia de su sangre frente a la pasividad de Pietro Crespi estaban relegados al desvan de la memoria.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Tome cuidado - disse Delaura. - As vezes atribuimos ao demonio certas coisas que nao entendemos, sem cuidar que podem ser coisas que nao entendemos de Deus.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Que estranho sao os homens. Passam a vida inteira lutando contra os padres e dao livros de oracao de presente. (Amaranta)
Gabriel García Márquez |
No hay medicina que cure lo que no cura la felicidad>>.
Gabriel García Márquez |
pwlhy bdawrdh w khr nkhrdh, mkhdry bdtr z `ml qhrmnnh qchq mwd mkhdr, bh khshwr tzryq w bh mrdm yngwnh lq myshd khh qnwn, bzrgtryn mn` khwshbkhty st w dshtn swd khwndn w nwshtn, hych rzshy ndrd. gr nsn jnytkhr bshd, bhtr mytwnd bh zndgy dmh bdhd w nsn m`qwl w fhmydh, nmytwnd zndgy `dy khwd r tmyn khnd.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Death really did not matter to him but life did
Gabriel García Márquez |
without giving her money or love and only occasionally pleasure
Gabriel García Márquez |
all that was needed was a feeling of primitive and as simple as that of love
Gabriel García Márquez |
in this world of everything
Gabriel García Márquez |
it was characteristic of men to deny hunger once their appetite were satisfied
Gabriel García Márquez |
every night when the hours grew too long
Gabriel García Márquez |
For they had lived together long enough to know that love was always love, anytime and any place, but it was more solid the closer it came to death.
Gabriel García Márquez |
He was so stubborn that Father Nicanor gave up his attempts at evangelization and continued visiting him out of humanitarian feelings. But then it was Jose Arcadio Buendia who took the lead and tried to break down the priest's faith with rationalist tricks. On a certain occasion when Father Nicanor brought a checker set to the chestnut tree and invited him to a game, Jose Arcadio Buendia would not accept, because according to him he could n..
Gabriel García Márquez |
At dawn, after a summary court martial, Arcadio was shot against the wall of the cemetery. In the last two hours of his life he did not manage to understand why the fear that had tormented him since childhood had disappeared.
Gabriel García Márquez |
n lHb ySbH '`Zm w'nbl fy lmHn
Gabriel García Márquez |
Esto le habia permitido establecer un poder matriarcal cuyo dominio alcanzaba hasta los parientes mas remotos en los lugares menos pensados, como un sistema planetario que ella manejaba desde su cocina, con voz tenue y sin parpadear apenas, mientras hervia la marmita de los frijoles.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ladies and gentlemen," the captain said in a low voice that was slow and a little tired. "you have five minutes to withdraw." The redoubled hooting and shouting drowned out the bugle call that announced the start of the count. No one moved. "Five minutes have passed," the captain said in the same tone. "One more minute and we'll open fire." Jose Arcadio Segundo, sweating ice, lowered the child and gave him to the woman. "Those bastards migh..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Meme se sentit patauger dans un marecage ou la peur la faisait s'enliser, et dont seul pouvait la sortir, comme cela s'etait deja passe dans son reve, cet homme parfume a l'huile de moteur qu'elle distinguait a peine dans la penombre.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ils s'aimerent deux fois par semaine pendant plus de trois mois, proteges par l'innocente complicite d'Aureliano le Second qui ajoutait foi, sans penser a mal, aux alibis de sa fille, simplement pour la voir echapper a l'inflexibilite maternelle.
Gabriel García Márquez |
When the door closed, Jose Arcadio Segundo was sure that the war was over. Years before Colonel Aureliano Buendia had spoken to him about the fascination of war and had tried to show it to him with countless examples drawn from his own experience. He had believed him. But the night when the soldiers looked at him without seeing him while he thought about the tension of the past few months, the misery of jail, the panic at the station, and t..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Le habia llegado la hora de preguntarse con dignidad, con grandeza, con unos deseos incontenibles de vivir, que hacer con el amor que se le habia quedado sin dueno.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Viendolo montar picaportes y desconectar relojes, Fernanda se pregunto si no estaria incurriendo tambien en el vicio de hacer para deshacer, como el coronel Aureliano Buendia con los pescaditos de oro, Amaranta con los botones y la mortaja, Jose Arcadio Segundo con los pergaminos y Ursula con los recuerdos.
Gabriel García Márquez |
La lucidez perversa de la nostalgia.
Gabriel García Márquez |
As ideias nao sao de ninguem - disse. Com o indicador, desenhou no ar uma serie de circulos continuos, e concluiu: - Andam voando por ai, como os anjos.
Gabriel García Márquez |
con una perseverancia que solo podia entenderse por el amor,
Gabriel García Márquez |
As vezes atribuimos ao demonio certas coisas que nao entendemos, sem cuidar que podem ser coisas que nao entendemos de Deus.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Gabriel García Márquez |
Gabriel García Márquez |
Al instante me miro a los ojos y me pregunto intrigada: --?Por que crees que lo se? --Porque usted y yo somos iguales --dije.
Gabriel García Márquez |
gr mntZr chyzhy bzrg bshym rHt tr my twnym mntZr chyzhy khwchkhtr bmnym.
Gabriel García Márquez |