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f6e49d8 I'm talking to you more than I speak with my mahmen." "I thought your mother was dead." "She is." "You have a very low standard for communication." J.R. Ward
d91b1e9 End of the day, the quick and the dead are the same. Everyone's just looking for a home. tohrment lover-reborn J.R. Ward
7dafb6e Dedicated to : You. Man, you had me at Hard-ass, you really did. But then there was your Here's looking at you, kid... Mad love to you. J.R. Ward
fe14e38 That scent she threw off was not anything by Chanel. Unless they'd recently added a Tragedy line. humor J.R. Ward
651fe26 And I shall take my leave of you now- unless you have plans to shoot me. In which case, I shall take you with me." He lifted up his other hand. In it was a small black handset. " Just so we're clear, the bomb that is wired to the undercarriage of my car will go off if my thumb contracts- which is precisely the kind of autonomic jerk that will occur if you put a bullet in my chest or my back. Oh and mayhap I should mention that the explosion.. xcor J.R. Ward
3c9aafa For no good reason, he thought of Xhex. Xhex was a thunderstorm made up of hues of black and iron gray, power leashed but no less lethal for its control. Cormia was a sunny day cast in rainbow of brightness. He put his hand over his heart and bowed to her, then left. As he started up for his room, he wondered whether he liked the storm or the sunshine better. J.R. Ward
add3e38 John? As it was dark he whistled a what. You are such a male of worth, you know that. You really are. J.R. Ward
a91a873 With his fantastic mane of multicoloured hair, Phury should have been in Hollywood's league with the ladies, but he'd stuck with his vow of celibacy. There was room for one and only one love in his life, and it had been slowly killing him for years. phury zsadist J.R. Ward
3f01233 You're like your ," he whispered. "You make the world go away for me" J.R. Ward
1e2d0d8 Holy shit." Rehv shook his head and muttered, "Now we know what the zombie apocalypse looks like." J.R. Ward
4d7b455 Devina] "You know, Adrian, you ever get bored with being a Goody Two-shoes, you could come over to my side." "Because you have cookies, right." Those black eyes returned to his own. "And so much more." "Well, I'm on a diet. Sorry--but thanks for the invite." J.R. Ward
71473b3 What's doing? J.R. Ward
e2e9efb They are as empty without a young as we are empty without them J.R. Ward
1d84c63 There was a heavy, dark pause of vast significance. Which Jim broke by flashing his hands and belting out, "Booga-wooga!" At least Eddie laughed. Adrian flipped Jim the bird and headed to the fridge for another beer." covet eddie jim J.R. Ward
723d8f9 John's tattoo..Goddamn..He'd done it as a memorial to her-putting her name in his skin so she'd be with him always. After all, there was nothing more permanent than that-hell, that was why in the mating ceremony males got their backs carved up: Rings could get lost. J.R. Ward
cf6509f And mortal terror in a female was Z's favorite turn-on. He got off on it like most males favored crap from Victoria's Secret. turn-on victoria-s-secret zsadist vampire vampires J.R. Ward
e6cef44 Still, it would have been great, just once, to have a man stare at her with total adoration. To have him be... enthralled. Yes, that was the word. She would have loved for a man to be enthralled by her. J.R. Ward
49c0058 What the f*ck do you want from me?" He had to laugh. "Please. If I were running this show, you'd have had her back down here months ago and I'd be long f*cking gone." Tohr laughed a little in surprise. "Aw, come on, my man," Lassiter muttered. "I don't want to screw you. You're too flat chested, for one thing--I'm a boob man. And for another, you're a good guy. You deserve better than this." Now Tohr looked downright shocked." J.R. Ward
7eb5f8d Hello, Doctor. It's your man. J.R. Ward
45d0106 Word of advice. These have a kick, so don't suck too hard--" Holy hypoxia, Batman." john J.R. Ward
d2948cc Bye-bye, Elan. P.S., Next time you implicate someone falsely, try to pick a pacifist. J.R. Ward
e3ed872 I'm losing air over here, you know," Lassiter bitched. "My inflatable is deflating." V cursed. "That's because it doesn't want to be around you any more than we do." J.R. Ward
646ddfa I love you. It was the tie that bound, even across the divides of death and time. J.R. Ward
da59b11 Because when I looked at you across that table at the diner, no one else existed. And whether or not anything happens between you and me, it took meeting you to show me what I was missing. J.R. Ward
4676584 Qhuinn didn't know what the fuck was up. People fucking poofing it in and out of the fucking foyer, shit going south... until Autumn came the fuck back. If there had ever been a time to drop the f-bomb, tonight was it. J.R. Ward
a22abbf Her bra was cotton and white and, bless its little frickin' heart, had a front clasp. J.R. Ward
2f1bb6e You so need to lighten up about that potato-launcher incident," Butch said. Phury rolled his eyes and eased back in the banquette. "You broke my window." "Of course we did. V and I were aiming for it." "Twice." "Thus proving that he and I are outstanding marksmen." -- J.R. Ward (Lover Unbound" J.R. Ward
1a0d5dd Before Butch knew what was doing, V grabbed his forearm, bent down, and licked the cut, sealing it up quick. Butch yanked out of his roommate's hold. "Jesus, V! What if that blood's contaminated!" "It's fine. Just f-" With a boneless lurch, Vishous gasped and collapsed against the wall, eyes rolling back in his head, body twitching. "Oh, God...!" Butch reached out in horror- Only to have V cut the seizure off and calmly take a drink from hi.. butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous butch J.R. Ward
b2fcc92 He was having an illicit affair... with his own mate. xhex lover-reborn J.R. Ward
e3ec038 Good, glad you agree," Wrath muttered as he cued George. The dog signaled that they'd come up to a barrier by halting, and Wrath reached out, his palm finding a sheet that was stiff and thick. Dropping his hold on the halter, he used two hands to pull it aside so he didn't tear it from its tethers above. The voices stopped immediately. Except for one that breathed, "Holy . . . shit." All at once there was a clattering, as if tools were bein.. J.R. Ward
22cd8df Destiny was a machine built over time, each choice that you made in life adding another gear, another conveyor belt, another assemblyman. Where you ended up was the product that was spit out at the end--and there was no going back for a redo. You couldn"t take a peek at what you"d manufactured and decide, Oh, wait, I wanted to make sewing machines instead of machine guns; let me go back to the beginning and start again. One shot. That was a.. crave fallen ward J.R. Ward
781ba51 You have what I call a "male brow." Which is a frown brought on when you're thinking about your male and you either want to boot him in the ass or wrap your arms around him and hold him 'til he can't breathe." J.R. Ward
fbdb545 They don't fit you?" V asked his roommate. "Not the point. No offense, but these are wicked Village People." Butch held his heavy arms out and turned in a circle, his bare chest catching the light. "I mean, come on." "They're for fighting, not fashion." "So are kilts, but you don't see me rocking the tartan." "And thank God for that. You're too bowlegged to pull that shit off." Butch assumed a bored expression. "You can bite me." , V though.. romance humor vutch butch-vishous vishous vampire paranormal-romance J.R. Ward
ce71810 What... are you?" she choked out. "No sunlight. Funky choppers." he inhaled raggedly. "Take a guess." J.R. Ward
426d47e good call. A second drag and your next stop's the wastepaper basket - and not to toss your kleenex, true. wordsofwisdom J.R. Ward
b261687 Turned out Qhuinn was a snuggler. Who knew--and how fabulous. qhuay lover-at-last qhuinn J.R. Ward
a9899bf Butch didn't live in his own place. He didn't spend his own money. He had no job, no future. He was a well-kept pet, not a man. J.R. Ward
4b2c7cc That human, he's a lesser waiting to happen, in my opinion--nothing less, nothing more j-r-ward vishous J.R. Ward
c225a6e Without his mate to share his life, he was but a screen for events and circumstances to pass through. He was npt even empty, for he was no vessel to hold even the thinnest of air. He lived, though was not truly alive J.R. Ward
591d126 And bottom line, without John by her side, everything seemed to be just a big, resounding meh. meh ward xhex lover-reborn john J.R. Ward
5564042 Shit, it was so damn girly. Next thing you knew, she was going to start crying at TV ads and doing her nails. And getting a frickin' pocketbook. J.R. Ward
dbfb1b5 When you were the son of evil, there was little you couldn't do, own, or kill, and yet her mortal self was an elusive trophy he could touch, but not put on his shelf. This made her rare. This made her precious. This made her. lover-mine lash J.R. Ward
bdd5c0b Parking himself on the chaise lounge, he stared at the gown that Lassiter had handled so roughly. The fine satin was bunched up in waves, the disorder creating a wonderful, shimmering display over on the bed. "My beloved is dead," he said out loud. As the sound of the words faded, something was suddenly, stupidly clear: Wellesandra, blooded daughter of Relix, was never filling out that bodice again. She was never going to put the skirting o.. tohrment J.R. Ward
b8cb773 I know what it's like to not have hope," Qhuinn said roughly. "But destiny can surprise you." J.R. Ward