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2204f09 What brings you onto my property?" Rhev said, cradling his mug with both hands and trying to absorb its warmth. "Got a problem." "I can't fix your personality, sorry." Lassiter laughed, the sound ringing through the house like church bells. "No.. I like myself just as I am, thank you." "Can't help your delusional nature, either." "I need to find an address." "Do I look like the phone book?" "You look like shit, as a matter of fact." .. J.R. Ward
1761c93 With that, he pushed his way out...and as the door eased shut, she realized could indeed be said without actually uttering the phrase. Actions did mean more than words. J.R. Ward
91ba83d Course, I always knew you were a royal. Just didn't know it went past the pain-in-the-ass part. J.R. Ward
fb8ef7a God, he was probably too young to be this old, but life had a way of being about experience, rather than calendar days. life wisdom J.R. Ward
11e62a7 Wait", Butch said, thinking about the glymera. "Marissa's mated now, right? I mean, even if I die, she will have had a mate right?" "Death wish," V said under his breath. "Fucking Death Wish Boy we got over here." The Scribe Virgin seemed flat-out amazed "I should kill you now." scribe-virgin v butch J.R. Ward
0bb6fd4 Man, it was a good thing he fought like a nasty bastard or he might have been taken for a nancy. J.R. Ward
80dc3a7 It finally happened, he thought as he burrowed under his shirt and took hold of his heavy cross. All his life he'd wondered why he'd never fallen in love, and now he knew: He'd been waiting for this moment, this woman, this time. The female is mine, he thought. - Manny J.R. Ward
d47db03 After a while Mary said, "Zsadist?" "Yeah?" "What are those markings?" His frowned and flicked his eyes over to her, thinking, as if she didn't know? But then . . . well, she had been a human. Maybe she didn't. "They're slave bands. I was . . . a slave." "Did it hurt when they were put on you?" "Yes." "Did the same person who cut your face give them to you?" "No, my owner's did that. My owner . . . she put the bands on me. He was the one w.. nalla zsadist mary therapy J.R. Ward
c5045a4 As a collective exhale hit the airwaves, Qhuinn found himself looking over at Blay. Aw, hell, talk about a suck zone--this was why he avoided the guy like the plague. Just one glance and he was locked on, all kinds of reactions rolling through him, until the room spun a little-- For no good reason, Blay's eyes flipped up and met his. It was like getting goosed in the ass with a live wire, his body spasming to the point where he had to hide .. qhuay qhuinn J.R. Ward
e019780 Rhage! You have a dragon! A pet dragon! I got to rub his tummy! J.R. Ward
a813ae1 This was hers and hers alone. Forevermore. Or at least so I thought... but shit didn't work out that way, and then you came along... and circle be damned, I don't want to be finished with you." Now it was her turn to feel poleaxed, her body going numb as she struggled to comprehend what he was saying. "Autumn, I'm in love with you--that's why I came here tonight. And we don't have to be together, and you don't have to get over what I said, .. tohr J.R. Ward
c1855ae he knew on some level he changed the course of his life. And you could do that, couldn't you, he thought as he put the RAZR back in his pocket. you could choose some paths and not others. Not always, of course. At times destiny just drove you to a destination and dropped your ass off and that was that. But on occasion you were able to pick the address. And if you had half a brain, no matter how hard it was or how wierd it felt, you went int.. J.R. Ward
3c5b46c You keep showing up here? Being who you are?' There was a pause. 'I'm going to fall in love with you.' -Rehvenge J.R. Ward
b23a678 Sometimes IVs and pills weren't always the best course of treatment for the injured. Sometimes all you needed was the touch of the one you loved and the sound of their voice and the knowledge that you were home, and that was enough to drag you back from the brink. J.R. Ward
d49c760 Blay: Better than the full bifta. Especially because Qhuinn was beautiful to watch when he had sex. Just....beautitful. Back when Blay had tried to do the hetero thing, the two had tag-teamed a number of human females - not that he could have recalled any of the women's faces, bodies, or names. It had always been about Qhuinn for him. Always. J.R. Ward
d9c40fe I'm not cock-blocking for kicks and giggles. The mothership called rhage J.R. Ward
0e9ec6d Phury stepped up in front of her, blocking the view as leaned down and put his mouth right to Throe's ear. As he squeezed Throe's biceps until it screamed in pain, the Brother growled softly, "You get hard and I'll castrate you as soon as she leaves." Well .. If that wasn't crystal clear." throe J.R. Ward
8e5592a The Destroyer has arrived and you are he. J.R. Ward
b299f80 Before the man could answer V cursed "If I have to hear all that Keanu Reeves, Matrix, I am Neo' kind of shit my head's going to explode." "Don't you mean Neon?" Butch shot back "Cause he reminds me of the Citgo sign." Wraths head turned "Shut the fuck up. All of you." -- J.R. Ward
824f4b2 And Cormia will be okay, I mean, she's not kicked out of here, correct?" "She shall be welcomed back herein. She is a fine female. Just well suited to this life as some of us are." In the quiet heartbeats that followed, he had an image of her undressing him for the shower, her guileless, innocent green eyes looking up at him as she fumbled with his belt and his leathers. She only wanted to do what was right. Back when this whole.. phury J.R. Ward
9720697 To be denied was like getting shut out of a Public Park. J.R. Ward
67f79c4 And speaking of on board, she'd moved into John's room properly. In his closet, her leathers and her muscles shirts were hanging next to his, and their shitkickers were lined up together, and all her knives and her guns and her little toys were now locked up in his fire proof cabinet. Their ammo was even stacked together. How frickin' romantic. J.R. Ward
3a35536 The essential truth of life, he was coming to realize, wasn't romantic an took only two words to label: Shit. Happens. truth-of-life J.R. Ward
9a63891 The chanting grew louder, deep male voice pumping. She looked to the brothers, the tall, fierce men who were now part of her life. Wrath pivoted and put his arm around her. Together, they swayed to the rhythm that swelled, filling the air. The brothers were as one as they paid homage in their language, a single powerful entity. But then, in a high, keening call, one voice broke out, lifting above the others, shooting higher and higher. The .. J.R. Ward
0f3c555 How many of them were there?' Her voice wasn't joking around. Eighteen. Hundred.' Four,' Blaylock interjected. 'An honor guard of four.' What did they work you over with? Those bruises on your thighs are severe?' Crowbars. Big, massive-' Blay cut in. 'Clubs. Had to be those ceremonial black clubs. J.R. Ward
2b53bcd Love'em or hate'em, by blood or by heart, family was a kind of oxygen. Necessary for the living. J.R. Ward
26f6ecc Don't make me flip you off" "Why would I deprive you of a favourite hobby?" "Because my finger's getting sore." vishous J.R. Ward
53d5f80 If the Angels won, the entire Earth would be nothing but one giant Christmas frickin' morning, a choking wave of happiness and warmth and caring and sharing taking over everything. J.R. Ward
8fce42b I'm not strong enough for this," he whispered in her ear--like he didn't want anyone to hear that coming out of his mouth. Ever. Running her hands up his powerful back, she held him just as hard. "But I am." J.R. Ward
c3c3c14 Especially as Blay's face came to mind. So beautiful. So very, very beautiful. It seemed silly and emasculating to call the guy that, but he was. Those damn lips were the problem ... nice and cushioned on the bottom. Or maybe the eyes? So fucking blue. He'd kissed that mouth and loved it. Seen those eyes go wild. He could have had Blay first--and only. But instead? His cousin ... "Oh, God ..." he groaned." qhuay blay qhuinn J.R. Ward
96fe2a5 Darkness will never take me... because I have you. Light of my life, Marissa. That's what you are." -Butch and Marissa" marissa J.R. Ward
b179166 After shoving his former clothes inside, Xcor found himself bowing at the waist. "Your assistance has been much appreciated." Antoine raised his palm like he was getting ready to do a clap on the shoulder again. But once more, he caught himself and smiled instead. "Knock her dead, my man." "Oh, no." Xcor shook his head. "That shan't be necessary. This one I like." humor xcor J.R. Ward
bc7f9c8 No, thanks." Rhage laughed. "I'm a good little sewer, as you know firsthand. Now who's your friend?" "Beth Randall, this is Rhage. An associate of mine. Rhage, this is Beth, and she doesn't do movie stars, got it?" "Loud and clear." Rhage leaned to one side, trying to see around Wrath. "Nice to meet you, Beth." "Are you sure you don't want to go to a hospital?" she said weakly. "Nah. This one's just messy. When you can use your large in.. J.R. Ward
d3058e6 Rhage and Manny] "You're doing great," he murmured as he noticed those white knuckled fists. "Don't worry about me." "Right, right...your brothers." Manny paused for a split second. "You're all right, you know that." "F*ck...that..." The fighter smiled, flashing fangs. "I'm...perfect." J.R. Ward
e781cb6 Let's take my truck," Jim said as he hit the gravel. "Less noise." And it has a radio, right?" With tragic concentration Adrian started warming up his voice, sounding like a moose being backstroked by a chesse grater. Jim shook his head at Eddie as the doors opened "How can you stand that racket?" Selective deafness" Teach me,master." J.R. Ward
a6bedc1 Lassiter skidded in from the billiards room, the fallen angel glowing from his black-and-blond hair and white eyes, all the way down to his shitkickers. Then again, maybe the illumination wasn't his nature, but that gold he insisted on wearing. He looked like a living, breathing jewelry tree. "I'm here. Where's my chauffeur hat?" "Here, use mine," Butch said, outing a B Sox cap and throwing it over. "It'll help that hair of yours." The .. lover-at-last lassiter vishous J.R. Ward
89d28fd I think we're dating now" "Come on...I got you naked. You wore a damn corset. And don't get me started on the sponge bath afterward." butch-vishous jr-ward butch J.R. Ward
9e1137e Tohr shook his head. "If you're going to get plastered, why can't you do it like areal man." "I like the taste of fruit." "You are what you drink." The angel glanced up at the clock, "Shit. I missed Maury. But, I DVR'd Ellen." -- lassiter tohr J.R. Ward
ca5e91b Let him go, V. And let him take her where he needs to go." As Wrath's voice cut through the drama, the urge to go pyrotechnic became nearly irresistible. Like they needed another kibitzer? And fuck-that on the command. V squeezed the surgeon's collar trash-bag tight. "You are not taking her anywhere--" The hand on V's shoulder was heavy, and Wrath's voice had an edge like a dagger. "And you're not in charge here. She's my responsibility, no.. wrath J.R. Ward
8f81734 A hand landed on his shoulder like an anvil. "How'd you like to stay for dinner?" Butch looked up. The guy was wearing a baseball cap and had some kind of marking--was that a tattoo, on his face? "How'd you like to be dinner?" said another one, who looked like some kind of model." J.R. Ward
9b46eff Love can conquer everything but reality. J.R. Ward
ba437a4 As the two of them came up against each other, Qhuinn's mouth dropped open. But not because he was shocked an not because he wanted in on the action. He simply couldn't breathe. It was as if his ribs had frozen along with his heart., goddamn it, no... "Tell me something," Saxton whispered. "Have you ever kissed a male before?" Yes, he has, Qhuinn wanted to scream - Blay shook his head. He actually shook his head." J.R. Ward
d787556 I have peanut M&M's up there." "Not my style" "Raisinets." "Feh." "Sam Adams." Thor narrowed his eyes. "Cold?" "Downright icy." Thor crossed his arms over his chest and told him self he was not pouting like a five-year-old. "I want Milk Duds." thor lassiter J.R. Ward
d67c7b2 I think you and he need to talk. And once you do, I won't have to worry about being jumped like a felon again." Blay frowned. "He and I have nothing to say to each other--" "With all due respect, the ligature marks around my neck would suggest otherwise." J.R. Ward