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3d1bd7c Where's Rehvenge?" "I'm right here." J.R. Ward
8ecc9bc The Brother was staring straight ahead and not blinking. "Have we stopped moving?" he said hoarsely." J.R. Ward
c304fab I can't change what happened and I know there's no going back...all I ask is that you don't fall for appearances, okay? You've had ten years around this family, but I've been with them and the people who surround them all my life. That's why you're the one I want. You're real. You're not capable of being what they are and that's a very, very good thing. J.R. Ward
af69cc4 At the end of the day, people have to earn the right to be in your life, J.R. Ward
c55c15b She ran over the frost-laden grass in her bare feet and threw herself at him, grabbing on to his neck with both arms. She held him so tightly his spine cracked. She was sobbing. Bawling. Crying so hard her whole body was shaking. He didn't ask any questions, just wrapped himself around her. "I'm not okay," she said hoarsely between breaths. "Rhage...I'm not okay." He closed his eyes and held on tight." J.R. Ward
93d194f All of us are taking the night off," Wrath said abruptly. "We need some regroup time." Rhage snorted from across the table. "You're not going to make us play Monopoly again, are you?" "Yup." A collective groan rose up from the Brotherhood, one that Wrath ignored. "Right after dinner." "I have something I have to do," V said. "I'll be back as soon as I can." "Fine, but you can't be the shoe or the dog then. They always go first." "I can.. J.R. Ward
12c2664 How about I duct-tape his ass cheeks together? Short-sheet his bed? Ex-Lax his chocolate pudding...? I have other ideas, you know... J.R. Ward
da8bb30 FYI, I'm giving this establishment a really crappy Yelp review. J.R. Ward
43f9256 Sometimes the fact that you were forced to be strong was enough to actually turn you into what you had to be. J.R. Ward
22a26e8 Let me get this straight. You and I are in the Brotherhood's mobile surgical van, on our way to the training center because you were shot and now have a tube in your head to reduce brain swelling...and you're coming on to me?" "My gray matter isn't the only thing getting bigger." "You're like the indestructible slut, aren't you." "You know, to most people, is an insult." He tried to lift his had to make the point. And failed. "I personal.. J.R. Ward
128c202 Standing at the foot of the grand staircase, Wrath finished prepping for the meeting with the glymera by drawing a Kevlar vest onto his shoulders. "It's light." "Weight doesn't always do you better," V said as he fired up a hand-rolled and snapped his gold lighter shut. "You sure about that." "When it comes to bulletproof vests, I am." Vishous exhaled, the smoke momentarily shading his face before it floated upward to the ornate ceiling.. J.R. Ward
0c0d0a1 True. This gluten-is-the-enemy thing is total bullshit. And don't get me started on kombucha tea, kale, anything with antioxidants in it, and the fallacy that high-fructose corn syrup is the root of all evil. J.R. Ward
fa77188 I don't bite," Saxton whispered darkly. "Unless you ask." Blay" J.R. Ward
24df8ad Off to the side and out of the glow of the headlights, Blay hung back and watched as Qhuinn crouched down by the driver's door and cursed softly. "Messy. Very messy." Tohr did the duty on the passenger seat. "Oh, look, a matched set." "I think they're dead." "Really. What gave that away. The fact they aren't moving or that this guy over here has no facial features left?" J.R. Ward
ffb73cb Ehlena es mi reverenciada reina.-Rehvenge la-hermandad-de-la-daga-negra J.R. Ward
e146d19 Qhuinn was a male's male. And not just because he was a fighter and had a mate who was a dude. Yeah, J.R. Ward
6ca13eb Para reforzar el punto, Xcor se sento al pie de la puerta. Poniendo la espalda contra los paneles. Confiaba en sus soldados con su vida en el campo de batalla, pero habia una hermosa y fuerte hembra alla abajo y ellos eran unos cachondos hijos de puta en celo, la gran mayoria. Habrian pasado por encima de el para tenerla. J.R. Ward
c359ef7 I have dreamed of touching you J.R. Ward
a6b24c7 now he knew why God didn't give people superpowers. Humans were dangerous enough as it was. . . J.R. Ward
5178c44 Zebra print leggings. A black leather jacket. Boots as big as your head, a pink feather boa, blue jeans, Hanes T-shirts in white and black-- J.R. Ward
14e7332 Phury nodded his multicolored head. "Yes. But--" In the Old Language, she hissed, "If any harm shall befall him, I will come after you, and find you where you sleep. I do not care where you lay your head or who with, my vengeance shall rain upon you until you drown." That last word was drawn out, until its syllable was lost in more growling. Dead silence. Until Doc Jane said dryly, "Annnnd this is why they say the female of the species is m.. J.R. Ward
6d41c00 Wrath jacked forward on his hips. "You have only what I fucking grant you! I am your master, fucker, so shut the hell up, get out of this room, and I'll deal with you when I'm good and goddamned ready. I understand that you're up in your head. I'd even be able to respect it if you didn't keep behaving like you run the world. But right now, my only concern is your young, because clearly, they're not on your radar--" "How the fuck can you say.. J.R. Ward
c45645a You don't have to be searching to find what you need. J.R. Ward
2d21a68 After all, how could you exercise choice if you didn't have a clue who you were? Labels weren't going to do it, titles like "mahmen" or "shellan" weren't really going to help you. You needed to dig into yourself and find out how to fill your hours with pursuits that were meaningful to you and for you, as a person, an individual. Too" J.R. Ward
62d89de The thing was, when you served another, when you lived a role determined by someone could not go back to that constriction once you found out who you truly were. She J.R. Ward
3202fcd You're not in love with me, either, Layla. You just aren't. You felt a lot of physical shit, and that made you think it was emotional. The trouble is, body needs a hell of a lot less than the soul does to connect. J.R. Ward
4175530 Pigs flying. Hell freezing over. Miley planting her twerking ass in a chair and keeping it there as a public service. J.R. Ward
635a405 Funny, there was a reason that people "built" lives together. Although the choices you made as husband and wife were not bricks, and time was not mortar, you were still constructing something tangible and real." J.R. Ward
7d22ddc The contraption was something V had bought but had never used: He'd kept it only because it had terrified him, and that was reason enough to own the thing. To be robbed of sight and hearing was the one thing guaranteed to make him lose his fucking shit--which was precisely why Butch picked the mask. He knew too well the buttons to push--physical pain was one thing . . . but the psychological stuff was so much worse. And therefore more effec.. J.R. Ward
92b5ce6 Before he could start asking, a family joined them in the wait for the elevator, the daughters running around, the parents looking like they were stuck in a version of hell that smelled like bubble gum, and was populated by short demons in matching fairy princess outfits that asked for ice cream every three minutes. J.R. Ward
fc00ebe Good. We're done." Wrath shook his head ruefully. "And shit, you think you have problems? At least you don't have to go back home with that." As" -- J.R. Ward
5f79f53 When a figure materialized from out of nowhere right next to him, Qhuinn nearly pulled his trigger, but the blond and black head of hair was unmistakable. "Do you want to get shot?" Qhuinn demanded. In a Darth Vader voice, the angel shot back, "Your weapons are nothing against me." "For fuck's sake--" -Qhuinn & Lassiter" J.R. Ward
b22f4ec She felt sorry for the female who had been driven to such traits. Who had kept herself apart from all emotions. The female had been born under a curse. The female had done evil and had evil done unto her. The female had hardened herself, her mind and her emotions becoming steel. The female had been wrong about that locking down, that self-containment. It was not a case of strength, as she always told herself. It was strictly survival... J.R. Ward
96d9a96 Because you, my darling, are like poison ivy to me. Even though I know that it will only make things worse, I can't help but scratch." "Oh, the compliments." She smiled sadly. "You are as debonair as always." J.R. Ward
367b331 Don't you want to find out who else you are--other than a receptionist?" She frowned. "There is honor in all works." "And maybe there is greatness waiting for you--if you only get back up on your feet and keep going." J.R. Ward
8022b2b Pride was an unattractive trait, even if it was well-placed. J.R. Ward
57f0632 You should always know who you are, he thought. And who you aren J.R. Ward
7f67a36 His heart was as empty as her stare. J.R. Ward
0f1179f He closed his glowing eyes and shook his head. "Yeah. It's fucking stupid. It's crazy. It's dangerous. So it'll fit right into your life script." J.R. Ward
2bb8735 If you're going to bloody the human, would you be good enough to do it in the backyard? J.R. Ward
667622f Quando le braccia della maichen lo avvolsero e lei gli accarezzo la nuca, iAm sussulto...e si rese conto che in tutti gli anni che aveva passato sulla Terra, era la prima volta che aveva un posto dove andare quando sentiva che il mondo era un posto di merda e il tempo non era niente di piu una tortura da sopportare. mondo posto tornare tortura tempo J.R. Ward
917012c Children were the only immortality mortals got--and even then, two generations later, three at the most, no one knew you in person anymore. J.R. Ward
95a61a7 Except cats couldn't read minds, of course. J.R. Ward
325ef93 What do you think?" she asked in his voice. "We should totally remember this for Halloween, right?" J.R. Ward