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ce5e941 But it's not going to be like that with you." His eyes drifted around her hair and her face and her bare breasts. "To're everything I need, all that I want. I can't describe it. Just when you kiss me, that's all I'm after--What?" She smiled as she stroked him slowly. "You make me feel precious." "Come up here and let me show you exactly how precious." He" J.R. Ward
5c4b091 The female was out and around to him quicker than a breath, and as she slipped and slid, and then landed right on him, Trez wanted to scream. He didn't. Nope. As she fell on top of him...he put his arms around her and fucking kissed her. -- J.R. Ward
a25ba98 Crees que quiero decir esto? !Jesucristo, Trez, te amo! !No quiero que estes con alguna otra mujer, nunca! !Quiero que te sientes en una esquina y me llores hasta que mueras! !No quiero que veas el sol o la luna o disfrutes otra comida o que tengas un buen sueno! !Quiero perseguirte el resto de tu vida, hasta que donde quiera que vayas y a todos con quien hables, todo lo que puedas ver sea mi fantasma, porque entonces sabre que no me has ol.. J.R. Ward
8f60a0b Trez went over and lifted the lid. After a deep inhale, he glanced over with a smile. "My brother is a helluva cook." Sure was, John thought. Although with Shadows you always had to wonder what the protein was. Rumor had it they liked to eat their enemies. The" J.R. Ward
3845c26 Because you just turned a gun on their mahmen!" Next" J.R. Ward
5e53500 Xcor closed his eyes for the longest time. And then...he slowly sank onto both knees. For some reason, seeing him thus brought her to tears. But then witnessing a proud male submit, even under these circumstances, was emotional. Wrath J.R. Ward
19bac45 Wrath mutely put out his hand, the one on which the huge black diamond that signified his station rested. In the Old Language, the King proclaimed, J.R. Ward
b29c3fd Xcor's own hand trembled as he reached forth. Grasping Wrath's palm, he kissed the ring and then placed it upon his bowed forehead. "Fore'ermore, I pledge my allegiance unto to you and yours, serving none other." Both" J.R. Ward
bb7a70f Both males took a deep breath. And then Wrath put his hand on top of Xcor's head, as if in benediction. Looking up, the King sought Layla out with his blind eyes. "You should be proud of your male. This is no small thing for a warrior." She brushed at her eyes. "Yes." Wrath" J.R. Ward
00e5ceb With regard to threats against you. I would care to apprise you of a certain individual you would be wise to watch with care." Wrath cocked an eyebrow over the rim of his wraparound. "Do tell." J.R. Ward
c674afd Midnight. You are mine, female." Her" J.R. Ward
2166e07 Craziness, indeed. And J.R. Ward
1e1520e the Shitstorm Survivors' Club. Christ, J.R. Ward
af19d17 Amazing, John thought as he stood behind Xhex. If you looked down at your cock and balls and told them that if they behaved badly you would slice them up and bury them in the backyard, they actually listened to you. He J.R. Ward
bea507a Shit. Happens. But the thing was, you kept going. You kept your friends and your family and your mate as safe as you were able. And you kept fighting even after you were knocked down. Goddamn it, you dragged your ass off the ground and you kept fighting. I've J.R. Ward
d4d041c And that's what we're going to teach you how to do." Well, wasn't that a lesson he was goddamn aching to learn. Jim" J.R. Ward
97d4634 Last fight I had with the bitch ended way too soon." Eddie rolled his eyes and glanced at Jim. "It was back in the Middle Ages and he still hasn't gotten over it." "Why so long ago?" "We got put on ice," Eddie said. "We were a little more fallen than the bosses were comfortable with." Adrian" J.R. Ward
6a6f1ce Okay, why couldn't he just be drinking right now? Still, bassinet jockeying one of these pooping machines had to be better than dodging bullets. Right? V glanced at the matched set of milk addicts. Fine, maybe the goo-goo, gaga/Glock assessment was more of a fifty-fifty. J.R. Ward
9a3136a It was a very big it. A very...erect it, straining the front of his pants. J.R. Ward
195e4aa Let me be in you," he said as he kissed her. "I need you the now." She" J.R. Ward
53852e3 Just one more way they were compatible. Closing his eyes, he sent up a prayer to anyone who was listening, asking please, for God's sake, stop sending him signals that they were right for each other. He'd read that book, seen the movie, bought the sound track, the DVD, the T-shirt, the mug, the bobble-head, and the insider's guide. He knew every reason they could have been lock and key. But just as he was aware of all that aligned them, he .. J.R. Ward
15d694f eaning down, it became amply clear that Rhamp had deployed the hot bomb. And Qhuinn had to admit, as he undid the buckle and got the kid back out, that he kind of respected the effort, man to man. Yeah, no pussy loads for his son. The boy dropped that shit like he owned it. Um ... literally. Yeah. J.R. Ward
0bd955c You're going to kill me anyway. -- J.R. Ward
6fabbab There were times in life when the aperture of your attention span narrowed to such a tight focus that your entire consciousness rested upon a single person. J.R. Ward
a8ed54e I didn't want you, I've never wanted you--and don't get it twisted. I'm not jealous, I'm fucking disgusted. I'm in love with a male of worth and I had to be with you because I needed an incubator for my son and my daughter. That and the fact you threw yourself at me in your needing was the only reason I was ever with you." Layla" J.R. Ward
4ee129c Dearest Virgin--um, Oversexed Lassiter J.R. Ward
afa54f3 I'll talk with him. I may be out of the Brotherhood, but your delivery sucks." "I'm not that bad." "Compared to a chainsaw, that's probably true." J.R. Ward
6a05e6c Do you want me?" she said in a distorted voice. "God, yes, fuck yes...I ache...." "Tell me you want me." Spreading his knees wide, he put his hand on his sex and squeezed. "So bad...I'm dying...." "Say the words." "I want you...," he breathed. Elise" J.R. Ward
9f84dbb Just be careful with my damn dog. That animal gets hurt and you and I are having words." Well," J.R. Ward
8fbd16a The two of them paused at the first of the three steps up onto the front porch. Man, some open doors were not welcoming, and that was so the case here--less hi-how're-ya, more come-in-so-your-skin-can-be-used-to-make-a-super-hero-cape-for-one-of-Hannibal-Lecter's-patients. Lash grinned. Whoever was in this house was so his peeps. J.R. Ward
479089b With gunmetal-gray piercings in his ears, and an ahstrux nohtrum teardrop under his eye from when he had served as John Matthew's protector, he caught stares wherever he went. Perhaps J.R. Ward
c7df9ae The thing was, all mortals were going to lose the ones they loved. It was the way life worked. But for most of the time, that reality was so far off in the mind that it had no more weight than a mere hypothetical. There were reminders, however, and the almost's, the near-misses, the oh-God-please-no's, snapped your chain and got you to stop and feel what was in your heart. J.R. Ward
16bb32a So, what are we doing tonight? Wait, let me guess, sitting in morose silence. Or,'re mixing it up. Brooding with soulful intensity, right? What a fucking wild child you are. Whoo. Hoo. Next thing you know, you'll be opening for Slipknot." With" J.R. Ward
5e3979c I fear I can't let you leave," she said through a wobbling smile. "I fear...I cannot bear you to go." As" J.R. Ward
2fc8bda You're what," she whispered. "I want to hear you say it." "I'm hard," he moaned. "For you." Yes," J.R. Ward
97019de I love you," he said again as he began to shake. "God, I love you...." --" J.R. Ward
1ad8078 I want to touch you," she said with an awe that made him flush. "Anywhere." God, his voice was rough. "Fuck, do anything you want to me." She" J.R. Ward
b358ce8 It's in your father's volume. Xcor is the blooded son of the Black Dagger Brother Hharm. Just as you are." Tohr" J.R. Ward
74350a0 I'm sorry," he said remotely. "For what just happened between you and me." She" J.R. Ward
4d67517 I'm stuck in the fucking chimney." She" J.R. Ward
f0b8f5e The Chosen Layla was what had changed everything for him, recasting the Brotherhood from target to tolerable, from enemy to co-existable tenant in the world. In J.R. Ward
d040b3e The stress and sadness of it all had been tough to handle, but there had also been a simmering, irrational resentment on his side. So yes, he had embraced a coping mechanism that he'd known Qhuinn hadn't approved of or liked. It had been a subversive, petty payback for sins the male wasn't actually committing. But J.R. Ward
bafdf65 Hharm lunged forth. "My son!" Without" J.R. Ward
a0f6146 No, no--don't stop--" "I'm sorry!" She sat up in a panic, his arousal still wrapped by her palm. "I've never done this before--I forgot I had fangs--" "Keep going--" "I don't want to hurt you--" "I like it--" All" J.R. Ward