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53b3aff She was a ghost in a strange house that overnight had become immense and solitary and through which she wandered without purpose, asking herself in anguish which one of them was deader: the man who had died or the woman he had left behind. Gabriel García Márquez
faea793 An artisan without memories, whose only dream was to die of fatigue in the oblivion and misery of his little gold fishes. Gabriel García Márquez
d78b6d7 the invincible power that has moved the world is unrequited, not happy love Gabriel García Márquez
d81485b Siempre pense que morir de amor solo era una licencia poetica. memoria-de-mis-putas-tristes Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
534fc44 The only thing worse than bad health is a bad name. Gabriel García Márquez
93a2253 No hay medicina que no cure lo que no cura la felicidad. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
9eec5d3 I live in fear of being alive. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
7d748a3 his mysterious resources had awakened in her a curiosity that was difficult to resist, but she had never imagined that curiosity was one of the many masks of love. Gabriel García Márquez
d8b520f And again, as always, after so many years we were still in the same place we always were. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
7719224 Fernanda, on the other hand, looked for it in vain along the paths of her everyday itinerary without knowing that the search for lost things is hindered by routine habits and that is why it is so difficult to find them. Gabriel García Márquez
5d18807 y que en cualquier lugar en que estuvieran recordaran siempre que el pasado era mentira, que la memoria no tenia caminos de regreso, que toda primavera antigua era irrecuperable, y que el amor mas desatinado y tenaz era de todos modos una verdad efimera. Gabriel García Márquez
0fa604c He spent six hours examining things, trying to find a difference from their appearance on the previous day in the hope of discovering in them some change that would reveal the passage of time. Gabriel García Márquez
9b57d02 He had not stopped desiring her for a single instant. He found her in the dark bedrooms of captured towns, especially in the most abject ones, and he would make her materialize in the smell of dry blood on the bandages of the wounded, in the instantaneous terror of the danger of death, at all times and in all places. He had fled from her in an attempt to wipe out her memory, not only through distance but by means of a muddled fury that his .. Gabriel García Márquez
f71ad6a In that Macondo forgotten even by the birds, where the dust and the heat had become so strong that it was difficult to breathe, secluded by solitude and love and by the solitude of love in a house where it was almost impossible to sleep because of the noise of the red ants, Aureliano, and Amaranta Ursula were the only happy beings, and the most happy on the face of the earth. Gabriel García Márquez
09fffa8 Although some men who were easy with their words said that it was worth sacrificing one's life for a night of love with such an arousing woman, the truth was that no one made any effort to do so. Perhaps, not only to attain her but also to conjure away her dangers, all that was needed was a feeling as primitive and as simple as that of love, but that was the only thing that did not occur to anyone. Gabriel García Márquez
8f77723 This soup tastes like windows Gabriel García Márquez
5c21d29 nsHb "Gbryyl Grsy mrkyz" mn lHy@ ljtm`y@, l'sbb SHy@ . fqd 'Syb bsrTn fy lGdd llymfwy@ wybdw 'n Hlth fy tdhwr mstmr... qm mrkyz brsl khTb lwd` hdh l~ 'Sdqy'h, ldhy ntshr `l~ shbk@ lntrnt ntshran ws`an. wlklmt mw'thr@ llGy@ tlmH mn khlfh Hkm@ nsn wktb kbyr ] ql mrkyz fyh : : > lw whbny llh Hy@ 'Twl lkn mn lmHtml 'l 'qwl kl m 'fkr fyh, lknny blqT` knt s'fkr fy kl m 'qwlh. > knt s'qyWm l'shy lys wfqan lqymth lmdy@, bl wfqan lm tnTwy `lyh .. Gabriel García Márquez
8d46872 Bad luck doesn't have any chinks in it," he said with deep bitterness. "I was born a son of a bitch and I'm going to die a son of a bitch." Gabriel García Márquez
2275713 Why do you insist on talking about what does not exist? Gabriel García Márquez
45c7638 The year I turned ninety, I wanted to give myself the gift of a night of wild love with an adolescent virgin. Gabriel García Márquez
04d04c5 qwly lh : n lnsn l ymwt `ndm yryd , bl ymwt `ndm ystTy` . Gabriel García Márquez
9628390 lqd ql lh fy 'Hd l'ym shyy' lm tstT` tSwrh:n lmbtwryn yHswn alm wkhdr wdGdG@ fy 'rjlhm lty m`dw ymtlkwnh. whdh msh`rt bh hy mn dwnh.. knt tsh`r bwjwdh Hyth lm y`d lh wjwd. المبتورين Gabriel García Márquez
8c9e243 He said that love was an emotion contra natura that condemned two strangers to a base and unhealthy dependence, and the more intense it was, the more ephemeral. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
9f77bcf Then, for more than ten days, they did not see the sun again. The ground became soft and damp, like volcanic ash, and the vegetation was thicker and thicker, and the cries of the birds and the uproar of the monkeys became more and more remote, and the world became eternally sad. The men on the expedition felt overwhelmed by their most ancient memories in that paradise of dampness and silence, going back to before original sin, as their boot.. Gabriel García Márquez
2b1f84c Habia estado en la muerte, en efecto, pero habia regresado porque no pudo soportar la soledad. realismo-magico soledad Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
eb6ee95 He said that people who loved [animals] to excess were capable of the worst cruelties toward human beings. He said that dogs were not loyal but servile, that cats were opportunists and traitors, that peacocks were heralds of death, that macaws were simply decorative annoyances, that rabbits fomented greed, that monkeys carried the fever of lust, and that roosters were damned because they had been complicit in the three denials of Christ. myth omens symbols Gabriel García Márquez
4a55297 Life had already given him sufficient reasons for knowing that no defeat was the final one. Gabriel García Márquez
10ef8c9 Don't open that door," she said. "The hallway is full of difficult dreams." And I asked her: "How do you know?" And she told me: "Because I was there a moment ago and I had to come back when I discovered I was sleeping on my heart." -- Gabriel García Márquez
883e8c1 More than mother and son, they were accomplices in solitude. Gabriel García Márquez
c34cad2 nthz lfrS@ ltt'lm bqdr mtstTy` ln w'nt shb , l'n hdhh l'mwr l tdwm Twl lHy@. Gabriel García Márquez
d2ebc20 Don't let yourself die without knowing the wonder of fucking with love love sex Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
209b82a A falcon who chases a warlike crane can only hope for a life of pain. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
579ce03 Little by little, studying the infinite possibilities of a loss of memory, he realized that the day might come when things would be recognized by their inscriptions but that no one would remember their use.... At the beginning of the road into the swamp they put up a sign that said "Macondo" and another larger one on the main street that said "God exists"." Gabriel García Márquez
4f3c85c Es la vida, mas que la muerte, la que no tiene limites. vida Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
5772eca Sin embargo, antes de llegar al verso final ya habia comprendido que no saldria jamas de ese cuarto, pues estaba previsto que la ciudad de los espejos ( o los espejismos) seria arrasada por el viento y desterrada de la memoria de los hombres en el instante en que Aureliano Babilonio acabara de descifrar los pergaminos, y que todo lo escrito en ellos era irrepetible desde siempre y para siempre, porque las estirpes condenadas a cien anos de .. Gabriel García Márquez
46ab5bc Los seres humanos no nacen para siempre el dia en que sus madres los alumbran, sino que la vida los obliga a parirse a si mismos una y otra vez. Gabriel García Márquez
a1eb249 But he could not renounce his infinite capacity for illusion at the very moment he needed it most... he saw fireflies where there were none. Gabriel García Márquez
c1f1f4e It is incredible how one can be happy for so many years in the midst of so many squabbles, so many problems, damn it, and not really know if it was love or not. Gabriel García Márquez
7790fa9 Ella le pregunto por esos dias si era verdad, como decian las canciones, que el amor lo podia todo. <>, le contesto el, <> Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
6278114 but he only found her in the image that saturated his private and terrible solitude. Gabriel García Márquez
ceaccf9 We'll grow old waiting. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
209b0c6 Life in the world... was nothing more than a system of atavistic contracts, banal ceremonies, preordained words, with which people entertained each other in society in order not to commit murder. The dominant sign in that paradise of provincial frivolity was fear of the unknown. Gabriel García Márquez
602a895 Dr. Urbino caught the parrot around the neck with a triumphant sigh: ca y est. But he released him immediately because the ladder slipped from under his feet and for an instant he was suspended in the air and then he realized that he had died without Communion, without time to repent of anything or to say goodbye to anyone, at seven minutes after four on Pentecost Sunday. Fermina Daza was in the kitchen tasting the soup for supper when she .. love Gabriel García Márquez
c10cb5c The only Virgos left in the world are people like you who were born in August. Gabriel García Márquez