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e397eac If you do not keep on sorting your books, your books unsort themselves bookshelf order Georges Perec
ba9e525 People who choose to earn money first, people who put off their realplans until later, until they are rich, are not necessarily wrong. People who want only to live, and who reckon living is absolute freedom, the exclusive pursuit of happiness, the sole satisfaction of their desires and instincts, the immediate enjoyment of the boundless riches of the world - such people will always be unhappy. Georges Perec
03600ad What speaks to us, seemingly, is always the big event, the untoward, the extra-ordinary: the front-page splash, the banner headlines....Behind the event there is a scandal, a fissure, a danger, as if life reveals itself only by way of the spectacular, as if what speaks, what is significant, is always abnormal. [But] how should we take account of, question, describe what happens everyday and recurs everyday: the banal, the quotidian, the obv.. space Georges Perec
7a2599d Who, on seeing a Parisian apartment house, has never thought of it as indestructible? A bomb, a fire, an earthquake could certainly bring it down, but what else? In the eyes of an individual, of a family, or even a dynasty, a town, street, or house seems unchangeable, untouchable by time, by the ups and downs of human life, to such an extent that we believe we can compare and contrast the fragility of our condition to the invulnerability of.. Georges Perec
18530b1 Sen bir aylak, bir uyurgezersin, bir istiridyesin. Tanimlar saatlere, gunlere gore degisiyor ama tasidiklari anlam az cok belli: Yasamanin, harekete gecmenin, bir sey yapmanin pek sana gore olmadigini hissediyorsun; sadece surup gitmek istiyorsun, sadece bekleyisi ve unutusu istiyorsun. Georges Perec
6ad0417 Onceden dusunulmus bir hareket degil bu, bir hareket de degil zaten, bir hareket yoklugu, yapmadigin bir hareket,yapmaktan kacindigin hareketler. Georges Perec
a47109c It is on a day like this one, a little later, a little earlier, that you discover, without surprise, that something is wrong, that, without mincing words, you don't know how to live, that you will never know. Georges Perec
ade6a6e lqd twqft `n lklm w lSmt wHdh ldhy jwbk. lkn tlk lklmt, 'lf, mlyyn lklmt tlk lty twqft ffy Hlqk, lklmt lty l tkmlh lh, Srkht lfrH, klmt lHb, lDHkt lblh, mt~ tst`ydh..?? Georges Perec
402f6d2 fltkn Hytk mGlqh, mls, mdwrh mthl byDh, fltSbH Hrktk w skntk mHddh bnZm l ytGyr yqrr kl shyy' lk , yHmyk rGman `nk. Georges Perec
b98cc18 Vakit oldurmenin binbir yolu vardir ve hicbiri otekine benzemez, ama hepsi de esdegerdedir; bir sey beklememenin bin sekli vardir, uydurabilecegin ve aninda vazgecebilecegin binlerce oyun vardir. Georges Perec
9561687 ymDwn fy Tryqhm dwn 'n yrwk, w mh dhlk, f'nt `l~ bu`d sntymrt mnhm, jls `l~ rSyf mqh~, w l tkf `n mrqbthm. Georges Perec
45edede llmblh tfkk llG@, tshwsh lshrt. 'nt Sbwr w l tntZr, 'nt Hr w l tkhtr, 'nt fy jhzytk w l shy yHrkk. l tTlb shyy'an, l tfrD shyy'an, l tlzm bshy'. tsm` dwn 'n tSG~ 'bdan, tr~ dwn 'n tnZr 'bdan. Georges Perec
3e9ab07 This is your life. This is yours. You can establish an exact inventory of your meager fortune, the precise balance sheet of your first quarter-century. You are twenty-five years old, you have twenty-nine teeth, three shirts and eight socks, a few books you no longer read, a few records you no longer play. You do not want to remember anything else, be it your family or your studies, your friends and lovers, or your holidays and plans. You tr.. Georges Perec
5060bb8 'nt wHyd, wl'nk wHyd, yjb 'l tnZr 'bdan l~ ls`@, yjb 'l tHSy 'bdan ldqy'q Georges Perec
88051a2 Duyarsiz degil, yansiz. Georges Perec
0751cf3 I re-read the books I love and I love the books I re-read, and each time it is the same enjoyment, whether I re-read twenty pages, three chapters, or the whole book: an enjoyment of complicity, of collusion, or more especially, and in addition, of having in the end found kin again. Georges Perec
0030c78 Ne kimseyi gorme, ne konusma, dusunme, disari cikma, yerinden kimildama istegi duyuyorsun. Georges Perec
6fe9e7a mthl sjyn, mthl mHnwn fy znznth. mthl jrd fy lmthh ybHth `n lmkhrj. t`br brys fy jmy` ltjht. mthl jw`n, mthl s`in Hml lrslh dwn `nwn Georges Perec
3ef8c32 twjd 'lf Tryqh lqtl lwqt, w kl wHdh mkhtlfh `n l'khr~, lknh jmy`an mtswy@ lsh'n, 'lf wsylh l`dm ntZr 'y shyy', 'lf l`bh ymknk 'n tbtkrh w thjrh `l~ lfwr Georges Perec
ec877da lhdh bldht tftnk lshjrh, 'w tdhhlk 'w tryHk, bsbb hdh lwDwH ldhy lshbh@ fyh, w l ymkn 'n ykwn mwD` shbhh, wDwH llH w l'GSn w l'wrq. Georges Perec
2f444c8 twjd bdy@ Swr, 'lyfh 'w mwswsh, 'wrq l`b mnshwrh ttnwlh mrh b`d mrh, dwn twqf, dwn ltmkn 'bdan mn trtybh km qd trGb, m` dhlk lnTb` lmnGS bDrwr@ tmm, njH hdh ltrtyb, km lw kn mn wry'h kshf Hqyqh jwhryh, lknh dy'man lwrqh nfsh ttnwlh w t`yd tnwlh, tD`h w t`yd wD`h, tSnfh w t`yd tSnyfh, jm`t tS`d w tnzl, trwH w tjy jdrn tHyT bk w tbHth fyh `n lkhrj lsrs, lzr lkhfy ldhy syj`l ljdn tthw~ Georges Perec
8b9e680 Busco a un tiempo lo eterno y lo efimero Georges Perec
a1a83e5 Ya bir devami vardir,ya da yoktur.. Ya anlatilabilecek bir devami vardir,ya da yoktur. Georges Perec
e5fd9a6 No son los elementos los que determinan el conjunto, sino el conjunto el que determina los elementos. Aisladamente, una pieza de un puzzle no quiere decir nada; es tan solo pregunta imposible, reto opaco; pero no bien logramos conectarla con una de sus vecinas, desaparece, deja de existir como pieza: la intensa dificultad que precedio aquel acercamiento, no solo no tiene ya razon de ser, sino que parece no haberla tenido nunca, hasta tal pu.. Georges Perec
c60de39 lm'sh lm tnqD `lyk, lm tq` `lyk, lqd tGlGlt `l~ mhl, nslt tqryban b`dhwbh ldhydhh. lqd df`t df`an dqyqan Hytk, Hrktk, s`tk, Hjrtk, mthl Hqyqh tqn`t ftrh Twylh Georges Perec
afc6e16 fy bdy' l'mr l Gyr nw` mn lt`b, mn lrhq, k'nm tntbh fj'h 'nk, mndh ftrh Twylh jdan, mndh s`t `dydh frs@ w`kh mrwGh, mkhdrh, tkd tkwn dwn 'y wj`, w rGm dhlk fhy l tHtml, dhlk lnTb` lmfrT l`dhwbh w lkhnq, lnTb` b'nk dwn `Dlt w dwn `Zm, b'nk kys mn ljbs, fy qlb 'kys mn ljbs Georges Perec
28dc357 Leur vie etait comme une trop longue habitude, comme un ennui presque serein : une vie sans rien. routine-of-daily-life Georges Perec
d2c1520 I would like there to exist spaces that are stable, unmoving, intangible, untouched and almost untouchable, unchanging, deep-rooted; places that might be points of reference, of departure, of origin: My birthpalce, the cradle of my family, the house where I may have been born, the tree I may have seen grow (that my father may have planted the day I was born), the attic of my childhood filled with intact memories . . . Such places don't ex.. Georges Perec
0d79393 The second project is in the field of metaphysics: with the aim of showing that, in the words of Professor H. M. Tooten, "evolution is a hoax", Olivier Gratiolet has undertaken an exhaustive inventory of all the imperfections and inadequacies to which the human organism is heir: vertical posture, for example, gives man only a precarious balance: muscular tension alone keeps him upright, thus causing constant fatigue and discomfort in the sp.. Georges Perec
e064a34 Ils t'identifient, ils te reconnaissent. Ils ne savent pas que ces simples saluts, ces seuls sourire, ces signes de tete indifferents sont tous ce qui chaque jour te sauve. Georges Perec
c8b245e Stellen Sie Ihrem Kaffeeloffel Fragen. Was ist hinter der Tapete? Wie viele Bewegungen sind notwendig, um eine Telefonnummer zu wahlen? Warum? (S. 8) Georges Perec
e7d3eda J'ecris : j'ecris parce que nous avons vecu ensemble, parce que j'ai ete un parmi eux, ombre au milieu de leurs ombres, corps pres de leur corps ; j'ecris parce qu'ils ont laisse en moi leur marque indelebile et que la trace en est l'ecriture : leur souvenir est mort a l'ecriture ; l'ecriture est le souvenir de leur mort et l'affirmation de ma vie. Georges Perec
26992a1 Un rond, pas tout a fait clos, finissant par un trait horizontal: on aurait dit un grand G vu dans un miroir. Georges Perec
5f2942b Estas solo, y al estar solo, no has de mirar nunca la hora, no has de contar nunca los minutos. No has de abrir de nuevo tu correo febrilmente, no has de seguir decepcionado si solo encuentras en el un prospecto invitandote a adquirir por la modica suma de setenta y siete francos los tesoros del arte occidental o una vajilla de postre con tus iniciales grabadas. Has de olvidarte de esperar, de emprender, de tener exito, de perseverar. Te de.. indifference un-hombre-que-duerme you Georges Perec
e5891b3 I would like there to exist places that are stable, unmoving, intangible, untouched and almost untouchable, unchanging, deep-rooted; places that might be points of reference, of departure, of origin: My birthplace, the cradle of my family, the house where I may have been born, the tree I may have seen grow (that my father may have planted the day I was born), the attic of my childhood filled with intact memories... My spaces are fragile: ti.. memory mortality space time writing Georges Perec
91c04b0 Te t'es arrete a parler et seul le silence t'a repondu. Mais ces mots, ces milliers, ces millions de mots qui se sont arretes dans ta gorge, les mots sans suite, les cris de joie, les mots d'amour, les rires idiots, quand donc les retrouveras-tu? Maintenant tu vis dans le terreur du silence. Mais n'es-tu pas le plus silencieux de tous? Georges Perec
a2467c7 Tu n'est pas mort et la mort meme ne saurait te delivrer... Georges Perec
acb4506 Franz Kafka'nin vakti zamaninda acikladigi gibi: Ulasilacak bir amac vardir ama yol yoktur; kararsizliklarimiza, duraksamalarimiza yol adini takariz. Georges Perec
35fc9b6 Sometimes Valene dreamt of cataclysms and tempests, of whirlwinds that would carry the whole house off like a wisp of straw and display the infinite marvels of the solar system to its shipwrecked inhabitants; or that an unseen crack would run through the building from top to bottom, like a shiver, and with a long, deep, snapping sound it would open in two and be slowly swallowed up in an indescribable yawning chasm; then hordes would overru.. Georges Perec
d4ec94f qr@ llmwnd, m hy l khsrh, 'w rbH s`h, s`tyn... hy 'n tqys mrh Dfyh, l~ 'y md~ kl 'mr syn ldyk Georges Perec
5b9661c You are alone. You learn how to walk like a man alone. To stroll, to dawdle. To see without looking, to look without seeing. You learn the art of transparency, immobility, inexistence.You learn how to be a shadow and how to look at men as if they were stones. immobility inexistence shadow transperency Georges Perec
6dd0833 Nhung ho se khong de dang thoat ra khoi cau chuyen cua minh. Thoi gian lai mot lan nua lam viec thay cho ho. Nam hoc se ket thuc. Hoi nong se tro nen de chiu. Ca ngay Jerome se o ngoai bai bien va Sylvie het gio day se den day don anh. Do se la nhung bai tap lam van cuoi cung. Ho se au sau nho Paris, nho mua xuan tren nhung bo song Seine, nho cai cay no day hoa cua ho, nho dai lo Champs-Elysees, nho quang truong Vosges. Ho se cam dong nho l.. Georges Perec
168cfd6 Ho song nhu vay, ho va cac ban ho, trong nhung can ho nho de thuong chat day cac thu lung cung, voi nhung buoi di dao va nhung bo phim, nhung bua dai tiec than thien, nhung du an tuyet voi cua ho. Ho khong bat hanh. Co nhung niem hanh phuc song, thoang qua, mo dan, lam bung sang nhung buoi ban ngay. Co nhung chieu, sau bua an, ho chan chu khong dung len khoi ban; ho uong het mot chai vang, gam nhung trai ho dao, cham nhung dieu thuoc la. Co.. Georges Perec
fd414f6 Ne plus rien vouloir. Attendre jusqu'a ce qu'il n'y ait plus rien a attendre. [...] Ce sera devant toi, au fil du temps, une vie immobile, sans crise, sans desordre : nulle asperite, nul desequilibre. Minute apres minute, heure apres heure, jour apres jour, saison apres saison [...] Georges Perec
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