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896b778 That's the most beautiful thing in the world. What's you. Jennifer L. Armentrout
124c38c I stalked over to the car and climbed in, slamming the door behind me. "Hey." He frowned from outside the car. "Don't take your anger out on Dolly." "You named your car Dolly?" "What's wrong with that?" I rolled my eyes." Jennifer L. Armentrout
5227a23 The demon?" Roth scoffed. "That's 'Your Highness' to you." layla roth Jennifer L. Armentrout
5ac72dd You got shot? Where? How? By who?" He zipped up in the air, darting left to right, right to left. "Did you cry? I would've cried. A lot. Like a river of motherfucking tears." Jennifer L. Armentrout
f35e434 Sometimes being around children was the perfect abstinence program. Jennifer L. Armentrout
6aed842 El primero... el primero es siempre el mas poderoso --cerro los ojos, suspirando--. Luego hay necesidad y destino. Ese es otro tipo. La necesidad se disfraza de amor, pero la necesidad... la necesidad nunca es amor. Ten siempre cuidado de quien te necesita. Siempre hay un querer tras una necesidad, sabes. Jennifer L. Armentrout
f0e4cfc Don't ever walk through a door first again, okay? And don't argue with me about it or accuse me of being chauvinistic. I don't ever want to see you in that kind of pain again. Jennifer L. Armentrout
ba43cca I guessed I'd been out of it when he'd (Hephaestus) showed. "I can't believe Apollo hit me with a god bolt." "I can't believe Aiden punched him," Marcus said, downing the rest of his wine. "What?" My mouth dropped open. "You did not." The half-grin spread until a dimple appeared in his left cheek. "I did." "All those times you yelled at me for hitting people, and you hit a god?" I couldn't believe it. That half-grin turned into a full smile.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
f85fb29 You are so many amazing things, Ivy, but most of all, you are so damn brave. Jennifer L. Armentrout
94d8825 I'm not just screwed up, Ms Hughes. I'm as broken as they come, but I don't need to be fixed. I don't to be fixed." He caged her in. "I like all my fucked-up shards and pieces. They make me who I am. They make me real. The question is, can you handle real?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
23ecbc0 I don't want like this," I whispered as I looked away, and once I said it, I didn't even want to take the words back. A weird sensation hit me, almost relief. That didn't make sense. Or did it? "I don't like who I am." My gaze returned to his, and the concern was still there, filling his hazel eyes and thinning out his mouth. Tears crawled up the back of my throat. Humiliating actually, to admit something so intimate lik.. mallory-dodge rider-stark who-i-am forever tears mouse Jennifer L. Armentrout
3e0d59e You have no idea how badly I've wanted to freak out a few humans."(Andrew) "I'm not sure if I should be offended by that or not," Kat mumbled. He winked. "You're not too human anymore." Jennifer L. Armentrout
f3b1afa How was I supposed to tell my Seth where I was when I had nothing but freaking trees- Jennifer L. Armentrout
f3e5ed6 My chest clenched as I looked down at the oil-stained asphalt. Here but not. Existing but not living. I knew that feeling. Lived it for several years. Some days it felt like I was still wearing that feeling like a heavy jacket buttoned up too tightly. romance living love the-problem-with-forever ya Jennifer L. Armentrout
619bc38 Goodbye. Jennifer L. Armentrout
d045cae I love you ... I've been in love with you for as long as I remember. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a34fd88 Are you done acting like a psychotic, cracked-out Muppet baby?" he asked (Hunter)" Jennifer L. Armentrout
e5c29f3 He lowered his head until his mouth was above mine, so close I could taste his minty breath. Jennifer L. Armentrout
d875952 Mas libros. --Sus ojos se ensancharon--. Tienes como diez libros que acabas de decir que no has leido. --Eso no significa que no voy a conseguir mas libros --sonrei ante su expresion de incredulidad Jennifer L. Armentrout
024473a Bigotry is literally the Twinkie of human emotions. Shit will survive the apocalypse." I" Jennifer L. Armentrout
d5d6f8f Bananas?" He nodded with a small grin. "I discovered about those years ago that I absolutely hate those damn things." "But they're just bananas." "They're the fruit of the devil." A surprised laugh burst out of me. "That's ridiculous." The half grin spread and the dimple appeared. "It's the truth. Now it's your turn." humor cute-moments normal Jennifer L. Armentrout
4549d09 My toes curled against the soft leather sofa pf my flip-flops and my throat felt scratchy as i forced the words out. "I'm...I'm new." There! I did it. I spoke. Take that, everyone! Words were totally my bitch." humor exaggeration excitement Jennifer L. Armentrout
1de123a What are you still doing up?" I twisted around, spotting Hayden in the doorway. "Watching the... uh," I turned back, frowning at the screen, "the ... way tigers mate." I sighed. Damn you, Discovery Channel." Jennifer L. Armentrout
6b0611e My first kiss...and it was everything I'd imagined it to be, with the exception of there being an audience for it. But it was hard to acknowledge them or their cheering and whistles. Flames scorched my already heated skin. Dez's lips moved against mine, working the tight seam open. I gasped, wondering where in the world he'd learned to kiss like that. Jealousy flared like a beacon on the heels of that thought. Okay. I didn't want to know ho.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a504497 And for the record, there are plenty of women I haven't slept with." Several sets of eyes turned on him in disbelief. Geez." Jennifer L. Armentrout
561ab58 When it concerns you, it's never a waste of my time. romance Jennifer L. Armentrout
bbfb6c6 I could live on those kisses. I could live on those tiny breaths. I could live on her. Jennifer L. Armentrout
7c39344 But you should, my child. You need to know about love. The things people will do for love. Al truths come down to love, do they not? One way or another, they do. See, there is a difference between love and need. Sometimes, what you feel is immediate and without rhyme or reason." She sat up a little straighter. "Two people see each across a room or their skin brushes. Their souls recognize the person as their own. It doesn't need time to fi.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
13bc87b I wondered what it would be like to be interested in him like that or any guy for that matter. To look forward to dates, to first kisses,and all the things that came after that. I bet it would be nice. Jennifer L. Armentrout
82ea19f I broke every rule of my kind to heal you and keep you with me. I married you and burned down an entire city to keep you safe. I've killed for you. Did you think I'd forget what you mean to me? That anything in this world--in any world--would be stronger than my love for you? Jennifer L. Armentrout
302c39c I like you, Mallory. And God knows you deserve a hell of a lot better than me." He dipped his chin, laughing as he thrust his hand through his hair. "God. I suck at this. Can we just forget--" I snapped out of it. "You like me?" His gaze flew to mine. "Yeah, I do. And I know I've been with Paige and I'm not going to pretend that meant nothing, but it's not how I feel for you. Not remotely like how I feel for you. And it's not because of our.. past mallory-dodge rider-stark better like Jennifer L. Armentrout
1ca9d3c So Daemon can do that too? Morphing into a kangaroo if he wanted to?" Dee laughed. "Daemon can do about anything. He's one of the most powerful of us. Most of us can do one or two things easily - the rest is a struggle. Everything is easy for him." "He's just so awesome," I muttered. "Once he actually moved the house a little bit," Dee said, nose wrinkled. "He totally broke the foundation." Jennifer L. Armentrout
1d8ba39 Oh God, I was head over heels, drowning underwater, in love with Ren- with Renald Owens. I was in love with a dude whose real name was Renald. love ren wicked Jennifer L. Armentrout
6413712 If there is anything, there is us. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a79c9c6 True love meant sharing odd food cravings. I so believed that. Jennifer L. Armentrout
13da576 I would give Alex back control so she could protect herself instead of making the decision for her. love respect Jennifer L. Armentrout
79382ba I had loved him since the moment he'd taken the pudding from me. When my father had announced on Dez's eighteenth birthday that he supported a match between us, I'd never been happier than I was in that moment. I was young. And stupid. When Dez had disappeared the very next day, I experienced a heartache that I thought would swallow me whole and never spit me out. He'd been more than a crush. He had been my best friend, my confidant and my .. Jennifer L. Armentrout
7654a53 Did you love her, Luc?" "With every breath I take." Jennifer L. Armentrout
dd9cc38 I sighed. "There's this big exam in bio on Monday." Lie. "And since there haven't been any demon attacks lately..." Lie. "I was hoping I could spend the night at Stacey's house on Saturday to study." Lie. Lie. Lie. Armentrout, Jennifer L. (2014-03-01). White Hot Kiss (The Dark Elements Book 1) (p. 280). Harlequin. Kindle Edition." Jennifer L. Armentrout
41a1212 We only have a few minutes. Let's make them worth our while. romance life Jennifer L. Armentrout
1fe05ea His mouth landed on mine, crashed into mine, and I might've stopped breathing. He pulled me up against him, until only the tips of my toes remained on the carpet, and all the interesting parts were nearly lined up, chest to chest, hip to hip. Jennifer L. Armentrout
4b55302 That was what I wanted at some point in my life, for someone to look at me the way I looked at tacos. Jennifer L. Armentrout
2dc4d44 no soy el tipo de persona que huye de algo, no importa lo dificil que sea. Preferiria plantar la cara contra una pared de ladrillos que vivir por el resto de mi vida preguntandome como pudo haber sido. Jennifer L. Armentrout
64a31d5 I'm not some random guy you just met. I'm not someone who doesn't know that what's at the core of you is worth working at, breaking through those walls for." Oh my God. "People don't get second chances often, Sasha, but we got one, and I'm not going to let that pass us by." "A second chance?" I repeated dumbly. "For us?" "That's what I'm thinking." Stunned, I was quiet for a moment. "What if I don't want a second chance?" He laughed. "Oh, .. Jennifer L. Armentrout