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3fa15e1 The son of a bitch blew up my laptop. Jennifer L. Armentrout
4b8e98a I couldn't recall any guy ever looking at me like that unless I was holding a basket of chicken wings or something. Jennifer L. Armentrout
571a280 What are you going to do, Layla? Jennifer L. Armentrout
b7023e2 I was terrified the whole time they had you and I didn't know where you were. I was scared out of my mind that I would never see you again or get to hold you. And when I did see you? I was afraid I'd never hear you laugh again or see your beautiful smile. So, yeah, I lied. I was terrified. I'm still lying." "Daemon.." "I'm scared shitless that I'll never be able to make this up to you. That I'll never be able to give you back your life -" Jennifer L. Armentrout
c74f923 I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure nothing bad happens. I will do anything to make sure we have the time for everything that we want, but I'm not stupid enough to disregard the fact that something may happen that I can't control. And, dammit, I don't want to look back and see that I didn't seize the chance to make you mine, to really prove that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. That I lost that opportunity. Jennifer L. Armentrout
431eec0 Sometimes you're so stuck in your own head that you're not -- Well, you're not really living." My brows rose. She glanced down at the bowel of popcorn. "Please don't take that the wrong way. It's just that I think sometimes you miss whats going on around you, because you're so worried about what other are thinking about and and your choices." I wanted to argue against that, but I couldn't." Jennifer L. Armentrout
cf80e72 I can't believe you ate all the ice cream, Daemon!"I cringed and stopped inside the dining room. There was no way I was going into that kitchen."I didn't eat all of it.""Oh, so it ate itself?" Dee shrieked so loudly I thought I heard the rafters in the ceiling shake."Did the spoon eat it? Oh wait, I know. The carton ate it.""Actually, I think the freezer ate it," Daemon responded dryly." Jennifer L. Armentrout
fb02d6a You are such a jerk" I know you did the glass and plate thing. That was so wrong!" He held up his hands, laughing. "What? It was funny. The look on Bo's face was priceless. And the kiss he gave you? What was that? I've seen dolphins give hotter kisses than that." "His name is Blake!" I punched his leg this time. "And you know it" I can't believe you acted like that. And he doesn't kiss like a dolphin!" "From what I've seen, he does." "You d.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
7042e1d Zombies are all fun and games until they're standing right in front of you. Jennifer L. Armentrout
baa043b Her life was cut short. And I was given a second chance. Jennifer L. Armentrout
336082c An urge to gather her close and tell her everything was going to be okay rode me hard, which was bullshit. Everything would not be okay in the end. Not for me. And not for her. She was just a tool, a last resort against the Titans, just like Alex had been a last resort. Jennifer L. Armentrout
81af46c Wasn't that a season finale on Supernatural?' deacon alex luke apollo Jennifer L. Armentrout
2755c9f I'll burn the world down to save her. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c008296 You've never seen what everyone else sees when it comes to me," he explained." Jennifer L. Armentrout
08ba7e3 Hayden gave me a lopsided smile before turning to Olivia. "Aunt Liz is baking cookies."Her eyes lit up like someone shoved a diamond in her face. "Cookies? Coca chip?""Uh-huh, but isn't it your bedtime?" asked Hayden. "You probably missed out on the chance.""Nooo." She dragged the word out, eyes wide.I shook my head, smiling. "So wrong." Jennifer L. Armentrout
78e089d Eso es lo curioso de intentar escapar: no se puede. Tal vez lo logres un tiempo, pero no del todo. Jennifer L. Armentrout
4153c1a Daemon is just .. you know, a bit overprotective when it comes to you." His sister laughed. "A bit?" "Okay. A lot. It's not against Archer. He's actually a really good guy. He helped me - helped us - while we were with Daedalus, but he's older, he's different, and he -" "Has a penis?" Dee supplied. "Because I think that's Daemon's main problem." Jennifer L. Armentrout
474ae75 You could've left me there and ran, like I said. But instead you came back and you helped me. You didn't have to." "I ... I couldn't leave you there." I averted my gaze. "It wouldn't have been right. And I would've never been able to forgive myself." Jennifer L. Armentrout
0ca730f Roth mouthed the word considerate like he'd never heard it before or didn't really understand what it meant. "I'm going to be honest. Okay?" "All right." "I like Stacey. Don't get me wrong. That girl's got a lot of bad in her, the fun kind, but I was really thinking about you. His eyes held mine. "After seeing it tear you apart last night, knowing it is still tearing you apart, I don't want you to feel all that again when you've just start.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
cfa8018 Jealous is an ugly thing. jealousy romance love Jennifer L. Armentrout
ebd17c5 Kat, no voy a hacerte dano --me hablaba con suavidad, pero habia un matiz de rabia en su voz mientras intentaba que me tranquilizara sin hacerme dano--. Nunca podria hacerte nada malo. Jennifer L. Armentrout
67b8374 Podemos tener sexo. He oido que eso consume mucha energia. Jennifer L. Armentrout
2b05ed5 Eres perfecta para mi --susurre en mi propio idioma. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a3dbe57 She was mine. I was hers. A truth that would never change. Jennifer L. Armentrout
1d8390e We would be hunted by the humans and the Luxen. Jennifer L. Armentrout
d57fd95 Scars, whether physical or emotional, could be not just a representation of survival but also a story of hope. scars Jennifer L. Armentrout
b98ee3c Cayman shrugged."It's a sign of the times, man. It'll probably be on some Alpha's Facebook wall within the hour." Alphas had Facebook accounts?" humor facebook Jennifer L. Armentrout
68ad409 A.Coward," he repeated, and I briefly considered picking up the vase in the center of the island and throwing it at him."Not making a choice is the coward's way out. You love both of them. I get that. But you don't feel the same kind of love for both of them, and the sooner you accept that the better." love-triangles coward layla solution genius Jennifer L. Armentrout
671cd7d A tragedy is a tragedy, no matter what, but I've learned that it doesn't define who we are and it doesn't weaken us. It makes us stronger. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b7c35a5 You know, when the shit started really going down back in Vegas, I had my doubts. When I saw Paris get taken out, then Andrew and Ash, I asked myself if I would've done this again, the same way, knowing the risks." "The thing is, I knew the risks when I got out of the car. I knew people could die and that didn't stop me. And when I looked up and saw you standing there, alive and okay, I knew I would do it all over again. "I would do it, Kat.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
0734de0 Stick with me, babe, and I'll change your life. jax stay-with-me Jennifer L. Armentrout
3a1ac05 The emotions were complex, but the answer was simple. Jennifer L. Armentrout
e918b09 Look at me." Slowly, his gaze lifted to me. "I'm looking at you, Sweetness. Always am, even when my eyes aren't on you." Jennifer L. Armentrout
4e250c0 My heart shattered. 'The boy that you keep painting - the one at the warehouse and at the art gallery? That boy is you, isn't it?' Rider didn't say anything. 'It's not you from the past,' I whispered. His handsome face blurred. 'That's still who you are.' He closed his eyes. the-problem-with-forever stuck Jennifer L. Armentrout
c690a2f And why do you've have to be so grabby? Jesus." "I like the way you feel against me," he said." Jennifer L. Armentrout
5320c43 And I want you to know that I heard what you said in that speech,' Rider said, his voice scratchy. 'I might've saved you all those years ago, but now you've saved me,' My heart stuttered and then sped up. I reacted without thought. Placing the book on the bed, I launched myself at Rider just as he came off the window seat. We collided. I folded my arms around him as we went down onto the floor, me partially in his lap and his arms tight aro.. courage friendship love saving-people Jennifer L. Armentrout
5c74c92 A soldier pulled a gun, and I lifted mine, squeezing off a round. The kickback startled me. The bullet hit the guy in the leg. Daemon lost his hold on Nancy's form, slipping into his own. His eyes were wide as he stared at me. "What?" I asked. "You didn't think I'd do it?" ... "Didn't realize you shooting a gun would be so sexy." Jennifer L. Armentrout
1b0b03a I've always found that the most beautiful people, truly beautiful inside and out, are those who are quietly unaware of their effect. Jennifer L. Armentrout
f5f6b4e Rider: I want to be the guy with a future, with his shit togetherand wo has hope. I want to be the guy worthy of your love, and I'll swear, if you'll have me, I'll do everything in my power to be that man. I'll never stop trying. Ever. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c9da75e She probably had her nose stuck in a book, living in a pretend fantasy world while I was actually out there living in the real fantasy world. reading Jennifer L. Armentrout
7cca66f I thought about the boy who made my chest hurt, the one who'd promised forever. It Jennifer L. Armentrout
999b313 I'm not his precious human!" I took a deep breath. "I'm just his ... his friend. And that's what friends do. They protect each other." Ash rolled her eyes. I sat down. "Well, it's what human friends do, at least." "And it's what the Luxen do," Adam said, staring at his sister. "Some just forget that." Jennifer L. Armentrout
201620c Holy crap on a cracker Jennifer L. Armentrout
55e08fc I'm not leaving. No way in hell," Cole said, eyes flashing, "am I leaving you again." Jennifer L. Armentrout