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6eaf420 As the hours, the days, the weeks, the seasons slip by, you detach yourself from everything. You discover, with something that sometimes almost resembles exhilaration, that you are free. That nothing is weighing you down, nothing pleases or displeases you. You find, in this life exempt from wear and tear and with no thrill in it other than these suspended moments, in almost perfect happiness, fascinating, occasionally swollen by new emotion.. Georges Perec
e09b089 Question your tea spoons. Georges Perec
0f8b857 What we need to question is bricks, concrete, glass, our table manners, our utensils, our tools, the way we spend our time, our rhythms. To question that which seems to have ceased forever to astonish us. We live, true, we breathe, true; we walk, we go downstairs, we sit at a table in order to eat, we lie down on a bed on order to sleep. How? Where? When? Why? Describe your street. Describe another. Compare. Georges Perec
8d1eba6 It is on a day like this one, a little later a little earlier that you descover without surprise that something is wrong that you don't know how to live and you will never know Georges Perec
40766bf This is how space begins, with words only, signs traced on the blank page. To describe space: to name it, to trace it, like those portolano-makers who saturated the coastlines with the names of harbours, the names of capes, the names of inlets, until in the end the land was only separated from the sea by a continuous ribbon of text. Is the aleph, that place in Borges from which the entire world is visible simultaneously, anything other than.. perec representation the-page Georges Perec
daf9b04 m ythyr nf`lk, m ykhyfk, lknh 'Hynan yhyjk, lys lTb` lmbGt ltHwlk, nm hw tHdydan lsh`wr lGmD wlshdyd lwT'@ 'nk l t`ysh tHwlan, 'n shyy'an lm ytGyr,'nk knt hkdh `l~ ldwm Ht~ n lm t`lm hdh Ht~ lywm: dhk fy lmra@ lmshqwq@ lys wjhk ljdyd, nm l'qn`@ hy lty thwt, Hjrtk j`lth tnShr, lkhmwl j`lh tsykh, 'qn`@ lTryq lqwym, l'fkr lyqyny@ ljmyl@. Georges Perec
ca55673 To want nothing. Just to wait, until there is nothing left to wait for. Just to wander, and to sleep. To let yourself be carried along by the crowds, and the streets. To follow the gutters, the fences, the water's edge. To walk the length of the embankments, to hug the walls. To waste your time. To have no projects, to feel no impatience. To be without desire, or resentment, or revolt. Georges Perec
691f1a8 From this, one can make a deduction which is quite certainly the ultimate truth of jigsaw puzzles: despite appearances, puzzling is not a solitary game: every move the puzzler makes, the puzzlemaker has made before; every piece the puzzler picks up, and picks up again, and studies and strokes, every combination he tries, and tries a second time, every blunder and every insight, each hope and each discouragement have all been designed, calcu.. meditations puzzles Georges Perec
44d3143 Tu as tout a apprendre, tout ce qui ne s'apprend pas: la solitude, l'indifference, la patience, le silence. Tu dois te deshabituer de tout: d'aller a la rencontre de ceux que si longtemps tu as cotoyes, de prendre tes repas, tes cafes a la place que chaque jour d'autres ont retenue pour toi, ont parfois defendue pour toi, de trainer dans la complicite fade des amities qui n'en finissent pas de se survivre, dans la rancoeur opportuniste et l.. learning solitude Georges Perec
fc4b149 Tu n'as rien appris, sinon que la solitude n'apprend rien, que l'indifference n'apprend rien: c'etait un leurre, une illusion fascinante et piegee. Tu etais seul et voila tout et tu voulais te proteger: qu'entre le monde et toi les ponts soient a jamais coupes. Mais tu es si peu de chose et le monde est un si grand mot: tu n'as jamais fait qu'errer dans une grande ville, que longer sur quelques kilometres des facades, des devantures, des pa.. indifference solitude Georges Perec
bd4d5bb What a marvellous invention man is! He can blow on his hands to warm them up, and blow on his soup to cool it down. Georges Perec
273c987 lm tt`lm shyy', l m kn mn 'n l`zl@ l t`lWm shyy'an, mn 'n llmbl@ l t`lm shyy': knt khd`@ mrwG@, whm asran wmfkhkhan. knt wHydan whdh kl shy fknt tryd Hmy@ nfsk; 'n tnqT` ljswr bynk wbyn l`lm l~ l'bd. lknk Dy'yl lshn jd wl`lm klm@ kbyr@ jdan: lm tf`l bdan 'y shy sw~ 'nk tshrdt fy mdyn@ kbyr@. Georges Perec
46fdd98 A gap will yawn, achingly, day by day, it will turn into a colossal pit, an abyss without foundation, a gradual invasion of words by margins, blank and insignificant, so that all of us, to a man, will find nothing to say. Georges Perec
8058e5b Vivir es pasar de un espacio a otro sin golpearse Georges Perec
1009be2 shy m ytksr. shy m qd tksr. lm t`d tsh`r b'nk -kyf tqwlh- mtmsk: shy m, fym kn ybdw lk, fym ybdw lk, kn Ht~ Hynh qd Tm'nk, 'sh`rk bldf fy lqlb, lsh`wr bwjwdk, tqryban b'hmytk, lnTb` blrtbT, blstGrq fy l`lm, qd bd' ytmlWS mnk. Georges Perec
d715409 I have neither one nor the other, and that has been going on for so long now that I have stopped wondering whether it is hate or love which gives us the strength to continue this life of lies, which provides the formidable energy that allows us to go on suffering, and hoping. Georges Perec
677d45f It is on a day like this one, a little later, a little earlier, that you discover, without surprise, that something is wrong, that, without mincing words, you don't know how to live, that you will never know." -from "A Man Asleep" Georges Perec
6c62cf6 You will never stop seeing yourself. You can do nothing, you cannot escape yourself, you cannot escape your own gaze, you never will be able to: even if you were to fall into a sleep so deep that no shock, no shout, no burning pain could rouse you, there would still be this eye, your eye, that will never close, that will never sleep. You see yourself, you see yourself seeing yourself, you watch yourself watching yourself. Even if you were t.. Georges Perec
89623ad 'nt wHyd. tt`lm 'n tmshy krjl wHyd, 'n ttsk`, 'n tjr qdmyk, 'n tr~ dwn 'n tnZr, 'n tnZr dwn 'n tr~. tt`lm lshffyh, lhmwd, `dm lwjwd. tt`lm 'n tkwn Tyfan, w 'n tnZr llns km lw knw Hjrh Georges Perec
d07ff26 People who choose to earn money first, people who put off their real plans until later, until they are rich, are not necessarily wrong. People who want only to live, and who reckon living is absolute freedom, the exclusive pursuit of happiness, the sole satisfaction of their desires and instincts, the immediate enjoyment of the boundless riches of the world [...] such people will always be unhappy. It is true [...] that there are people for.. Georges Perec
1711c88 nh fy mthl hdh lywm, b`yd dhlk bqlyl, qbyl dhlk bqlyl, Hyn ktshft dwn 'n tfj' n shyy'an m l ysyr `l~ m yrm, w'nk ky ttHdth dwn Hdhr l t`rf kyf t`ysh, w'nk ln t`rf 'bdan. Georges Perec
94b8853 l~ mr ls`t, l'ym, l'sby`, lfSwl, tnfD ydk mn kl shyy', tnfSl `n kl shy. tktshf tqryban, 'Hynan, bm yshbh lthml, 'nk Hr, 'n l shy ythql `lyk, l mylan w l nfwru. tktshf, fy hdhh lHy@ Gyr lmtaklh w lkhlyh mn kl rt`sh -m `d tlk llHZt lm`lqh lty ywfrh lk wrq ll`b 'w b`D 'Swt lDjyj- b`D lmshhd lty tqdmh lnfsk, s`dh tkd tkwn tfhh, asrh, 'Hynu mshHwnh bnf`lt jdydh. t`ysh rHh kmlh, 'nt, fy kl lHZh mHfwZ, mHmy. t`ysh dkhl hmsh s`yd, dkhl frG `mr blw`.. Georges Perec
c5a586f l t`wd mn b`d dhlk sw~ `yn. `yn hy'l@ wthbt@, tr~ kl shy, `l~ Hd sw jsmk lmtrkhy, w'nt, mnZwran wnZran, km lw 'nh nqlbt klyW fy mHjrh w'nh tt'mlk dwn 'n tqwl lk shyy'W, 'nt, dkhlk 'nt, ldkhl l'swd, lfrG, lmkhDrW, lmdh`wr, l`jz, dkhlk 'nt. yrqbk wythbtk blmsmyr. ln tkf 'bdan `n rw'y@ nfsk. l tstTy` lqym bshy, l tsTy` lfrr bnfsk, l tstTy` lfrr mn nZrtk, ln tstTy` 'bdan: Ht~ lw tmknt mn lnwm b`mq kbyr Ht~ l ymkn l'y hz@, l'y nd, l'y Hrq yqZk, .. Georges Perec
a9bca6a Yine boyle bir gunde, biraz daha once, biraz daha sonra, bir seylerin yolunda gitmedigini, acik konusacak olursak, yasamayi bilmedigini, hic bilmeyecegini sasirmadan kesfediyorsun. Georges Perec
6face13 Kayitsizlik dili gecersiz kiliyor,isaretleri anlasilmaz hale getiriyor.Sabirlisin ama beklemiyorsun, ozgursun ama secmiyorsun,musaitsin ama hicbir sey seni harekete gecirmiyor. Hicbir sey istemiyor,hicbir sey talep etmiyor, hicbir seyi dayatmiyorsun.Hic dinlemeden duyuyor,hic bakmadan goruyorsun. Georges Perec
f705066 Like the librarians of Babel in Borges's story, who are looking for the book that will provide them with the key to all the others, we oscillate between the illusion of perfection and the vertigo of the unattainable. In the name of completeness, we would like to believe that a unique order exists that would enable us to accede in knowledge all in one go; in the name of the unattainable, we would like to think that order and disorder are in .. Georges Perec
641a454 Maintenant tu n'as plus de refuges. Tu as peur, tu attends que tout s'arrete, la pluie, les heures, le flot des voitures, la vie, les hommes, le monde, que tout s'ecroule, les murailles, les tours, les planchers et les plafonds; que les hommes et les femmes, les vieillards et les enfants, les chiens, les chevaux, les oiseaux, un a un, tombent a terre, paralyses, pestiferes, epileptiques; que le marbre s'effrite, que le bois se pulverise, qu.. phantasm Georges Perec
86c3618 lys l'nk tkrh lbshr, w lmdh tkrhhm? lmdh qd tkrh nfsk? lw fqT 'n dhlk lntm lljns lbshry l ySHbh dhlk lDjyj ldhy l yuHtml. Georges Perec
bbd3abb ln tHTm lHlq@ lmsHwr@ ll`zl@.. 'nt wHyd wl t`rf 'Hdan, l t`rf 'Hdan w'nt wHyd, tr~ lakhryn ytlSqwn dbqyn, ytHDnwn, yHmy b`Dhm b`Dan, ylf b`Dhm b`Dan, lknk lst -w'nt myt lnZr@- sw~ shbH shff, mjdhwm blwn ljdr, Tyf ktml rjw`h l~ ltrb, sH@ mHtl@ l yqtrb mnh 'Hd Georges Perec
77ebc92 Quien no trabaja no come, si, pero quien trabaja no vive. Georges Perec
47bba4a Bir seyler kiriliyordu, bir seyler kirildi. Kendini-nasil demeli?-dayanikli hissetmiyorsun artik: Sana bugune kadar guc veren-oyle saniyordun, oyle saniyorsun-,yuregini isitan sey, varolus duygun,neredeyse onemli oldugun duygusu, dunyaya baglanma,dunyada kalma duygusu eksikligini hissettirmeye basliyor. Georges Perec
37378bb To write: to try meticulously to retain something, to cause something to survive; to wrest a few precise scraps from the void as it grows, to leave somewhere a furrow, a trace, a mark or a few signs. Georges Perec
78a1da2 Parfois, tu reves que le sommeil est une morte lente qui te gagne, une anestesie douce et terrible a la fois, une necrose heureuse : le froid monte le long de tes jambes, le long de tes bras, monte lentement, t'engourdit, t'annihile. Ton orteil est une montagne lointaine, ta jambe un fleuve, ta joue est ton oreiller, tu loges tout entier dans ton pouce, tu fonds, tu coules comme du sable, comme du mercure. sleep Georges Perec
26bdd28 It seems we only sleep well in our own bed. Georges Perec
8ffb6c5 lm t`sh kthyran, w m` dhlk... h qd qyl kl shy, h qd nth~. `mrk lys l khms@ w `shryn `man, w lkn Tryqk rtsm b'kmlh. Georges Perec
a72c162 Kakvo chudno tvorenie e chovek't! Mozhe da dukha v shepite si, za da si stopli r'tsete, kakto i da dukha v supata si, za da ia okhladi. Georges Perec
a94ec80 Uzunca bir sure kendine siginaklar kurup yiktin: duzen ya da eylemsizlik, basibos suruklenme ya da uyku, geceleyin devriye gezmeler, yansiz anlar,golgelerin ve isiklarin kacisi.Daha uzun bir sure kendine yalan soylemeyi,kendini sersemlestirmeyi,kendi oyununa gelmeyi surdurebilirsin belki.Ama oyun bitti,buyuk senlik,ertelenmis yasamin yalanci sarhoslugu bitti.Dunya yerinden kipirdamadi ve sen degismedin. Kayitsizlik seni farkli kilmadi. solitude Georges Perec
46009f4 Impatience [...] is a twentieth-century virtue. At twenty, when they saw, or thought they saw, what life could be, the sum of bliss it held, the endless conquests it allowed, they realised they would not have the strength to wait. Like anyone else, they could have made it; but all they wanted was to have it made. That is probably the sense in which they were what are commonly called intellectuals. Georges Perec
8b79128 What they liked in things they called luxury was only the money behind them; they loved wealth before they loved life. money Georges Perec
577afd5 Non. Tu n'es plus le maitre anonyme du monde, celui sur qui l'histoire n'avait pas de prise, celui qui ne sentait pas la pluie tomber, qui ne voyait pas la nuit venir.Tu n'es plus l'inaccessible, le limpide, le transparent. Tu as peur, tu attends. Tu attends, place Clichy, que la pluie cesse de tomber. return-to-normality Georges Perec
1c1e56e Grace Slaughter - the surname of her fifth husband, a manufacturer of pharmaceutical toners and "prophylactic" products, recently deceased due to a ruptured peritoneum - was sharply chauvinistic and would allow no more than two exceptions to her all-American views, exceptions with which her first spouse, Astolphe de Guemenole-Longtgermain, no doubt had something to do: cooking had to be done by French nationals of male gender, laundry and i.. Georges Perec
65c15e4 Olumun icin her sey coktan hazir: Seni oldurecek top gullesi cok uzun zaman onceden eritilip dokuldu, tabutunun pesinden aglayacak olan kadinlar coktan tutuldu. Georges Perec
f4b54df insanlardan nefret ettigin anlamina gelmez bu, ne diye onlardan nefret edesin ki? ne diye kendinden nefret edesin ki? keske insan turune ait olmak, o dayanilmaz ve sagir edici gurultuyu de beraberinde getirmeseydi; keske hayvanlar aleminden cikip asilan o birkac gulunc adimin bedeli, sozcuklerin, buyuk tasarilarin, buyuk atilimlarin o dinmek bilmeyen hazimsizligi olmasaydi! karsi karsiya getirilebilen basparmaklara, iki ayak ustunde durusa,.. Georges Perec
78c0e5f As soon as you close your eyes, the adventure of sleep begins." -from "A Man Asleep" Georges Perec
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