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08a86e4 The phone rang. I picked it up. "Kate Daniels" "It's me," Curran said. "I--" I hung up." Ilona Andrews
91f7ceb Say 'pop.'" "Pop?" "That was the sound of me pulling your head out of your ass." magic-slays ilona-andrews kate Ilona Andrews
f660e5f The monster licked his lips, long lines of whiskers twitching, and spoke in a deep growl. "Pretty, aren't I?" Curran. In midform. I broke from his gaze. "Adorable." Ilona Andrews
09e89d7 You want to get married? I'll marry you right now. Is the gnome a preacher, because I'll do it." "That's a hell of a proposal." "What did he say?" Astamur asked. "He wants me to marry him." Astamur relayed it. Atsany waved his pipe and Astamur translated back. Ha! "What?" Curran Snarled. "Atsany says you're not ready for marriage. You don't have the right temperament for it." Curran struggled with that for a second "Let me know if your head.. kate Ilona Andrews
4da9118 Perhaps I just wasn't scary enough. Maybe I should invest in some horns or fangs. Ilona Andrews
13f288a Where is Barbie?" The female shifter snickered and choked it off. "Is there a stripper pole?" Ilona Andrews
36fd9b0 What the hell is this?" Desandra asked "This is Cuddles. She's a mammoth donkey." Derek grinned, leaning on the fence. "Do you have any self-respect left?" "Nope." desandra derek kate Ilona Andrews
8834d11 I had to give it him, to flatter and insult a woman in one propostition took talent. magic-burns ilona-andrews kate-daniels kate Ilona Andrews
da65e74 And did you have to hack his arms off?" "Yes, I did. He wouldn't go through the door." "You say it like you're proud of it." I was proud of it. It was an example of quick thinking in a difficult situation." Ilona Andrews
030a7f5 You're the most experienced investigator I've got who's not tied up in something, and I can't ask the Consort to look look into it, because A) she and Curran are working on something else and B) when the Consort gets involved, half of the world blows up. Ilona Andrews
2cfae5c The knocking persisted. It wasn't Derek. His knock would be careful, almost apologetic. This bastard knocked like he was doing me a favor. Ilona Andrews
be12043 I had an appointment with a sexual deviant and I didn't want to be late. Ilona Andrews
92432ea Rene, you want us to find you-don't-know-who and to retrieve his you-don't-know-what for you-won't-tell-me-whom? rene magic-slays kate Ilona Andrews
ba57c55 I also stole a small yellow doughnut from the box of Duncan's doughnuts in the rec room and fed it to the attack poodle in my office. He made a great production of it. First, he growled at the doughnut, just to show it who was boss. Then he nudged it with his nose. Then he licked it, until finally he snagged it into his mouth and chomped it with great pleasure, dropping crumbs all over the carpet. magic-bleeds ilona-andrews Ilona Andrews
e80a0cf I want to punish them. I want that punishment to be so hard, so vicious that the next who takes their place wets himself at the mere thought of trying to fight me. Ilona Andrews
fe3e81b Jealous of the actors now, are we?" "What, of some fancy boy on the screen? Inconceivable." Oh, this was going to be good." Ilona Andrews
55413a8 It was the kind of sword that would make a lifelong pacifist look for tall boots and a hat with feathers. Ilona Andrews
7a82c06 They really kicked me out?" "Refunded the tuition and everything." Julie blinked a couple of times coming to grips with this tidbit. "So what happens now?" "I expect you'll be a bum. Homeless and jobless begging on the street for a crust of bread..." "Kate." "Oh, alright, I suppose if you come by the office once in a while I'll give you a sandwich. You can squat in the office on the floor when it gets too cold outside. We can even get .. magic-slays julie kate Ilona Andrews
508cb11 Who is that?" "Your replacement." "You replaced me with a shaved poodle?" "He's got mad skills." -- grendel kate Ilona Andrews
bc684b9 You see, the mailman saw your husband during one of his walks." "He's my fiance," I told her. "We are living in sin." Heather blinked, momentarily knocked off her stride, but recovered. "Oh, that's nice." "It's very nice. I highly recommend it." irony marital-bliss neigbors kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
94304b0 You sure you don't need your Prince Charming to come and save you?" The knot in my stomach evaporated. My Prince Charming huh. "Sure, do you have one handy?" magic-slays ilona-andrews kate prince-charming Ilona Andrews
4d261a2 Barabas pulled Christopher out of the cage. The man stared up at him. "I died, didn't I? Are you an angel?" "Sure," Barabas said. "Follow me to the Heavenly Shower >>" Ilona Andrews
f39383d First rule of bodyguard detail: know where your 'body' is at all times. Ilona Andrews
e8b9b26 Okay, pull me up." The rope didn't move. "Ascanio?" What was it now? Did he see a butterfly and get distracted? The rope slid up, as fast as if wound by a winch. I shot upward. What the...? I cleared the edge and found myself face to face with Curran. Oh boy. He held the rope with one hand, muscles bulging on his arm under his sweatshirt. No strain showed on Curran's face. It's good to be the baddest shapeshifter in the city. Behind him Asc.. beast-lord boop bunnycat kate-daniels-magic-breaks curran kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
670e092 Your date appears to be hysterical," Rene told me. "You think I should slap some man into him?" rene magic-strikes saiman Ilona Andrews
f0d29ee My investigative technique mostly consisted of going through the list of interested parties and making as much noise as possible, until the culprit lost his patience and tried to shut me up. Ilona Andrews
63647a4 I opened a writing app and began typing what I knew about Pierce. . Terminal fear of T-shirts or any other garment that would cover his pectorals. . Doesn't hesitate to kill. Holding him at gunpoint would result in me being barbecued. Whee. . Now here's an understatement. Good information to have, but not useful for finding him. . Neither here nor there. Hmm. So far my best plan would be to build a mountain of gasoline cans and explosives, .. Ilona Andrews
f6fabca No, you're not going with him." I crossed my arms. "Who decided that?" He put on his "I'm alpha and I'm putting my foot down" expression. "I decided." kate Ilona Andrews
7e202e1 Sh!t. F_ck sh!t.'.... 'Sh!t f_ck would have also been accepted. humorous Ilona Andrews
0c6b30d The woman frowned. "I probably should have mentioned that annoying habit of letting people come to the wrong conclusions and not correcting them? He got it from me." Ilona Andrews
84b083a Need some help, Ass Kicker? Ilona Andrews
e329acf Curran and Kate stood by the door. "I can't believe you decided to come down here and check on me," she said. "The guy once handed you a fan and told you to fan yourself if the sight of his naked torso was too much." "That was like a year ago. Will you let it go already?" "No." Curran grabbed her and pulled her to him, kissing her. "Never." She kissed him back and smiled. Awww. Kate and the Beast Lord sitting in a tree..." Ilona Andrews
1c4214b On the plus side, if he ever had to fight through a roomful of adolescent girls, he only needed to blink (his velvet brown eyes framed in embarassingly long lashes) a few times, and they would all faint. Ilona Andrews
02f7700 What's this " "A needle." "What should I do with it " He'd walked right into it. Too easy. "Please use it to pop your head. It's obscuring my view of the room." humor saiman kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
4347cd7 Curran snarled and hurled the rock against the mountain. The boulder flew, hit like a cannon ball, and rolled back down. Curran chased it, pulled another smaller rock out of the dirt, and smashed it against the first one. Wow. He was really pissed. Astamur's eyes were as big as plates. "I can get him to put those back after he's done," I told him. "No," Astamur said slowly. "It's fine." Curran picked up the smaller rock with both hands and .. love kate Ilona Andrews
16bfc17 It's never a good thing when the black volhv says "Uh-oh" and then runs for his life." roman Ilona Andrews
58fb4cd Curran's whore comes to visit us," Jarek said in accented English. The three men laughed as if on cue. I glanced at Mahon. "You really shouldn't let him talk to you like that." Ilona Andrews
95152b8 Very well." He sat cross-legged on the floor of the cage. "You haven't run off so you want to talk. I will hear your explanation now." "Really, Your Majesty? So good of you to condescend. I'll try to use small words and go slow." "You're wasting my time. I know Jim betrayed me and you're covering for him. This is your chance to dazzle me wih your brillance or baffle me with your bullshit. You won't get another. When I get out, I won't be in.. urban-fantasy Ilona Andrews
02c3858 Curran's eyes went gold. His voice dropped into a rough growl. "If you're going to shoot, make sure to empty the clip, because after you're done, I'll shove that gun up your ass sideways." Blue Jacket blinked. "Can you even do that?" I asked. "Let's find out." Curran stared at the thug. "Well? Shoot, so we can start this experiment." -- kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
b98fd21 Speak to me." "I hate you." "Okay." Mad Rogan let go of me. "You're fine." nevada-baylor Ilona Andrews
2b27ead I paused with the pen in my hand. "He burst into flames?" "He became engulfed in fire." "Was his buddy made out of orange rocks and at any point yell, 'It's clobbering time'?" magic-bleeds ilona-andrews kate Ilona Andrews
76f35f3 And now, you are forever mine." magic urban-fantasy Ilona Andrews
6fc3fcb Your headlights don't scare me. Ilona Andrews
d289b2a I was conceived because it would be good for my House to have an heir and because my parents' genes ticked the right set of boxes. You were probably conceived because your parents loved each other." "According to our mother," Bern said, "he was conceived because she was too wasted to remember a rubber." Mad Rogan stopped chewing. "I was conceived because my mother skipped bail. Her boyfriend at the time threatened to call the cops on her so.. humor Ilona Andrews