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e0058cf Rene looked at Grendel. "What in the world is that?" "That's our mutant attack poodle," I told her. "Is he chewing on a gun?" Ilona Andrews
dfc7fb5 Where is Arland?" "Rapunzel decided to walk around in the woods to get 'the feel of the battleground.' He won't leave the grounds and he promises to defend the inn with 'all the strength in his body.' I told him if he gets in trouble, he should try singing prettily so his woodland friends will come to the rescue. I don't think he got it." Ilona Andrews
5cd009d I can always tell when you're thinking about food. You forget to be the Serious Wolf and you get this dreamy look in your eyes. You know, most people would think you were thinking about a girl. They have no idea that her name is bacon. Ilona Andrews
e7bde90 If I lose control, you'll be the first to know." "I'm quite perturbed by the idea." Ilona Andrews
5ebdf56 Any activity?" Robert asked. "Not in the lasssht ten minutesh. Before that, very exshiting. I shaw Wolf Beta run by. There were vampiresh chassing her. She was yelling, 'Bill me, bloodshuckers!" Ilona Andrews
bd2531f My ego doesn't need soothing. I don't want him soothing anything of mine, including you. kate Ilona Andrews
542819f You think he's got 'government badass' tattooed on his chest?" I murmured. A faint grimace skewed Luther's mouth. "And 'I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you' on his ass." luther magic-slays kate Ilona Andrews
3345813 Shane lowered his glasses on his nose and gave me his version of a severe stare. I leaned a little toward Luther. "Is this the part where I faint in fear?" Luther bit his lip. "He might also accept falling to your knees and holding your hands in humble supplication. Makes it easier for him to slap the cuffs on." luther severe-stare magic-slays shane kate Ilona Andrews
4e801a5 Vampires smiled for many reasons, but when a vampire male smiled at you from this distance with that kind of look in his eyes it was done for one purpose only: to impress. Look at my big teeth. I'm an apex predator. My genetic material is awesome. Ilona Andrews
39f33dd Cerise ran through the course in her mind. "Three miles, stream on the right, Mozer Lake, Tinybear, Bigbear, Miller's Path." She paused, not sure if she'd said it correctly. "Three miles, stream on the right, Mozer Lake, Tinybear, Bigbear, Miller's Path." "Thank you, Dora. Put the sword back into Backpack and we'll go." He nodded at the river. "Who is Dora?" "You are. Dora the Explorer. Vamanos. Put the sword away or I will take it from you.. Ilona Andrews
0909ec7 Come back to me. Don't leave me all alone. Don't die on me, you stupid sonovabitch. You goddamn fucking idiot. I told you to stay out of the damn fight! Why the hell don't you ever listen? I fucking hate you. I hate you, you hear me? Don't you dare die on me, because I need to kill you with my bare hands. Ilona Andrews
1026198 Kate stood by the door with her arms crossed. That was an anti-Curran pose. What the hell was the Beast Lord doing here? I padded to the door. "First, you didn't come home." Curran's voice held zero humor. "Second, I'm told that my mate is lingering in Raphael's house. There can't be any good reason for you to be here." "Are you spying on me, Your Furriness?" Kate asked." funny gunmetal-magic kate-daniels snark Ilona Andrews
75a0db3 As soon as the engagement was announced, the Pack Clans converged and shot the idea of a quiet ceremony out of the water and then kept firing at it until it stopped convulsing and died. Ilona Andrews
d4a2d77 I saved the baby. I saved her. For you." - Bran" kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
b67b658 Who's the guy?" "He's my . . ." Fiance, honey-bunny? "He's mine." Lago nodded knowingly. "The thing with the Beast Lord didn't turn out, huh? That's okay, I heard that guy is a dick. You don't need that shit." Ilona Andrews
6b325c1 Magic could not be measured and explained in scientific terms, for magic grew through destroying the very natural principles that made science as people knew it impossible. Ilona Andrews
3fe9f5d Had records so stellar, they had to lock their resumes in a drawer at night, so the golden light streaming from the pages wouldn't keep them awake. Ilona Andrews
433c898 You're like a god from a Greek myth, Saiman. You have no empathy. You have no concept of the world beyond your ego. Wanting something gives you an automatic right to obtain it by whatever means necessary with no regard to the damage it may do. I would be careful if I were you. Friends and objects of deities' desires dropped like flies. In the end the gods always ended up miserable and alone." -- Kate Daniels" empathy morality friendship greek-mythology ego gods Ilona Andrews
0f76b0c Where are we going?" Desandra asked. "We're going to Blue Ribbon Stables," I said. "It's the closest place to rent a horse. "Why?" Desandra asked. "Because I can't keep up with you on foot," I said. "And she runs like a rhino." Derek added. "You can hear her a mile away." Traitor. "I thought you had my back?" "I do," Derek said. "The rhino running is nice. Makes it easy to keep track of you. If I ever lose you, I just have to listen and the.. desandra robert-lenesco kate Ilona Andrews
8cd57fa Curran grinned and my heart made a little jump. I didn't expect that. Ilona Andrews
1a2e7c0 A ghastly attempt at a smile, sure to send any normal person to a therapist. Ilona Andrews
bf1923c Derek favored his left side. His horse refused to bear him. I couldn't blame the horse. I wouldn't want his demonic, undead-blood-smeared, wolf-smelling ass riding me, either. But it made us slow. kate Ilona Andrews
8e095f7 If your head explodes can I have your stuff? Ilona Andrews
287a817 my father asked. "If you build a tower in Lawrenceville, I will smash it, set it on fire, and salt the ground it stood on." Ilona Andrews
d02dbb5 He raised his hand in a peaceful gesture. "You need to relax a bit, dove. Like Mouse over there. You trust me, don't you, Mouse?" "Nope!" "Ahhh, I'm hurt. Nobody likes me." funny magic-burns julie kate-daniels kate Ilona Andrews
1265534 Congratulations," he said, his voice dry. "You finally managed to find a woman as tragically noble as yourself. I didn't think one existed." "I'm not tragic." Kaldar held up his hand. "Spare me. Some children are born wearing a silk shirt; you were born wrapped in melancholy. When they slapped you to make you cry, you just sighed heavily and a single tear rolled from your eye." He dragged his finger from the corner of his left eye to his ch.. kaldar-mar richard-mar Ilona Andrews
0299048 The sound of my name in his voice stopped me in midturn. I don't know how the hell he did it, but whenever he said my name, it cut through all other distractions and made me pause, as if he'd clenched me to him and kissed me. Ilona Andrews
55957e5 It's like you had a coming-out party," Andrea said. "You've been presented to polite society, except now everybody wants to kill you." "Spare me." "Kate Daniels, a debutante." Andrea grinned. "It's not funny." "It's hilarious." The smile slid off Andrea's face and she vomited on the snow. "Karma," I told her." Ilona Andrews
c4ec49d He glanced at me, his eyes dark. "Would you rather talk about your dream?" "No." "Considering that I was featured in it, I think I deserve to know the particulars. Were my clothes missing because we were in bed? Was I touching you?" He glanced at me. His voice could've melted the clothes off my body. "Were you touching me?" nevada-baylor Ilona Andrews
7ea93d3 Are you implying that our relationship is like a Spanish soap opera?" "I'm not implying. I'm saying it." Ilona Andrews
cc76c62 In death, they all looked the same. This morning they spoke, they breathed, they kissed their loved ones good-bye. And now they lay dead. Gone forever. Ilona Andrews
852cf0f People think I built the Pack, because I'm the guy who has the welfare of all shapeshifters in mind. They're wrong. Everything I built, I did so that when I mate and have children, nobody can touch my family. (...) I built all this so I can protect you. Ilona Andrews
fff17e1 I mourn my sword, but that's alright. Grandmother gave me another one. Ilona Andrews
c20447c Curran gave me a flat look. "I can always drive to a burger joint instead." "Oh, so you'd throw a burger down my throat and expect making out in the back seat?" He grinned. "We can do it in the front seat instead, if you prefer. Or on the hood of the car." "I'm not doing it on the hood of the car." "Is that a dare?" Why me?" Ilona Andrews
0d4d512 I'm sorry about the dinner." "Best date ever. Well, until people died and vampires showed up. But before that it was awesome." Ilona Andrews
117401f If you keep wiggling, things might get uncomfortable," he said into my ear, his voice like a caress. "I'm doing my best, but thinking about baseball only takes you so far." I froze." nevada-baylor Ilona Andrews
19225c5 I'm going to kick you in the head when I get home. Repeatedly. kate Ilona Andrews
a4f4448 You're problem is, you underestimate me because I'm a woman. Ilona Andrews
acf85ef Since when do you give a crap about my welfare anyway? I think you're confused as to the nature of our relationship. You and I, we don't get along. You're a psychopathic control freak. You order me around and I want to kill you. I'm a pigheaded insubordinate ass. I drive you mad and you want to strangle me." "Once! I did it once!" "Once was plenty. The point is, we don't play nice. We-" He jerked his arms out from under my knees, pulled me .. Ilona Andrews
cf206f1 Morfran thrust his axe straight up. He pretty much seemed to have one sign for everything: poke a hole in the sky. Ilona Andrews
235640f If you don't explain it all to me, I might strangle somebody." Of course, Raphael might like that..." magic-burns ilona-andrews raphael curran kate-daniels kate hyenas soup Ilona Andrews
5d7dd1e He kissed me, and I pulled my personal psycho into bed with me. Ilona Andrews
0944407 The lion has to stay outside" "He won't like it" The lion shook his mane. I looked at Curran. The lion melted. Skin stretched, bones twisted, and human Curran straightened. He was completely nude. Gloriously nude. "Well," Hrefna said. "I always wondered why you went all shapeshifter. Explain things." -- sexy-men Ilona Andrews
04b16bd She swept away, putting an extra kink into her walk. I would not have thought that a woman with an ass that bony could make it wiggle so much but she proved me wrong. humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews